Americans under attack

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Americans under attack

#1 Post by klhrevolutionist »

Please watch this. ... mplant.wmv
The Federal government and the illegal group known as FEMA
have declared martial law in New Orleans.
American troops and police are entering peoples houses without consent.
Here are your rights as a citizen ... illeng.htm
Under the Bill of rights the 4th amendment states:

(Amendment IV

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. )

they are also breaking the 2nd amenment

(A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.)

But they are stealing peoples weapons, the mainstream media does'nt even deny it.

The 9th amendment states

(The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. )

But they are!
They are stealing peoples legally owned weapons and invading peoples property.

When will we wake up???
I urge Americans to join their local state miltia and support them
as they are going to be the first to protect you.
The federal government is out of control!!!
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#2 Post by Pizzasgood »

against unreasonable searches and seizures
key word: unreasonable
But I'm not going to get into that, as I haven't been keeping up with the news and don't really care to argue about why gangs should be stopped.

I'm as much of a fan of America as the next guy, but "all around the world that others will be affected as we are the founders of freedom"?
It's not like the rest of the world is dependant on our protection. The other countries are capable of defending themselves (exept France......just kidding). We just tend to see the need to "step in," which is often for our own benefit rather than theirs.
As for America taking over, yeah, if we decided to we could smash just about any single country, but we can't take on the whole world. If someone took over (a feat in itself extaordinary) and started causing trouble, we could be stopped. (And I'm not talking about Bush, I'm talking more along the lines of Hitler, and yes, there is quite a difference between Adolf and George.)

If we collapsed, the biggest effect wouldn't be political, it would be economical. We buy a LOT of stuff, and sell a good bit too. But the end of America would not stop the world from spinning.

FYI, if the "evil America" became reality, I would still fight for my country, the difference being that my America would not the be president's America. My loyalties lie not with the president, but with the country itself.
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#3 Post by Flash »

Klh, if you think the local militia are any better than the Feds in a disaster, read this.

Perhaps the police who turned in their badges and left New Orleans were the real heroes.
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#4 Post by Pizzasgood »

I was writing a reply to a pm from Klh, but I figured I might as well put it here as long as I went through the trouble of typing it.

A method my dad used to use to keep us in line:
"I can't tell which of you is causing the trouble, so I'll just whop all of you."
Not the most fair way to do things, but it works. From what I hear, there are quit a few people running around causing meyham. So rather than try to sort out who is who, they're just going to deal with everyone. Personally, I'd rather have people wrongfully imprisoned for a bit than people dying left and right.

And I wasn't saying that we don't help out now and then, just that we are not the "founders of freedom." It's like if a German with conspiracy theories started saying "We're going down, and you better care too, because we make Porches and give our pocket change to charity, so our fall will rock the world!" It just seemed a little arrogant to me, I guess.
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#5 Post by Pizzasgood »

Okay, that ticks me off. :x As a precaution, I'm going to stop typing. Otherwise I might use some words I'll regret.
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#6 Post by Flash »

Just to add a little more fuel to the fire:

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laugh it up

#7 Post by klhrevolutionist »

While you all are in such great deep thought, and thinking your adding fuel to the fire. What happens when it is your town? And the next?
Do not laugh, or stutter when I write that you are cowards.
sure there are looters, and rapist. but the majority of people are not.
I agree they should break down doors if there is no response, but if there is a response and the people say leave. Then the law enforcers should leave.
You who think I wrote this to get responses and politically incorrect
idioms are traitors. How on earth can you sit back and answer with no response?
I'm being very sincere, I find this to be the worst crime I've seen in "my" life.
and I have contacted my local militia, and they are not a bunch of rednecks
and racist that the government makes them out to be.
Take a long, and I mean long look at your thought pattern when you read this post. And ask yourself if you are a traitor. These are the groups and organization who have helped preserve freedom for us throughout the ages.
Not a bunch of hypocritical bullshitters.
And another thing I hate the thought of a constitution or the thought of someone graciously giving me rights as if they controlled me.
But I am only one man, and cannot stand up to america, but with a well
informed, prepared militia I can help out and preserve the freedom that I do have. And that's what I'll do.
And while you are going to school you can read more of their bullshit lies.
But read up on ruby ridge and the branch dividian compounds.
And you will see that we have been in a war against this countries main enemy for a long time. and it goes back further, but I don't want to scare you.
Keep being a sheep, you know what happens to sheep don't you???

Also, excuse my language. but it does bother me when traitors breathe the freedom they won't work for.
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#8 Post by rarsa »

revolucionist wrote: but with a well informed, prepared militia I can help out and preserve the freedom that I do have. And that's what I'll do.
I guess Timothy McVeigh and the militia he belonged to were not red necks but decent citizens.

Militia leaders aren't anything more than Warlords wanabees. Go ahead, join them, split your country. Each of those war lords will love nothing more than having their own government for their little region... with them as supreme leaders, of course.

Well, you see? there is a second thing we don't have in common. Your country already has means to fight and it's called democracy.

