wxBasicscript - script language for Xdialog

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wxBasicscript - script language for Xdialog

#1 Post by MU »

Xdialog is part of puppy.

You can easily create "grafical" programs with it.

But not everybody is comfortable with the complex Shell-Syntax.

So I slightly modified the very small (53 kb) command line version of wxBasic to work perfect with Xdialog.

This DotPup includes the small interpreter "wxbasicscript" and an example program.

A wxBasic-"script" is executable like a shellscript.
You can choose to open it with a texteditor in the Demo.

Visit http://xdialog.dyns.net/ to see, how Xdialog can be used to display many other dialogs.

Here is a .tgz for other Linuxes than puppy:

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#2 Post by MU »

Version 02

I wrote some more functions for easier usage.

Now you can use code like this:

Code: Select all

//    Simple Message

xmessage ( "I am a Xmessage" )

//    User-defined Buttons

choice = xmessage( "-buttons 'yes','no','something else' 'your choice?'" )
if choice != nothing then
  xmessage( choice )
end if

Code: Select all

// menue

dialog = "--title 'MENU BOX' "&
"         --menu 'Hi, this is a menu box. "&
" Choose the OS you like:' 0 0 10 "&
"        'Linux'  'The Great Unix Clone for 386/486' "&
"        'MSDOS'  'Microsoft DOS'"

result , choice = xdialog ( dialog )

if result = 0 then
  dialog = "--title 'info' --msgbox '" & choice & " GOODBYE :-)' 0 0" 
  dialog = "--title 'info' --msgbox 'dismissed' 0 0" 
end if

result , choice = xdialog ( dialog )

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#3 Post by MU »

There was a small bug in setting the Path.
Uploaded 02 again.

For the 2 people who downloaded the old Pup: replace this function in the examplescript (or download again):

Code: Select all

function getstartpath()

   full = command(2)
   if left ( full , 1 ) != "/" then return "./"
   return cutright( full , "/" ) 

end function
I also added a function to add Gtkdialog.

It allows to create Windows with XML.
This is not tested a lot, as I am new to this.


Code: Select all

//# test gtkdialog

" <hbox>\n"&
"  <text>\n"&
"   <label>This small window demontrates how Gtkdialog might be used in wxBasicSH. - Button: Show Xcalendar and exit</label>\n"&
"  </text>\n"&   
"   <button>\n"&
"    <input file>/usr/local/lib/X11/mini-icons/wizard16.xpm</input>\n"&
"    <action>/usr/X11R6/bin/xcalendar &</action>\n"&
"    <action>exit</action>\n"&
"   </button>\n"&
" </hbox>\n"&

choice = gtkdialog ( thewindow )
xmessage ( "Returnvalue from Gtkdialog was: " & choice )
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#4 Post by Mathiasdm »

How does one execute a wxbasic program?
Do you just type 'wxbasix [filename]'?
I seem to be getting errors every time.
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#5 Post by MU »


wxbasic myprogram.wxb
wxbasicsh myprogram.wxbsh

wxbasic is the grafical version with "inbuilt" Windows.
wxbasicsh is a comandlineversion optimized for usage with xmessage and xdialog.

According to your name I suggest you are german?
You can find a small introduction to wxbasic here:

You also might add the line

as the first line to main.wxb, and make it executable:
chmod 755 main.wxb

Then you can start it like a "main.exe":
(or click on it in rox)

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#6 Post by BarryK »

That's extremely interesting.
I've download them and will check them out!
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#7 Post by MU »


there also is english documentation on the web, but it is somewhat outdated (was written for wxBasic 0.5, current version is completely rewritten version 2 Alpha).

David Cuny plans to release wxBasic2 as "final" release this month (maybe next), including some new documentation.

You can download the wxbasic for windows (preview) including some very basic new documentation here:

The Linux-version is nearly identical to the windows-version, I just added some patches and new functions as David currently has messed up his Linux testing some new libraries (wxBasic is statically compiled with wxwidgets, http://wxwidgets.org . It uses 2.4.2, as 2.6.1 makes some problems).

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#8 Post by Mathiasdm »

MU wrote:Hi,

wxbasic myprogram.wxb
wxbasicsh myprogram.wxbsh

wxbasic is the grafical version with "inbuilt" Windows.
wxbasicsh is a comandlineversion optimized for usage with xmessage and xdialog.

