Ecopup 0.7 Beta [Depreciated]

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Ecopup 0.7 Beta [Depreciated]

#1 Post by ecomoney »

Note: a new version of this software is out, please see

Update: enhanced bugfix version 0.7.1 is out, please see the second page.

Current Download Mirror(s)

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(Many thanks to Central Queensland University for this mirror)

Ecopup will be a puppy based distro for recycling projects and "community computing".


1. To have a large variety of applications that will be required by most non-technical computer users in a low income home environment.

2. To be intuitive and familiar to those with existing windows experience.

3. To be able to be installed extremely simply on donated hardware, in under ten minutes, permanently removing all traces of the previous windows operating system. This is make it economically viable to refurbish older p.c.'s and sell them at a price point affordable to low income families and individuals.

4. To be natively compatible with as much hardware as possible, *without* additional setup time or training (i.e. autodetect).

5. To install on older hardware running other common operating systems at the end of their supported lifetime with that OS, without effecting the access to or configuration of the origional operating system. It will allow users to transfer operation of their computers to Ecopup gradually, without loss of productivity, and extend the lifetime of their current hardware.

at a point just before it becomes obselete, to allow end users to

This Setup is based on the system we use for recycling p.c.'s at our communty centre cybercafe, where we already have this beta installed. We are also using it for repairing virused/dead windoze machines that people bring in, and for setting up on donated hardware.

Technical Description

The structure of it differs from other puppy derivatives, in that it is a pup_2xx.sfs file and a pup_save.2fs file (this has been changed so that the it is called eco_save.2fs so as not to conflict with other puppy versions on the same computer and to facilitate dual booting via grub of those systems). The CD is basically puppy 2.15ce but boots/saves eco_save.2fs instead of pup_save). On the Cd is a zip archive containing a pre built eco_save.2fs file containing all of the additional applications, the open office .sfs and a "/boot" directory containing appropriate menu entries to start the computer.

The method to install currently on a donated computer is to boot from the cd and use gparted to partition the hard disk into a ext2 linux and a small linux swap. Then install grub on the MBR using the puppy Grub loader. After this we simply unzip the contents of the file (including the /boot directory) from the cd onto the formatted hard disk, and add to it zdrv_215.sfs and pup_215.sfs copied directly. Reboot machine and setup the screen resolution and there is a computer ready for sale. This process currently takes around ten minutes depending mostly on the speed of the cd.

Software Included
All applications currently packaged with puppy 2.15ce, along with

Openoffice 2.2,

gCompris, Tuxpaint, Supertux, lBreakout, lTetris, TuxType, Lincity 2 Solitaires, Mahjongg, ZSNES emulator and Descent II

AMSN 0.96, Gaim instant messenger, XChart IRC, Yahoo instant messenger, Skype and Gizmoproject 2.0 (Gekko)

Firefox 2.0.0.x series, Limewire, Thunderbird

XMMS, Audacity

CUPS 0.3, Torsmo, IceWM Vista themes (WhoDo) and themes from icewm Ultra (MU)

As well as this, we have incorporated various useablilty enhancements, configuration. Here is a copy of our working notes:-

