pFind 6.3

Filemanagers, partitioning tools, etc.
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#81 Post by plinej »

I tweaked this a little more using disciple's modified package. I got rid of all of the instances of xdialog and changed them to gtkdialog. I also modified where the temp files go so pfind can be run on a multi-user system (a non-root user won't be able to delete the root owned files in /tmp/). When writing programs we should try to use $HOME as opposed to /root so these scripts can be easily ported to other distros. I put the pfindrc & pfindMIME files in the same directory as the rest of pfind and then they get copied to $HOME/.config/pfind/ (if they aren't already there) when pfind is ran. I'll post my modifications in a little while incase you want to incorporate them too.
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#82 Post by zigbert »

I'll post my modifications in a little while incase you want to incorporate them too.
Please do

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#83 Post by plinej »

Ok, here are my modifications. I also moved the pfind directory to /usr/local/apps/Utility/Pfind/ for the sake of grafpup. I tweaked the pfind script a little more to work right in Ubuntu. For some reason it chokes on the "echo -e whatever > /tmp/somefile". It will add the "-e" into the temp files. I just changed the "echo -e" to "echo" in every instance where it pipes into a temp file. It does the same thing with the "echo -e "\c"". Is there a reason to have the "c" at the begining of the temp file? The package I posted doesn't have the modifications to the echo lines.
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#84 Post by zigbert »

"echo -e "\c"". Is there a reason to have the "c" at the begining of the temp file?
Just a bad habit :oops:

Thanks for code. I will start working on it, but not today.....

Maybe it also should support alien languages.

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#85 Post by disciple »

OK, shall we start with Vulcan? :)

It looks very slick now plinej. Nathan should be pleased too.
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#86 Post by zigbert »

Why do Grafpup wants the program to be in /usr/local/apps/...??????

It seems not to be the most common choice.
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#87 Post by plinej »

Nathan puts them there because of how he has Rox setup. Checkout grafpup and you'll see why.
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#88 Post by zigbert »

To ask it another way:
/usr/local/pfind or /usr/local/apps/utility/pfind is a matter of packaging, and not that important to get pfind to work correct?

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#89 Post by plinej »

You are correct, just a matter of preference.
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#90 Post by disciple »

Jason - since you're into making it work in Grafpup, do you know if it's possible to get the "act on list" button for image files to work with xnview? For some reason I can get it to show them all in xnview, but it doesn't like something about the links, and shows me a generic icon, instead of thumbnails.

Also, your version doesn't seem to work with gtksee, because the links are inside a hidden folder.---EDIT--- no - I just missed the option to view hidden files in GTKSEE.

OH NO - I just discovered that the #s in .pfindMIME aren't actually commenting things out - e.g. with the file as we had it, if I double-click on a jpg it opens in Gimp, but if I remove the

Code: Select all

lines, then it will open in xnview, like it does when I click on it in ROX. I thought it was working before, but maybe I only tried file types that weren't in .pfindMIME.
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#91 Post by zigbert »

Version 2.3 is uploaded. See main post.
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#92 Post by disciple »

Do the actions when you search for a type of file (picture, music etc) actually work for anybody? I haven't got Puppy 2.17, but I wouldn't have thought it would behave differently from 2.16 on this. These actions still don't work for me because for some reason it doesn't build the symlinks, so it opens GTKSEE or whatever with nothing to show.

Am I missing something?
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#93 Post by zigbert »

Yeah, you right. Autoview pictures in gtksee doesn't work (I havn't used that feature for months). After gtksee is loaded, Pfind shows up with its overview-mode. It doesn't seem logical. I'll take a look at it.

I have also made it possible to list filenames with < or > in filemanager mode. It will come in 2.4.

Please report bugs. We all have different ways of using a program, and will find bugs that others won't.

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#94 Post by disciple »

Great! 2.4 seems really solid.
The only other suggestions I've got are to add a button in the results window to show only folders, and maybe take another look at the default slideshow options - I find

Code: Select all

"qiv -ftsNF /tmp/pfind-view$PROGPID"
more useful.

If you ever do another version you might as well change seperate to separate in line 8 of .pfindrc as well.

This is really good. Zigbert is the man!
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#95 Post by zigbert »

Thanks for suggestions. Your help brings this project futher.

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#96 Post by zigbert »

Version 2.5 is uploaded. See main post.
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#97 Post by disciple »

The actions in the list menu are broken now - it builds symlinks, but never runs the action. :(

Also, you said you'd changed the default options for a qiv slideshow, but you actually didn't change them, only in the example above the actual settings :)

BTW in the last several versions I've had to manually set the permissions on pfind after installing.
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#98 Post by zigbert »

Glad you're here to correct me.

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#99 Post by zigbert »

The actions in the list menu are broken now - it builds symlinks, but never runs the action. Sad
I have tested this now, and it works correct for me???????? (I'm in 2.17)
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#100 Post by disciple »

That's interesting - it wasn't working in Grafpup 104, so I installed in 2.16.1 to check, and it didn't work there either - at least the option to open the files in the list with a text editor, and the options to open in music player (setup for gxine in one install, and for xmms in the other) or video player weren't working.
I'm pretty sure they were working in both installs with pfind 2.4. I wonder what the difference would be between 2.16.1 and 2.17.1? Or do you think it might not like that I had a couple of hundred files in the list each time? Or maybe there's something peculiar with my system - once before I've had a search for "mp3" turn up 900 hits or something, but only a hundred and fifty or so showed up in the list, and the last entry was "/mnt/hdb6/", which has no "mp3", so something must have messed it up somehow.

I did try running the same commands it is set up for in a terminal, after it had finished making the symlinks, and that worked.

BTW Good work with getting rid of the need to rebuild the gui - that's wonderful.
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