A Big Thank You

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A Big Thank You

#1 Post by Lobster »


I guess we all enjoy using Puppy?
Barry Kauler as chief architect deserves a big thank you.

So do others. For example GuestToo (has not been around for a while) helped me constantly with my innane question. MU provided an incredible variety of programs to test and play with.

However I have been inspired by others efforts too. Raffy who works so hard to get Puppy into hardware and into the educational mindset. People you rarely hear about who work on coding (for example Nickbiker with his webcam software) or Oli who has been busy supplying a manual or rhino and his flash tutorials - or Flash patrolling and moderating this forum . . .

Warren who was the chief architect behind Puppy 2.15 and Ezpup and the other Puplet creators, who amaze and dazzle with new breeds of Puppy.

John Murga who does a great Puppy service by hosting this forum.

Who else? Who have I forgotten? (there are loads) Who would you like to thank?
Puppy Raspup 8.2Final 8)
Puppy Links Page http://www.smokey01.com/bruceb/puppy.html :D
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#2 Post by keithcleaver »

I second that.

I've only been using Puppy for less than a week, but I can see why so many people love using it, and enjoy working on it.

Having used Red Hat Linux originally in my voyage of discovery into Linux, then DSL more recently, this beats both hands down for its ability to work 'out-of-the-box', and to be user-firendly.

Thank you Barry, and keep up the good work!
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#3 Post by MU »

I want to thank Puppy for bringing Barry the flowers, inspiring him to find such a sympathic name for this nice little distro ;)

No seriously:
I want to thank especially those, who are encouraged to contribute even as "newbees".
It must be a bit frightening to find the courage, to give tips, if you just started learning Linux.
But we do have guys who try to help, if they see another newbee.
And often it works :)
This helps more experienced users in saving time for coding.
I emphasize this, because I sometimes get personal messages with newbee-questions, and always feel a bit sorry when I answer:
"this is a typical forum-question, please ask there. Just write me for organizing issues".

*woofwoof* :)
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#4 Post by alienjeff »

keithcleaver wrote: SYSTEM INFO
Puppy: 2.17
Processor: AMD Athlon XP 1900+
RAM: 223420 MB
Booting From: 1 GB USB ClvrStufUSB Flash Drive
HDD: Excelstor Technology
That's a hefty pile of RAM ...
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#5 Post by pupshock »

Tempestous & Dougal deserve a big thankyou
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#6 Post by tazoc »

:D Yes indeed, Puppy rocks and I appreciate the entire team--all 6623 of you, well except for the riff-raff :wink:

Many of you simply tell your friends and acquaintances about Puppy Linux. Makes a big difference. And burning CDs for anyone that shows an interest, posting questions or comments or assistance on the forums/wiki. You deserve a standing ovation!

Lobster, thank you for cleaning the aquarium :P eh, managing/contributing to the Wiki and your outstanding communication, contributions, creativity, support and enthusiasm whenever and wherever it's needed.

MU has contributed an amazing body of code, dotpups/dotpets, hosting assistance and extremely helpful posts on the forum. 8306 Posts! We're so lucky to have your expertise, energy and patience. I often see Dougal's elegant code and suggestions in the scripts, and G2, Rarsa, Nathan F., Pizzasgood, Tempestous, Sunburnt, pakt, PaulBx1. And that's only a few that come to mind. There are many more.

Many inventive Puppy derivatives and their developers deserve our praise. I wish I had time to test all of them. Maybe this winter?

Now a fork of Puppy, Nathan's distribution Grafpup continues to break new ground with multi-user support, packaging, kernel development and of course graphics applications, while still contributing to Puppy, especially on pgs_215.sfs graphics pack. I'm making use of that one and also Pizzasgood's web_215.sfs also every day.

I think Barry K. and the Puppy Team have developed a unique distribution that is not only above and beyond anything else I've seen in OS design in terms of size, speed, flexibility, adaptability and efficiency but continues to evolve and improve with each release. And still a free download! Unbeatable.
[url=http://www.lhpup.org/][b][size=100]lhpup.org[/size][/b] [img]http://www.lhpup.org/gallery/images/favicon.png[/img][/url] [url=http://www.lhpup.org/release-lhp.htm#602]Lighthouse 64 6.02[/url]
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#7 Post by cthisbear »

" all 6623 of you, well except for the riff-raff "

Come on -which of you gave me up..........again?

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#8 Post by keithcleaver »

alienjeff wrote:
keithcleaver wrote: SYSTEM INFO
Puppy: 2.17
Processor: AMD Athlon XP 1900+
RAM: 223420 MB
Booting From: 1 GB USB ClvrStufUSB Flash Drive
HDD: Excelstor Technology
That's a hefty pile of RAM ...
That was a rather big typo... I read KB, and somehow typed MB!

