Dotpups display bone of dead animal

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Dotpups display bone of dead animal

#1 Post by monkeyweb »

Dotpups files is displayed as bone of dead animal,is in contrast with vegetarian/vegan people.
Why you don't change the icon for dotpups,to make compatible with all people?
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#2 Post by alienjeff »

Oh ffs! Take this ridiculous, hyper-sensitive, politically correct, victimitis mentality elsewhere, please! And while you're at it, go chew on a tree root ...
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Re: Dotpups display bone of dead animal

#3 Post by Lobster »

monkeyweb wrote:Dotpups files is displayed as bone of dead animal,is in contrast with vegetarian/vegan people.
Why you don't change the icon for dotpups,to make compatible with all people?
Are you trollng? Being humorous?. A vegetarian offended by a cyber bone?

If you are or believe there are vegetarians who find the picture of a bone incompatible with their lifestyle, then I would be very interested in what form this takes?

Interestingly enough it was not even modeled on a bone - but on a dogee treat composed of 100% meat free produce . . .
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#4 Post by muggins »

just imagine that the image represents a bone made from textured vegetable protein for a veggie dog!

drats lobster! you got in b4 me.
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#5 Post by trapster »

but on a dogee treat composed of 100% meat free produce . . .

That's it, now I'll have to go find the real thing for my corgis.

go chew on a tree root
Just make sure it's an organic tree root.
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#6 Post by bugman »

Vegan, but not offended. Everything dies...
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#7 Post by NinerSevenTango »

I'd love to see how you could train a dog to be politically correct about what he finds interesting to eat or sniff.


#8 Post by bugman »

In monkeyweb's defense, I will add that I've heard that some Jainists will not eat animal crackers because of their resemblance to animals.
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#9 Post by Lobster »

Jains also believe women and dogs have no souls (only men can gain enlightenment)

I have only ever seen one Jain (a nun incidentally), wearing a mask over the nose and mouth in case she breathed in an insect.

Lobsters are not kosher. If touched by a dog a Muslim is tainted (they have to wash)

Some people are offended by the innoffensive . . .
Some radical atheists find the notion of deity offensive and consider teaching belief a form of child abuse (Richard Dawkins has made this assertion)

The idea that vegetarians and vegans are catered for by changing an icon of a bone is an intriguing one. I just wondered what sort of vegan or vegetarian? Just like the cyber-bone might it perhaps be the cyber-veggie . . .

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#10 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

According to St. Jerome, 99.999% of us are going to Hell anyway. It's 100% among non-Catholics, no matter what you eat. I pray the Rosary and eat biodynamic. I also garden, therefore of necessity pull weeds and kill insects. Therefore, in my opinion, sanctity-of-life creeds such as Jainism are hypocritical unless you eat nothing but sunlight.

Here's a joke from the August 2007 Reader's Digest:

A priest, a minister, and a rabbi are playing poker when the cops pound on the door. Quickly they stash the cards and chips as the cops are admitted. Cop to priest: "Father, were you gambling?" The priest silently says a prayer for forgiveness and says "No, my son." Cop to minister: "And you?" "No sir." Cop to rabbi: "What about you? Were you gambling?" The rabbi shrugs his shoulders and simply says, "With whom?"
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#11 Post by Pizzasgood »

Maybe it isn't a bone for chewing or eating in the first place. Maybe it's the dog-tag from a goth-puppy. Or a club from a cave-puppy.

Even if it were of a real bone, who's to say the animal is actually dead?

Also, just because you eat dead animals doesn't mean you killed them, even indirectly like most people do. You could be a scavenger, without whom we'd live in a world piled high with dead bodies.

I eat gingerbread men sometimes. Yet I'm against cannibalism. Of course, that only makes sense if you don't count gingerbread people as a separate species from humans....

Anyways, I'm not going to worry about it. I have better ways to spend my last days of vacation. Like peeling off the flesh on my recently sunburnt arm (don't worry, I won't eat it ;) ).
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#12 Post by Eyes-Only »

Strange you should bring up cannibals Pizzasgood. In all seriousness here when the French missionaries arrived here to the Acadian shores in the 15th Century they found my Abenaki ancestors inviting the Mohawks over quite often for... how shall we say?... "Dinner"?

Unbeknown of course that they were the "main course". :twisted:

Moral of the story: "We should watch out which 'Good Olde Days' we long for." :wink:

Being Shamanistic the bones of the .pup files don't bother me in the least---nor did you ever find me teaching my children about "Santa Claus" nor the "Easter Bunny". (They didn't go without though as my wife was Catholic, and they were raised with two possible outlooks.)

