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#61 Post by MU »

It certainly is not good to loose engaged contributors like Gekko.
I want to thank him for all his efforts first!

But this also shows something else:
As we have no ridgid structure, Puppy will survive that he leaves.
If we would rely on the bugtracker, now we had a severe problem.

Open Source Software relies in a high degree on the feelings of the contributors.
This on the other hand makes it vulnerable to disappointed emotions.

If Gekko would be someone with structured tasks, we now had to look for someone replacing him.

So the chaotic structure shurely has some advantages, we just can carry on, and certainly will miss some contributions, but that does not stop us in the whole.

Gekko, wish you all the best, and hope one day you might revise your decision.
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#62 Post by T_B »

Reading this thread I guess the majority of the community likes the 2 months release cycle, I know I do. One of the features in Puppy I really like is the frugal install. Never seen
something like this in another distro, it makes backing up your system so incredibly easy.
When I used Fedora or Ubuntu I always was in doubt if it was wise to upgrade and needed to reinstall everything again. If an upgrade breaks something in Puppy, I'm up and running in a couple of minutes again.

I have installed Puppy on 2 friends' computers, and it would be nice to have a sort of stable release of Puppy with continues bug and security fixes (preferably automaticly like Ubuntu). It would be easier for me to maintain these and nice to know there still is support (with new pups/pets etc) A version like this would also very suitable to use with sfs packages.
This could be the CE version that is maintained by the community, with a release cycle of a year or so.

To summarize this: I *LOVE* the 2 months release cycle but would like to see a more stable community driven fork.

Barry keep up the good work, you and all other Puppy devs are doing a great job!

#63 Post by jonyo »

Might consider ignoring the speck in others (but doubt you will :) ) & look in the mirror s'more.

Also (as usual..), there is so much more that was said along with the chosen words snipped, cut & pasted (& it's sooo eaazy to dooo..)..that can then mean many things (good bet outa context :) ), & or, be spun & twisted into whatever..

As to the theme.. "in one breath & yet in nearly the very next he"..
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 140#125765
(A wise man recently summed it up much better than I ever could: "Policy and firmness does not exclude good manners and communication between dissenting parties.")
http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 833#124833

Beauty is in the eye the beholder :).. of course..

btw..interesting avatar..
alienjeff wrote:
In one breath, BarryK wrote:yes, there is a bug reporting thingy, but I have only logged in a couple of times, can't be bothered
Bug reporting thingy? Can't be bothered?
yet in nearly the very next he wrote:I don't want to put down Gekko ...
You may not have wanted to, but you did.


#64 Post by jonyo »

MU wrote:So the chaotic structure shurely has some advantages
I'll say :)

http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 337#129337
"Running Linux From a USB Flash Drive: Pure Heaven"

I like this part :)
"Several of Gizmos readers had praised Puppy Linux for its clever tricks" :lol:
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#65 Post by Dougal »

WhoDo wrote:
Dougal wrote:My point was that there is no such effort taking place.
Hmmm... then you wouldn't have noticed that PET packages now appear in PSI? And you wouldn't have been privy to Pizzasgood's posts about working on Pet-be-gone? And you really do have a keyhole camera in Barry's donga at Perenjori, too? :P

The effort is there, Dougal, if you are willing to see it in all its disjointed glory. I never suggested any "grand plan". That is simply not in the nature of Puppy's development processes. I just said there were team members working on it ... over time ... as the mood and time allows.
Sorry, I'm still not convinced.
There might be some individuals working on it sporadically, but it's not something serious. Claiming there's a "team" working on it implies something big, as if we're working on cracking the atom or something...
If you want an improved package management system, why not have at it yourself? You're way beyond most with scripts, I believe. I'm sure Barry, MU, Pizzasgood and others, including myself, would be grateful if you did. Just a thought.
It's not possible. I am talking of changing the contents of the repository, which is why I originally suggested it before 2.00 and before 2.10. (I actually outlined how it should be done and even posted a script that would calculate dependencies, to be used when modifying the packages)
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#66 Post by WhoDo »

