Mp3 files play, but not .avi files. What gives?

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Mp3 files play, but not .avi files. What gives?

#1 Post by tarambuka »

I'm sorry for asking too many questions. I deleted pup_sav file and started again to find out why firefox does not want to work properly. Meanwhile I replaced my sound card with a new one (different). After awhile there was a sound (it wasn't detected automatically). But unfortunataly there is no proper sound when I watch .avi files. I mean that some sound presents, but it's not the sound at all. Otherwise mp3 files sound great. Why is this?
P.S. I've changed my sound card because Windows couldn't recognize my onboard card after reinstalling.
P.P.S. Frankly, I'm in love with Puppy Linux. Fast, absolutely virus independant, but I'm sorry, why it is made so hard to work with it?
I don't speak about iterface, a man can make with it in a time, but so many directories, so hard to install a new program which is not "pup", needing to know how to bind a program to shell, almost not understandable explonations make me seek. Of course it's free.I want to permanent Use Puppy, but I don't know how. I am with computers almost 20 years, but I've never seen such sofisticated way to do something. Don't forget, that almost 90% of users use Windows. And if I want to run Puppy Linux, I expect something like that, or why should I waste my time (weeks), just for learning a new OS. A User is feeling good when he knows what he is doing. And don't expect that he will seat 10 hours surfing Internet, just to find how he can change subtitles font and after useless advises finds out himself. Remember Windows.
All a User needs is to clck "Next" and finnaly - "Finnish". By the way I found "subfont.ttf" in /initrd/pup_rw/local/share/mplayer. Why so deeply are nested programs that we use?
Note, that this is the only one thing I've been installed. It's too complicated in my opinion.
P.P.P.S. I'm sorry for my English, but I am Bulgarian, and I cannot use dictionary under Puppy.
Still standing with all my best behind Puppy remaining your best friend and supporter.
Best Regards: Zarko

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#2 Post by Pizzasgood »

I don't know about your issue, sorry. I do have some comments on your PPS though.

Bear in mind I mean no disrespect. Sometimes I sound like I'm arguing when I'm not, especially when communicating through text.

Just a thought, and no offense: Have you ever compiled something from source in Windows? Have you tried installing something that wasn't .<whatever-windows-installer>? You're comparing apples to pressure cookers.

.exe/.msi/.whatever in windows == .pup/.pet/.bin in Puppy
.zip in windows == .zip/.tar.gz/.rpm/.deb in Puppy
source files in windows == source files in Puppy

You can't compared something from the installer category of windows to something of the source category in Puppy, or the other way around.

Also, in my experience it's far easier to compile and install from source in Linux than to do the same in Windows. Linux usually coes set up for it already, and is pretty standard about the gcc compiler. In Windows, you have to go get whatever compiler and hope it works, or fork over big bucks for VCC and, guess what? Hope it works. :roll:

The real issue is not the difficulty of installing things, but that there just isn't as much packaged specifically for Puppy as there is specifically for Windows.

However, the people here are pretty good about helping set stuff up, and the number of packages grows daily, even hourly sometimes.

As for directory structure, it isn't that bad. It's just different. It's also a very touchy subject to some. But if you look at the file layout of Windows, it's atrocious. You're just used to it, so it seems easy. Just like the Linux version seems easy to me. Skiis vs. snowboard.

I don't disagree that things could be made simpler. I just uploaded an app for simplifing package removal the other night. Some things are still rather complex, such as installing drivers for a random device (like a wacom tablet, which I wrote a guide on recently). But there's no simple fix-all solution. All we can do is tackle them one at a time. Our package repository is growing. It's enormous compared to two years ago. The included drivers have increased a lot. There is an automated tool for installing drivers for many ATI cards, thanks to MU. Rarsa set up XDG menus, which makes adding menu entries simpler, and it will become even better whenever we write or acquire a gui for it.

I'm starting to ramble, so I'd better call it a night. Good luck with your .avi files! ;)

EDIT: Actually, that file isn't really layered that deep. It's really in /usr/local/share/mplayer. /initrd is where the contents of pup_save.2fs, pup_xxx.sfs, and initrd.gz go before they are merged into the normal filetree in /, so it contains "duplicates" of them, which are actually more like a double image of them (the same file is in two places at once, they are not copies but the same file). A word of warning: Avoid editing things in /initrd, because UnionFS gets glitchy when that happens. Go to their real locations instead.

