Beryl-0.3.0 for Puppy-2.13 to 2.16.1 (ATI and Intel GPUs)

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Beryl-0.3.0 for Puppy-2.13 to 2.16.1 (ATI and Intel GPUs)

#1 Post by wow »

[Click here to read the instructions for NVIDIA cards(AGP)]

WARNING: Backup your pup_save.2fs file before do anything. Yep, your pup_save file. These updates are not recommended for full HD installs, unless you know how to restore the system. Continue at your own risk :twisted:

Beryl official site :arrow:
Beryl FAQ :arrow:
Beryl on Puppy :arrow:
Features :arrow:

Finally, after some weeks of not intensive tests I got all the packages required to install and run Beryl not only on PC's with nVidia graphic cards.

Instructions for ATI and Intel GPUs:

System Requirements:
  • Software:
    - Puppy-2.13 or higher
    - XFCE, KDE or Gnome
    - Recent version of Mesa
    - Xorg 7.1 or newer
    - SVG support
    - Python(required for beryl-settings and beryl-settings-simple)
    - And more, read below
Updates, dependencies required and instructions:
  • Fix for Emerald [read more]
    In the file '/etc/profile' comment this line:

    Code: Select all


    X11R7.2 [read more]
    - [Pack]x11-7.2-i486.pup
    Exit X and run x11upgrade(don't run x11upgrade in a terminal window, you must exit to the prompt)

    SVG support on Puppy: [read more]
    Install everything in this order.
    1. libcroco-0.6.1.pup
    2. librsvg-2.14.1.pup
    3. cairo-1.4.0[svg].pup

    Mesa-6.5.2 [read more]
    Download and install these files for x11r7.2:
    - mesa-6.5.2.pup
    - mesa-6.5.2-xdemos-glxinfo.pup
    - mesa-6.5.2-dri.pup
    - drm-02Jul07-k2.6.18.1.tar.gz

    Extract [drm-02Jul07-k2.6.18.1.tar.gz] to / and run this command:

    Code: Select all

    depmod -aq
    Then create a symlink with this command

    Code: Select all

    ln -s /usr/X11R7/lib/xorg/modules/dri/ /usr/X11R7/lib/
    Now modify the xorg.conf file localizated on /etc/X11 then edit the Section "Module" as show above:
    Edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf as show above:

    Code: Select all

    Section "Module"
    # This loads the DBE extension module.
    # This loads the miscellaneous extensions module, and disables
    # initialisation of the XFree86-DGA extension within that module.
    # This loads the font modules
        Load           "dbe"  	# Double buffer extension
        SubSection     "extmod"
            Option         "omit xfree86-dga"   # don't initialise the DGA extension
        Load           "type1"
        Load           "freetype"
    # This loads the GLX module
        Load           "glx"
        Load           "dri"         # This enables the Direct Rendering
    # This loads xtrap extension, used by xrandr
        Load           "xtrap"
    Add the following lines at the end of /etc/X11/xorg.conf:

    Code: Select all

    Section "Extensions"
        Option         "Composite" "Enable"
    Edit: To avoid "screen garbage/weird colors/unrefreshed windows" add this to the "device" section of xorg.conf[tested by Pizzasgood]:

    Code: Select all

    Option "XAANoOffscreenPixmaps" "true"
    And RESTART X. Check with glxinfo if your card has direct rendering activated, open a terminal window and run glxinfo

    Code: Select all

    display: :0  screen: 0
    direct rendering: Yes
    Python-2.5 and py* dependencies for beryl-settings and beryl-settings-simple [read more]
    - Python-2.5.pup
    - pycairo-1.2.6.pup
    - pygtk-2.8.6.pup
    - pyrex-

    More Beryl & Emerald dependencies:
    - startup-notification-0.8.pup
    - libwnck-2.16.1
    - xdpyinfo.pup
    - glitz-0.5.6.pup

    [Pack]Beryl-i686.pup(All in one) :wink:
    beryl-core-0.2.1 beryl-manager-0.2.1 beryl-plugins-0.2.1 beryl-plugins-unsupported-0.2.1 beryl-settings-0.2.1 beryl-settings-bindings-0.2.1 beryl-settings-simple-0.2.1 emerald-0.2.1 emerald-themes-0.2.1

