Puppy 2.16 install problem(s)

Please post any bugs you have found
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#21 Post by pupshock »

Thanks for replies.

HairyWill, _without_ the psubdir switch, pup_216.sfs was not found on
(hd0,5) root. Moving all the files to (hd0,0) root and editing menu.lst
to (hd0,0) made no difference.
I moved the files back to (hd0,5) root and wrote psubdir=(hd0,5) to
point the kernel specifically to the root of (hd0,5). I agree it is strange,
but i ran out of ideas. It didnt work either.

Dougal, If it defaults to /boot and not root (there is conflicting
advice here), I'll create /boot, move initrd.gz and pup_216.sfs there,
change menu.lst to:
initrd (hd0,5)/boot/initrd.gz, and
let y'all know what happens without and with psubdir=(hd0,5)/boot
on the kernel line.

I'll be most grateful if anyone can give me a md5sum of
pup_216.sfs, and how to interpret PUPMODE (the wiki is not clear, tho
it may be too much cheap red wine on my part)
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#22 Post by BarryK »

Do not do this, it will stuff up booting!!!!!
Puppy reads this parameter, not GRUB!!!!
Puppy expects it to be a path, like 'psubdir=boot/puppy216
however, if you put everything at '/' or '/boot' then psubdir is NOT REQUIRED.

Recommend, put vmlinuz, initrd.gz, pup_216.sfs, zdrv_216.sfs at '/' on hda6 and leave off the psubdir, it should work. This should do it:

rootnoverify (hd0,5)
kernel (hd0,5)/vmlinuz pmedia=idehd root=/dev/ram0
initrd (hd0,5)/initrd.gz
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#23 Post by pupshock »

With Barry's dire warning ringing in my ears, i deleted psubdir,
and put everything back on hda6 root as in the very first time.
Predictably, the result was as previously reported:
the 'cannot find' error with PUPMODE=1 PDEV1=
(pup_save deleted for purposes of testing)

I took Dougal's advice and created /boot, and moved
initrd.gz, pup_216.sfs, zdrv_216.sfs inside.
initrd.gz now could not be found, which was solved by writing
initrd (hd0,5)/boot/initrd.gz.
This implies that the default location for initrd.gz is
root, and /boot is not searched automatically.

At this stage, the problem devolves into why the sfs files
cannot be found in either hda6's root or /boot.

With trepidation, (sfs files are now in /boot) i tried
psubdir=/boot. No joy.
psubdir=boot. No joy.
Moved the sfs files to /boot/p216 and tried
psubdir=/p216. No joy.
psubdir=/boot/p216. No joy.
Moved the sfs files to /p216 and tried
psubdir=/p216. No joy.
psubdir=p216. No joy.
Finally, moved initrd.gz as well to /p216 and tried
kernel (hd0,5)/vmlinuz PMEDIA=idehd root=/dev/ram0 psubdir=p216
initrd (hd0,5)/p216/initrd.gz
Again, no joy. kernel loads, initrd loads, then 'cannot find Puppy'.

What am i doing wrong & what to test next?
hda6 is a NTFS partition;
puppy is the 'final' 2.16 from nluug.nl, md5sum correct;
liveCD boots OK;
Puppy 2.15 boots OK with all 4 files in hda6's root
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#24 Post by BarryK »

Ah, ntfs.... Boot up a Puppy live-CD, use Pmount to mount the partition hda6 or hda1, whatever you have the Puppy files in, then confirm that all the Puppy files show as lower-case letters.
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#25 Post by pupshock »

... renamed the files to lowercase, rebooted,
and sending this from Puppy 2.16.
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#26 Post by pupshock »

interestingly, the offending files VMLINUZ and INITRD.GZ, were found,
while pup_216.sfs and zdrv_216.sfs were already lowercase,
but were not found. Hmmm ...
... no, no, I've had enough of testing & rebooting...
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Install problems

#27 Post by tarambuka »

Gentlemen, I solved the problem! I just renaimed vmlinus, pup_216 etc. and their extensions in lowercase (in the iso file they are with uppercase) and 2.16 started immediately.
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#28 Post by BarryK »

pupshock wrote:Afternote:
interestingly, the offending files VMLINUZ and INITRD.GZ, were found,
while pup_216.sfs and zdrv_216.sfs were already lowercase,
but were not found. Hmmm ...
... no, no, I've had enough of testing & rebooting...
Yes, I have just mentioned this in another thread. The init script would have found PUP_216.SFS and ZDRV_216.SFS and renamed them lower-case, but it doesn't do so for VMLINUZ and INITRD.GZ -- there is some code in the init script that checks the location of "initrd.gz" (lowercase) and this is probably where things went wrong.

What I will do is get the init script to rename INITRD.GZ to lowercase also, to hopefully eliminate this problem in the future.