It's still a little deeper than C:/programfiles/whatever, but not as bad as C:/windows/profiles/pizzasgood/start/programs/accessories/whatever. Windows is only pretty with programfiles. The rest is nasty. And it uses the wrong slash! \ is evil and hard to reach...

Ummm... I'll shut up now :oops:

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#3 Post by trapster »

why should I waste my time (weeks), just for learning a new OS.
No offense, but I never thought of learning as a waste of time. seems that people these days throw their arms up in the air way too easily and say "This is too hard", "I don't know how to do this", "Nobody showed me".

I see it more and more with kids in school (especially mine). After reading a problem ONCE, I get the 'ol "I don't know how to do this". Where has the curiousity and intuitiveness gone? Do they even teach how to solve problems with a brain instead of a calculator or computer these days? I consider trying to figure out something I don't know as a challange.

I admit, some things are hard to figure out and I ask for help. But usually after I have spent a lot of time trying to figure it out for myself.

Anyway...I really need some coffee.
I guess this just hit the wrong nerve this morning.
Again, no offense to anyone intended.
Venting over:)
Maine, USA

Asus eeepc 1005HA PU1X-BK
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#4 Post by tarambuka »

I'm sorry, but obviously I've been misunderstood. English is not my birth language. I don't think that learning is waisting of time. I meant that some things could be explained in more "popular" way rather then in some "Puppy slang". I'm just few days with Puppy and when someone who is familiar with this OS posts me something like "Go there and type this" this means nothing to me. When my friend calls me at home for advice and I know that he bought his machine a week, or month ago, I tell him what to do and I explain to him everything in detail as I would explain to a child. I know that this is the only way to explain something by the phone or via e-mail. Why do you think that everybody who has a computer should know professional terminology? Many people using computers for years have no idea what RAM is, or how hard disk works. First thing is to know how to do something and after that to understand the principles. The opposite is for specialists, not for users. It's good of course to know how diesel engine works for example and what turbo and intercooler means, but ask a housekeeper that drives her Volvo TD every day, what is this.
I'm sorry again for my poor English. In Bulgaria (we are slavs) this is not the languge that everybody speaks and our language is tottalydifferent. A Bulgarian can easy understand Russian an Yugoslavian for example, but to understand English good enough to write more complicated sentences then "Hello, my name is Zarko, I live in Bulgaria and I love Bon Jovi" he has to study for years. Usually these are people which job is conected with British, or Americans. We have never been British colony. When I was young, most of educated people speaked German. English came in Bulgaria last two decades. 15 years ago many brilliant programmers didn't understand the meaning of many keywords (print, goto, if..then, begin, end etc.) but they knew how those keywords worked.

And for the last (may be I should begin with this) - I have a problem. I start Puppy from my hard disk. I started from the begining and saved pup_sav file on a Linux partition. After restarting Linux refused to initialize.
Now I can't delete pup_sav file from the disk, because this partition is invisible under Windows. Is there a way (something like startup diskette) with which I can boot the machine under linux, delete this file and start over. And if there is, how?
Thank You again.
Best regards: Zarko

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#5 Post by DennisF »

After restarting Linux refused to initialize.
What is the message from Puppy?
Now I can't delete pup_sav file from the disk, because this partition is invisible under Windows. Is there a way (something like startup diskette) with which I can boot the machine under linux,
You could boot from the Puppy CD then mount the partitions where Puppy is installed.


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#6 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

tarambuka wrote:"I love Bon Jovi"
...sufficient reason to hate you... :twisted: :lol:

Bulgaria...source of the world's best roses and rose oil.
tarambuka wrote:I start Puppy from my hard disk. I started from the beginning...
Do you mean, you boot with a bootloader? If the bootloader is grub or lilo or syslinux, then add the parameter


in the "kernel" line of the bootloader's configuration file. This commands Puppy to not search for the pup_save file.

If you boot from the live-CD (or live-DVD), during the beginning pause, type

puppy pfix=ram {Enter}

and, again, Puppy will not search for the pup_save file.

If pfix=ram doesn't solve the problem, then perhaps you have overwritten the mbr in a bad way. Boot a Windows boot disk and at the prompt issue

fdisk /mbr

to fix the mbr. Then try Puppy again.

It also helps if we know exactly what hardware you try Puppy on.

