Mercury: Instant Messaging with Video Conferencing

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Mercury: Instant Messaging with Video Conferencing

#1 Post by rarsa »

Mercury is a full featured java based MSN Messenger client. It only runs the MSN protocol but it runs it very well. Some say that maybe even better than the MSN Messenger.

Attention: The fact that Mercury runs under Java plus the requirements for processing video require a fairly fast computer/connection. If you have a slow computer/connectionyou may get frustrated by the performance of this application.

Having said that any recent computer should be able to handle it. I am running from a LiveCD, on a laptop P3 1.7 GHz with 512 RAM, a 768 MB pup001 file and I cannot complain.

I am preparing a DotPup to try to automate most of these steps.

I am releasing this HowTo to confirm that all the steps are accurate. Think of it as testing my pseudocode before writting the script.

Please let me know about any (ANY) situations where you had to deviate from these steps.

I will separate the top steps in individual posts to make them easier to read, print and/or reference.

Please read all the instructions before starting

These instructions have three steps:
I. Install Mercury
II. Install your WebCamera drivers (spca5xx)
III. Configure videoconference in Mercury.
Last edited by rarsa on Mon 12 Sep 2005, 22:02, edited 7 times in total.
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I. Install Mercury

#2 Post by rarsa »

I. Install Mercury
Installing Mercury consists on the following steps
1. Making sure that you have enough space
2. Download the Mercury installer
3. Install Mercury
4. Test Mercury

1. Make sure that you have enough space for the following:
- Installation file,
- Temporary installation files
- Installed application.

The good news are that each of the above can be in a different partition or on the same partition. There are so many variations that instead of exploring them here you can send me your questions.
In my case I had to double the pup001 file size to 500 MB.

2. Download the corresponding install file from
How to decide which one to download
- If you already have Java installed select "Mercury 1709 for Linux without JVM" 7MB aprox
- If you don't have Java already installed you could either
a) Install Mercury 1709 for Linux with JVM 39 MB
b) Install the Java DotPup (17 MB download, 80 MB installed) + "Mercury 1709 for Linux without JVM" 7MB aprox

Installing with JVM is obviously more stable as it will run under the same JVM that Mercury was tested.
Installing Java first will save you some space.
Some steps will be different depending on this decision. I will make a note when this is the case.

3. To install follow these steps:

- Set the IATEMPDIR environment variable to poitnto a folder with enough space for the temporary files (100MB)
- Make the installation file executable
- Execute the installation (the actual name of the file will depend on what you downloaded, either 1709_Linux_VM.bin or 1709_Linux_NoVM.bin

Here is an example creating the temporary folders under /root and installing with the JVM

Code: Select all

# chmod +x 1709_Linux_VM.bin
# export IATEMPDIR
# ./1709_Linux_VM.bin
Accept the default installation location and let the installer create a shorcut on the home folder.

4. To test Mercury do the following:
- Open rox and click on the /root/runMercury script. (The first time it may give you an error, but run it again and it should be OK)
- Log-in to your MSN account
- Start chatting with your friends. The next two posts will show you how to videoconference with them.
Last edited by rarsa on Wed 07 Sep 2005, 02:51, edited 2 times in total.
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II. Install your WebCamera drivers (spca5xx)

#3 Post by rarsa »

II. Install your WebCamera drivers (spca5xx)

I am working on cleaning this out. if you are really eager just do the following for now:

1. Download the spca5xx.tar.gz file to your /root folder
2. Execute the following command before using the camera (every time you boot)

Code: Select all

cp /root/spca5xx.o /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/usb/spca5xx.o
depmode -ae
modprobe videodev
modprobe spca5xx

I did not create a dotpup as the spce5xx gets a new version the first day of every month.

If you want a more recent version than what I have there, you can compile it.

Compiling and installing it is as easy as

Code: Select all

make instal
depmode -ae
modprobe videodev
modprobe spca5xx
I don't see any reason why that would corrupt your pristine puppy, it installs just one file.