    [Pack]Beryl-i686-locale.pup(Optional languages)
    i18n translations:
    ar_AR ca cs de_DE en_GB es es_AR es_ES fr fr_FR gl_ES gl_GL gu_IN hu hu_HU it it_IT ja ko ko_KR my_MY nb_NO nl pl pl_PL pt_BR pt_PT ru ru_RU sk_SK sv_FI sv_SE tr_TR uk_UA zh_CN zh_HK zh_TW
Notes and extra stuff:
  • - There’s nothing NEW in the 0.2.1 release.
    - Make sure you are working at 24bit color depth. The windows might have no borders at 16bit. Warning: There are cards that doen't support some visuals required for AIGLX working with 24bpp. Please read this: for more info about DRI drivers(cards/gpus supported, status, etc).
    - Beryl autostart for KDE by orbisvicis
    - If you delete this symlink: /usr/X11R7/lib/dri/ is possible to start Beryl on unsupported GPUs. Note, Beryl won't work properly see image: [read more]
    Screenshot: Beryl running with an OnBoard ProSavage graphic chipset.
Downloads: Known issues:
  • - Emerald crashes when you change or edit a theme.
    - Beryl does not work with Fluxbox(tested by orbisvicis), JWM or IceWM you must use XFCE or KDE(all others untested).
    - "Beryl-settings and beryl-settings-simple are mutually exclusive: change settings in one, lose the settings of the other"(orbisvicis).
  • Ok, that's all you need :wink: To start Beryl run this command: "beryl-manager" or clic its icon at:
    Also see:
Image Image Image
Image Image

Links: Good luck.
Last edited by wow on Sat 04 Aug 2007, 05:32, edited 11 times in total.
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Beryl-0.2.1 pack

#2 Post by wow »

First post updated.
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#3 Post by Lobster »

Thanks Wow
Anyone able to simplify and step by step?

Please do so here
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"These Romans are crazy"

#4 Post by disciple »

I'm just wondering... what is the point of it?
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#5 Post by Lobster »

For you there is none. Don't use it. I remember a DEC user who was unconvinced a mouse had a point . . . Everything can be done from the CLI . . .

m m m . . . picopup

For those interested. It points to future ways of arranging, displaying, accessing and manipulating data and desktop information. What is really needed is screens that are x6 as big . . .
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#6 Post by disciple »

Wish I was that competent with the command line ;)
Its just that that sort of thing seems to make things more complicated - sort of the opposite of Puppy (and the mouse!).

I'm not complaining - the more crazy things people do with Puppy the better - I was just wondering if people actually find it useful, or just use it because it looks cool.
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#7 Post by Pizzasgood »

Looking cool is a good use for something. :)

I was playing with this today, but I couldn't get it to work all the way. For one thing, when I'm using it the guts of a window freeze up. I can still "use" them, but I can't see what I'm doing unless I roll-up then roll-down the window after every interaction. I tried messing with the settings that pop up when you run beryl-manager, but the only thing that did anything was when I used "force nvidia". That made the guts update, but then everything would get garbled looking very quickly (I'm using an ATI card w/ radeon driver, so that makes sense). EDIT: The same effect happens when I change the render path to copy.

The only error message I got was something about not finding a videomode 0x4d, but some googling made it look like that's an insignificant error.

Also, just so it's clear, I can move windows around and spin the cube. It's just that the guts of a window don't (visually) update until I either restart beryl or roll-up&down the window.

Also, I can't run the bery-settings. It complains like this:

Code: Select all

sh-3.00# beryl-settings
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/tmp/upxAAYLR4VAGMF", line 23, in <module>
    import gtk
ImportError: No module named gtk
beryl-settings-simple whines to a different tune:

Code: Select all

sh-3.00# beryl-settings-simple 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/tmp/upxDWENKUXAJHG", line 20, in <module>
    import gobject,berylsettings,os,gettext,pygtk,gtk
ImportError: No module named gobject

EDIT: Here's the output from blender-manager:

Code: Select all

(beryl-manager:14871): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
        Using the fallback 'C' locale.
libGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x4b

(emerald:14942): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
        Using the fallback 'C' locale.

(emerald:14954): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
        Using the fallback 'C' locale.
* Beryl system compatiblity check                            *

Detected xserver                                : AIGLX

Checking Display :0.0 ...

