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#101 Post by cb88 »

leave jwm? it is 100k or so this was disscussed when 2.15 ce came out read that thread. plus if icewm(some tray stuff and messing w/ settings can do this or experimentation in general) crashes or someone like me installs beryl and it crashes there should be a fallback that just works that would be JWM.

as to removing p2p leave transmission as many puppy ISOs are torrents. as to their being notoriously non-Christian television radio newspapers ....must not be ok either (what matters is that it is used prudently not what it can be used for).

Pidgin is huge is it not?

why cutdown open office? if someone has the bandwidth for any open office they should get the whole thing and java. is ram the issue? i would say no since you mention openoffice or wine at all.

WINE installed absolutely yes.

and qemu to run win 95 or 3.1(available as abandonware even though it is still proprietary). with the java frontend if java is included.
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#102 Post by LOF »

Full openoffice sounds good. (is the sfs the best way of doing that?)
I agree with cb88, we should leave JWM, it's small and a good fall-back.
Wine will go in if that's what everyone wants.
Microsoft readers are a good idea.
Is Adobe reader really needed? Surely a pdf looks the same everywhere?

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#103 Post by richard.a »

LOF wrote:Full openoffice sounds good. (is the sfs the best way of doing that?)
The cut-back version of Office was Barry's idea, in order to keep the size of the ISO down. Talk to him. He also provided the files left out as a download for those who felt they could not do without them.

We need to recognise that not everybody is on a high-speed connection. Many people associated with churches don't even have an email address, let alone a computer :)

If you are on dial-up some phone lines are woeful still. I know friends in Oregon who moved from California about 4 years ago, and only last year were they able to get a high-speed connection. I know many people in Australia whose phone exchanges are not capable of supporting ADSL, and no cable is available either. Others live in suitable areas but telcos scrimp on line plant with RIMs and the like, so again no high speed. That last problem is world-wide, by the way.

Some folk are likely to only use a cafe - particularly in 3rd world countries.

We are talking about an operating system that anybody - regardless of how little they know and have (right now) is equipped with, after all.

My point about just the one window manager was for keeping things simple for this particular group of potential users.

sfs may be fine for you or me. Are they fine for Joe User? Will he copy it to the right place? Will he even know to?
LOF wrote:Is Adobe reader really needed? Surely a pdf looks the same everywhere?
Not in my experience. That is why I use MS readers for exactly the same reason.

[i]Have you noticed editing is always needed for the inevitable typos that weren't there when you hit the "post" button?[/i]

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#104 Post by LOF »

richard.a wrote:The cut-back version of Office was Barry's idea, in order to keep the size of the ISO down. Talk to him. He also provided the files left out as a download for those who felt they could not do without them.
I'm persuaded. Cut-back version it is then.
richard.a wrote:Many people associated with churches don't even have an email address, let alone a computer :)
A bit harsh methinks, but I can see where you're coming from.
richard.a wrote:sfs may be fine for you or me. Are they fine for Joe User? Will he copy it to the right place? Will he even know to?
Good point. Completely forgot.
richard.a wrote:
LOF wrote:Is Adobe reader really needed? Surely a pdf looks the same everywhere?
Not in my experience. That is why I use MS readers for exactly the same reason.
Again valid point. I agree that the MS readers, at least, are a very important part. A Powerpoint presentation from a visiting preacher that can't work is always a worry.

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#105 Post by richard.a »

Not a problem brother :)

Typing sometimes comes across as a bit autocratic and that hasn't been my intention; if it has seemed that way, please accept my apologies. :)

I know in our small church that only one other chap apart from me knows anything about what goes on inside computers (I'm the only one now, who has ever ventured outside the world of Windows; they lost the other Linux chap 2 or 3 years ago), and several others seem to think that knowing where the power switch is is all you need to know lol :) And I don't say that in a snobby way at all.

This is why I do relate to the chap who wrote "The penguin in the pew" (well worth reading, available as a pdf), because of difficulties I discovered when in desperation the secretary managed to get permission to ask me to help her with hardware problems on the office's computer, which had been created by a well meaning member (since left in a huff) who loaded illegal OS's and other software to the point the thing ground to a halt :(

As an afterthought I add this paragraph... the people there who make the decisions decided, without any consultation, to go out and buy a legal copy of XP and Office, despite the fact the assistant pastor understood the rudiments in our discussion (he is a qualified medical doctor) and had accepted the logic of converting the existing inadequate office computer into a file server running Linux that loads into RAM on boot. So they now have an unuseable XP Home because they will be replacing the actual office computer with a brand new laptop for the secretary to take home as well. A long convoluted story that is typical of committees making ad hoc decisions, unfortunately. And the sad thing is they believe they are doing a good job :(

Hence my thoughts about Keep It Simple, Saint :D

I was part of the LindowsOS (subsequently Linspire) testing team for a couple of years and we kept on getting our suggestions and recommendations pulled back to think "target users" lol :D

Looking forward to this project immensely. And enjoy your shabb'at today also :) Ours is ending, it's 11.40pm here.