According to your name I suggest you are german?
You can find a small introduction to wxbasic here:

You also might add the line

as the first line to main.wxb, and make it executable:
chmod 755 main.wxb

Then you can start it like a "main.exe":
(or click on it in rox)

German? Close, but not quite ;-) I'm Belgian, Flemish to be precise. I know Dutch, English and French, but my German sucks :-P Same as my Latin ;-)

Anyways, I've also given the Windows version a try. I get the same errors. I must be doing something stupid. Here's a screenie.
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#9 Post by MU »

Hm.. maybe you grabbed the old version, it is totally out of date.

You will need this one:

This is the alpha-version, that will become the "official" one this or next month.
David just tries to add a debugger and documentation, but it should be stable so far.

Greets to Belgium, Mark
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#10 Post by MU »

I renamed wxbasicsh to wxbasicscript, because it is not a shell, but a scriptlanguage.
Files now end with .wxbs

I added new functions to the interpreter and the "Helpfunctions".

The "Helpfunctions" now are included as a seperate file "basefunctions.inc", so you can keep your own scripts small.

You now easily can read in files to a list, to add them to a menue for example.

This short code is a complete grafical Partition-Display:


Code: Select all

include "basefunctions.inc"

//# display partitions as a menue

shell( "probepart > /tmp/wxbdemo-partitions.txt" )
mypartitions = readfiletolist( "/tmp/wxbdemo-partitions.txt" )
removefile( "/tmp/wxbdemo-partitions.txt" )

dialog = " --title 'MENU BOX' --menu 'these are your partitions: ' 0 0 10"

counter = 1
for i = 0 to count( mypartitions ) -1

  if left( mypartitions[i] , 1 ) = "/" then
     dialog &= "  '" & counter & "' '" &  mypartitions[i] & "'"
     counter += 1
  end if 

// display the menue
result , choice = xdialog ( dialog )

The last version 02 had a disadvantage.
You could not simply copy&paste XDialog/Gtkdialog-examples, because wxBasic does not allow to spread strings over multiple lines.

So you had to add them in ""& ,like:

Code: Select all

" <hbox>\n"&
"  <text>\n"&
In Version 03, you can save your Xdialog or Gtk-dialog-Code to "template-files", where you don't need to adapt the code.


Code: Select all

   <label>This small window is a Gtkdialog-window loaded from a file. The Button will start Xcalendar.</label>
    <input file>/usr/local/lib/X11/mini-icons/wizard16.xpm</input>
    <action>/usr/X11R6/bin/xcalendar &</action>

Code: Select all

include "basefunctions.inc"

dialog = readtemplate( "gtkdialog-test.tpl" )
choice = gtkdialog ( dialog )
xmessage ( "--nearmouse Returnvalue from Gtkdialog was: " & choice )
I also added more examples to the example-script, e.g. how to move windows "remote".

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#11 Post by BarryK »

I had a brief look at wxbasic yesterday.
One problem is I couldn't find documentation in English.
Is there, or will there be, a overview of the features of wxbasic?

Is your script version of wxbasic full-featured, apart from not having
the wxwidgets support?
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#12 Post by MU »

There currently just is this document:
You can open it with abiword.

My version supports all commands except the "wx"-commands.
It also has some more, here is an overview of all commands taken from buitin.h:

{"abs", wBuiltinAbs, 1, 0},
{"acos", wBuiltinACos, 1, 0},
{"andbits", wBuiltinAndBits, 2, 0},
{"append", wBuiltinAppend, 2, 0},
{"append$", wBuiltinAppend, 2, 0},
{"argc", wBuiltinArgc, 0, 0},
{"argv", wBuiltinArgv, 1, 0},
{"asc", wBuiltinAsc, 1, 0},
{"asin", wBuiltinASin, 1, 0},
{"atan", wBuiltinATan, 1, 0},
{"chdir", wBuiltinChDir, 1, 0},
{"chr", wBuiltinChr, 1, 0},
{"chr$", wBuiltinChr, 1, 0},
{"clone", wBuiltinClone, 1, 0},
{"command", wBuiltinCommand, 0, 1},
{"connect", wBuiltinConnect, 3, 1},
{"count", wBuiltinCount, 1, 0},
{"cos", wBuiltinCos, 1, 0},
{"date", wBuiltinDate, 0, 0},
{"datevalue", wBuiltinTimeValue, 1, 0},
{"day", wBuiltinDay, 1, 0},
{"hasdir", wBuiltinDir, 0, 0},
{"direxists", wBuiltinDirExists, 1, 0},
{"disconnect", wBuiltinDisconnect, 2, 1},
{"eof", wBuiltinEof, 1, 0},
{"exp", wBuiltinExp, 1, 0},
{"fclose", wBuiltinFClose, 1, 0},
{"fgets", wBuiltinFGets, 1, 0},
{"fileexists", wBuiltinFileExists, 1, 0},
{"fix", wBuiltinFix, 1, 0},
{"floor", wBuiltinFix, 1, 0},
{"fopen", wBuiltinFOpen, 2, 0},
{"format", wBuiltinFormat, 1, 20},
{"format$", wBuiltinFormat, 1, 20},
{"fputs", wBuiltinFPuts, 2, 0},
{"frac", wBuiltinFrac, 1, 0},
{"freefile", wBuiltinFreeFile, 0, 0},
{"gettype", wBuiltinTypeOf, 1, 0},
{"getwxapp", wBuiltinGetWxApp, 0, 0},
{"getwxhandle", wBuiltinGetWxHandle, 1, 0},
{"haskey", wBuiltinHasKey, 2, 0},
{"hex", wBuiltinHex, 1, 0},
{"hour", wBuiltinHour, 1, 0},
{"indexes", wBuiltinIndexes, 1, 0},
{"insert", wBuiltinInsert, 3, 0},
{"isnothing", wBuiltinIsNothing, 1, 0},
{"isnumeric", wBuiltinIsNumeric, 1, 0},
{"insertat", wBuiltinInsert, 2, 0},
{"instr", wBuiltinInstr, 2, 1},
{"instr$", wBuiltinInstr, 2, 1},
{"int", wBuiltinInt, 1, 0},
{"kill", wBuiltinKill, 1, 0},
{"lcase", wBuiltinLCase, 1, 0},
{"lcase$", wBuiltinLCase, 1, 0},
{"left", wBuiltinLeft, 2, 0},
{"left$", wBuiltinLeft, 2, 0},
{"len", wBuiltinLen, 1, 0},
{"length", wBuiltinLen, 1, 0},
{"loc", wBuiltinLoc, 1, 0},
{"lof", wBuiltinLof, 1, 0},
{"log", wBuiltinLog, 1, 0},
{"lbound", wBuiltinLBound, 2, 0},
{"ltrim", wBuiltinLTrim, 1, 0},
{"ltrim$", wBuiltinLTrim, 1, 0},
{"mid", wBuiltinMid, 2, 1},
{"mid$", wBuiltinMid, 2, 1},
{"minute", wBuiltinMinute, 1, 0},
{"mkdir", wBuiltinMkDir, 1, 0},
{"month", wBuiltinMonth, 1, 0},
{"monthname", wBuiltinMonthName, 1, 0},
{"monthname$", wBuiltinMonthName, 1, 0},
{"notbits", wBuiltinNotBits, 1, 0},
{"now", wBuiltinNow, 0, 0},
{"orbits", wBuiltinOrBits, 2, 0},
{"prepend", wBuiltinPrepend, 2, 0},
{"quicksort", wBuiltinQuickSort, 3, 0},
{"randomize", wBuiltinRandomize, 0, 1},
{"readbyte", wBuiltinReadByte, 1, 0},
{"rename", wBuiltinRename, 2, 0},
{"repeat", wBuiltinRepeat, 2, 0},
{"repeat$", wBuiltinRepeat, 2, 0},
{"replace", wBuiltinReplace, 3, 1},
{"replace$", wBuiltinReplace, 3, 1},
{"reverse", wBuiltinReverse, 1, 0},
{"reverse$", wBuiltinReverse, 1, 0},
{"rinstrev", wBuiltinRInstr, 2, 1},
{"right", wBuiltinRight, 2, 0},
{"right$", wBuiltinRight, 2, 0},