Dougal wrote:Sorry, I'm still not convinced.
There might be some individuals working on it sporadically, but it's not something serious. Claiming there's a "team" working on it implies something big, as if we're working on cracking the atom or something...
Ok, so what it boils down to is a difference in perceptions. I perceive the Puppy community as having two distinct parts - those who contribute to Puppy's development are part of the development team, and those who simply enjoy the fruits of that work are in the wider Puppy community. True, use of the word "team" implies working together for a common cause ... in my perception that cause is the betterment of Puppy. That's pretty "big" to me. :P
I am talking of changing the contents of the repository, which is why I originally suggested it before 2.00 and before 2.10. (I actually outlined how it should be done and even posted a script that would calculate dependencies, to be used when modifying the packages)
I'm not. I'm talking about having a single point of access to the currently available packages, wherever they are. I made that clear in a much earlier post. PSI currently fulfils that requirement, which is why I recommend it to anyone who complains about a lack of working package links, usually from using the Puppy Package Manager, which has many broken links I believe.

Changing the repository, and restructuring the package update process is a monumental task, I can see that. Improving and even integrating the interactions between PETget, PSI and Pet-be-gone is nothing like that in size or complexity, I'm led to believe. I believe the latter could be handled easily by someone with your script savvy, and would solve 90% of user problems related to software packages. JMHO.
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#67 Post by BarryK »

Okay, as mentioned earlier, it has become apparent that a clear statement of the project parameters and boundaries is required. Here it is:

http://www.puppylinux.com/development/p ... tement.htm

This will likely get updated from time to time.

Maybe this forum should also define some boundaries. In particular, it is a place to discuss about and contribute to all Puppy derivatives and forks, not just my own Puppy. I would like my Puppy to be seen as just one, the original, out of many Puppy-related "doggy" distros, so that anyone coming to this forum doesn't get the idea that the entire Forum exists just for my project.
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#68 Post by WhoDo »

BarryK wrote:Okay, as mentioned earlier, it has become apparent that a clear statement of the project parameters and boundaries is required. Here it is:

http://www.puppylinux.com/development/p ... tement.htm
Very straightforward statement, Barry. Exactly what I understood the project to be all along. I'm happy to be involved with Puppy on those terms and I'm sure most others would be also.

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#69 Post by jonyo »

Nothin like clearin things up! 8)
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#70 Post by Getnikar »

BarryK wrote:Here it is:

http://www.puppylinux.com/development/p ... tement.htm

This will likely get updated from time to time.
That should clear things up considerably.
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#71 Post by scotto_puppy »

Time for me two put my two cents worth in. You dont hear from me very often, I just lurk in the background, reading almost every post. I use Puppy every day, not on my desk, because I paid for a copy of the 'other' OS. As I teach seniors all sorts of computer stuff, from hardware maintenance to applications, I find Puppy immensely stable, useful, and above all else, fun.

The oldies love it. I burn dozens of copies of Puppy each week and the reaction I get from the 'students' is quite simply amazing.

Comments like 'I can't believe it's free' and 'My grand-daughter took it to school and showed her teacher' and 'Why do we still use <-> operating system when Puppy does it all'

The really special thing is the relationship Barry maintains with the others in the forums. Lets face it, some of the comments are not necessarily useful. But they all add to the puppy framework and keep the vibrancy the forward path needs.
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#72 Post by raffy »

Thanks, Barry, for the "clear statement of the project parameters and boundaries". However, you missed something important.

Long ago I've written about my "Puppy syndrome" at http://www.frappr.com/puppykennels
Last seen in ambulance sick with PUPPY SYNDROME (restless when Puppy miniCD is taken away from pocket; can't sit still and complains endlessly when working in another OS; HDD-phobic).