One thing you need to know is that the driver goes to the /lib/modules folder when you install. That means that if you don't have a HDD installation, the contens of the /lib module are in RAM. So you need to follow the first set of instructions every time you boot.
Extract with "tar -xvzf spca5xx.tar.gz"
(105.39 KiB) Downloaded 636 times
Last edited by rarsa on Thu 03 Nov 2005, 19:39, edited 5 times in total.
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III. Configure VideoConference in Mercury

#4 Post by rarsa »

III. Configure VideoConference in Mercury

I'll add the puppy specific instructions later

If you already have your drivers working and cannot wait for the instructions specific to puppy you can go to ... tallingJMF

When the steps indicate to use a folder according to your distribution use the following folders

Copy VidConf-libs.jar to /root/Mercury/lib
Copy JavaLibs-linux.jar to /root/Mercury/lib
Extract to /root/Mercury/jre/lib/i386

The first time you follow the JMF wizard the video may not show. Just close Mercury and go to the wizard again, the camera should show now.
Last edited by rarsa on Thu 15 Sep 2005, 17:08, edited 1 time in total.
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#5 Post by dewdrop »

Hi Rarsa,

I have downloaded the 4 posts you did for Mercury, and will take a look at them. No promises, but I'll see how/if I can help.

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#6 Post by dewdrop »

Hi Rarsa,

This is my initial attempt. I used an additional hard disk, and installed Chubby Puppy 1.0.4 to it.

Step by Step for Mercury on 9-13-2005

1.Downloaded Mercury with JVM, and placed it into its own folder in

2.Executed the following code via Xterm

3.BusyBox v0.60.5 (2004.09.18-02:04+0000) Built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

# chmod +x 1709_linux_VM.bin
chmod: 1709_linux_VM.bin: No such file or directory
# chmod + x 1709_Linux_VM.bin
chmod: x: No such file or directory
# chmod a+x 1709_Linux_VM.bin
# export IATEMPDIR
# ./1709_Linux_VM.bin
Preparing to install...
Extracting the JRE from the installer archive...
Unpacking the JRE...
Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive...
Configuring the installer for this system's environment...
strings: No such file or directory

Launching installer...

Warning: Cannot convert string "-b&h-lucida-medium-r-normal-sans-*-140-*-*-p-*-iso8859-1" to type FontStruct

3.At this point a window opened and it looked like it was the beginning of the program start up. When I stopped doing the Step by Step update, this window had disappeared from the desktop, and I could not find anything to do with Mercury or JVM anywhere in /root.
4.Stopped at this point.
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#7 Post by rarsa »

Please execute the installation again and don't switch to any other application. The installation is a wizard where you just need to accept the defaults.
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#8 Post by dewdrop »

Hi Rarsa,

Here's my Step by step for today 9-15, showing the successful installation of the Mercury software. I'll try the camera install probably tomorrow or Saturday - it is the camera install that is of most importance, correct?


Step by Step for Mercury on 9-15-2005

I did the re-install as requested on your 9-13 post. I had previously downloaded the 1709_Linux_VM.bin file and placed in into it's own folder under /root /my-applications/Mercury.

(See the xterm info below from the re-install on 9-15)

BusyBox v0.60.5 (2004.09.18-02:04+0000) Built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

# chmod +x 1709_Linux_VM.bin
# export IATEMPDIR
# ./1709_Linux_VM.bin
Preparing to install...
Extracting the JRE from the installer archive...
Unpacking the JRE...
Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive...
Configuring the installer for this system's environment...
strings: No such file or directory

Launching installer...

Warning: Cannot convert string "-b&h-lucida-medium-r-normal-sans-*-140-*-*-p-*-iso8859-1" to type FontStruct

1.During the re-install, I clicked on the default items presented, and clicked on the install button. Following the successful installation, the following message appeared: The installation of Mercury is finished. Please see the Installation log for details.

