Uextract - How to use password? (SOLVED)

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#21 Post by wiak »

woodenshoe-wi wrote:
I don’t know if it is worth trying to get "inner-border" working, because right after the deprecated vte_terminal_get_padding() was removed, "inner-border" was removed too.

See https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/vte/-/co ... cf9c40cddf
Yes, I know - vanished vte 0.40.x. Probably not worth any effort but better than old padding that had been deprecated since way back. So I'll likely try that fix just for the hell of it, especially since the actual error just looks like it was a blunder. My gtk+ 2 fix same currently - using old padding, and I'll implement the gtk +3 alternative only if likely to compile gtkdialog to gtk +3, which doesn't seem to be high priority anywhere... (considering how old even gtk +3 is also becoming).

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vte gtkdialog for gtk +2 fix

#22 Post by wiak »

Yes, later gtk +3 vte didn't provide that inner_border property, but since gtk +2 version did (which is what Puppy and DebianDog's use), I can't say it is a proper 'fix' to resort to use of long deprecated vte_terminal_get_padding() function. So here, pedantic perhaps, is the main parts of the actual fix to allow use of inner_border property in gtk +2 vte gtkdialog code:

Code: Select all

/* Note from wiak: Please note inner_border as pointer to GtkBorder below  */
	GtkBorder         *inner_border = NULL;

... etc ...

			/* wiak now FIXED: VTE is telling me that vte_terminal_get_padding() has been
			 * deprecated since 0.26 and that I should get 'inner-border'
			 * but GLib is telling me that 'VteTerminal' has no property
			 * named 'inner-border' so I have to go with the deprecated
			 * vte_terminal_get_padding() */
gtk_widget_style_get (widget, "inner-border", &inner_border, NULL);
...Needs modified appropriately too...

/* xpad = inner_border.left + inner_border.right;
ypad = inner_border.top + inner_border.bottom; 
wiak note: The following is needed instead of the above non-bounds/checking gtkdialog 01micko github original:*/

xpad = (inner_border ? inner_border->left : 0) + (inner_border ? inner_border->right : 0);
ypad = (inner_border ? inner_border->top : 0) + (inner_border ? inner_border->bottom : 0);
gtk_border_free (inner_border);
NOTE that the following also basically maybe 'works' except for complaint "(gtkdialog:564): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: g_object_get_valist: object class 'VteTerminal' has no property named 'inner_border'". Not sure how important that is, but I'd use above instead just in case... Also freeing up with gtk_border_free() is good...

Code: Select all

/* Note from wiak: Please note inner_border as pointer to GtkBorder below  */
	GtkBorder         *inner_border = NULL;

... etc ...

			/* VTE is telling me that vte_terminal_get_padding() has been
			 * deprecated since 0.26 and that I should get 'inner-border'
			 * but GLib is telling me that 'VteTerminal' has no property
			 * named 'inner-border' so I have to go with the deprecated
			 * vte_terminal_get_padding() */
			g_object_get(G_OBJECT(widget), "inner-border", &inner_border, NULL); 
xpad = (inner_border ? inner_border->left : 0) + (inner_border ? inner_border->right : 0);
ypad = (inner_border ? inner_border->top : 0) + (inner_border ? inner_border->bottom : 0);
Since vte_terminal_get_padding() is considered fine by maintainer at 01micko legacy gtkdialog repo I won't push this change up there (I haven't implemented it formally in gtkwialog yet anyway) but I will use it in gtkwialog in preference just because I don't like using deprecated gtk +2 code. Gtk +3 fixes are another matter, which I'll add to gtkwialog later.

Anyway, at the very least, I like solving what to me remained a weird and unexplained mystery.

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