Checking for XComposite extension               : passed (v0.3)
Checking for XDamage extension                  : passed
Checking for RandR extension                    : passed
Checking for XSync extension                    : passed

Checking Screen 0 ...

libGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x4b
Checking for GLX_SGIX_fbconfig                  : passed
Checking for GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap        : passed
Checking for non power of two texture support   : passed
Checking maximum texture size                   : passed (2048x2048)

libGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x4b
Reloading options
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#8 Post by Lobster »

disciple wrote:Wish I was that competent with the command line ;)
Its just that that sort of thing seems to make things more complicated - sort of the opposite of Puppy (and the mouse!).

I'm not complaining - the more crazy things people do with Puppy the better - I was just wondering if people actually find it useful, or just use it because it looks cool.
Sorry I thought you were complaining at wow's efforts :)
Cool is useful as Pizzasgood says.

Packaging is the only thing most people know how to buy. Form above content. My family might try Puppy if it looks good.

I also think Puppy can and should do 'crazy stuff' as you say.

As for use . . . Well I tried Suns LGP distro (Looking Glass Project) again recently. As a proof of concept with a fast graphic card it is incredible - but not ready for prime time yet. If you try it move up to the java icon top right to spin stuff. It is fun. I tried it on a slower system and it was anti-fun. Yuk. So make sure you have ram and 3D graphics. Basically it makes better use of screen space. I find I often have a lot of programs open and the roll up (in some icewm themes for example) and desktop switchers are just somehow not quite up to it. MU provided a system and Enlightenment wm has some possibilities . . .

Beryl is being explored by many distros. I have never seen it working on my system. When I do, I can provide an informed opinion. Maybe I will try Sabayon Linux again :)

what we need is this ... 60210.html


Last edited by Lobster on Wed 02 May 2007, 16:14, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: "These Romans are crazy"

#9 Post by John Doe »

disciple wrote:I'm just wondering... what is the point of it?
All artsy stuff aside (not that I don't like that either), but rather in the "increased functionality sphere" alone...check out "scaling feature"
Scale out all your windows to get a thumbnail birds eye view of your desktop...

That's the main reason I want it. So I can reach out and hit Alt+Ctrl+whatever and have all my windows scale out at once.

...extended rant...

Not to mention that the work wow has done working out how to get xorg/dri going with both nvidia and ati is REALLY cool. That, in itself, would give puppy accelerated graphic support right out of the box for anyone wanting to play video games or render complex graphics.
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#10 Post by Pizzasgood »

An update on my situation: I tried installing Beryl on a blank save-file. I've got nearly the same problem, except now the settings app works. Which is great because I can tweak stuff now. Also, this savefile hasn't had several failed attempts at installing XFCE on it, so I don't get the GTK errors.

I've also noticed that resizing an app will refresh it's display. Even better, with some apps it will actually revive the display, allowing me to use them normally. It seems to be most successful with GTK things. Firefox, Geany, and the beryl-settings app all behave this way (broken until a resize). RXVT, on the other hand, stays messed up, so I have to continuously resize it or roll it up and down to make it useful.

The rest of Beryl works fine. I played with the close and minimize animations, and that flame thing is much better than it looks on a screenshot. You have to see it in action. And the snow thing is way past cool.

As for the wiggly windows, it's pretty strange at first, but you do get used to it. When I left Beryl for IceWM yesterday, it felt really strange for the window to not deform when I moved it.

The cube feature (note, not limited to cube) is also pretty nifty. You can configure the "sky" not not be black. Currently I'm using the default sky-box, which is kind of an afternoon looking blue-to-yellow gradient.

The "zoom-out" thing is nice too.

Also, there is a "zoom-in" feature. Hold "super" (windows-key) and scroll the mouse wheel. That could be nice if you have poor vision or really high resolution.

I originally thought of Beryl as a gimmick. I wanted to install it so I could see what it was like, but I figured it would run too slow to be useful. It actually runs pretty well on my computer (I'm so used to my old secondhand machine that I chronically underestimate this one). I like it enough that if I can get the window guts working I might stick with it. At least until I break it anyway. Then I'll crawl back to IceWM like I always do :roll:

EDIT: Odd. If I resize a terminal window enough times, it comes to life too. It's more iffy to get working than GTK windows though.
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Beryl and PizzaPup

#11 Post by jam »


Are you planning on integrating Beryl into a future release of PizzaPup? Real-life applications for this technology include:

- Video production
- Engineering
- Mathematical modeling
- Trading
- Gaming
- System Monitoring

...and more.