Welcome to the kennels,

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#7 Post by tarambuka »

# GvR Sept 30th 2004
color black/cyan yellow/cyan

title Default Boot on HD 0
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
chainloader +1

title Puppy Linux 2.14
kernel (hd0,0)/vmlinuz root=/dev/ram0
initrd (hd0,0)/initrd.gz

Do you mean that I have to modify this file like this:
# GvR Sept 30th 2004
color black/cyan yellow/cyan

title Default Boot on HD 0
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
chainloader +1

title Puppy Linux 2.14
kernel (hd0,0)/vmlinuz root=/dev/ram0 pfix=ram
initrd (hd0,0)/initrd.gz

I'm 54 and my favorite group is The Beatles.

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Re: Boot

#8 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

tarambuka wrote:I'm 54 and my favorite group is The Beatles.
Ah, that's better.

Yes. That is exactly the modification I ask you to try, in menu.lst.

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#9 Post by tarambuka »

Thank you gentleman, especially to Sit Heel Speak . "pfix=ram". Especially when an American knows something about Bulgaria and it's roses. Of course speaking about "roses" we forget that we are highly educated nation, and something that I think that no one American will uderstand - 95% of Bulgarians live in there owns. I live in a 850 sq feet apparment, my daghter owes almost the same. We don't uderstand what is this - Pay rent for living. My house is my castle, We just have it. The corporations are trying to make us poorer, to take my property (a man without home is nothing). And they are succeding. The only trouble is that 17 years they are trying to maka me a slave, but they can't. Many of young people emiigrated after communism' crash, but many of them came back. No one if he (or she) wants to be a taxi driver especially if this is a highly educated person. My daughter is PHD and she takes much money in Bulgaria and when there was an invitation for mor money to go to Britain, she refused. "here I am a top manager, there I will be a slave" .
About Puppy. It's interesting for me (I retired 5 years ago). I'm a building engineer graduated in Moscow's technival University 30 years ago. I am with Puppy just for fun. But not for fun only. Iam tyying to understaand things. I don't need Puppy for making money for living. Windows is enough. But I remember my DOS days. If yoube so kind to send me some tutorials about linux at all I will thank you'
I'm sorry but we (my class mates) are in my home and they want me to drunk another "Finlandia"
If you answer me it will be very good,

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Re: xx

#10 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

tarambuka wrote:If you be so kind to send me some tutorials about linux at all I will thank you
Puppy user "Mic67" has posted in this forum several lists of articles. One could spend years doing a "Search - Search for Author" on Mic67 and then reading through everything he points to.

Here are a few to get you started:

Newbies - Comprehensive Linux Filesystem Hierarchy

Alphabetical Directory of Linux Commands

"Master thesis" on the Linux Kernel 2.6.

Also, the "sticky posts" at the top of each section in this forum are often highly informative.

Index of resources for Beginners Help forum

BASH quick reference guide

When reading these, and when reading the Puppy Linux Wiki, you must remember that Puppy Linux has evolved very fast, and consequently much of the Wiki information is out-of-date. In particular, Puppy's architecture changed drastically between the 1.xx versions and the current 2.xx versions.

Also, Puppy Linux is different from most Linuxes in that, by default, there is in the usual case only one user, who runs as fully privileged root (i.e., the administrator), not as a subordinate user.

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Might not be the problem.

#11 Post by purple_ghost »

There is a Petget for extra codecs for xine.

Insofar as the other things. I respect you for making the effort to try. For some people, based on their hardware. Puppy works easily the first time.

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#12 Post by tarambuka »

I am reinstalling puppy may be 10 or15 times, but firefox doesn't work properly. When I install it and start it for first time everyting is OK, but after rebooting, firefox terminates itself whenever I try to launch it. Someone told me to rename the .mozilla folder. I did and the thi'ngs just began again. It starts, works (without remembering last settings) and after rebooting the things are the same. May be it's a bug?

Bruce B

Re: eh

#13 Post by Bruce B »

tarambuka wrote:I am reinstalling puppy may be 10 or15 times, but firefox doesn't work properly. When I install it and start it for first time everyting is OK, but after rebooting, firefox terminates itself whenever I try to launch it. Someone told me to rename the .mozilla folder. I did and the thi'ngs just began again. It starts, works (without remembering last settings) and after rebooting the things are the same. May be it's a bug?
You changed the subject completely and might not get a response. Why not delete the question and start a new topic revelent to your question?

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