2.I began doing the step by step using OpenOffice, then closed the xterm window.

3.I then returned to Mercury and cliked on runMercury (#4 in your install instruction list) and a message box opened stating
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#9 Post by rarsa »

Great! I haven't had time this week at all to prepare DotPups or improve the instructions, but it seems that ou are really getting the hang of Puppy Linux.

Thank you.

If you don't have someone to test the webcam with you, let me know and we can coordinate a time.
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#10 Post by dewdrop »

Hi Rarsa,

Thanks. I think it's either called smoothing out the learning curve or "gettin' the hang of it!"

I"ll let you know about the camera install, then we can set a time to test.



#11 Post by Guest »

Hi again,

I just tried a quick test but it basically failed. Here's the xterm info.

BusyBox v0.60.5 (2004.09.18-02:04+0000) Built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

# cp /root/spca5xx.o /lib/modules/` uname -r` /kernel/drivers/usb/spca5xx.o
cp: copying multiple files, but last argument `/kernel/drivers/usb/spca5xx.o' is not a directory
Try `cp --help' for more information.

I may have something out of place....don't know.

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#12 Post by rarsa »

You added two extra spaces where they should not be (see the ^ marking the spaces.

Code: Select all

# cp /root/spca5xx.o /lib/modules/` uname -r` /kernel/drivers/usb/spca5xx.o
                                   ^         ^
It is usually better to copy and paste the commands from the forum so you don't make mistakes typing.

the parameter /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/usb/spca5xx.oshould only have one space, and that is between uname and -r

Now the educational bit: in a comand line, when you have text between backward quotes ` it is interpreted as a command itself. This is, when executing the command it will replace the `uname -r` for the result of that command.

To see what I mean, type uname -r on a command line and you will see what get's inserted between /modules/ and /kernel/.
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#13 Post by dewdrop »

Hi Rarsa,

I've attached a printscreen (now deleted) of what I get after I did your instructions in:

II. Install your WebCarmera drivers (spca5xx)

I found this page of "failed" listings after I searched /root for the VidConf-lib.jar; JavaLibs-linux.jar; and files. I couldn't find them anyplace.

I did not keep the Xterm information on the
II. Install your WebCarera drivers (spca5xx) install.

Do you want me to redo this install and send you the Xterm info?

Last edited by dewdrop on Sat 17 Sep 2005, 02:00, edited 1 time in total.

#14 Post by Guest »

:) you did not do step 3. of my condensed instructions.

Here they are in a little bit more detail:

1. Go to the Mercury web page to the address that I indicated ( ... tallingJMF
2. There you follow the instructions for linux that indicate that you need to download the JMF torrent.
3. For that you will need to install the CTorrent client here
4. Download the JMF torrent file and open it with the CTorrent client. That will download the JMF files.
5. Untar the downloaded file and continue with the instructions.
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#15 Post by rarsa »

The previous message was mine. I realized I had not logged in when I tried to go back and edit a mistake, ignore the previous post and follow the instructions on this
Anonymous wrote::) you did not do step 3. of my condensed instructions.

Here they are in a little bit more detail:

1. Go to the Mercury web page to the address that I indicated ( ... tallingJMF
2. There you follow the instructions for linux that indicate that you need to download the JMF torrent.
3. For that you will need to install the CTorrent client here
4. Download the JMF torrent file and open it with the CTorrent client. That will download the JMF files.
5. Continue with the instructions moving the JMF files to the respective folders as shown on my step III instructions.
Actually I'm realizing that the most complex part of this installation will be the torrent file. If you have not downloaded torrent files, please let me know and I'll explain in more detail.
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#16 Post by dewdrop »

Hi Rarsa,

Here's what I've done - this morning.

1. Downloaded and ran the pupget for ctorrent 132.pup
2. ran the pupget and installed the ctorrent.

The following is the Xterm you can see, I'm not sure what I'm doing here in any way..