Militias are dangerous. Specialy when they user religion to brain wash their followers. I hope you are not beyond the point of no return.
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#9 Post by Pizzasgood »

you are cowards
I'm going to take that as anger-induced-nonsense, though I can honestly say that about the only thing that scares me is girls.

I've done a bit of reading and retract my statement about "whopping." This isn't whopping, this is whipping. That's going too far. I can see it from the military's perspective, but breaking up camps is ridiculous.

At my core I'm a survivor. My morals subdue it under normal conditions, but it's there when I need it. I'd be the first one to start "looting" in that situation. If I didn't take it, someone else would, or it would spoil. Besides, if I owned property there that could be of any use, I'd want them to take it. I sure wouldn't have any use for a bunch of rotten food.

Now, on to America at war with itself.
A. What does the government gain by screwing New Orleans? They might save a little cash, but they lose so much of their reputation that it isn't worh it. I attribute it to stupidity, not ulterior motives.

B. What is it the government is actually fighting? Besides those who "know the truth"?

C. What is your point then? To start a civil war, overthrow the government, and have a constitutionless anarchy? I'm kinda confused here....
but I don't want to scare you.
Fat chance, but feel free to try.
And ask yourself if you are a traitor.
Nope. Are you? (retorical/angry-nonsense, take no heed)

I hold no beef with you, this is for the sake of knowledge, truth, discussion, and wasting free time. I like to see other people's opinions, and sometimes they're actually right.
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#10 Post by klhrevolutionist »

Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.
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Re: explain

#11 Post by Flash »

klhrevolutionist wrote:...And while you all undermine this topic I have responded.
Reasoned disagreement is not "undermining" - unless you're Bill O'Reilley. :lol:
...sure their are bad miltias and groups, be wise when asking them questions or the way they operate with rhetoric...
Easy for you to say. According to this account, which is backed up by an article in the NYT and extensive interviews I heard on NPR yesterday, A police commander apparently lied to a group of people who were looking for refuge to get them to leave his jurisdiction. Given their circumstances they had no choice but to accept what he told them and wander off. What would you have done differently from what they did?
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#12 Post by klhrevolutionist »

First let me write, I should have used a different word than undermining, as
it is so popular with american so called culture.

Secondly, I would not live not even five-feet below water let alone whatever N.O. is.
I do think about things like that when I move as I don't want to be in a position
as some people put themselves in. And don't say well there poor how can you say that. Because I grew up poor, yes food stamps and all.
But what I did was I went to reading classes and was able to out read most
students in my class, I was always considered a leader in the school.
Because? I was self-educated !!! See, if you learn to read then you are one step-ahead, but, if you choose to read books that have no purpose then you have failed yourself. I have read clausewitz, jomini, and a number of educational books, that others would consider dumb or stupid.
But when I read those kinds of books I was wondering what made the world how it is from a political view. I learned. It is not about politics, but the things that the bible teaches about.

greed, lust, and all the other things you are probably not aware of.

some interesting books to read

the bolshevik revolution- I cannot recall the author
On War- Karl Von Clausewitz
The Art of War- Jomini
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich- William Shirer
If you want more books to read, that I have I read I will send you a list of them.

EDIT ( this is for pizzagood post below)
Pizza Good
You are never to young to learn. Or to speak out.
Also, it does'nt matter if they ordered evacuation, read the first post of mine,
or read your bill of rights ... illeng.htm
It is unlawful and illegal and treason for anyone to beg the differ.
And I really don't want to get into the branch Davidian thing as it was totally wrong of the government, and the davidians were in my opinion crazy,
but that is their right.
You should not listen to what anyone even me tells you until you have gained enough knowledge to perform an opinion. Reason? If you don't know what your talking about (___) fill in the blanks. lol
But you do have potential to be different and not apart of the team, if you know what I mean. I know what they are teaching you all in school,
and boy oh boy are they wrong. I'll stop there
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#13 Post by Pizzasgood »

I understand what you mean about pushing your beliefs on others. I too have the problem of missaying things so they look like I'm pushing them.

The Branch Dividian deal was way out of line. Once again, it's a topic I know little about, but even the "governmentized" version was extreme. My teacher seemed to leave out the part about bashing the building with tanks though (assuming my other source was correct).

I have some major dissagreements with our government sometimes. One is about how a pair of illegal immigrants were caught tresspassing by a rancher, pistol whipped, given cookies and water, and released. They later sued the rancher and came out quite well. Yes he should be punished, but the illegal immigrants who were tresspassing on his land should only have been compensated and deported, but instead they were rewarded and given the opportunity to become citizens.

I do believe that things might have gotten out of hand in N.O. Another thing about the entering houses, though. Wasn't there a manditory evacuation? So shouln't those people in the houses not be there?

As for infringing rights, that's nothing new. Remember slavery? Or back when women couldn't vote? As time goes by, various problems are rooted out, and new ones are found/developed. So now the government's roughness is starting to come to light. We'll just have to whip out the sand paper and start smoothing things.

