cannot exit to command prompt

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Subito Piano
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cannot exit to command prompt

#1 Post by Subito Piano »

Oy! It seems all I do here is post problems! (Not true, but the majority of the time...)

So, IDK what I did but i can no longer exit to command prompt, not from MENU>EXIT>EXIT TO PROMPT and not from CTRL+SHIFT+BACKSPACE. Instead of getting the prompt, all I get is a blinking cursor, absolutely nothing else on the blank screen.

The last time this happened, I rebooted and went to /var/log/ and poked around that mystifying folder. Two things stood out. From Xorg.0.log.old:

Code: Select all

[    25.477] (**) Option "XkbOptions" "terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp"
[    25.477] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Keyboard0" (type: KEYBOARD, id 8)
[    25.906] (II) intel(0): EDID vendor "LEN", prod id 16416
[    25.906] (II) intel(0): Printing DDC gathered Modelines:
[    25.906] (II) intel(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0   65.00  1024 1048 1184 1344  768 771 777 806 -hsync -vsync (48.4 kHz eP)
[    25.906] (II) intel(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0   54.16  1024 1048 1184 1344  768 771 777 806 -hsync -vsync (40.3 kHz e)
[    25.906] (II) intel(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0   40.00  800 840 968 1056  600 601 605 628 +hsync +vsync (37.9 kHz e)
[    25.906] (II) intel(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0   25.18  640 656 752 800  480 490 492 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
and from acpid.log:

Code: Select all

acpid: LID/00000080
rmmod: ERROR: Module ehci_hcd is builtin.
./LID/00000080: line 49: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"'
./LID/00000080: line 50: syntax error: unexpected end of file
acpid: LID/00000080
rmmod: ERROR: Module ehci_hcd is builtin.
./LID/00000080: line 49: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"'
./LID/00000080: line 50: syntax error: unexpected end of file
acpid: LID/00000080
rmmod: ERROR: Module ehci_hcd is builtin.
./LID/00000080: line 49: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"'
./LID/00000080: line 50: syntax error: unexpected end of file
acpid: LID/00000080
..yeah, this file is about 650 lines long and consists solely of the above lines repeated over and over again...

Also, I saw this earlier snooping around after rebooting from a failed exit to prompt, IDK which file it's from but it's from /var/log/:

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daemon.err acpid[7799]: PWRF/00000080
The time modified on these files is about the time I tried to exit to prompt, i.e., just before I rebooted.

Starting with acpi=off didn't help. Booting from a different XenialPup save file works fine.

Thoughts appreciated!
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#2 Post by Semme »

Casual thoughts here..

Maybe unload or blacklist ehci_hcd.

Anything good in /var/log/messages?

Does "setxkbmap -print -verbose 10" dump similar results?

Code: Select all

Setting verbose level to 10
locale is C
Trying to load rules file ./rules/evdev...
Trying to load rules file /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/evdev...
Applied rules from evdev:
rules:      evdev
model:      pc104
layout:     us,de,il
options:    keypad:pointerkeys,terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp
Trying to build keymap using the following components:
keycodes:   evdev+aliases(qwerty)
types:      complete
compat:     complete
symbols:    pc+us+de:2+il:3+inet(evdev)+terminate(ctrl_alt_bksp)+keypad(pointerkeys)
geometry:   pc(pc104)
xkb_keymap {
	xkb_keycodes  { include "evdev+aliases(qwerty)"	};
	xkb_types     { include "complete"	};
	xkb_compat    { include "complete"	};
	xkb_symbols   { include "pc+us+de:2+il:3+inet(evdev)+terminate(ctrl_alt_bksp)+keypad(pointerkeys)"	};
	xkb_geometry  { include "pc(pc104)"	};
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Re: cannot exit to command prompt

#3 Post by HerrBert »

Something to think about:
Subito Piano wrote:...
and from acpid.log:

Code: Select all

acpid: LID/00000080
rmmod: ERROR: Module ehci_hcd is builtin.
./LID/00000080: line 49: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"'
./LID/00000080: line 50: syntax error: unexpected end of file
acpid: LID/00000080
rmmod: ERROR: Module ehci_hcd is builtin.
./LID/00000080: line 49: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"'
./LID/00000080: line 50: syntax error: unexpected end of file
acpid: LID/00000080
rmmod: ERROR: Module ehci_hcd is builtin.
./LID/00000080: line 49: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"'
./LID/00000080: line 50: syntax error: unexpected end of file
acpid: LID/00000080
..yeah, this file is about 650 lines long and consists solely of the above lines repeated over and over again...
May be not related to your problem, but IIRC the quoted messages are related to /etc/acpi/actions/ (missing trailing doublequotes at the end of the script and default behaviour to unload ehci_hcd before suspend)
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#4 Post by Subito Piano »

HerrBert -- no go, that didn't help. I closed the quote at the end of the file:

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rm -f "$LOCKFILE"
--but no joy.
My work laptop runs XenialPup 32-bit as well, it does not have this problem, and the file in that laptop is likewise missing the quote.
Semme --
Maybe unload or blacklist ehci_hcd.
I couldn't find a file called ehci_hcd anywhere, plus i searched for that term as text within any file within my system files -- not there. I don't know what ehci_hcd is, and a very quick internet search didn't help. It seems to be a USB driver???
Anything good in /var/log/messages?
That's the file i referred to in my first post that reads

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daemon.err acpid[7799]: PWRF/00000080
...but I d didn't remember which file it was. Now I know.
Does "setxkbmap -print -verbose 10" dump similar results?
It yields the same as yours did... Image
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#5 Post by bigpup »

Try this.
In Rox navigate to /root/.xinitrc file (this is hidden file)
Left click on this .xinitrc file.
Anything happen?
The things they do not tell you, are usually the clue to solving the problem.
When I was a kid I wanted to be older.... This is not what I expected :shock:
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#6 Post by Subito Piano »

Yeah -- same thing happens. Same as /usr/sbin/logout_gui or CTRL+ALT+BKSP, just a blank screen with a blinking cursor.

