installing R (statistical computing language) (SOLVED)

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installing R (statistical computing language) (SOLVED)

#1 Post by acaza »

i'm running 2.15CE and trying to install R using Puppy Software Installer. i installed all the dotpups associated with R, but R fails to run.

the error says that is the problem. and i think it should be. when i go to /usr/lib/ it is linked to which does not exist. i have and instead.

i'm guessing this an easy fix. i either need to edit the simlink to connect to one of the ones i have, or else i need to tweak R to go for looking for in the first place.

but i have no idea how to do either. can anyone help?


Last edited by acaza on Fri 04 May 2007, 16:28, edited 1 time in total.
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#2 Post by MU »

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installing R

#3 Post by acaza »

MU, you solved the first problem. i installed the dotpup you pointed me at, and R now runs.

however, it doesn't run well. when i tried to use it to do some things i need, i got this error:

unable to load shared library '/usr/lib/R/library/tcltk/libs/': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

i presume i need to install this as well, but when i search for "libtc" in the software installer i get nothing. i tried installing tcl-8.4 with the installer, in the hope that this would solve it. what it did was change the error to this:

unable to load shared library '/usr/lib/R/library/tcltk/libs/': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

i installed tcltk-8.3, but that didn't help (not surprising, given the error is about 8.4). so i installed "tcltk8.4 with version choose." i tried using the chooser to switch versions. i think 8.5 is standard. i changed to 8.4-TLS, but got the same error about libtk8.4. a search for "libtk" in the installer gets me nothing, so i'm once again stuck.

any help welcome. thanks
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#4 Post by MU »

unable to load shared library '/usr/lib/R/library/tcltk/libs/': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
The Tcl/Tk dotpups usually install to

If R was compiled with the option to use Tcl/Tk in a subfolder of R, then you had to create symbolic links or copy the files there.

you installed a Tcl/Tk 8.4 dotpup.
If it installed for example
Then you could create a symlink with this command:
ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/R/library/tcltk/libs/
This just works, if the targetfolder '/usr/lib/R/library/tcltk/libs/' already exists.
If it does not exist yet, you must create it first.

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trouble running R

#5 Post by acaza »

thanks to MU/Mark's help, i've got R running, but to make it useful, i need to install additional R packages. i'm almost there on it, but i've hit a weird error. this is what i've done

(note: i'm a newbie's newbie, so i may be missing something obvious. also, this is using Puppy 2.14 multisession, which is my current OS.)

1. download all items in R2.4.0 file at

2. install them
click on downloaded dotpups
R.2.4.0 (just acknowledge the message about the link it creates)
less (i agreed to overwrite /usr/bin/less)
menu > setup > puppy package manager > PETget package manager > 2nd button (about installing downloaded packge)
navigate to the "alien.packages" file i downloaded and select it

3. download:
click on it to install
(my attempted explanation: R created a link to the library, but that didn't exist in my puppy. i guess it's a dependency that got missed?)

4. R was now running for me
menu > utility > Rxvt terminal emulator
type: R [just the letter, must be capitalized]

however, i needed R functions that weren't already installed. i get these with the command, inside R. "install.packages." this signals R to download and compile files. to do that, my puppy needed the development tools to be able to compile.

5. go to and get what you need
for me, this was devx for 2.14

if i'd been running from live-CD with a pup_sav file, i guess i would just load this sfs file like any other, but i'm trying to do this in multi-session DVD, so i had to load the sfs file on the fly. this involved
downloading the devx_214.sfs file
saving it on HARD DRIVE (i don't know enough to say why, but the commands below won't work if i save the dev_214.sfs file in ramdisk)
open a terminal in the directory where you saved the file (right click > window > terminal here)
type these commands into the terminal:
# mkdir mntpt
# losetup /dev/loop2 devx_004.sfs
# mount -t squashfs /dev/loop2 mntpt
# cp -a --remove-destination mntpt/* /

after this i tried to install packages in R, and received this error:

i586-mandrake-linux-gnu-gcc -I/usr/lib/R/include -I/usr/local/include -D__NO_MATH_INLINES -mieee-fp -fPIC -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -pipe -march=i586 -mcpu=pentiumpro -c agexact.c -o agexact.o
make: i586-mandrake-linux-gnu-gcc: Command not found
make: *** [agexact.o] Error 127
ERROR: compilation failed for package 'survival'

i have no idea what that means, or what i should do next. any ideas?


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#6 Post by MU »

It seems you just ran "make", what seems to use the configuration of the guy who wrote the application.
To create a new configuration for Puppy, you might have to run:

make clean
make install

If you still get errors, please post them here, and also a link to the tools you want to compile.
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#7 Post by acaza »


just let me be sure i've given you enough info, and that i understand your instructions.

as i said above, R runs, and i used a native R function, "update.packages." this function searches the CRAN database for updates to the packages, then automatically downloads and installs them, all within R. this requires use of the make command, i guess, since R initially gave an error about make failing. i didn't actually type any make commands myself; R did it..

does this change your repsonse? or should i understand your reply to describe something that i need to do before make can work on my system? if this is the case, does it matter which directory the terminal is in when i run the commands you gave?

thanks (sorry for my complete ignorance about compiling/making)

aspiring hacker trapped in the mind of a linux noob, using Puppy 2.14 multisesson DVD on Dell XPS M1210
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#8 Post by MU »

I see, so the R scripts do not run configure themselves.

You could try to fool R in believing, that the mandrake-gcc is on your system.
ln -s /usr/bin/gcc /usr/bin/i586-mandrake-linux-gnu-gcc

This creates a symlink to puppys gcc.

This might work (if you use devx_214.sfs), but there is no guarantee, as there might miss more.

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#9 Post by acaza »


Thanks for this. I'd be happy to give it a try, but I can't seem to download the R dotpup anymore. Since I use a multisession DVD and have no idea what I'm doing, I usually don't save failed sessions. So each time I try to install R, I start from scratch. But today, I can't download it. I get a "file integrity error" whenever I try to run the R-2.4.0.pup. And it's just that one. The other dotpups for R (lib, less2gc) have fine integrity.

I'll try again tomorrow to see if I can get a working download.
aspiring hacker trapped in the mind of a linux noob, using Puppy 2.14 multisesson DVD on Dell XPS M1210
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#10 Post by acaza »

Woo Hoo!!

That seems to have done the trick. At least I was able to successfully use the "update.packages" function.

I'll put all this together in HOW TO. (here:

Thanks Mark.

(though i hit one other snag using R. i'll make the question abou that a new thread)
aspiring hacker trapped in the mind of a linux noob, using Puppy 2.14 multisesson DVD on Dell XPS M1210
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