I'm not old enough to make a difference, and not experienced enough to know what I'm talking about. But one day I will be. Until then, I'm going to pay attention to everything I like and dislike, and continue to experience things. Governments change, and I will soon be one of the ones doing the changing. But I do believe the changes should occure through democracy, not militia.

PS. I can almost see the next Grapes of Wrath comming out of this fiasco.

EDIT: I wrote the above before Klh posted his response. This is in response to it:

While I agree that living below sea level isn't the brightest thing in the world, that's like saying "don't live in Paris or London or New York." Most of those people grew up there. It is their home. It has so much history and culture that it cannot be abandoned.
[size=75]Between depriving a man of one hour from his life and depriving him of his life there exists only a difference of degree. --Muad'Dib[/size]

#14 Post by Guest »

Founders of freedom....

You Americans are so far up yourselves it's not funny, pull ya heads in. You guys did not invent freedom. Martin Luther had a better idea (no not the black activist) than you guys ever would.

You need a common enemy so you don't fall into civil war, it was the Russians then well the everything went pearshaped there it was China (which scared the crap out of you guys during Korea) and now it's the whole Muslim world. When the excrement hits the ceiling mounted cooling device you can't react.

Second world war, you let England just about fall to the Nazis whilst they were screaming for help.

You guys are out for Number 1 and Number 1 alone.

I don't want your culture being force fed down our throats in my country, you don't know how to stick together and will never know what mateship is.

With the situation with the hurricane........Me and alot of other people are absolutely disgusted with the complete lack of care for your own people, so you can go stuff your self proclaimed role as World Police.

And one last thing......your so called Football is a pussy's game, you wanna see real hard men watch a game of Rugby Union or Rugby League or even AFL. I don't get it your fottball players where helmets but some states don't make you where one when riding a motorbike...........Well if that's an indication of your IQ in general maybe it's best...the rest of the world doesn't want the gene pool being corrupted by those that think like that.

I don't hate Americans just your attitude that the world would fall apart without you
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#15 Post by syzygy »

now come on bladehunter. you might have a point about football but you can't deny the US always wins the world series baseball!

#16 Post by Guest »

I was going to mention that as well pmsl
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zogby polls

#17 Post by klhrevolutionist »

zogby polls has conducted a poll, if you are not familiar with Zogby it is a
well respected company known to the world.

Half of New Yorkers Believe US Leaders Had Foreknowledge of Impending 9-11 Attacks and
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#18 Post by LittleSpooky »

There is something here that everyone has seemed to have forgotten:

For Immediate Release Jun 23, 2005

Supreme Court Rules American Homes Can Now Be Seized for Private Use

(Washington, D.C.) The Supreme Court ruled today that local governments have broad power to confiscate private property in the name of "economic development."

They handed down a 5-4 ruling against a group of homeowners in New London, Conn., who claimed the city is trying to illegally force them to sell their property. The city wants to make way for a hotel, an office building and other privately funded facilities.

Government agencies including city and county governments have long been allowed to condemn private property so that public buildings, roads and other infrastructure can be built. Called "eminent domain," this practice is constitutional as long as the power is exercised strictly in accordance with the Fifth Amendment's "takings clause." However, the new ruling will allow local governments to claim property for the benefit for private entities, rather than restricting eminent domain to acquiring land for public use.

"This ruling sets a frightening precedent that will affect poor and middle class families across the nation." said Michael Dixon, national chairman of the Libertarian Party. "Dazzled by the possibility of increasing tax revenue and employment opportunities, local government officials will now be able to claim entire communities for the benefit of private corporations."

While the Libertarian Party supports the right of corporations to do business, "we even more strongly support the constitutional rights of the individual," Dixon declared. "And those constitutional rights are being trampled on by local governments around the country."

Because the Supreme Court's decision gives government agencies much broader power to confiscate private property, the Libertarian Party calls on both state legislatures and Congress to stand up for the rights of private landowners.

"This country was founded on the principle that people have the right to protect their lives, their lands and their liberty," Dixon said. "It is the sworn duty of elected officials to stand up for the individual rights of their constituents. Now is the time for them to do so."

Now if I can find the original link I took that from, I'll repost it here too. This decision was made mere WEEKS before Katrina hit. Guess who has most of the rebuilding contracts? KBR (KBH?). Parent Company: Halliburton. Who ran Halliburton for a long time? Dick Cheney.

Stuff it in your pipes gentlemen and smoke it a while. Think about it. To quote someone: "Go fuck yourself, Mr. Cheney. Go fuck yourself." There's more than meets the eye.

edit: Found the link. I don't subscribe to the party, but this was the only site that had the information posted that didn't involve a State Court Case (ie Jimmy Irons v California).
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becuase HE loves you

#19 Post by klhrevolutionist »

Here is a clip from somoewhere, you should watch and be awed.
Because you are non-beleivers, you should really see this.

You might have to change the run action to gxine.
so open rox and right click on the downloaded file
go to file and set run action, and type gxine
and press ok then press on the file and be amazed ... mplant.wmv
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