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#1 Post by willhunt »

here are a couple of links about openmosix I think the whole concept of grid networking a good idea no more wasted processing power!

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#2 Post by raffy »

These are network-oriented systems, and I wonder how the techniques compare with Sunburnt's LanPuppy or the "humungous network booting" contemplated by Barry for 2.17:
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#3 Post by Lobster »

:) We can already dedicate part of our computing time to bit torrenting and grid computing. It might be an idea to have a 'grid wizard' (probably an add on) that allows us to offer processing to a favourite grid project.
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#4 Post by Nathan F »

A little background is obviously in order because you guys don't seem to understand what OpenMosix is. OpenMosix uses a patched kernel and allows any number of computers to share processing power and memory. If you start two or three processes on one computer at the same time the kernel will look for a machine on the network with more resources available and run one or more of the processes there. The process is seemless from an end users standpoint. However, only computers with the patched kernel and userland utilities can be used.

This is quite different from the other projects mentioned (Lanpup and network booting).

There would be a lot of work involved in setting this up for Puppy. I researched it and it seemed that support for the 2.6 kernel was in it's infancy, but that was several months ago now and they may have gotten a little farther along by now. At that time the code was only available through svn, no source releases, and it came with absolutely no relevent instructions on how to set it up. They did do a binary release of a patched kernel but it would not work for Puppy because it came without support for squashfs and unionfs, and without the source there would be no way to compile that support.

If you want to try it then I recommend Clusterix or the older versions of Dyne::Bolic, both of which used a 2.4 series OpenMosix kernel.

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#5 Post by willhunt »

Yep that's what I'm talking about cook a kernel in 2hrs
transcode at amazing speeds. Really no end to the goodies
with every idle machine helping! libraries computer labs
accounting offices just think of all that wasted processor
power waiting to be tapped collages could could turn
the whole campus into Super computer grid's at Zero
cost the very leaps in math and sience and encryption
stagger the mind Huge Super computer grids spanning
the globe!

Now there's puppy power!

Last edited by willhunt on Tue 08 May 2007, 19:18, edited 1 time in total.
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#6 Post by Pizzasgood »

Or, you could just start an army of zombies, curtisy of MS. Though I don't know how many more years that will be an option, as the zombifiable population may begin to dwindle in the comming times...
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openmosix kernel patch

#7 Post by willhunt »

Here is some info from the openmosix site
What is openMosix?
openMosix is a Linux kernel extension for single-system image clustering. This kernel extension turns a network of ordinary computers into a supercomputer for Linux applications.

Once you have installed openMosix, the nodes in the cluster start talking to one another and the cluster adapts itself to the workload. Processes originating from any one node, if that node is too busy compared to others, can migrate to any other node. openMosix continuously attempts to optimize the resource allocation.

We achieve this with a kernel patch for Linux, creating a reliable, fast and cost-efficient SSI clustering platform that is linearly scalable and adaptive. With openMosix' Auto Discovery, a new node can be added while the cluster is running and the cluster will automatically begin to use the new resources.

There is no need to program applications specifically for openMosix. Since all openMosix extensions are inside the kernel, every Linux application automatically and transparently benefits from the distributed computing concept of openMosix. The cluster behaves much as does a Symmetric Multi-Processor, but this solution scales to well over a thousand nodes which can themselves be SMPs.

The openMosix Community is very active, contributing add-on applications and sharing helpful information with all users. The openMosix Add-Ons and Community page lists these shared applications. And, it is all GPL'd.
Now here is the problem!

As nathan said the current stable is openMosix-kernel-2.4.26
and the 2.6 kernel patch is still svn
svn co ... /trunk/2.6 openmosix

I really believe this could be a good thing for puppylinux maybe the kernel from 1.09CE
could be patched then it could be released as 1.09 C squared for the Community
Cluster Edtion :) I personaly think that the world's smallest desktop replacement OS
designed to run on very low end machines could Greatly benifit from the increased
processing power this mod could provide, And think of the OLPC goes students
who are idle help those who are not (finally those who refuse to learn give back
resources instead of wasting them:).
I just wish I had the skill for this! (heck I can't even find the superset 2 :oops: )
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puppy and bionic?

#8 Post by willhunt »

found this wiki link for things like the SETI project :)
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#9 Post by John Doe »

I had commented before that I liked this idea if it could be turned on and off. Looks like it can, with (omdiscd):

What a cool option that would be. I was just about to recompile the kernel. I'll throw in the patch and try to test it out.
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#10 Post by sunburnt »

This & NoMachine are load sharing setups, good for processing arrays.
I can only think of one common thing that could use it... movie encoding.
Most of the other uses are scientific, gene folding, & looking for aliens.

