Samba Server Login & Shares GUI ...TEST...

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Samba Server Login & Shares GUI ...TEST...

#1 Post by sunburnt »

I beleave Barry is going to include Samba server in an upcoming Puppy release.
I've been hoping for this for a long time... it really means alot to Puppy!

Accordingly I've made a Samba Server Admin. GUI.
Tab panel #1: adds, deletes, enables, & disables Samba users & passwords.
Tab panel #2: adds, deletes, enables, & disables Samba shares.

There's alot more that could be done with it (of course).
I included just the most important share options... this could be expanded.
If you know how to configure Samba then it'll be easy to use.
I may need to add a [Help] button if folks have trouble figuring it out.

This is TESTING ... Make a backup copy of your Samba file: /etc/samba/smb.conf
Copy it to a new file like: /etc/samba/smb.conf_BAK

Run the app. with the file: samba-admin
With feed-back I hope to have it ready for the new Puppy release... Terry
Extract & move dir. "/samba-admin" to "/root/my-applications".
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#2 Post by sunburnt »

### ATTENTION: Download this file "rc.samba" & follow these instructions.

MU's Muppy-SMB package doesn't have the file "rc.samba" in it.

To start Samba at boot, put in the file: "/etc/rc.d/rc.local" this line:

/etc/rc.d/rc.samba start

rc.samba takes these arguments: start , stop , restart
Here's the file to start Samba: "rc.samba", extract it & put it in: /etc/rc.d
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#3 Post by Béèm »

I defined a user and a share.
How do I go further from here?
Launch the Muppy-SMB?

Well, launching Muppy-SMB didn't work.
Also LinNeighborHood doesn't find anything on host puppypc

As far as the utility is concerned, when I click on either an already defined user or share, shouldn't the corresponding info be available again in the right part?
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#4 Post by sunburnt »

Thanks Beem; The top right frame controls are for adding shares only.
There's no display of existing share options, to see that click [EDIT: smb.conf].
So to modify an existing share, it'd have to be removed & then a new one made.
The GUI only does simple changes: add, remove, enable, & disable.
To edit existing shares etc., click [EDIT: smb.conf] & do anything you want.

Muppy-SMB is MU's Samba server package for Muppy, should work for Puppy.
Obviously the Samba server has to be installed...
To see if the server's running, in Xterm type: "ps", & look for "nmbd" & smbd".
Soon Puppy will have the Samba server as standard equipment (no install).

When changes are made to "smb.conf" clicking [OK] should popup a warning
GUI (if there's a client connection to the server) & ask to restart the server.
If there's no connections then the Samba server should restart automatically.

If the Samba server isn't restarted then the shares won't show till next bootup.
To restarted the server manually, type this command into Xterm:

/etc/rc.d/rc.samba restart

Then if changes were made to "smb.conf" it should be working & show it.

Thanks for responding, I'll be glad to answer any more Qs you have... Terry
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#5 Post by Béèm »

Probably once Muppy-SMB is executed, the Samba Server runs after next boot, as ps indicates there is a server running.

The only way I found to see a share is to work with LinNeighborhood, but I have to go always through the process of removing the machine, adding and scan again before shares are seen, whether it's the other PC (in my case a Windows XP) on the PC I'm on in Linux.

But I still have my base problem that the XP PC sees the Samba Server but not the shares, when I go through displaying the net resources in the workgroup.

Another idea struck my mind.
Could you include other commands like 'smbclient -L <pc-id>'
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#6 Post by sunburnt »

Your thinking you want it to be a replacement for Linneighborhood?
Or are you thinking of a display of all Samba hosts & browsable shares?
I thought about them, but the GUI's to admin. user login & local shares only.

It'd be nice to have user login per each share, now user's access all shares.
Also it'd be nice to have user groups to make user access easier to admin.
There's lots of other options & services that Samba has to offer.

Yes... I've noticed the exact same behavior using Linneighborhood. (flakey)
And there's posts about share connection trouble with Win2K & XP. (98 is ok!)
Those problems are due to Linneighborhood & Win., not Puppy or this GUI.
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#7 Post by Béèm »

sunburnt wrote:Your thinking you want it to be a replacement for Linneighborhood?
Or are you thinking of a display of all Samba hosts & browsable shares?
I thought about them, but the GUI's to admin. user login & local shares only.