Have fun, have Puppy!
You should take the blame for this! :P
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#73 Post by Eyes-Only »

Fantabulous piece BarryK! Right on! :)

Along with WhoDo I'd have to say, "I have no problems with that!"

Umm... now if I only coded, contributed, and did more than being the Class Clown and Resident Rain-Dancer... LOL! ;)


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#74 Post by MU »

Eyes-Only wrote: Umm... now if I only coded, contributed, and did more than being the Class Clown and Resident Rain-Dancer... LOL! ;)
You contribute a very friendly a helpfull manner here, and this is what makes up the success of Puppy beside the technical advantages.
I'm very happy that you engage in this Forum :)

Time to sleep here on the other side of the ocean, have a nice evening.

Best wishes, Mark
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#75 Post by Eyes-Only »

As we Abenaki say in our Akadien Mark: "Bon Soir! Bonne Nuit! Et fais beaucoup de bons reves mon pet't chou!" ;) If you need a translation (or anyone else for that matter) I'll gladly provide.

Thanks for the kind words mon bon chum! Very much appreciated and very greatly needed at this time!

A la prochaine fois Mark!


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#76 Post by MU »

Non, j'ai pas besoin de traduction.
J'ai appris francais en ecole, et j'était souvent en france.
Ca fait plus que 14 ans maintenant depuis je parlait francais la derniere fois, pour cette raison je fais des fautes, mais je pense on peux aux mois comprendre ce que j'écris :)

Moi-meme, je comprends presque tous écrit dans le forum francophone.

Alors, bonne nuit, à la prochaine!

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#77 Post by Springer »

Barry, first, thanks for all your hard work, and for clarifying the ground rules for Puppy proper. I've tested and deployed literally hundreds of varieties of Linux (since kernel v0.99pl4), for serious enterprise use (including high-end storage and compute clusters). Most of them aren't really all that good, but Puppy is one of two I really admire from the all-important "it just works" perspective. (The contribs.org SME Server is the other Linux distro, plus m0n0wall from the BSD camp.)

While I sympathize with the desire of some for a bit more organization, I wouldn't want to gain that by giving up the dynamism and creativity of Puppy. It's great to hear that the somewhat frenetic pace of Puppy releases will continue.

FWIW, I've selected Puppy as the basis of a new embedded deployment that may well cover tens of thousands of sites. I looked at many alternatives, and although I confess to a marked BSD bias (for both license and architecture), it was Puppy's uniquely lean, powerful, and flexible design that dragged me back to Linux, even though building a commercial system to avoid GPL entanglements is very difficult and expensive. The new modem support in 2.17 was the final straw - that may well save me two months of schedule!

I've even considered building a stripped-down embedded app server platform off of Grafpup, since users are a handy feature on servers... ;-)

Thanks again for keeping Puppy Puppy.

#78 Post by jonyo »

Mois aussi je suis francophone..Canuckadien. :) L'education primaire a l'ecole totalement francais de kindergarten jusqua douzieme annee. J'ai oublie beuacoup et can't spell worth beens ..even in english.. :lol: Croat aussi et un peux plus de quelque s'autre.. Je comprend et peux lire beacoup mieux que je peux ecrire. Salut! Jean
MU wrote:Non, j'ai pas besoin de traduction. Salut
J'ai appris francais en ecole, et j'était souvent en france.
Ca fait plus que 14 ans maintenant depuis je parlait francais la derniere fois, pour cette raison je fais des fautes, mais je pense on peux aux mois comprendre ce que j'écris :)

Moi-meme, je comprends presque tous écrit dans le forum francophone.

Alors, bonne nuit, à la prochaine!

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#79 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

Can someone verify that the nolzma version's md5sum as posted on ibiblio is correct? I have downloaded it twice; both times I get the right size, 93M, but the md5sum I get is


which is not the md5sum as posted.
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#80 Post by alienjeff »


Just downloaded and did an md5sum check of the nolzma version. The checksum matches the one on ibiblio.

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