BusyBox v0.60.5 (2004.09.18-02:04+0000) Built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

# ctorrent -h
ctorrent 1.3.2 Copyright: YuHong(992126018601033)

Generic Options:
-h/-H Show this message.
-x Decode metainfo(torrent) file only, don't download.
-c Check exist only. don't download.

Download Options:
-e int Exit while seed <int> hours later. (default 72 hours)
-p port Listen port. (default 2706 -> 2106)
-s save_as Save file/directory/metainfo as...
-C cache_size Cache size,unit MB. (default 16MB)
-f Force seed mode. skip hash check at startup.
-b bf_filename Bit field filename. (use it carefully)
-M max_peers Max peers count.
-m min_peers Min peers count.
-B rate Max bandwidth (unit KB/s)

Make metainfo(torrent) file Options:
-t With make torrent. must specify this option.
-u url Tracker's url.
-l piece_len Piece length.(default 262144)

hong> ctorrent -s new_filename -e 12 -C 32 -p 6881 eg.torrent

home page:
bug report:

# ctorrent -s JMF -e 12 -C 32 -p 6881
ctorrent 1.3.2 Copyright: YuHong(992126018601033)

Generic Options:
-h/-H Show this message.
-x Decode metainfo(torrent) file only, don't download.
-c Check exist only. don't download.

Download Options:
-e int Exit while seed <int> hours later. (default 72 hours)
-p port Listen port. (default 2706 -> 2106)
-s save_as Save file/directory/metainfo as...
-C cache_size Cache size,unit MB. (default 16MB)
-f Force seed mode. skip hash check at startup.
-b bf_filename Bit field filename. (use it carefully)
-M max_peers Max peers count.
-m min_peers Min peers count.
-B rate Max bandwidth (unit KB/s)

Make metainfo(torrent) file Options:
-t With make torrent. must specify this option.
-u url Tracker's url.
-l piece_len Piece length.(default 262144)

hong> ctorrent -s new_filename -e 12 -C 32 -p 6881 eg.torrent

home page:
bug report:

# ctorrent -s JMF -e 12 -C 32 -p 6881 JMF
error,initial meta info failed.
# ctorrent -s JMF.torrent -e 12 -C 32 -p 6881 JMF
error,initial meta info failed.
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#17 Post by rarsa »

just execute the following command:

Code: Select all

ctorrent JMF.torrent
That will create a folder JMF with all the mentioned files inside.

Remember that you need to open the port in your firewall. If you are using a router, you need to forward the port to your puppy computer.

Check the documentation or FAQ of your router to learn how to forward a port. If you tell me the brand and model of your router, I can point you in the right direction.
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#18 Post by dewdrop »

[quote="rarsa" Check the documentation or FAQ of your router to learn how to forward a port. If you tell me the brand and model of your router, I can point you in the right direction.[/quote]

The router I have is Broadband Router from Linksys, Model RT31P2.

This might be a bit tricky for me - new territory and all that stuff...but I guess you could say I've been there before...:)


PS: Thanks for the help.
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#19 Post by rarsa »

Here are the instructions: ... orrent.htm.They are quite straight forward.

Don't forget to disable the firewall. By the way. If you are behind a router that acts as a bridge, you don't need a firewall in your computer. the bridge works as a firewall.

Also, those instructions show the default bittorent client. For whatever reason, the default port that the ctorrent uses is 2706. To use the standard bittorrent port you need to use the -p parameter when executing ctorrent. Just make shure that ctorrent uses the port that you forward.


Code: Select all

ctorrent -p 6881 JMF.torrent
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#20 Post by dewdrop »

Hi Rarsa,

I'm more than slightly confused at this point.

I shall send this to you, and see if you can make any sense out of what you see...or at least my explanation of what has happened so far.

I did the following command as you instructed in an open xterm window in the /root directory:

ctorrent JMP.torrent

You said to do the following:

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