PupWin98 — Puppy Linux® for Windows®98

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PupWin98 — Puppy Linux® for Windows®98

#1 Post by jonyo »

Got a few old laps kickin about so thought I'd see what I coud do with 'em & pup. Decided to try out pup win 98.

Lap is an IBM 380 ED with a 166 mmx 32 gigs a ram (upgradable to ~ 80 for ~20 bucks which i will get). No usb & afaik no way to get it (usb 2 pcmcia need 32 bit), 2 gig HD with a floppy & cd drive, 98 installed, 2 pcmcia slots type I 16 bit.

Wanted to have wifi, but wasn't sure if it's possible. Turns out that there is 1 pcmcia type 1 16 bit card out there that is available & works (tried it in 98 works real good :D ) . It's a netgear ma401 with B speed 11 mbps & read in the forums that its worked out for others with pup - goes for ~ 10 bucks on e-bay.

Here's the info for the install that didn't work out & got a few questions. I dunno who or if anyone is supportin this pup variant (based on 1.0.7) but I think there is a prob with the files that are to be dwld & used.

Haven't done an mda 5 yet but the #'s aren't addin up to the info given. I've dwld them 3 times they don't match the detailed info given.

This is a snip from the link ..
Download the PupWin98.zip file: (or download using Dijjer - get Dijjer)
right-click here and select Save Target As ...
Verify integrity with MD5:
right-click here and select Save Target As ...
You'll need about 384,704KB disk space available.
If you're tight for space, you can get by with 323,781KB by deleting PupWin98.zip after extracting the files and before running Puppy Linux. If that's still too much, you can reduce further by editing "menu.lst" to use a smaller "pup001" file-system file.
PupWin98.zip [60,923KB], extracted files [61,637KB], file-system (pup001) [262,144KB].

Extract files from PupWin98.zip to the root level of disk drive C
and be sure to select Use folder names.
You should see these files extracted to drive C:

* file usr_cram.fs (53,880KB)*****
* dir PUPPY
o file image.gz (6,620KB)*****
o file linux3.ico (6KB)*****
o file PUPPY.BAT (1KB)
o file grub.exe (104KB)*****
o file menu.lst (1KB)
o file vmlinuz (1,024KB)*****
o dir Desktop
+ file PupLinux.pif (1KB)*****
The total of the PupWin98.zip file is supposed to be [60,923KB] but coming in at ~ 61,089

PUPPY .BAT is supposed to be (1KB) but ending up at 505 bytes.

& menu .lst is supposed to be at (1KB) but ending up at 173 bytes

All the other files sizes are identical to the above.*****

Houston :D ..do we have a prob here? I'm assuming the prob here is the dwld files are bad, or somethin's not adding up. I'll report the md5 soon as I get to it but anyone have some info on it?

I'm gettin a boot into pup & can select 98 or pup to boot into, but pup only boots a bit then stops & doesn't like somethin; 98 is fine.

Last edited by jonyo on Thu 26 Jul 2007, 17:11, edited 8 times in total.
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#2 Post by JaDy »

I'm the keeper at freeVEDA.org.

You are correct, the 60,923KB number is wrong and, as you say, should be 61,089KB. The two 1KB counts are rounded up, KB in all cases being approximations. I'll consider giving the exact byte counts in the future. I resisted doing this because a 173 byte file may use 256, 512 or 1024 bytes on disk and I'm trying to give the user some feel as to how much disk space will be needed. Meanwhile, I've corrected the web page.

Your problem with getting Puppy to load is related to the memory available to hold the memory required. (I'm guessing that when you said 32 gigs you meant 32MB.) To fix this problem I'm looking forward to using a 2.x version of Puppy instead of 1.0.7. Stay tuned (but don't hold your breath).

The PupWin98.md5 file at the web site had two entries for PupWin98.zip and one was in error. I've fixed that. If the md5 number doesn't match I hope you'll tell us.