Code: Select all


X Mic volume levels on mute at boot - Fixed
X firefox bookmarks
X xsane
X Torsmo Hard disk space monitor
X Set volume up for mic
X Skype hang at shutdown bug fixed
X Splash Screens for all apps to prevent double clicking/single clicking
X Firefox Splash
X Weather for Firefox
X Download Statusbar for Firefox
X Vista I.E. theme for firefox
X BetaFTPd added
X Firefox plugin selection
X Firefox Streaming Gxine Plugin
X Swapfile to 200mb
X WebCamwizard (Nick Biker)
X Firefox open downloads automatically
X abiword British English Dictionary (rick random)
X Limewire previews video and audio in Gxine
X Logout in icewm brings up shutdown/restart menu like doze
X Removed email and rxvt (white) from the quickstart menu (email duplicated in system toolbar)
X Changed initrd.gz and pup_215.sfs to handle eco_pup.2fs not pup_save.2fs 
X Audacity changed to Stereo in preferences to fix ALSA bug
X graveman no disk error - Fixed through config
X Timeout on hard-poweroff recovery
X gprip 0.4 added
X Gimpshop Added
X GtKam added  
X Changed working directory to "/root" in xsane
X .odt opens with Openoffice writer
X make double click handler for all icons and folders on the Desktop (credits to Guestoo)
X Make sure all openoffice docs open with openoffice, icons for files changed too
X icewm quick launceh menu changed, added volume, eth0 reconnect
        prog "Terminal" xterm_16x16 rxvt -rv -sl 32000
	prog "Kill Process" mini-run kp
	prog "Note pad" mini-edit defaulttexteditor /root/my-documents/puppy-notes.txt
	prog Rox home rox
        prog "Volumes" kcmsound.png zmixer
X Grays autoplay cd from Gxine
X Check cd ripping
X Manually register with ntl/virgin link (our local isp)

To Do

Liberation fonts
Links in Thunderbird open in firefox
Pet-be gone not working
betaftp keeps trying to install with petget
Theme Selector, moved under Settings and changes desktop background (possible ?), which will change 
window manager/theme as appropriate.
Double Check Song Ripper
Repair "hang" in AMSN when notification window is displayed in bottom right
"Trying to connect eth0 via autodhcp" message overwrites screen during bootup screens (xorgwizard and "not shut down properly message").
Possible to merge OO22_215.sfs,zdrv_215.sfs and pup_215.sfs into eco_save.2fs file (or at least into just one file) to simplify installation (just one file on hard disk).

Scripts Needed

Auto setup of burner/cd drives (check for "RW" and "DVD" in autodetect names
Script to install at boot if windows or no Ecopup already found (see "Installer" notes)


Currently the installation procedure for ecopup is unduly complex and needs lengthy training for it to be undertaken. We would like an installation script that would follow the following logic.

Code: Select all

                                            Boot from CD
                                       M$ Windows Found ?
                                              /              \
                                           NO            YES
                                           /                    \
              Ecopup Found on hd?       Ecopup Found on hd?
                    /                   \                            |              \
              Yes                  No                        No            Yes
                 |                        |                          |                    \ 
                 |             Format, Copy                |        "Do you want to upgrade?"
                 |             files, install                     |             /                               \ 
                 |             Grub, reboot                  |          Yes                            no
                 |                                                   |              \                                  \
                 |                                                   |   replace files(upgrade)      Boot in RAM
                 |                                                   |
                 |                                          dual boot or wipe/install ecopup"
                 |                                                      /                              \
      Previous Ecopup Version?           DUAL BOOT                   WIPE
              /                 \                                    /                                   \
         Yes                No                         Unzip/copy               Format HD, 
           |                       \                          files to C:, reboot     install Grub,
           |                     Boot                    -cd in linux                copy/unzip files, 
           |                     from CD              -cd out Windoze       Eject CD,
           |                     into RAM                                              "press key to reboot"
       Ask "Upgrade (y/n)"
         |                           \
        No                      Yes
         |                              \
      Boot                         Unzip/Copy
      from CD                   files from CD
      into RAM                  (no format)

Last edited by ecomoney on Fri 02 Jan 2009, 13:22, edited 5 times in total.
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#2 Post by Lobster »


- OK it is a standard Puppy 2.15CE Viz - forgot how gorgeous 2.15 is . . . I am in the 2.15 part now . . .

To answer my questions below - pretty obvious from your text . . . I need a hard disk . . . OK maybe tomorrow will install - download took 3 hours (slow broadband) but as usual went fine with xwget . . .


That is the biggest Puppy ever . . .

A full CD :)

:) Thanks for making it available

From the description it is designed to be installed on a HD? It is not for use as a live CD? Would it be best to start with a fresh hard disk to install this?