Besides the special effects, it does have pratical use. Add to that the fact that you can get this and the entire OS to run strictly in RAM and you add real value to the way it can be applied. Nice work on getting it to work on Puppy. It definitely poses a technical challenge!
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#12 Post by Pizzasgood »

If I did, it would probably be part of a deluxe version due to all the dependencies. My goal is to keep the standard Pizzapup two digits in size (decimal digits). But if I made a deluxe version with Beryl, I could also throw in Blender since I'd have to include OpenGL, graphics drivers, and Python anyway.
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#13 Post by wow »

Pizzasgood wrote:I was playing with this today, but I couldn't get it to work all the way. For one thing, when I'm using it the guts of a window freeze up. I can still "use" them, but I can't see what I'm doing unless I roll-up then roll-down the window after every interaction.
It's a common issue for ATI cards, please search the net for tips. I found this(in spanish):
Disable the 'Place' plugin ... =45&t=6011
Pizzasgood wrote:The cube feature (note, not limited to cube) is also pretty nifty. You can configure the "sky" not not be black. Currently I'm using the default sky-box, which is kind of an afternoon looking blue-to-yellow gradient.
Check out this site for more skydomes, themes and images :) :
Pizzasgood wrote:EDIT: Odd. If I resize a terminal window enough times, it comes to life too. It's more iffy to get working than GTK windows though.
Try this setting: beryl-settings > Window Management > Resize > Stretch

Hope this helps
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#14 Post by Pizzasgood »

Neither of those options worked, but I found something else that did. I couldn't think of how to search for it before, since it's hard to describe in ways that a search engine will help. But I decided to just type in "ati" and "resize" at the Beryl forum search, and waded through some of the results. Most were for the reverse problem, a broken Emerald. But I eventually found something that matched. It said to add this to the "device" section of xorg.conf:
Option "XAANoOffscreenPixmaps" "true"
So, I did that, and Success!!! :mrgreen:

Also, for the adventurous, it is not necessary to install XFCE or KDE. What I'm doing instead is a trick I learned a long time ago. Exit to the commandline and type xwin rxvt and hit enter. You'll load into X as usual, but with an RXVT window on the screen and no windowmanager. From there you can run anything you normally could, just with no window-manager functions (stuff cannot be moved or minimized and whatnot).

So, I did that and ran beryl-manager. Now, when I do that I have to open another window too. If I don't have at least two windows open, stuff doesn't work right. But this way I don't need anything fancy.

So, next on my list is getting the XFCE panel running again. Between that and Beryl, I ought to be a very happy hacker.

One more nice feature I forgot to mention is that you can easily invert the colors of individual apps or even the whole thing. Just use super+n or super+m, respectively. Very nice when I have to keep the lights off so my roommate can sleep. Not only does it not hurt my eyes, but it shines less light at him. And it's fast and easy to do, and works on an app by app basis (I set my normal RXVT windows to black, so inverting them would reverse that). Plus it just plain looks cool.

I'm tempted to play with it more now that it's fully working, but I need to sleep now for my Calc III exam in the morning. Fortunately, anything higher than a 66% will result in an A for the semester. Much better than last semester, when I pretty much needed a 100% to get an A. Of course, both of those numbers are without taking into account a curve, which as I discovered can be quite beneficial :)

Anyways, better go sleep.
[size=75]Between depriving a man of one hour from his life and depriving him of his life there exists only a difference of degree. --Muad'Dib[/size]
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#15 Post by wow »

Thank you for the useful info. :)
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#16 Post by wow »

First post edited.
Few cards doesn't support some visuals required for AIGLX working at 24bpp. Please read: for any guidance.
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#17 Post by joe57005 »

is there any way to use beryl in 16bit mode? every time i set up xorg to use 24bit mode all hardware acceleration stops, but it works perfectly in 16bit. (i've been playing tuxracer and quake at their highest quality/detail levels with no problems)
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#18 Post by wow »

Hmmm no, it wont work, sorry. AIGLX(and few games) uses some visuals that are only available at 24bit.

I had success with an Intel i915G gpu(after change some video settings in the BIOS) and made a pupsave with beryl, xfce, and edited MUT and more preinstalled, read more here: ... 952#129952
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