Thanks for the feedback.
Felicitations & Facilitations, Rev. John G. Derrickson
Wrote fast. Goofs happen. Tell me.

#3 Post by jonyo »

32 gig a ram :shock: :shock: ..yes mb..

Thx for the info, do you think ~ 80 mb of ram'd cut it?

I'm looking into (another thread) & it's my understanding that I might be able to use gparted to make a swap partition first.
Think that might work here?

The other thing I don't understand is that the PUPPY folder & WINDOWS folder are to go in C: but there's already a WINDOWS folder there?

Also not sure what this is about "and be sure to select Use folder names." but I suppose some zip software offers that option?
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#4 Post by JaDy »

80MB just may be enough. I run PupWin98 on my old desktop computer with 98MB. I use a swap file instead of a swap partition so I don't need to fuss with re-partitioning my hard drive. However, if you're willing to do that, performance would be improved over using a swap file. The web page at freeVEDA.org has instructions for building a swap file. Of course, you need to get Puppy running first, then the swap file will make it possible to use programs like the browser. Same thing with a swap partition: you need to be running Puppy to tell Puppy to use the swap partition. This is true for the old version 1.0.7; 2.x versions are automatic (I believe).

My next version of PupWin98 will have a swap file built-in. Actually, that new version may be named PupWin95, for low ram computers.

That folders thing is normal for most un-zip programs. It won't actually create another windows folder but simply put such a file into the existing windows folder. I guess you already realize that since you've successfully loaded the PupWin98 pieces.
Felicitations & Facilitations, Rev. John G. Derrickson
Wrote fast. Goofs happen. Tell me.

#5 Post by jonyo »

Don't suppose one can pre install a swap file to the HD that pup 98'd (or for 2.01 below) recognize on boot?

Tried out barebone 2.01 on a ol' compaq lap (1220 200 mmx cyrix) that also has 32 megs of ram (gonna upgrade that to 80 megs too). Managed to boot to the desktop but with degraded visuals & couldn't get the keyboard or mouse goin at that point. If it automatically found a swap file guess it might fully boot? The ibm wouldn't boot 2.01

According to the lenovo site, the ibm 380 ED lap is not bootable from a CD but fiddling around, I fumbled on that it boots win 98 cd & then tried gparted. It booted also though doesn't seem to fully boot up, but i'm trying it out for the fist time & dunno much about it.

I ended up unzipping the pup 98 files in a separate folder & then moving the files to C\ & or where they're supposed to go as i understood it cos I wasn't clear on the unzip folder thing. I get a boot into pup98 up to this line that shows up ~ 20 times:

kmod: failed to exec /sbin/modprobe -s -k binfmt-0000. errno = 8
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#6 Post by richard.a »

fwiw I have run a puppy 2.02 live CD on a pentium 100 with 64Mb of RAM. Admittedly not a laptop, but in its time a trusty old workstation under DOS and OS/2.

It runs slowly, yes, but reliably, yes.

The pup_save file is 135Mb in size - no HDD space I can free up because I don't know what is on there, but that's the size of a Syquest EZ-135 removeable drive - which in its day knocked spots off the Iomega Zip drives, which (like Microsoft) had a good PR department, and therefore much better sales sales.

Start Edit ======================
Of the two images here, the first shows that the machine is what I claimed it was - Windows98 ran and here is the "about" tab from the Control Panel's "System Properties"...

And here is the desktop of puppy running on it, which I set to be 800x600 to conserve resources; as you can see, with 64Mb of RAM, there's only 29.2 Mb left in the box on the taskbar :)

It wouldn't run on 32 megs, I'm afraid - as a live distribution - but it would greatly surprise me if it would not run on 32Mb or 48Mb as an installed version...

