Cannot load puppy 2.16

Booting, installing, newbie
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Cannot load puppy 2.16

#1 Post by serfcx »

Good day all.
Like the look of this distro and have tried earlier releases with no success on this old Toshiba portege 7020ct. The only distro I can get to run is Zenwalk so I know Xorg will recognise the video card
Here is relevant section of etc/X11/xorg.conf
Section "Device"
Identifier "Videocard1"
VendorName "Neomagic Corporation"
BoardName "NM2200 [MagicGraph 256AV]"
Driver "neomagic"
BusID "PCI:0:4:0"

How can I get puppy to get past the xorg and vesa choice screen on the live CD as at the moment it hangs.
I cannot use a USBstick for puppy as there is some problem with the usb port on the laptop

Any experts out there able to help - simple terms for a noob please

Thanks alot
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#2 Post by cherriepuppy »


this thread might help

Posts: 7
Joined: Thu 31 May 2007, 14:58

#3 Post by serfcx »

I doubt if it will help as the last entry is about "goodbye sweet laptop"
Posts: 7
Joined: Thu 31 May 2007, 14:58

#4 Post by serfcx »

Having same problem on new puppy release so thought I would bump this old post.

Anybody out there ?
Posts: 74
Joined: Sun 11 Dec 2005, 20:27
Location: uk

#5 Post by cherriepuppy »

same answer as before, works for me.


portage 7010ct
p2 300MHZ
160MB ram
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