Puppy linux looks too much like Windows

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Re: Window Manager

#21 Post by BarryK »

Anonymous wrote:
gliezl wrote:Will FVWM95 be removed in Puppy 1.0.5? Please don't. It's really easy for me to use Puppy. :)
I'm with you there. I do not like JWM at all for a number of reasons. Most other window managers that I have seen remind me too much of Windows XP (which I despise.) If fvwm95 is not available (or something similar enough), then count me out as well. There's an old copy of RedHat that I have been itching to try in the event that happens.
At this stage, JWM has too many bugs to be the default window manager.
What about iceWM?
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#22 Post by Flash »

Oops. :oops:
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#23 Post by Flash »

I don't prefer any particular window manager, for what that's worth. It would be nice if the cursor size, and the text size and font for the whole system, were easy to adjust.
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#24 Post by Ian »

I'm with Flash.
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Re: Window Manager

#25 Post by Lobster »

BarryK wrote: At this stage, JWM has too many bugs to be the default window manager.
What about iceWM?
PizzaPup (with Pizza Puplet) and G2's efforts in particular have shown that Icewm is smaller, more configurable and just as stable as fvwm95.

I am using fvwm95 (because it is the default) but I feel icewm offers us more potential and scope. Many users feel that being in control of their environment and being able to customise it, increases their trust and confidence in it.

"cursor size, and the text size and font for the whole system" which is a priority for Ian and Flash IS met very well by IceWm

I vote for Icewm
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#26 Post by MU »

You may setup Text-size for Gtk1 and Gtk2 -based applications using "switch" and "gtk-chtheme".

If you want to install additional themes from http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ , download some and extract them to /usr/share/themes so that these two programs will find them.

If something goes wrong, delete /root/.gtkrc or /root/.gtkrc-2.0
Especially with "switch" I sometimes get errors.

Tell me if something is missing, I currently run Linux-Mandrake, but used these programs on Puppy with success some days ago.


** EDIT **
Repackaged the dotpup, now it will install to /usr/local
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#27 Post by keenerd »

I like JWM. It has (in my opinion) one of the best implementations of multiple/virtual(?) desktops. It's also very easy to change the width of the scroll bar, and the height of the title bar and task bar. (Always the first thing I do on an 800x600 monitor. Small bars make it feel like 1076x768.) I also like have my taskbar set at half screen width, so I can use the free space to either side for menu launching (main menu button disabled, so this is a must). Icing on the cake was seting the load monitor and clock to launch ROX and rxvt, respectivly.

Anyway, I had my fickle setup completed in about 15 minutes after browsing the JWM documentation.

People always say ICE is so configurable, but I couldn't figure out how to do half of this. Besides, ICE's desktop chooser isn't very good looking and can't tell you if you have windows open.
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#28 Post by GuestToo »

icewm seems to work well with Puppy and rox
it's very easy to work with
mostly it's an executable file that does not need to be in a particular dir
it's better with a few config files, of course, but it will start even with no config files at all

the executable is about 500k, depending on the compile options ... icewm in my package has just about everything compiled in

upx'ed, icewm is about 130k

one thing about icewm, it's being actively maintained

there are a lot of configuration options, and it is easy to configure (by editing the text of the config files) ... there are config guis, but a lot of them are python programs ... i prefer a text editor

you can easily set it up to launch any program you like when the clock, mail icon, cpu monitor, and network monitor are clicked ... my icewm package pops up a time/date window when clicked (like fvwm95), but the window has buttons to launch xcalendar or xclock ... it would be trivial to have buttons for rxvt or a clock-setting program

also, launch icons can easily be added to the task bar at the left ... i already have rox and rxvt in a Quick Launch Menu, but you can easily add a rox and an rxvt icon to launch them directly (just edit /root/.icewm/toolbar) ... also, you can configure shortcut keys ... i already have a shortcut key for rxvt ... ctrl+alt+T ... i don't seem to have a shortcut for rox ... ok, i just added one, ctrl+alt+R, took about 10 seconds to edit /root/.icewm/keys to add the shortcut

the thing i like least about icewm is the pager buttons ... i like to be able to roll the mouse wheel to switch desktops ... i like the way fluxbox does it ... if anyone knows of a patch for icewm that does this, i'll gladly put it in my icewm package

anyway, there needs to be an icewm Unleashed package ... i think what i'll do, instead of uploading my own Unleashed package, is to make a dotpup that installs a program that will automatically make an Unleashed package from the icewm files that you have installed on Puppy ... that way, you can quickly and easily install and setup icewm the way you like, and make your own icewm Unleashed package, setup with your own themes and menus and configuration
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#29 Post by Pizzasgood »