I've been thinking for some 6 months or more about the feasibility of substituting some puppy v2 files in the boot and the windows directories that 1.0.9 creates when unzipping. Don't know how it will go, though.
End Edit ======================

That machine is currently a doorstop in my garage. It had a NIC and when I plugged it into the LAN, that worked too :)

I think I did a write-up about it somewhere on these forums, perhaps 18 months ago.

Richard in Adelaide

PS I have the win98 version installed using the inbuilt task switcher stuff that comes with the pupwin98 concept, because I still need a couple of win98 machines because of having to directly access devices - which Win NT derivatives don't support. You may need stepping through some of the stuff to fine tune it. Think mine is 1.0.9

[i]Have you noticed editing is always needed for the inevitable typos that weren't there when you hit the "post" button?[/i]


#7 Post by jonyo »

I tried to boot the (non bootable from cd :roll: ) ibm with several variants of pup usin a wake floppy (outa 2.17)
2.13 - 2.15 - even micromuppy (~ 17 megs). & wasn't happenin..no boot. Tried out 2.01 with the same wake up pup floppy & BOOM, got a boot to a full start screen, albeit slowly with poor graphics..:D Any thoughts on why 2.01 booted when the others wouldn't?

On another lap that I think is bootable form cd (compaq latitude 1220, 200 cyrix mmx 32 megs a ram), it also wouldn't boot the 2x variants of pup mentioned but booted 2.01 without a wake floppy, also to a full start screen, again slowly with poor graphics. I think it also booted micromuppy but hung, or stopped early in the boot. Again, 2.01 booted when oither 2x's wouldn't, usin the same lap?

Did you try your 2.02 live cd setup with a swap partition?

Dunno what the diff is 'tween 2.01 & 2.02 & can't find a dwld or info for 2.12. Is it available?
thx for tthe above info. :) & does 2.02 have gparted?
Last edited by jonyo on Sun 12 Aug 2007, 16:02, edited 8 times in total.
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#8 Post by richard.a »

No idea about 2.01 vs the others, sorry. 2.00 if I remember right had opera. I never had a copy of 2.01, went direct to 2.02 which had seamonkey.

Yeah it found some space on the p100, to put a small swap in automatically. Think its important to be able to use swap in case you run out of memory with such a small amount. It will obviously slow it down a bit.

Regarding 2.12, I have a burn I did on 16 November 2006 of 2.12 beta 2, and checking my archive server's iso section, looks like I never downloaded the final. I forget why not.

FYI my archive server is a beauty, runs off a 1.44Mb floppy, loads into about 5Mb of RAM, and runs 4 internal IDE hard drives, currently they are each 80Gb, 3/4 full of stuff, on an ext2 fs. Called NASLite-SMB (v1.3). The computer is a pre-Aptiva IBM (PC300GL) running a 330MHz Celeron and 128Mb of SD Ram. The software uses the 2.4.26 kernel.

The box is "headless" - ie runs in true server fashion, no keyboard or mouse, no monitor (takes up virtually no space in a very cramped study), use telnet into it with a small menu of things you can do like reboot, shut down, change IP, change date and time...

And this machine I'm typing on is one of a pair of HP Vectras with a 400MHz processor and (now) 256 megs of RAM, the other which I serve multiple low capacity websites on still has the original 192Mb of SD RAM
Older slower machines can be used to great advantage using modern technology :)

Sorry if it sounds off topic, but it isn't really. I'm trying to encourage you with the older slower stuff you also seem to have :)
[i]Have you noticed editing is always needed for the inevitable typos that weren't there when you hit the "post" button?[/i]


#9 Post by jonyo »

jonyo wrote:I tried to boot the (non bootable from cd :roll: ) ibm with several variants of pup usin a wake floppy (outa 2.17)
2.13 - 2.15 - even micromuppy (~ 17 megs) & wasn't happenin..no boot. :( Tried out 2.01 with the same wake up pup floppy & BOOM, got a boot to a full start screen, albeit slowly with poor graphics..:D Any thoughts on why 2.01 booted when the others wouldn't?
Looks like I may have stumbled on why..