BTW, All the system infro can be found using the Xproc program, found in Menu -> System
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#9 Post by yorkiesnorkie »

As a complete newbie to Puppy Linux, and mostly linux in general, I would like to pass on my thanks to Barry, and to all of you who contributed to the making of this wonderful linux distribution. Its been very easy to switch from Windows to Puppy Linux!

I'd particularly like to thank WhoDo for answering my questions. I'm amazed by how well 2.15CE works, and how complete CE is. If I want to do something there's an application there!

The tutorials and documents I've found have been very informative, love those wink presentations!

As a newcomer I'm also very grateful for the support of the people here at the forum. Your tolerance for having a lot of the same questions asked over and over is, well great. I draw daily on your previously posted collective wisdom! Thank you for going boldy before! I'm enjoying the community of people here and hopefully I can contribute something along the way!

Many thanks to all of you inspiring people,

aka Yorkiesnorkie

#10 Post by bugman »

I thank Barry (and the rest of you) every single morning when I turn the damn computer on, and am working 30 seconds later...

:D :D :D :D :D

Re: A Big Thank You

#11 Post by jonyo »

Lobster wrote:
Who else? Who have I forgotten? (there are loads) Who would you like to thank?
I'd like to thank you..but you only have ~ 6k posts :P :P
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A Big Thank You

#12 Post by melvix »

Very big Thanks ALL Puppy Linux Team !!!

And in Russian:
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A very big thank you

#13 Post by dragonfly »

A big thank you to ALL of you, Puppylinux Team!

and in French :

Un grand merci à TOUTE l'équipe de PuppyLinux!
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#14 Post by mbutts »

There are a large number of people and I am sure we are forgetting some. A couple that come to mind also are rarsa, in particular I remember his remote puppy, and Ted Dog for hosting. It's amazing how much enjoyment we have had from Barry K's Linux. It's the only version of Linux that has kept me coming back for more. Before this I rarely visited forums or participated. The warmth (perhaps Aussie based) is like no other. The superb ease of use and dynamic flexibility is second to none. The Puppy team continues to provide bleeding edge software in a compact footprint. Making older computers really shine. It is only limited by what pups and pets you install and how large you want your puppy to get. Well done!
Penguin, the OTHER white meat.
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Yes, a big thank you is defenitely in order

#15 Post by sanjoeel »

Hahaha, I started my own thread before I read this, so feel free to merge them or whatever. Anyway...
Yes, thanks a lot to all who work so hard on this awesome little Distro!
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#16 Post by Eyes-Only »

First off: I'd like to say thanks to BarryK for making this wonderful little thing we call "Puppy Linux". While it may be small in size---it has made such a tremendously large impact upon the entire world.

Just take a look around in this one thread alone to see where from come all the various posts and I rest my case. :)

After that I'd like to just give a "blanket thank you" to all of you here involved with Puppy. If I even tried to mention the people who have helped me over the past 15 or 16 months I'd leave so many out!---And there are many of you who have influenced me in ways which you'd never believe possible even though we've never conversed directly in the forum nor in private!

Puppy, along with all of you, have made the sunset years of my life so much more enjoyable. And as some of you here know---bearable. And for that I thank you all! BRAVO!

@Yorkiesnorkie: Just noticed where you're from! Right across "The Bay" from you here over in Maine (that "other Maritime Province" LOL!).

Amicalement mes amis!

Proud user of LXpup and 3-Headed Dog. 8)
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#17 Post by Bahurim »

Hello everyone, and a big thanks from me too! :D

I am a longtime Linux user and have Redhat, Debian, Ubuntu, Gentoo, experience but have lately been searching for a better Desktop Linux. Hmmm, Ubuntu should have fit that bill but Puppy Linux seems to be just the thing. It's great being able to take my usbhd with me and boot up quickly to a Linux distro that is fast and friendly. My wife is using TeenPup now and really enjoys it, I am trying several pups including the new alpha.

Again, thanks to everyone involved for a great distro :!:

Mike Bainum
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#18 Post by Pizzasgood »

9U99|/ r0x0r5 1!k3 4 1337 h4x0r'5 m4mm4, y0!!! \/\/0007!!!!111!!1!!

When I ran into Puppy for the first time, it was like the lyrics of "Love Addict" by Family Force 5:
Except I hadn't heard the song at the time. But if I had, that's exactly what would have been running through my head.

So thank you all, for making one of these :| become one of these :mrgreen:
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#19 Post by KF6SNJ »

I stumbled upon puppy quite by accident. I think I had downloaded version 0.7 and dsl 0.8. The dsl disc didn't burn right for whatever reason, so I didn't bother testing the puppy disc. Then my hard drive crashed. I decided to try the puppy disc and it worked. I was able to use my computer for a period of over three months without the use of a hard drive. I admit, I used my personal web page to save quite a few text documents, but it was better than nothing. However, that kind of hooked me onto puppy. I did play with pclinuxos on a spare drive for a while, but puppy has pretty much become my default OS. I love it.

The only windows I have are those on my home.
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