Puppy linux looks too much like Windows

What features/apps/bugfixes needed in a future Puppy

Puppy linux looks too much like Windows

#1 Post by flyer101 »

Not to be rude or anything but puppy linux
looks way to much like windows.
This would be like my main distribution that
I would use if it only looked a little more different
and Unique. I am trying
to go away completly from the evil microsoft.
I don't want to be remined of windows.
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v 1.05

#2 Post by raffy »

Version 1.05 will have a different Window manager, or you can explore (together with friends) use of enlightenment in Puppy, a desktop with a lot of features different from Windows.
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#3 Post by rarsa »

The main difference with Windows is that you have the option of choosing a window manager that meets your way of working.

Currently there are about 4 or 5 different windows managers that have been prepared for Puppy (in general linux have many more that you could choose from)

Go to the GuestToo DotPups wiki page and you will find some under the Window Managers heading.

Here is an example of how I use IceWM

http://www.murga.org/~puppy/viewtopic.p ... highlight=
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#4 Post by MU »

I still remember the days of KDE 0.9, when many Distros had Fvwm1 or Afterstep as default-WM.

Many people had problems to get used to the different focus-handling and so on.
Result: they threw linux away and switched back to Windows.

It was an important step, that KDE tried to simulate the behaviour of Windows, what made it easier for newcomers.

I think for this reason it is ok to have a Win98-like behaviour by default.
Experienced users should be common with changing .fvwmrc with a selfcompiled vi to suit their needs ;)

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#5 Post by Rich »

you could always run the whole thing from the command line :P

Anyway..................I can't recall puppy ever giving me the BSOD !

#6 Post by Guest »

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#7 Post by Flash »

Say what you will about Microsoft's business practices, without Windows there would probably be far fewer people using computers, which would therefore be far more expensive, etc. And, Windows also provides a de facto standard for other would-be OS designers to beat. I for one think we owe a "thank you" to Mr. Bill. All together now, on three; one..... two..... :P
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#8 Post by MU »

nononono ;)


They deserve standing ovations ;)

Really, that was my first grafical environment, though it was not the first one I think.

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#9 Post by Sharke »

I think Barry would be pleased, That is what he set out to do make it familiar to Windos Users

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#10 Post by edoc »

Flash wrote:Say what you will about Microsoft's business practices, without Windows there would probably be far fewer people using computers,
Actually, Apple created the first really friendly PC with the familiar windows interface (yes, I know they borrowed the concept, but they made it available to regular users).

As with about everything else of substance Gates followed the 60's/70's Asian model and borrowed heavily from the ingenuity of others and just did a better job of marketing.

I really don't care who elses interface Puppy resembles so long as I can get to what I need efficiently and that Puppy does what I need it to do.

Three barks for Barry who has taken what all of the big guys made complicated and made it quick, slick, and small!

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#11 Post by mouldy »

I believe their are 3rd party alternate window managers for the M$ product including a port of 'blackbox'.

I have tried most of linux windows managers. I could live with about any of them, but still as soon have fvwm95 as any. Its a good design and quite functional. Just because it looks simular to win95 doesnt bother me in slightest. Whatever else, I respect its simple and functional design. I dont hate M$ products, though I do hate their predatory buisiness practices. I just wish their products were much less bloated and more stable. Thats Puppy's big strengths. Its small, stable, and fast even on old hardware.
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#12 Post by Pizzasgood »

Yeah, when I'm on windows, I usually use Litestep as the WM (called shells in the WinWorld). I'm about the opposite regarding Microsoft. It's a busness, and it's out to win, so it does what it needs to do. It's the software I have the problems with. It stared with Internet Explorer, and after using Linux, the entire os seems incredably unstable. Yeah, you can waste hours downloading stuff and tweaking things to make it run better, but Linux does it out of the box, and doesn't cost $100. That's what I don't quite get. Mr. Bill(ionair) and his hordes of programmers can't make a stable os (that they sell, no less), but a couple broke computer geeks can make a more functional and stable system that you can get for free. That doesn't really show much for Bill's intellegence. Oh well.....

As for the windows look: what works works. Besides, former WinUsers can transition easier, and the rest of us who know what we're doing already know how to make it look different.
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Window Manager

#13 Post by gliezl »

Will FVWM95 be removed in Puppy 1.0.5? Please don't. It's really easy for me to use Puppy. :)
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#14 Post by flamesage »

Im sure Berry will release it as a .pup or something gliezl.

Also, it's not possable for Linux to get a bsod correct?
Isn't that a WINDOWS-only thing?

For some reason lately, puppy has randomly been freezing on me, not very frequently, but still. I either have to hit Ctrl+Alt+Del or hit the power button.
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#15 Post by rarsa »

[quote=gliezel]Will FVWM95 be removed in Puppy 1.0.5[/quote]Don't you worry, puppy will still be easy, actually I found that the default of giving focus by moving the mouse over to be very confusing the first time.

JWM is also a simple window manager. And really I guess only Barry knows what will be in the next version.
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#16 Post by Pizzasgood »

I find the focus thing to be a pain in the butt. I don't like having to move my mouse over the window to be able to type in it. I just want to type, and have it go in the window. If I accidently move the mouse to another window, I want the typing to still go in the old window. Plus, my cat likes to attack the stuff on my desk and bumps the mouse all over.

My memory of Fvwm is a bit foggy though. I can't remember the specifics about the focusing, so I might be exaggerating. Maybe I didn't have those specific problems, but it was similar. I just didn't like it.

But that's just me. I really don't care what Barry does, since I'm not using JWM either. I'll just install IceWM, so it really doesn't make a difference to me anyway....
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#17 Post by Lobster »

In the 1.0.5 Alpha r2 the default Windows Manager is Joes Window Manager M (JWM is almost identical to fvwm95 but smaller)

Fvwm95 is a Pupget in the Alpha release - if you look at the News at puppylinux.com for 27 Aug 005 you will see the menu is being simplified for ALL windows managers (this means Ice and fluxbox will be easier to set up in the future) AND a new script which may give us the ability to build a Puppy from an online connection is also introduced . . .


We must have died and gone to Puppy heaven . . .

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#18 Post by Flash »

Here's an article that applies.

Re: Window Manager

#19 Post by Guest »

gliezl wrote:Will FVWM95 be removed in Puppy 1.0.5? Please don't. It's really easy for me to use Puppy. :)
I'm with you there. I do not like JWM at all for a number of reasons. Most other window managers that I have seen remind me too much of Windows XP (which I despise.) If fvwm95 is not available (or something similar enough), then count me out as well. There's an old copy of RedHat that I have been itching to try in the event that happens.

#20 Post by Glitchman »

I wrote that, BTW. For some reason, the username disappears on these forums after a preview or two.
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