{"rinstr", wBuiltinRInstr, 2, 1},
{"rmdir", wBuiltinRmDir, 2, 0},
{"rnd", wBuiltinRnd, 0, 1},
{"round", wBuiltinRound, 1, 0},
{"rtrim", wBuiltinRTrim, 1, 0},
{"rtrim$", wBuiltinRTrim, 1, 0},
{"run", wBuiltinRun, 1, 0},
{"second", wBuiltinSecond, 1, 0},
{"seek", wBuiltinSeek, 1, 1},
{"sgn", wBuiltinSgn, 1, 0},
{"shell", wBuiltinShell, 1, 0},
{"sin", wBuiltinSin, 1, 0},
{"slice", wBuiltinSlice, 3, 0},
{"space", wBuiltinSpace, 1, 0},
{"space$", wBuiltinSpace, 1, 0},
{"sqr", wBuiltinSqr, 1, 0},
{"sqrt", wBuiltinSqr, 1, 0},
{"str", wBuiltinStr, 1, 0},
{"str$", wBuiltinStr, 1, 0},
{"strf", wBuiltinStrF, 4, 0},
{"substr", wBuiltinSubStr, 3, 0},
{"tally", wBuiltinTally, 2, 0},
{"tan", wBuiltinTan, 1, 0},
{"ticks", wBuiltinTicks, 0, 0},
{"time", wBuiltinTime, 0, 0},
{"tostring", wBuiltinStr, 1, 0},
{"tostring$", wBuiltinStr, 1, 0},
{"timevalue", wBuiltinTimeValue, 1, 0},
{"trace", wBuiltinTrace, 1, 0},
{"trim", wBuiltinTrim, 1, 0},
{"trim$", wBuiltinTrim, 1, 0},
{"typeof", wBuiltinTypeOf, 1, 0},
{"ubound", wBuiltinUBound, 2, 0},
{"ucase", wBuiltinUCase, 1, 0},
{"ucase$", wBuiltinUCase, 1, 0},
{"val", wBuiltinVal, 1, 0},
{"weekday", wBuiltinWeekday, 1, 0},
{"weekdayname", wBuiltinWeekdayName, 1, 0},
{"weekdayname$", wBuiltinWeekdayName, 1, 0},
{"writebyte", wBuiltinWriteByte, 2, 0},
{"xorbits", wBuiltinXorBits, 2, 0},
{"year", wBuiltinYear, 1, 0},
{"xwin_usleep", wBuiltin_xwin_usleep, 1, 0},
{"xwin_createsimplewindow", wBuiltin_xwin_createsimplewindow, 0, 0},
{"xwin_listwindows", wBuiltin_xwin_listwindows, 0, 0},
{"xwin_listicons", wBuiltin_xwin_listicons, 0, 0},
{"xwin_listiconsofworkspace", wBuiltin_xwin_listiconsofworkspace, 1, 0},
{"xwin_listiconids", wBuiltin_xwin_listiconids, 0, 0},
{"xwin_listiconidsofworkspace", wBuiltin_xwin_listiconidsofworkspace, 1, 0},
{"xwin_activate", wBuiltin_xwin_activate, 1, 0},
{"xwin_iconify", wBuiltin_xwin_iconify, 1, 0},
{"xwin_toggle_fullscreen", wBuiltin_xwin_toggle_fullscreen, 1, 0},
{"xwin_move", wBuiltin_xwin_move, 3, 0},
{"xwin_resize", wBuiltin_xwin_resize, 3, 0},
{"xwin_info", wBuiltin_xwin_info, 1, 0},
{"xwin_classinfo", wBuiltin_xwin_classinfo, 1, 0},
{"xwin_select", wBuiltin_xwin_select, 0, 0},
{"xwin_select_1", wBuiltin_xwin_select_1, 0, 0},
{"xwin_multiselect", wBuiltin_xwin_multiselect, 0, 0},
{"xwin_screensize", wBuiltin_xwin_screensize, 0, 0},
{"xwin_getworkspaces", wBuiltin_xwin_getworkspaces, 0, 0},
{"xwin_getworkspace", wBuiltin_xwin_getworkspace, 0, 0},
{"xwin_setworkspace", wBuiltin_xwin_setworkspace, 1, 0},
{"xwin_movetoworkspace", wBuiltin_xwin_movetoworkspace, 2, 0},
{"xwin_notitlenoborder", wBuiltin_xwin_notitlenoborder, 1, 0},
{"xwin_hastitleandborder", wBuiltin_xwin_hastitleandborder, 1, 0},
{"xwin_titleandborder", wBuiltin_xwin_titleandborder, 1, 0},
{"xwin_setlayer", wBuiltin_xwin_setlayer, 2, 0},
{"xwin_setwmstruts", wBuiltin_xwin_setwmstruts, 5, 0},
{"xwin_exec", wBuiltin_xwin_exec, 1, 0},