It'd be nice to have user login per each share, now user's access all shares.
Also it'd be nice to have user groups to make user access easier to admin.
There's lots of other options & services that Samba has to offer.
It was just a loose idea, as browsing through this forum about samba server and client I found references for commands like smbclient, adduser etc.. But I realize the possible options of such commands are extensive and probably not easy to put in a GUI form. But I am already happy with your approach.
sunburnt wrote:Yes... I've noticed the exact same behavior using Linneighborhood. (flakey)
And there's posts about share connection trouble with Win2K & XP. (98 is ok!)
Those problems are due to Linneighborhood & Win., not Puppy or this GUI.
I think in my case the problem is in the Windows PC.
It sees the Samba Server, but when clicking on it, I get a message that I have no access to the PUPPYPC host, due to insufficient admin rights.
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#8 Post by sunburnt »

Beem; Making a GUI with smbclient & other Samba tools would be easy.
However that's exactly what Linneighborhood is using to do it's job.
So accordingly I don't want to reinvent the wheel any more than I have to.
I could make a Linneighborhood clone, but in using the same tools it'll just be the same.

NOTE: A share must be "browsable", to be seen by other PCs! BROUSABLE = YES
That's what browsable means, & "smbclient -L" lists "browsable" shares.
If a share isn't browsable, then the client PC must already know it's there.

Also perhaps try making a guest share, set the text box: GUEST = YES
This may at least get it working for you & you can fiddle with it after that.
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#9 Post by jamesbond »

Hi Terry,

Consider me as a very inexperienced user. This is what I did:

part 1
1. Download the tarball
2. Untar it.
3. Install Muppy-SMB. I dont change anything to the default /etc/samba/smb.conf
4. Run the samba-admin
5. Add a user with a password. After clicking "add" button, I see nothing happens. But if I try to add another user with the same name, it says "user already exist"
part 2
6. Go to the "shares" tab
7. See that "home" shares are enabled, don't like it, so click the "disable" button. Nothing happens. Click the disable buttons again - then it is changed to disabled.
8. Add a new share, with name "TOP" and path is "/". I set everything to "yes" (browseable, writable etc). Click add.
9. The new share is shown - good ! But when I click the new share, the attributes (browseable etc) all shows no.
part 3
10. I start the muppy-smb manually (by going to /usr/local/Muppy-SMB/resource/sharefiles and executing nmbd and smbd from there). There is no /etc/rc.d/rc.same for me.
--> comment --- there should be an option to start/restart the smb/nmb server
11. tried to "browse" from windows, executing command like "net view \\x.x.x.x" (x.x.x.x is puppypc's ip address) ==> got 'Access is denied' error.
part 4
12. tried to run "smbclient -L localhost" in puppypc, got this:

Code: Select all

Anonymous login successful
Domain=[MYGROUP] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.0.21c]

        Sharename       Type      Comment
        ---------       ----      -------
        TOP             Disk      top filesystem
        IPC$            IPC       IPC Service (Samba Server)
        ADMIN$          IPC       IPC Service (Samba Server)
Anonymous login successful
Domain=[MYGROUP] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.0.21c]

        Server               Comment
        ---------            -------
        PUPPYPC              Samba Server

        Workgroup            Master
        ---------            -------
        MYGROUP              PUPPYPC
        WORKGROUP            AU-NCSI100
13. tried to run "smbclient -L localhost -U blah" where blah is the username I added in step 5.
Got this:

Code: Select all

session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE
part 5
14. Run linneighbourhood.
15. Doubleclick puppypc entry, nothing happens
15. Click the "add compter" icon, adding ""
16. Linneigbourhood detect as PUPPYPC (all caps), and when I doubleclick this entry, it expands and show me my "TOP" share.
17. Double-click on TOP opens the "mount" window. Mounting directly w/o my userid & password works (because I enable guest?), Rox shows my share.
18. Unmount the share (with linneigbourhood)
19. trying to mount the share again with my userid "blah" and its password, I've got error "SMB connection failed, 11456: session setup failed: ERRDOS - ERRnoaccess"

All tested on clean 2.15CE liveCD running in RAM. All test were done continuously from step 1 to finish w/o reboot.

Additional note: at the same time when doing this test, I can use linneighbourhood to mount my windows shares and read/write to them, eventhough I don't explicitly share anything - it detects and allows me to use windows default shares (the C$ and D$ thingy).
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#10 Post by Béèm »

If LinNeighborhood has to do this job, ok, the wheel should not be re-invented, but I think you stated also that LinNeighborhood was flawky.
I don't know who did write LinNeighborhood but is 0.6.5 the latest level?

This is exactly the same experience I have.
I did another step and displayed the workgroup on my XP machine and the puppy Samba Server is seen there, but I can't display the share due to a access right problem. (remark: see your network administrator <grin>)
I configured the same user on the puppy PC as on the XP PC with password and using the same network group name on both machines.
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#11 Post by Béèm »



:oops: :oops:
My own fault. I couldn't write to the XP share.
I forgot to tick on the XP share side that network users are allowed to write to the share.
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#12 Post by sunburnt »

Hi guys; Thanks for the feed-back!