Night night and may the Lord bless you abundantly :)
[i]Have you noticed editing is always needed for the inevitable typos that weren't there when you hit the "post" button?[/i]

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Simplepup and PET package?

#106 Post by captain_nemo »

I'm now using SimplePup on an old Gateway Solo 2500 (and love it) and came across ChurchPup and the pet packages. SimplePup doesn't let me install these packages --- am I missing something? I open them up in ROX-filer and when I click on a .pet I get an editor with binary gunk in it. Am I missing something here or is SimplePup just not gonna work with this?

Thanks for any guidance!
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Re: Simplepup and PET package?

#107 Post by PrairieDog »

captain_nemo wrote:I'm now using SimplePup
Morning captain_nemo,

I guess the old PupGet package manager doesn't handle .pets.

The package will install if you rename it from to bibledesktop.tar.gz and install it through pupget as an "alien" package. Then you'll have to find /root/my-applications/BibleDesktop/ and rename that file simply BibleDesktop. Click on that and it should run.
I don't think it will add a menu entry to Simplepup.

I confess I didn't have the older Puppies in mind when I uploaded that package. With a little research I might be able to come up with a dotpup that will install correctly and add a menu entry.
Let us know if the alien package trick works for you, Captain,

Be well everyone!

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#108 Post by cb88 »

I tried the but it complained that java could not be found when i ran it from the console
frugal 2.16 booting with wakepup2 the .pet installs fine as you mentioned there are many java deps. that are missing it would not run.

I have a feeling that this will not run well on an old PC since java is basically a virtual machine and probably slower than wine but i am not sure.

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#109 Post by jacklayne »

cb88 wrote:I would seriously reconsider distributing NIV since it clearly alters God's word and was translated by admitted homosexuals. how are they supposed to be guided by God in the translation of the word if they are in sin and God hears not the prayer of a sinner?
You use the Bible as a weapon of hate instead of a weapon of love. If you think someone is destined for Hell, why not show them the way to Heaven?
What of the quote that says ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God?

I think this thread is excellent. Thank you to LOF for starting the project. I've been waiting for it!
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#110 Post by cb88 »

@ jacklayne I really don't know where you are coming from but if you thing I hate sinners thats just wrong I love the people and hate their sin and don't think that I am a high and mighty either. I hate having done many things in my life that i deeply regret. My point was that certain sins disqualify people from holding certain religious positions namely preaching or being a deacon. Also when I said that God does not hear the prayer of a sinner that does not include the prayer for salvation. If a person is not able to be guided by the Holy Spirit then how can we expect them to translate God's word as God intends it to be. In no way do I bar anyone regardless of their beliefs from repenting of their sin and praying for forgiveness and salvation by grace through faith. If I did not love sinners then I wouldn't have posted my comments in this thread in the first place. you asked why not show then the way to heaven. How can I do that with a mutilated bible? I really don't want to say anything against anyone here if you are in sin the you most likely already know it any way.

in one of your previous posts you said this:
No one on here is unduly rude, no one is smug and superior, and I love the "family" feeling of it!
That is how I feel and I would never want mess things up here on the forum. Even though some unnamed persons would call this view naive even they are here just to have some fun.

sincerely, cb88
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#111 Post by LOF »

Hey all, sorry that I'm a bit absent.

I've got stuff going on (but not flooding, so don't worry about that) but I'll try to work on this.

Right. Once again, anybody got a definite opinion on music notation software, parental controls or a daily bible verse feature?

Do people still want Fortune for the daily bible verse thing? I know little/nothing about it.

Sorry again that this is taking forever to come out.

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#112 Post by michaewlewis »

I think any of the notation software would be fine as long as it puts notes on the page, plays them, and can transpose. I'm not on my linux box now, otherwise I'd give a better response.
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#113 Post by cb88 »

include gocr an optical recognition tool works ok and is very small
genertated this from the 2.17 welcome.png first boot background

Code: Select all

Welcome, _oof, _oofl.

As th_s _s the vey f_rst t_me that you have booted (stakedt Puppy, he _s _nn_ng                                                               totaIIy _n RAM!

RAm 5pace    The taskbar shows how much space _s ava_IabIe for f_Ie stora9e. If                                                               show_n9 a red back9round,
space _s cr_t_caI, so do not _n b_g apps I_ke SeaMonkey -- _nstead, shutdown Pup                                                              py and you
w_II be asked to create a permanent storage f_Ie, that w_II g_ve you more space.

