2.15 CE a bit of a mongrel

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2.15 CE a bit of a mongrel

#1 Post by tytower »

Don't get me wrong
Puppy is excellent ,but , these patches that are needed to get legacy cards to work , and now I find I need a patch to get my network cards recognised , and there are others apparently , This is not good!

When I ran out of room ,stuffed my system and did the repair boot I suddenly found my desktop had been a hybrid of 2.14 and 2.15 thats why some shortcuts were coloured amd some were silvery. So the 2.14 settings are retained in some part on the upgrade.

Now they are all silvery and moved round the margins of the page. Ok but now the repaired system did not recognise my two network cards at all and even when I tried to load the correct drivers ,I couldn't . Need the patch I saw ,says I ,but as I can't get on the network I had to go back to 2.14 ,without my pup_save file ,to get back my network as once its taken out of the pup_save file even 2.14 won't work.

Well thats where I am now and I will add some more here as I try to fix this up.

Edit - got the network patch and started 2.15 installed the patch ,ran the network wizard and this time it got the cards right ,reconfigured them and here we are on 2.15 wondering whats next and scratching my head about no sound?
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Re: 2.15 CE a bit of a mongrel

#2 Post by WhoDo »

tytower wrote:Edit - got the network patch and started 2.15 installed the patch ,ran the network wizard and this time it got the cards right ,reconfigured them and here we are on 2.15 wondering whats next and scratching my head about no sound?
It depends what version of Puppy 2.15CE you were working on, but early versions were based on 2.14 while later versions were rebuilt through Unleashed as a new edition.

There will be an updated version of Puppy 2.15CE with all patches and updates installed. The latest download - R2 - has everything except the alsaconf (needed for legacy sound) and network wizard updates. The new version 2.15CE - R3 - will include ALL current patches and updates. It is being rebuilt from scratch using unleashed, and will also include updated stable copies of included applications.

Puppy 2.15CE was developed on a release cycle dictated by development of Puppy 2.16 and that was necessary because we didn't want to be releasing a 2.15 version AFTER 2.16 was already available in Alpha. That forced a number of errors in delivery for which I accept full responsibility. That's why I'm creating R3 and not expecting anyone else to contribute to that.

I hope that explains the position to your satisfaction.
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#3 Post by tytower »

That explains it well Thanks for that and I'll be with you into the next and beyond .

Its free and unpaid labour. I'm bloody lucky to have it . Thanks again
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#4 Post by jamesbond »

Just want to say thanks to WhoDo and the rest of 2.15CE team (including Barry of course) - A big thank you!

I've been using 2.15CE since it's released (I got lucky and downloaded the R2 the first time). While there has been minor problems and inconveniences and even bugs (=but point me to a software that's bug-free), I'd vote that this is the best out-of-the-box Puppy so far !

Recently I upgraded from 6-year-old AMD box to X2 dual-core. Different mobo, different CPU, different graphics card, etc. My other 5 linux installation died flat out - only Puppy was able to boot up. The only thing that doesn't work is sound - which, I found out, can only work with alsa 1.0.13 or newer (2.15CE comes with 1.0.12rc1).

I can only say thank you for sharing this with the rest of us.
Fatdog64 forum links: [url=http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=117546]Latest version[/url] | [url=https://cutt.ly/ke8sn5H]Contributed packages[/url] | [url=https://cutt.ly/se8scrb]ISO builder[/url]
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#5 Post by WhoDo »

jamesbond wrote:Just want to say thanks to WhoDo and the rest of 2.15CE team (including Barry of course) - A big thank you!
You're very welcome. It is nice to hear that the effort is appreciated. All too often we get caught up in the gripes about what doesn't work, and don't get to hear about the success stories.

On behalf of Barry, NathanF, Pizzasgood, Tronkel, Lobster, PkaG, rarsa, tempestuous, puppyfan12, plinej, headfound, et al your thanks are much appreciated.

[i]Actions speak louder than words ... and they usually work when words don't![/i]
SIP:whodo@proxy01.sipphone.com; whodo@realsip.com
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