Beem; If the share is Guest, then you cannot login to it (it errors).
I don't know what the latest version of Linneighborhood is, Barry chooses apps.

part 1) I assume the new user you made didn't show in the User's Table list?
I made the Login Admin. part of the GUI a while back, I'll look at it.

part 2) Two clicks to get the Share's Table list to show "Disabled"? I'll look at it.
As I told Beem, "Add Samba Share" is just for that, not showing Samba options.
If you want to see the options just click: [EDIT: smb.conf] & you can do it all.

part 3) Look at the second post above, download the file: rc.samba
You should be able to use the Win. file browser to see the network neighborhood.

part 4) The [top] share you made is there, IPC$ & ADMIN$ always show.
I don't use smbclient or many of the other Samba tools for much.

part 5) No Login: Guest = YES , Share can be seen: Browsable = YES
If the share is Guest, then no login is needed or "allowed" (login errors).
QUOTE: To mount my windows shares even though I don't share anything.
Does the Win. PC have shares or not? Other PCs can't connect without them.
XP, Win2k, & Win98 have no "default" shares, you must make them.
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#13 Post by Béèm »

sunburnt wrote:Hi guys; Thanks for the feed-back!

Beem; If the share is Guest, then you cannot login to it (it errors).
I don't know what the latest version of Linneighborhood is, Barry chooses apps.
You mean at the XP side?
I don't use the guest account there.
I use my regular account, but I have never understood the access permissions. The XP is a home edition and I don't think there is support to specifically deny or permit access per user.
The Pro edition is different in this aspect.

As for the LinNeighborhood version, I just googled and the latest is 0.6.5, so we're not behind here.
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#14 Post by BarryK »

To start Samba at boot, put in the file: "/etc/rc.d/rc.local" this line:

/etc/rc.d/rc.samba start

rc.samba takes these arguments: start , stop , restart
In Puppy 2.16 (and later) you can put it in /etc/init.d/rc.samba and it will get automatically started at bootup (with the 'start' option) and stopped at shutdown.
Puppy doesn't offer any choice -- if a script is in /etc/init.d it will get started at bootup, so even people who don't want Samba will get it -- would need to have some other control to prevent it, or leave it in /etc/rc.d.

Linneighborhood is a dead project, v0.6.5 was released in 2002, nothing since then. It's GTK1. So, if you want to develop a replacement, go fo it!
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#15 Post by sunburnt »

Beem; Samba has 3 sets of "guest" commands:
"guest ok" & "public": ................. Guest access allowed.
"guest account": .......................... UNIX user name for access.
"guest only" & "only guest": ..... Only guest connections allowed.
My [Add Samba share] button puts in: "guest ok" & "guest only".
I haven't used "guest account", so I don't know much about it.

Samba also has: HOME shares, private user space on the Samba server.
My GUI doesn't have this feature at the moment.

Barry; That's great! I suggested the idea for /etc/init.d a long time ago.
So making installers for server (daemon) packages for Puppy is easier.

I think I'll add a Samba server: (Enable / Disable) option to the GUI. (good idea)

NOTE: IF anyone thinks a certain Samba option should be added... SAY SO!!!
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#16 Post by Béèm »

I don't know or realize how much work it could be, but now it's clear that LinNeigborhood is flawky and dead, it would be nice to have that facility again, unless there is already a kinda replacement for it in the Linux community.

I can't help much in development, but testing.

A challenge? :wink:
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#17 Post by sunburnt »

### NEW VERSION: I found some bugs & seriously rewrote it.

Near as I can tell, it looks like everything is working.

NOTE: I added the option: Samba Server = ON / OFF

Beem; You might Google to see if there's a replacement for Linneighborhood.
If you find a new one being developed (hopfully better), we'll test it for Barry.
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#18 Post by Béèm »

I have started looking already yesterday, but didn't find something up to now. Will continue looking.
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#19 Post by jamesbond »

sunburnt wrote:### NEW VERSION: I found some bugs & seriously rewrote it.
Will test again tomorrow. I presume I can download from the original post, it will contain the updated scripts? :D
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#20 Post by sunburnt »

jamesbond; Yes, there were about 15 downloads, now there's 0 or more.
The download counter is reset to zero when a new file is uploaded.

Odd, the button: [Upload New Version] shows the old file's size, not the new ones.
I assumed it didn't upload the new one, so I delete & then attach the new one.

Idea for this forum (or any forum), show the date a file was uploaded.
Then it'll be relatively easy to tell if it's a new one...
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