_nternet      CI_ck on the 'connect' _con (one cI_ck onIy -- do not doubIe-cI_ck                                                              !t You w_II then see two buttons,
.      to choose the D_aIup or Network W_zards -- cI_ck the Iatter _f you have a                                                               w_red or w_reIess broadband
COnneCtIOn   connect_on. conf_gurat_on of Puppy for _nternet access w_II _n most                                                               cases be vey stra_ghtfomard.

saving a      At f_rst shutdown, you are asked where you want to save your perso                                                              naI f_Ies/data/sett_n9s to, and th_s
.          can be any FAT (as used for MSDOS or W_ndows 9xt pak_t_on, NTFS (as u                                                              sed by W_ndows XPt pak_t_on
5e55IOn       or L_nux pak_t_on _n the hard dr_ve, or any pIug_n dr_ve (usB FIas                                                              h pen dr_ve for exampIet

_ need he_p _.   Lots of IocaI heIp _s ava_IabIe -- seIect 'HeIp' _n the menu. T                                                              he IocaI He!p pa9e
aIso has the ReIease Notes for th_s vers_on of Puppy -- weII wokh check_ng out!
When you get onI_ne, the web browser home page has many more I_nks.
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Parental Controls

#114 Post by Subito Piano »

The parental controls is a great idea. I have not had time to read through everything, so forgive me if someone else already suggested my thoughts....

First, a great Firefox extension is available called ProCon (now ProCon Latte) developed by a Christian. I'm not sure it's perfect but I use it at school and urge you to check it out at .

Second, have you downloaded Ubuntu CE and checked out their parental controls? They took DansGuardian and preconfigured it, also adding easy-to-use controls for the user (or parent, root, etc.). Whether Ubuntu is a good or bad distro is not the issue; their parental controls are great.

Best Wishes!
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#115 Post by PrairieDog »

LOF wrote:Do people still want Fortune for the daily bible verse thing? I know little/nothing about it.
Hello Gang, Say has anyone actually gotten Fortune to work on Puppy? I found a version that runs in a terminal. Functional but sort of ....well, ugly. Maybe there's a graphical front end for it but I haven't found it yet.

I was imagining a splash screen with the daily Bible verse on it that appears as the desktop loads.

An HTML page with a Bible verse that changes every day wouldn't be too hard. Maybe link it to a desktop icon? I think even a Low-Tech like me could help with that.

I guess I'm just thinking out loud. I've been Googling for a Verse of the Day Thing and not not finding much that's Puppy compliant.
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#116 Post by LOF »

I'm liking your thinking aloud PrairieDog! Splash screen would be awesome. No idea how it would be done though.

ProCon looks like a good little program. I'm all for having this for now. (maybe for the next version we should spend lots of time looking into parental controls?) However that still leaves Seamonkey open to "evil". Perhaps take seamonkey out completely? Or is Firefox too unstable in Puppy to have as sole browser? Also then mail etc. would be needed.
Just a thought.

GOCR is in if that's what you want cb88. No probs there.

As to notation. Anyone got a preference and we'll go with that.

Peace out brothers (and sisters).

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#117 Post by cb88 »

Is there no across the board parental control software? could much of your efforts be nulled by some kid installing hv3 or dillo or opera? could software be developed that scans data as it comes in like a firewall or windows virus scanner? linux does not need a virus scanner but an "evil" scanner might be good.

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#118 Post by PrairieDog »

LOF wrote:is Firefox too unstable in Puppy to have as sole browser?
Firefox seems an excellent browser in my experience. I use it on the home computer and at work. The company I work for even uses it at the main office albeit on windows. And Thunderbird for the email client is the perfect companion. There's even a matching Christian theme for Thunderbird (matches the Ubuntu Christian theme that is).

Removing Seamonkey would disable Puppys default html viewer (gtkmoz) and disable Gxine but there are very easy workarounds for those problems.
And I think OpenOffice needs the "" installed if Seamonkey is missing. Does anyone know any other programs dependent on Seamonkey?

I probably make it sound like it's complicated but it really isn't. It's just the way I explain it. If you want Firefox I can make a less incoherent outline when I have a little more time.Tomorrow for sure.

Gotta go feed the cats right now,

Walk in Love,

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#119 Post by jcagle »

Someone may have mentioned this here, I don't know, but just in case, I was on and stumbled upon this link.
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#120 Post by jacklayne »

in one of your previous posts you said this:
No one on here is unduly rude, no one is smug and superior, and I love the "family" feeling of it!
That is how I feel and I would never want mess things up here on the forum. Even though some unnamed persons would call this view naive even they are here just to have some fun.

sincerely, cb88[/quote]

I appreciate your response, cb88, and I'm glad you feel the way about this forum that I do. I'm also more than glad to read that you do, indeed, care about "sinners", which I was raised to believe EVERYONE is. I know people might consider a lot of things I say naive, but that's fine by me. I would RATHER be naive than so hip to the world that I can't stand it.

I apologize if what I said hurt your feelings. It makes me wonder if you realize how your posts come across sometimes, but that's really tricky to say....after all, I always worry that when I'm expressing concern I'll come across as condescending or smug!

Thank you for your kind reply,

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