Can't get BlueMan to open on Bionic Pup 32.

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Can't get BlueMan to open on Bionic Pup 32.

#1 Post by frenchiveruti »

Hello all, I've used the PPM to download the package called "blueman_2.0.5", it downloaded and I have the icon in the menu under "System".
But it doesn't "start".
So, I ran it through the terminal and it returned this:

Code: Select all

# blueman-browse 
bash: /usr/bin/blueman-browse: /usr/bin/python3: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
And I don't undersant why it says that, because when I look for "python" in the console, I have:

Code: Select all

# python
python      python2.7   python3.6   python3.6m  
# python
Any help will be appreciated.
The objective is to play music from spotify running from firefox, through a bluetooth device I have.
Posts: 120
Joined: Wed 15 Feb 2017, 14:00

Created a symlink, and it worked

#2 Post by frenchiveruti »

Hello again, I created a symlink to python3.6 inside /usr/bin called /usr/bin/python3.
Now the software starts but I have this message:

It basically says that there's no BlueZ service running?
How do I make it work?
I know for sure that my laptop has bluetooth compatibility, but I don't know how to make it work on Linux.
I'm using a Samsung RV-511.

Thanks, if you need more info let me know!
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Another step, right direction

#3 Post by frenchiveruti »

Ok! I've managed to open some kind of Bluetooth manager GUI, I downloaded a package called "bluez-tools_0.2.0" from the PPM, after downloading it, I opened the terminal, again, and did "bluetoothd", which, can detect my sound device! yay!
My device is a TP-Link sound Bluetooth thing that you connect an AUX cable to it to make it work with any speaker/sound system.
Here's an image of the successful connection:

BUT, when I connect it as an "audio output" device (it manages to connect but it errors), It says:
"Falló la conexión: blueman.bluez.errors.DBusFailedError: Protocol not available"
(Failed connection: English text)

So, what's next for me?
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#4 Post by Semme »

YO! Frenchiveruti!

I can probably help you but you'll have to set aside some time so we can take the terminal out back and work'm over. BT is heavily hit or miss aboard Pup. Check your inbox.
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#5 Post by frenchiveruti »

Alright I sent you a reply!
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