The "Xwin"-functions were written by me.
They usually take a window-id as an argument ("0x0000001").

Some few functions like quicksort do not work, but there are functions written in wxbasic itself that do the same, search in the coding board for examples:

(or ask me, and I will try to add it)

Someone is working on an authoring-system in wxBasic, that will be part of the official release.
He already converted the rtf to wxHelp(HTML)-Format, but did not release it yet.

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#13 Post by MU »

I uploaded another (very small , good for learning) example, a small File-unzipper.

You will need the first example too (or Dotpupdownloader03), as this one here does not include the interpreter from new.

The unzipper works, I also added a non-functional "demo-tree" just for testing.

This requires Gtkdialog 0.59.8, which is included, but will remain in the demo-directory, because it is incompatible with older versions.
So DO NOT rename/copy it to /usr/sbin, or pupget and other tools will no longer work!!

But in the demo-folder there is no problem.
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#14 Post by BarryK »

Yes, I have not put gtkdialog 0.59.8 into Puppy 1.0.5rc because of changes from 0.58.8.
v0.59.8 is a PupGet package though.
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#15 Post by BarryK »

could you kindly post the source tarball for version 03, or whatever is the latest?

It is so interesting having such a small Basic that works with Xdialog and gtkdialog, and will be great in Puppy as an alternative for people not comfortable
with Tcl/Tk or Bash/Ash.
I want to compile it myself and create a Unleashed package. I'm gradually creating Puppy Sourcerer which has the source packages for Puppy and build scripts, and wxbasicscript will go into that.

Also, when wxbasicscript does go into Puppy, a doc file will be required...
and I was thinking, since this will be an easier programming alternative,
the doc file will need to be fairly comprehensive. ...I know that's asking a lot,
maybe that can be targetted as something we need sometime and for now
we just put in a very basic doc file.
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#16 Post by MU »

Barry, very fine, it is good to see wxBasic getting more interest :)
It is a nice small language, but relatively unknown.

I attach the source.

Extract and run ./_compileconsole.sh

This will compile wxbasicscript.
Compiling the "big" version is more complicated, see here: http://wxbasic.sourceforge.net/phpBB2/v ... .php?t=911

Ok, I will try to write a small introduction to it next week.

Thanks, Mark
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#17 Post by Lobster »

In the Puppy documentation, reference is made to X11 Basic and we have also considered Freebasic. However now that we have a Basic (WxBasic) that is being used AND that will be included in Puppy, hopefully a new layer of Puppy programmers will become invloved.

Good news 8) Anyone up to doing a WxBasic page on the wiki? Perhaps with a Puppy specific tutorial?

Have created a stub here . . .
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#18 Post by BarryK »

You are our original Basic programming guru!
So you are the obvious choice to do some extra intro docs.
If Mark writes an overview of the features of wxbasic, someone (such as
yourself) can write a beginner's guide etc.
...we may attract a whole new bunch of people, writing gui apps for Puppy!

As this is looking like a "goer", I will probably remove Gambas pupget to avoid
confusion. It's a big bloated thing anyway.
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#19 Post by Lobster »

Shame about Gambas :(
I played with it and liked it but Wxbasic is being used (big difference)
Looks like I have been volunteered. I have been following Marks efforts with a lot of interest..

The first thing I need to be clear about . . .
is wxbasicscript (the run time interpreter) gonna be in 1.0.5 - 1.0.6? or will the full wxbasic be available?

Who is up for some simple Basic programming and testing? - We might write a Puppy wxBasic tutorial in wxbasic . . .
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#20 Post by BarryK »

I propose to only put wxbasicscript into the CD.
The full wxwidgets version could be a PupGet or DotPup though.

wxbasicscript will be in 1.0.5.
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