JPilot,SynCE,GnuGP,GPA,LDAP,IMAP,Claws-Mail W/Everything SFS

Under development: PCMCIA, wireless, etc.
John Doe
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JPilot,SynCE,GnuGP,GPA,LDAP,IMAP,Claws-Mail W/Everything SFS

#1 Post by John Doe »

I'll have individual pets too, after the squash is tested and no additional changes need to be made to them.

I can't write anymore, feedback welcome.

Copy squash file to where you save session is. Then run 'fixmenus' after loading with a saved session and this squash then restart X to see the menu entries. Enjoy.

Download mobi_214.sfs (~24.7megs)
Download mobi_214.sfs MD5

Do you all want GTKam and GTKPod included also? How about Skype?
*edit, added GTKam, GTKPod AND GpsDRIVE.

Name ideas would be welcome as well. I was thinking MobileDevices_2.14.sfs because of the jpilot and synce.
*edit, went with mobi_214.sfs.


Three new wizards under Menu-Setup (works in progress, and not necessarily going under "wizards" just put them there for convenience):

IE Favorite Wizard
Host Wizard
PocketPC Wizard (*read below about 'usepeerdns' or it won't work)

-IE Favorite Wizard was around here in another thread.

-The Host Wizard will download and add/update or remove host entries of advertisers to improve surfing. klhrevolutionist and Mic67 had both mentioned this around here. I looked over the license really well and I think this wizard is ok.

-*The PocketPC Wizard needs password verification and some other fine tuning but it does function ok for testing. If you have a password make sure you get it right. Also make sure you have commented out "usepeerdns" in your /etc/ppp/options file or it will NOT work. Read how to set up Fur after connection, below.


dbus config was modified to run as 'root' rather than 'messagebususr' (or whatever it was). I DO NOT KNOW if this is a security problem of any kind. Since everything else is running as root, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Unless there are some evil looking people withing 30 feet using bluetooth when you turn yours on or you run a multiuser puppy server of some kind.

Seems to start with either of these:

Code: Select all

sh-3.00# dbus-daemon --system
sh-3.00# hcid


sh-3.00# dbus-launch --exit-with-session
sh-3.00# hcid
I have no bluetooth, so don't expect perfect answers but I can try to help people get through it.


J-Pilot (with Bluetooth support compiled [not tested YET]):

SynCE (*patched with Fur)

You can use Fur like this, after a successful rapi ppp connection:

Code: Select all

mkdir /mnt/ppc
Fur /mnt/ppc
rox /mnt/ppc


fusermount -u /mnt/ppc



I configured Claws-Mail with all "polite plugins" included by default. By polite, I mean any plugin that does NOT either modify or copy incoming email (att_remover, etc..) and/or make an internet connection by default (rss plugin). btw, at the last minute I noticed compface plugin was left out. DESTDIR must not work on that one. I'll fix that in the final image.

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#2 Post by John Doe »

I patched librapi 0.9.1 with the FUR patch last night and mounted my PocketPC with Fusemount. I'll throw that in also. Hopefully have it all squared away for testing in next couple days.
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#3 Post by raffy »

This is cool - sfs package for mobile devices. :) Call it mobi_214.sfs ?
Puppy user since Oct 2004. Want FreeOffice? [url=]Get the sfs (English only)[/url].
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#4 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

John Doe wrote:...Do you all want GTKam and GTKPod included also? How about Skype?
Yup to both.
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#5 Post by bostonvaulter »

hmm, does this mean that bluetooth is now working on Puppy? Is it fully working or only partially? my friend stopped using puppy because he wasn't able to use bluetooth to surf the web from his phone's connection.

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#6 Post by John Doe »

raffy wrote:Call it mobi_214.sfs ?
You've even got my vote on that name. I completely forgot to take 8.3 into consideration.
Sit Heel Speak wrote:
John Doe wrote:...Do you all want GTKam and GTKPod included also? How about Skype?
Yup to both.
I added both GTKam and GTKPod, decided against Skype (although you can get the pet here). Because of size of it and QT (don't forget to install QT to get it to run) it really "bloats" the squash file. I've got the squash file at 26 megs right now. Skype itself is another 10 and then QT...I figured I leave that seperate.
bostonvaulter wrote:hmm, does this mean that bluetooth is now working on Puppy? Is it fully working or only partially?
Great question. I don't have any bluetooth myself. I do have a note (in my head) to make sure I add the device node and double check that I have all the utils. It was added because I noticed pilot-link had it as a config option. lib-synce plans to support bluetooth also, but I can't get 0.9.3 to connect to my device and also FUR is only written for 0.9.1 so far.


ALso have a couple "wizards". One to connect the PocketPC. I have some more testing and work to do on it. It a piece of crap right now. It does connect my device but has trouble detecting failure if things don't go 1.2.3.