BTW -- I noticed you did not assume I knew what a hidden file was. I mean, yeah, I knew that, but I think it's great when people who respond take the time to give clear instructions, not assuming what a poster knows, without talking down to him/her.
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#7 Post by Peterm321 »

I had a similar problem recently with Puppy Tahr after trying to remaster the puppy_tahr frugal install SFS.

The SFS seemed fine, but on reboot the proper modules were not loading. Xorg would run with the vesa driver. On attempting to exit to the command prompt, the terminal would hang.

In such a situation I attempted to switch to another virtual terminal. Although Tahr starts on the first terminal, /dev/tty1, Puppy Linux typically has two others which can be reached by pressing Ctrl+Alt+F2 ( for virtual terminal 2) or Ctrl+Alt+F3 ( for virtual terminal 3) . I was able to reach neither, it seemed my attempt to remaster had failed and for the time being I have given up this attempt.

Failure to be able to switch to another virtual terminal seemed to indicate a problem with a kernel module or routine as I would think a userspace program should not be able to cause this.
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#8 Post by Subito Piano »

Good thinking, but I was able to switch terminals. Well, I can't log back in until I look up the puppy login & password! :P Also, I have two pupsave files running on the laptop, my regular, daily one and an experimental pupsave, but both using the same puppy_xenialpup_7, all located in the same folder. The "experimental" pupsave doesn't have this issue, so it must be something in my userspace.

I'm trying to remember back some time ago when I was trying to keep this laptop from suspending when the lid was closed. Silly me, I didn't make notes on what (if anything) I changed. I'm thinking that whatever I might have done may be the cause. I would not have noticed the problem right away b/c normally I don't have reason to exit to prompt.
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#9 Post by Subito Piano »

CORRECTION -- I was able to switch to the login of virtual tty2, but after looking up the username and password, I entered them, typed "xwin" at the prompt, and got nowhere. It was unable to log me in. IDK if this relates to the above issue or not. What I get is the usual schtuff:

Code: Select all

Starting X, specs in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, startup apps /root/.xinitrc...
Exited from X. Type "xwin (etc., etc.)
(To shutdown PC type "poweroff (etc., etc.,)
And I'm back at the prompt. If I type in "xwin," it repeats the same message (above) again, putting me in a catch-22.
At this point I can hit "ALT+F1" and it stalls bringing me back to tty1:

Code: Select all

XenialPup-Dad login: root (automatic login)
login[7161]: root login on 'tty1'
Starting X, specs in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, startup apps /root/.xinitrc...
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#10 Post by Peterm321 »

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passwd -d
Typed in the terminal can delete a password, IME this means only having to supply root as the username.

I cannot really give much advice on why the xwin script fails to terminate. I would start, though, by seeing if X and xwin etc have really terminated. NB the virtual terminals still work alongside X/Xorg but Xorg will not run multiple instances

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pidof X
Will (at least on Tahr) return the PID of Xorg if the Xorg server is running. On my system, if X fails to start, diagnostic information is available in the file:

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#11 Post by Subito Piano »

Will try your advice -- a lot going on...nothing unusual there. I'll post back soon.
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#12 Post by Subito Piano »

Silly me! I can't enter

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pidof X
after exiting to prompt -- because I can't exit to prompt. When I try to, I don't get the usual commandline -- I get a blinking cursor, yes, but that is all I get. I mean, there is absolutely nothing else, not even

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just a blinking cursor (i.e., a dash).

Still in the dark here. That said, it's not critical -- but it does bug me.
[color=green]"God is love" - [url=]I John 4:12[/url][/color]
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#13 Post by Semme »

Doesn't exactly sound like your problem, but... ... 386#776386

BTW, the bootloader in play here? Is it GRUB?
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#14 Post by Subito Piano »

Investigating here. I too, loaded a pet for a different WM, waimea. IDK if that has anything to do with this. I installed the waimea pets on 5/27, then uninstalled b/c they didn' work. Just now I swapped out my jwmrc for a backup I had from 5/11 (before installing waimea), but that did not help. So I'm experimenting from your suggestions to nupogodi.

In terminal, executing wmexit gave the same result -- just a flashing cursor. My wmexit file is 3490 bytes and dated 23 nov 2017, same as the one in puppy_xenialpup_7, so I know that file is not the issue -- it must be that wmexit points to some other program that is corrupt.

Taking a look the "Exit" command in the menu, the choice "logout" points to usr/sbin/logout_gui. Reading through that file, I find:

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<button image-position="2">
        <label>'$(gettext 'Exit to Prompt')'</label>
        '"`/usr/lib/gtkdialog/xml_button-icon terminal.svg huge`"'
I tried to enter "exit:logout" or "logout" from terminal, but it tells me I need to do that from the login shell. So I need to try to logout from the login shell -- if that's possible once I'm logged in....?

Hmm -- I also read you can't logout through a terminal emulator, but URXVT (and presumably Roxterm) are emulators...

Using GRUB2. Would that be an issue? (I've used that on this machine since day 1.)
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#15 Post by Semme »

GRUB? Yes!

I'll have to relocate the page I had. The fix involved a GRUB update or reconfigure.

In the meantime, is there anything that stands out or odd looking inside your .bashrc?
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