I would suggest though, and I'm surprised Pizzasgood didn't suggest this one, that if Monkey found the bones truly offensive to pick up some of the ROX icon packs that are 'round about. Honestly, Pizza has made some terrific ones for his PizzaPup (I dunno if it has bones or not but it's so easily changed!), and I've made several myself, and there's a saying from the "Good Book": "Ask, and ye shall receive."

-shrug- Takes all types to make this ol' world go around. I can stand living with them---provided they can stand living with ME. I'm easy. I'm just not cheap. Ask my Mrs. She knows how expensive I am. ;)


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#13 Post by iandel »


I'm curious. Are you a vegetarian because you love animals or because you hate plants?
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#14 Post by Lobster »

:lol: Great joke.
Sit Heel Speak wrote:Therefore, in my opinion, sanctity-of-life creeds such as Jainism are hypocritical unless you eat nothing but sunlight.
I did recently come across one Buddhist deviant who subsisted on only a few peanut butter sandwiches a day - odd (even though I do say so myself)

I have also read about some Western Buddhists who were taught by their Tibetan teacher to draw the nutrition out of rocks - allowing them to meditate in caves . . .. Sadly they became ill and had to return to the West

After veganism and fruiterians, it is believed that some rarified souls can exist on air - "Breatherians". The most exalted adepts are able to live on moon beams.

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#15 Post by Fossil »

Oh, for pity's sake! As a bonio of contention, this one really takes the dog's biscuit.
Perhaps someone should mention this fact to the worms who will (one day) inherit my body. Or, if I should choose the other route and try a short-term measure of near aluminium melting heat, what of my overall 'carbon-footprint'? I don't fancy cryogenics - too darned cold!
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#16 Post by Flash »

Lobster wrote:...Some radical atheists find the notion of deity offensive and consider teaching belief a form of child abuse (Richard Dawkins has made this assertion)...
I happen to agree. In my experience, growing up is interesting enough without having to deal with the low opinion that comes of discovering the world works nothing like the way you were taught. It's no wonder so many kids drop out of school. They find they've been lied to for fatuous reasons by people they trusted, so they finally decide they can't trust anyone but themselves. Do you remember when you discovered Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny were made up? :lol:

As for Puppy's bone, it's but pixels on a computer screen. As far as I know it's not modeled on anything real.
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#17 Post by Dougal »

I'm vegan and it never occured to me that it should be offensive... that's about the same level as Muslims in Austria complaining about piggy-banks...

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#18 Post by raffy »

Welcome back, Pizza.
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#19 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

The mighty Pizzasgood returns! In your absence I've learned how to compile the kernel. I still can't script or turn out an .iso. John Murga banned Gn2, but not before Gn2 turned me on to Gentoo. So, I'm like a three-year-old whose tricycle occasionally turns into an F-22A...
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#20 Post by Pizzasgood »

I don't know about mighty, but sure, why not! Sadly enough, I did witness the forum's first ban. I think it was on the last night I had my stuff hooked up. As for compiling the kernel, that's something I haven't gotten around to learning yet. See, I told you I'm not that mighty ;)
I'm vegan and it never occured to me that it should be offensive... that's about the same level as Muslims in Austria complaining about piggy-banks...
Or complaints about the motherboard or whether a drive is master or slave. But I've complained about those complaints enough in a previous post, so I'll postpone posting on them today.

I'm not really back until Saturday evening at the earliest. Right now I'm visiting my grandma and all my stuff is still packed. But I have internet access now. Though catching up with all my "importan" emails (as in with regard to college, financial aid, jobs, etc.) along with being locked out of my school account since Friday has given me a headache. But I've got it all sorted now. And my grandma's beef stroganoff didn't hurt either :)

@Eyes Only: Yep, I could have pulled out the old "If you don't like it, make you're own!", but the stress made me forget about it. At the time I had called the school and finally got a human, was given a temporary password to access my account, and then it didn't work. 'Course, by then it was the middle of the day and my hopes of getting another human before tomorrow were gone, and I was starting to worry that maybe there was important email in my school email account. But an hour or two ago I was messing with the "I forgot my password" page and realized I had been giving it the wrong number on one of the fields (there are two numbers on our ID cards, one which we use on a regular basis, and the other which is in small print and I didn't know existed!). So now I'm relaxed. So, let's see about that icon!

**you hear the whizzes and clangs of a mechanic's shop.....


Warning: This icon contains cardboard and is similar in shape to a crate. It contains and unidentifiable white substance and has black writing upon the brown side. If any of this offends someone, they should immediately place their head in a toilet and flush, then contact the nearest FunnyFarm and await further instruction.
Vegan friendly since August 16, 2007
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