I don't use multiple desktops much, except for quickly seeing how a new walpaper looks, and if I'm taking a break from my homework. But it takes all of .1 seconds to click through each of them to see if there is anything there. I don't even bother with the desktop chooser, because it's quicker to just hit the big old "2" on the taskbar.
Configuration time/ease is a matter of familiarity. When I first started using Puppy, it took weeks before I had it set up how I like. Now, I can start with a fresh install and have the entire thing done in 15-25 minutes (including time spend downloading themes and spend setting up wireless). Of course someone who doesn't know how to configure IceWM will find it troublesome, just like I have no idea how to configure JWM.

I'm all for IceWM, especially if it's more stable than JWM. I just hate bugs. They fly around and get in your face, but when you go to swat them, they dissappear. The only bug I like is the praying mantis, because they are just plain awesome. I guess Abby the Ant is okay too, though.

Keep Puppy cool. IceWM cool, that is 8)
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#30 Post by miamuy »

windows manager? icewm. yeah, beginner's choice. :D
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Configuration for FVWM95

#31 Post by gliezl »

Hi! I don't know if i posted this message in the right forum, but the subject is about Puppy looking like windows. Anyway, could you guys help me on how to configure FVM95? Me and my friend happen to experiment with it. My problem is this. See my screenshot.
I just manage to change some of the xpm files with windows-looking icons.
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#32 Post by miamuy »


you'll get sued by Micro$oft :lol:

do you know here in the Philippines, Micro$oft & NBI authorities (FBI in US) are raiding cyber shops with unlicensed or even licensed softwares. because they say these shops are breaching EULA, about the "don't-let-third-party-people-use-their-software-part-of-EULA" :evil:

hard part is, they'll get everything, i mean everything, & if you want them back you have to pay fines only to find out those computers are no longer working (missing parts). :evil:

Microsoft + Bush Regime = Fascism

#33 Post by Guest »

At a AMD/ Microsoft road show The Microsoft rep. stated " that Micosoft had arrested" - the statement shows how much the corp personhood has move to corp statehood - with advent of privatizes army (seruity fource) In Iraq and how deploy in New Orleans (await for the land grab). The next step is to force the collapse Of the UN and international LAW so the the Corp Statehood can move the the corp empire (linux user are traitors{rebels} to the Microsoft Empire). To me Linux embodies Civilization - cooperation, community, sharing... - while pure capitalism is ownership of all: land (what in and under it: oil, iron, etc..), water, air , plants (DMA), amimials (people) (DMA), all knownage- with the power to buy, sell, control. Is not a Democratic instution but the wild beast the that Democratic Civilization harness to propel/power it into the future and that like any wild animal can turn and devourer whose whom forget/drop their guard.
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#34 Post by rarsa »

Hey gliezl,

It would be really nice if you change "Windows 2000 Professional" with "Puppy 1.0.5 Professional" IN the same font and style.
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#35 Post by Pizzasgood »

Except if it is a scheme to smuggle Puppy into "Windows-Only" environments, like at school. :twisted: I was going to make one like that at one point, but I decided that I'd never use it. I was going to go as far as to clear out the boot messages and replace them with more Windows-like ones.
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#36 Post by gliezl »

rarsa wrote:Hey gliezl,

It would be really nice if you change "Windows 2000 Professional" with "Puppy 1.0.5 Professional" IN the same font and style.
How about this? But not exact. :D
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#37 Post by klhrevolutionist »

Good job gziel
Can you tell me where to put that???
I'm using icewm
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Re: nice

#38 Post by gliezl »

klhrevolutionist wrote:Good job gziel
Thank you! :)
klhrevolutionist wrote: Can you tell me where to put that???
I don't know. :(
klhrevolutionist wrote:I'm using icewm
i am using FVWM95. I still need to change the image format to XPM.
Probably I'll make one for Krazy Puppy. :wink:
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#39 Post by Lobster »

As far as I know Barry has developed an automated way of adding version numbers for 1.0.5

However once the alignment is sorted and the size is the same AND you tell us where the converted xpm is located we could download the pupget (JWM is the default in 1.0.5 - does not use this graphic) and upgrade to Puppy 1.0.5 Professional.

Now you know how MS make their products "professional" - they just call it professional . . . (the secret is out)

Good graphic :)
I would have though mtpaint will output to .xpm (you can also set the size to exactly match the existing .xpm)
which I believe is located here:
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#40 Post by rarsa »

That's what I mean glizel. Beautiful... and the graphic too.
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