Working on a CDMA(EVDO)/USB script to use phone as modem. It conflits with PPC /etc/ppp/options options.

too much information...not enough time...
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good thoughts

#7 Post by mysticmarks »

Sounds like a great sfs file in the making! This is puppies strongest asset at runtime to me. Boot modularity. For that, puppy is one of a kind. Pop a lego in and play with a new toy. :)
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#8 Post by tempestuous »

bostonvaulter wrote:hmm, does this mean that bluetooth is now working on Puppy?
John Doe wrote:Great question. I don't have any bluetooth myself.
Forum member daemon reports that an older version of bluez-libs (2.10) is necessary before Puppy will connect to his gprs unit. He provided the 2.10 libraries here - ... 6314#86314

Maybe this also applies to mobile phones?

And debernardis created a wiki page on Bluetooth setup -

If it's true that the recent Bluez-libs and Bluez-utils won't work, then I don't think it will be possible for JPilot to connect to bluetooth devices, because the most recent pilot-link (0.12.2) fails to compile against the older 2.10 Bluez-libs. And earlier versions of pilot-link have no bluetooth support at all.
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#9 Post by John Doe »

Thanks for jumping in and bringing some institutional memory to the process.
tempestuous wrote:Forum member daemon reports that an older version of bluez-libs (2.10) is necessary before Puppy will connect to his gprs unit. He provided the 2.10 libraries here - ... 6314#86314
Thanks. Seems he identified starting dbus as the problem. I seem to recall Nathan posted somewhere that the newer kernel he was using in graphpup fixed something to do with bluetooth (perhaps this is what it was).
tempestuous wrote:...then I don't think it will be possible for JPilot to connect to bluetooth devices, because the most recent pilot-link (0.12.2) fails to compile against the older 2.10 Bluez-libs. And earlier versions of pilot-link have no bluetooth support at all.
ARG!!! Thanks for the info. I'll still post what I've got soon but it's looking as if this squash file is a version or two ahead of it's usefulness.

There was once a bluetooth mouse with usb plug around here. I'll try to see if I can dig it up for testing.
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#10 Post by tempestuous »

Yes, dbus seems to be the sticking point. If this problem can be overcome, then bluez-libs-3.9 can be used, and pilot-link will be bluetooth-compatible.

I seem to recall that someone on the forum got dbus working in order to run the latest version of the XFCE window manager?
John Doe wrote:... bringing some institutional memory to the process.
A friend of mine works in corporate communications. He tells me the current catch phrase is "knowledge management".
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#11 Post by John Doe »

This part might be it. ... 7439#97439
"The package should create a specific key for the machine it is running on with the command 'dbus-uuidgen --ensure' and the daemon will have to be started with 'dbus-daemon --system', which I have added to rc.local."
I wonder if dbus simply needs started for the latest bluetooth utils to work?

A quick phone call and found that the usb/bt/mouse that I thought was around here is with my dad in another state. He's back in 12 hours, so I can test then. I hope it was bluetooth anyway, it glowed blue.
> ...the current catch phrase is "knowledge management".
lol. Thanks. I'll pass it on. :-)
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#12 Post by John Doe »

Got dbus running as root by modifying the user in /usr/etc/dbus-1/system.conf. I think it's only a matter of time now.

Here is the play by play.

Code: Select all

sh-3.00# dbus-uuidgen --help
Usage: dbus-uuidgen [--ensure[=FILENAME]] [--get[=FILENAME]]
sh-3.00# dbus-uuidgen --ensure
sh-3.00# dbus-daemon --system
Failed to start message bus: Could not get UID and GID for username "messagebus"
sh-3.00# dbus-daemon --help
dbus-daemon [--version] [--session] [--system] [--config-file=FILE] [--print-address[=DESCRIPTOR]] [--print-pid[=DESCRIPTOR]] [--fork] [--nofork] [--introspect]
sh-3.00# dbus-daemon --system --session
--session specified but configuration file /usr/etc/dbus-1/system.conf already requested
sh-3.00# dbus-daemon --session         

sh-3.00# dbus-daemon --system
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#13 Post by MU »

eval `/usr/bin/dbus-launch --exit-with-session --auto-syntax`

Try to add this line to .xinitrc.
I found this via google after pulling out my hair ;)
Or how I use it in Muppy007:

I do not run the windowmanager (icewm) directly, but using such a script (simplified code, the startscripts in Muppy are more complex):


Code: Select all


eval `/usr/bin/dbus-launch --exit-with-session --auto-syntax`

exec icewm
So to start X, I type:
xwin starticewm

That might work with jwm, too.
I think I have read somewhere, that dbus usually is launched by one of the X resource files.
But I had no closer look at that yet.
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#14 Post by John Doe »