I've wondered just what is the load imposed upon the network by this?
Lots of small process being reassigned would jam up a network,
but I beleave these setups have ways of deciding what to reassign.
It seems wonderful at first glance, but if it consumed the networks bandwidth
it'd bring it down to a crawl, so for standard networks it may not be so great.
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#11 Post by John Doe »

sunburnt wrote:... movie encoding.
that was my first thought.
sunburnt wrote:Most of the other uses are scientific, gene folding, & looking for aliens.
...but I always enjoy some good gene foldering and alien searching also ;-)
sunburnt wrote:...bandwidth...
agreed. Check out this set-up. Love to be able to do that with Puppy:


btw, looks like OpenMosix is only up to kernel 2.6.17 right now. I have to recompile subversion with ssl support to even get it.
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now thats a good link!

#12 Post by willhunt »

Great link thanks I followed it to thistutorial on building up
a Beowulf cluster seems ez enough :)

now there ain't nuthin to it but to do it :wink:
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#13 Post by sunburnt »

Most setups I've seen use standard ATX PC boxes & so take up lots of room.
For diskless network PCs I've not been able to find tiny ATX boxes.
Sadly the micro PC bds. like the VIA ITX are $$$ compared to the cpu power.
For any PC, standard ATX mother bds. have the best power to cost ratio.

So I'm looking into making the boxes needed, about 10"x10"x6" in size.
That'll make a nice small footprint, & a box with CD drive would be 12" tall.
If anyone knows of a tiny ATX box like what I've described, let me know!

Tiny diskless ATX boxes would be just the ticket for a computing array.
How about an array of dual cpu boxes, talk about computational power!
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#14 Post by willhunt »

I have 16 NEC Slimline 1GHz computer, 256MB RAM, CDROM
NEC Powermate ES Slimline Specifications:
- Intel Pentium III 1 Ghz Processor
- 256MB Memory (512 MB max.)
- 10/100 Ethernet port (RJ-45)
- On-board audio 2 USB ports (1 in back, 1 in front)
- 1.4MB Floppy drive
- 3 PCI slots, 1 Serial port, 1 Parallel port
- 133 MHz FSB (Front Side Bus)
- Intel i810e chipset
- Dimensions: HxWxD: 12.4" x 3.4" x 13.1"

There small size is great and they work with pup also
they have heat issues though easy enough to fix.

The MB is only 7 inches wide! Still in the case it would be
2 cubic feet of computers about the size of a old ASA/400
I have no switches though and I think you would need a 16
port KVM those gotta be salty and how would keep all of
them cool even if you had them running your lanpup
diskless it would still be a lot of heat!
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#15 Post by sunburnt »

Nice... Not as small as the Compaq micros I saw at Fry's Electronics though.
They were the size of my cable modem, but again they wanted a ton of $$$.
Funny... You'd think smaller PC & MB with fewer chips it'd be alot cheaper.
Too bad I don't have inroads to a MB manufacture in Hong Kong.
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#16 Post by willhunt »

if you looking for smaller try ebay search full retail plus shipping compaq
ipaq it's not unusal to find them in 12 lot's for around 300us
more for shipping. Yes 20 of those take up about a 1sq foot
I read about him having his new box blowed out of the
window sill :twisted: with envy :wink:

P.S. any asian motherboard manufacture's sunburnt and I
need a hookup! PLZ :lol:
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#17 Post by cam34 »

I think you guys have missed ONE MAJOR limitation of OPENMosix.
The limitation is that while it is clusterable, it can't provide parallisation of programs that don't spawn multiple processes.

Eg. You say encoding a movie would be fast well no not really but If you had three CPUs (Eg. 3 computers) You could on the host computer encoded 3 movies as the same speed as 1.

because to encode the movie at on all 3 computers at once you would need the program to have been written so that it creates multiple processes.
OpenMosix CAN'T take one process and share it between all 3 computers.
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#18 Post by Gekko »

Yes but on the other side of the coin, video editing programs, many are written to have multiprocessor support, and compiling things will go so much faster as multiprocessing is supported by that. That's my main reason for wanting it :)
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#19 Post by willhunt »

cam I don't understand what you just told me I thought it was kernel level
spawning so programs not writen for cluster work would benifit also
please any enlightment would be helpful;
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#20 Post by cb88 »

Has anybody actually contacted the developers? meanpup uses that kernel also right? could the kernel be updated via dotpup?
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