You must have been using Windows to put these files in place, and Windows changed them to all upper-case characters. Windows did this because it doesn't care about the case in filenames.
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#29 Post by pupshock »

yes, you are right, Barry, it is a a typical set-up for dual-booters
with Frugal installs:
from winXP, get iso, burn with Nero, copy over the files from CD,
take CD out, reboot. It worked for 2.14 and 2.15; but 2.16 threw
a curve ball (I'll look into why 2.14 and 2.15 did not)

Suggest getting the init script to rename all 4 files lowercase,
and subsequently the pup_save.2fs too.
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#30 Post by pupshock »

report: Puppy files on CD as seen by WinXP
2.14: All files in UPPercase
2.15: All files in LOWercase
2.16: All files in UPPercase
When copied to NTFS, they retain the Case.
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#31 Post by Dougal »

pupshock wrote:report: Puppy files on CD as seen by WinXP
2.14: All files in UPPercase
2.15: All files in LOWercase
2.16: All files in UPPercase
When copied to NTFS, they retain the Case.
That's an interesting observation...
2.15 wasn't created by Barry, so maybe Barry needs to change something in the way Unleashed creates the iso, so it'll always show up in lower-case.
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#32 Post by BarryK »

Ah, now I know what the problem is!
The iso is deliberately created without Joliet extensions. Sometime ago this was found to cause problems for the multisession CD/DVD.

Therefore, looking at the CD from Windows, you just see it as MSDOS 8.3 file format, which comes up as all upper-case.

Nothing I can do about that, but I have now modified the 'init' script to detect INITRD.GZ, PUP_216.SFS and ZDRV_216.SFS and change them to lower-case.

But, what about GRUB? The first time you attempt to boot, if you specify 'vmlinuz' and 'initrd.gz', is it case-sensitive at that point, before Linux has loaded? I presume not?

The problem does not occur if the Universal Installer is used, as the CD/DVD does have Rock Ridge extensions (long filename support for Linux). Or if you do a manual install from Linux.
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#33 Post by pupshock »

Grub appears _not_ to be case sensitive before linuz loads:
"linuz" in menu.lst, file LINUZ (uppercase) in the root, could be found.

But after linuz loads:
"initrd.gz" in menu.lst, INITRD.GZ can be found in root but not boot, unless specified: initrd (hd0,5)/boot/initrd.gz (note the lowercase).

pup_216.sfs could never be found, even tho i had renamed them
lowercase. It could be found only when _all 4 files_ were lowercase.

So that explains 2.16.
And by implication the 2.15CE iso had the Joliet extensions.
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Open Office will not display in pup216 final?

#34 Post by vanchutr »

I rename the openoffice.2.2.0.sfs to ooffice_216.sfs then put the new one in same place of pup_save.sfs.
Reboot pupy216 and use BootManager ... and add the ooffice_216.sfs.
That will work
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Re: Open Office will not display in pup216 final?

#35 Post by bobn9lvu »

vanchutr wrote:I rename the openoffice.2.2.0.sfs to ooffice_216.sfs then put the new one in same place of pup_save.sfs.
Reboot pupy216 and use BootManager ... and add the ooffice_216.sfs.
That will work
If you unchecked the box on the bottom for 2.16 sfs only, you can add
the OO sfs without changing the name...
Worked for me....
Now it would be nice to come out with custom sfs packages,

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#36 Post by Dougal »

Barry, maybe the problem with multisession cds could be solved by using the "-r" option in mkisofs, rather than the "-R" option?
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#37 Post by BarryK »

All of the iso creation and burning options used for the live-CD have been worked out over a long time, and everything is the way it is for a reason.

If I recall rightly, the '-r' option clears the write attribute of all files that get written to CD, totally messing up the multisession CD.
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This is EXACTLY the problem/bug that I had

#38 Post by kleung21 »

The filename/uppercase bug is EXACTLY the issue that I've had with my 2.16 install of Puppy.

I had upgraded from a frugal install; transferring the new Puppy files over to the computer via a memory key.

I had used windows to extract the files onto the memory key for transfer.

For the last 2 days, I have been trying everything I could to get it to boot. Finally had to revert back to 2.12 (an older version I had lying around).

HOWEVER, all of a sudden, it worked today after I tried fiddling around with the files -> couldn't figure out why.

This thread explains it beautifully.

When I was fiddling around/copying the files back and forth; at one point I renamed the files manually... Of course, I type in lowercase.

And thus - 2.16 works now.

Just adding my 2 cents to the ongoing thread.
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#39 Post by Dougal »

Barry, should I remove the "-R" from the remaster script?
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#40 Post by tillerman »

It seems, that you are all making it work, but I'm still stuck with the .sfs'es.
- 2.16.0 frugal install on a lifting-a-leg-at-OS-box,
- all .sfs-files placed in c:\ together with the rest of the boot-files, being mnt\home in Puppy,
- no boot-subdirs, no changes to any of the boot-files,
- no capital letters in the filenames,
- openoffice-2.2.0.sfs renamed to oo_216.sfs,
- checkbox uncheked and a reboot.
Typing cc in a console-window gives: no filename (not command unknown), suggesting that devx_216.sfs is loaded and working. Good.
Now comes the problem: I do have the OpenOpffice icons in the submenus, BUT! clikcing on them has no effect. Same thing plagued me in the 2.15CE, that is why I took to the 2.16, but at no avail. The problem persist when booting from the CD. Now, that's a bitch, because the .sfs-idea is a good one, and I expect that a graph-sfs will turn up somewhere down the way. Does anyone have suggestions to try? Like when you play the bass-guitar and the loudspeaker-hum goes away when you turn the plug 180 degrees (it works!). Any such voo-doo-grade suggestions?
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