"Minipup is built from Puppy Linux and optimized for computers equivalent to Pentium II and III PCs. The test version above is based on Barry Kauler’s Puppy Linux 2.02 and revisions by Tempestuous. Paul Akterstam added modifications to the bootup script to conserve RAM usage as well as enable booting from USB-connected CD-ROM drive."
Last edited by jonyo on Sat 25 Aug 2007, 03:29, edited 1 time in total.

#10 Post by jonyo »

JaDy wrote:80MB just may be enough. I run PupWin98 on my old desktop computer with 98MB. I use a swap file instead of a swap partition so I don't need to fuss with re-partitioning my hard drive. However, if you're willing to do that, performance would be improved over using a swap file. The web page at freeVEDA.org has instructions for building a swap file. Of course, you need to get Puppy running first, then the swap file will make it possible to use programs like the browser. Same thing with a swap partition: you need to be running Puppy to tell Puppy to use the swap partition. This is true for the old version 1.0.7; 2.x versions are automatic (I believe).
Ok, got the ram (mail :roll:) & up to 80 megs now from 32. Get a good boot to a start screen (32 megs of ram wouldn't do it) for the first time.:D Works good! :) I'm looking into the swap file partition instructions & shootin for ~ 2x ram size.

One interesting thing that come up was got a crappy screen with the xvesa but there's a xorg option & good thing cos works beautiful with that.:) I think it usually works the other way round on old stuff. :?

Looking for some help in setting up the wifi. Involves perl to use ndiswrapper for driver setup. Is there still a perl dotpup? Found one but doesn't seem to work. Not sure how to use WAG? Maybe there's a netwiz dotpup? Is it possible that the netgear ma401 pcmcia card drivers are auto loaded? (..not sure off hand but I think prism drivers) I think the wifi may be active but if it is dunno how to sort out wag.:? Tried some stuff but dunno what i'm doing. The wifi network is wep 64 hex managed (or closed) & saw am open setting somewhere..Didn't see how I could change that to closed? Saw a autoconnect & template to setup wag; chose managed there but still saw an open indication elsewhere.

Don't see any icons that show a wifi interface & don't have rutilt (dotpup maybe?) but the browser does seem to be sorta starting a connection & I saw an alive wifi wording at some point.

#11 Post by jonyo »

Pup 98 is humming :) on the ibm 380 ed & getting around to sortin out the wifi..using a netgear ma401 pcmcia wifi card that others have got going with pup.

Also running pup 2.17.1 live cd save file to HD (runs pretty good too :)) & sortin out the wifi on that. Finally successful in adding a 160 meg swap partition (with gparted in 2.17.1) but not sure if pup 98 recognizes it..

Having some probs on the compaq presario 1220 though :( (with pup 98 ) & dunno what it's about? Have a swap partition & everything set up as in the ibm, double checked everything, md5 etc. Get an initial boot into pup 98 up to a cd checkout i think of some kind & then a hang to a matrix type event. Bottom line, stuck there.

Anything to look for? Just thought of it now, suppose I could try diff boot parameters, don't think that's come up, or tried it.

Also, the boot probs mentioned above were resolved by burning fresh pup OSs at 2x speed on write type disks. All pup OSs boot up now which is how I ended up with 2.17.1 along with pup 98. :)

#12 Post by jonyo »

- bump
Any thoughts on this part :?

"Having some probs on the compaq presario 1220 though :( (with pup 98 ) & dunno what it's about? Have a swap partition & everything is set up as in the ibm, (double checked everything) md5 etc. Get an initial boot into pup 98 up to a cd checkout i think of some kind & then a hang to a matrix type event. Bottom line, stuck there.

Guess I could start trying diff boot parameters but dunno which might be best or work?

Compaq presario 1220 200 cyrix mmx, 80 megs ram, 160 swap partition.
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