John Doe wrote:...I hope it was bluetooth anyway, it glowed blue.
damn...glowing blue was the only thing it had in common with bluetooth (other than RF, but it's not "bluetooth"). It's one of these: ... e-DX-WOM20

More soon. It's 3AM here. It did seem hcid started with dbus after recompiling dbus with the --localstatedir=/usr option. Had same problem as this: ... 05891.html

Now it starts:

sh-3.00# dbus-daemon --system
sh-3.00# hcid


sh-3.00# dbus-launch --exit-with-session
sh-3.00# hcid

Without that build option I got the same error as that poster when trying to run hcid:

failed to open connection to system message bus: Failed to connect to socket /usr/var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory
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#15 Post by John Doe »


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Re: JPilot,SynCE,GnuGP,GPA,LDAP,IMAP,Claws-Mail W/Everything SFS

#16 Post by tempestuous »

John Doe,
Now that you have dbus working, your bluez-libs/dbus dotpets will be a useful resource for anyone wanting to use any form of bluetooth device with Puppy.
John Doe
Are these dotpets available for download?

You attached bluez/dbus packages a month ago here - ... 108#104108
but at that stage, dbus was not compiled with the important options "--prefix=/usr --localstatedir=/usr"
Am I correct?
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Re: JPilot,SynCE,GnuGP,GPA,LDAP,IMAP,Claws-Mail W/Everything

#17 Post by John Doe »

tempestuous wrote:John Doe,
Now that you have dbus working, your bluez-libs/dbus dotpets will be a useful resource for anyone wanting to use any form of bluetooth device with Puppy.
Agreed. Assuming that it works. I have no idea still. Maybe if someone tests it successfully Barry would drop it in 2.16b. (*edit, make that 2.18a. I didn't read his blog before I posted here)
tempestuous wrote:Are these dotpets available for download?
I attached them. I'm about 99.999% sure that's them. It's getting a bit messy here. There was one other folder with pets but that one was pre-tweaking.

btw, they are FULL packages. Not optimized in anyway. All headers, locale, etc...
tempestuous wrote:You attached bluez/dbus packages a month ago here - ... 108#104108
but at that stage, dbus was not compiled with the important options "--prefix=/usr --localstatedir=/usr"
Am I correct?
Yes. I removed those just now and linked to this thread.

Thanks for the "knowledge management" ;-)

The config changes I mentioned were in dbus config. Looks like there is actually a bluetooth config file in there somewhere during my poking around. I have no idea what it does or if it's even important.

I dropped the /dev/rfcomm0 in bluez-libs. It should have the right permissions, if what was posted before was correct.
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Re: JPilot,SynCE,GnuGP,GPA,LDAP,IMAP,Claws-Mail W/Everything

#18 Post by tempestuous »

Very nice.
I think these packages deserve a separate thread titled "Bluetooth support in Puppy".

I am currently helping develop a Puppy-based derivative with Raffy and Pakt which includes Claws Mail. Thanks to your troubleshooting, I have now expanded Claws Mail's features to include Palm/J-Pilot/bluetooth compatibility.
... but like you, I have no bluetooth device to test with. :cry:
John Doe wrote:I dropped the /dev/rfcomm0 in bluez-libs.
Yes, the rfcomm0 device node is needed for bluetooth connections,
and /dev/rfcomm must be configured in the J-Pilot preferences ... or symlinked to /dev/pilot

Regarding Palm connections via USB, Puppy needs to have these 2 device nodes created -

mknod /dev/ttyUSB0 c 188 0
mknod /dev/ttyUSB1 c 188 1
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Navman Pin570 now working...thanx

#19 Post by daftdog »

Just to say thanx John Doe for this sfs file. I can now sync with my Navman. (Been trying to do this for a while.) This was the last thing I needed windows for so now I can get rid of Bills crap altogether! :D
"We are monkeys with money and guns." Tom Waits
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#20 Post by John Doe »

tempestuous wrote:...currently helping develop a Puppy-based derivative with Raffy and Pakt which includes Claws Mail...
I followed a link in Raffy's sig the other night and saw that site. Nice thin client. Great to know people can expand it's usability while we learn together.
tempestuous wrote:/dev/rfcomm must be configured in the J-Pilot preferences ... or symlinked to /dev/pilot
Thanks. I'll drop that in for the final. I seem to recall reading that somewhere. Also looked up fusermount/palm info but ran into a wall on compiling the palm sdk under puppy. Needed sometype of server running on the palm to make the connection.
tempestuous wrote:Regarding Palm connections via USB, Puppy needs to have these 2 device nodes created -

mknod /dev/ttyUSB0 c 188 0
mknod /dev/ttyUSB1 c 188 1
Have you tested these? I thought I read somewhere that in the 2.6.x kernel usb went under /dev/usb (ormaybe I have that backwards?).
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