Warren and others involved in recycling, might find this very worthwhile

Have placed it on the news
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#3 Post by ecomoney »

Yes its meant to be installed, either standalone with grub and a linux partition, or alongside windows in a frugal install (CD in-Puppy, CD out-Windoze). People at the cafe either want to buy a refurbished computer, or they have a balked windoze installation and want to pup puppy on it while keeping their windoze data (the dual boot option)

Theres no reason it cant be installed on DVD or usb stick from what I understand about these mediums. If people want to try it it will not interfere with any other pup_saves they have (because its called eco_save.2fs). It does not need a partition or anything else, just unzip the file on the CD to a partition with enough space and boot from the cd.

Thanks for putting it in the puppy news lobster! :-)
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#4 Post by Lobster »

:D Excellent.
Another Puppy success.

OK I unzipped two files from the zip archive
and 0022_215.sfs

and placed these in /mnt/home

there was a bit of a mess at the resolution screen, where the auto dhcp kicked in. I pressed enter chose my xorg resolution and everything seemed set up and working including ethernet connection . . .

Great to see Descent and Tux with a supply of fish typing and all sort of good things.

Very impressed with this. I listened to the radio. Played some games. Connected to the chat. Changed into a varied selection of Tux backgrounds.

This would be very empowering for a low income family being given a free or cheap computer.

:) An ideal distro for the whole family. Very well done. Great energy, fun and enthusiasm is all present and waiting to be explored . . .:)
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Thanks for testing Lobster

#5 Post by ecomoney »

I think the eth0 autodhcp script that connects to the internet runs somewhat later in 2.15 as I have seen it place a black message ("getting ip from dhcp server...") appear on the startup messages before. This lacks polish and would degrade the confidence of the user at a critical point when they are first booting, I will figure out how to remove it. Another thing it does is, when I package (i.e. zip up) the file with eco_save.2fs, its generally running, so I must remember to delete the .XLOADED flag so at the first boot on the new machine, it does not come up with the time out "computer was not shut down properly"). I will add these to the todo List above.

Just for your information, the files that would ideally be copied to the hard disk are...

eco_save.2fs (the main save file)
0022_215.sfs (the openoffice 2.2 addon)

and also

zdrv_215.sfs (the drivers)
pup_215.sfs (the puppy 215 files themselves)

However, if these last two were not present on the hard disk, then the puppy loader would take them from the cd instead, not causing any problems bu increasing boot times slightly. A full hard disk install with GRUB would need these but as you are booting from the CD you got away with it.

It would be good to be able to merge the .sfs files into just one so as to simplify the setup (I dont know why the drivers were ever put into a separate package, I cant see a situation where they wouldnt be needed.). If they could be included in the eco_save.2fs file this would be ideal. I believe that this is possible (by copying or unzipping them to "/" within the eco_save.2fs internal filesystem?). I need some expert advice on this.

Thanks again for testing this Lobster, hope you have fun with it.

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Re: Thanks for testing Lobster

#6 Post by Lobster »

ecomoney wrote:
It would be good to be able to merge the .sfs files into just one so as to simplify the setup (I dont know why the drivers were ever put into a separate package, I cant see a situation where they wouldnt be needed.).

Rob from what I understand the drivers are separate for low ram systems. Only being called if required . . .

Thanks for the info - I am in my second day of using your Puplet - so will copy over the suggested files.

Now time for me to do some fishing . . .
As you are a fan of Community Editions any interest in doing a CE for 2.18 or 2.19?
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#7 Post by Gekko »

Organising a Community Edition is a very time consuming activity and requires a lot of expertise. I don't know if ecomoney is too busy for that.
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MD5 sum for EcoPup ISO download

#8 Post by Raman »

Dear Ecomoney,

On behalf of those living in the Great Digital Outback, I salute you.

On behalf of those living in the Great Dialup Outback, I salute you.

On behalf of those living in the midst of the unreliable, intermittent, and ultimately discontinuous copper telephone connection that lies at the core of the Great Narrow-Band Digital Outback, I salute you ... and ask that you provide an MD5 sum for your downloadable ISO which will, doubtless, bring great joy and salubrity to those living in the aforementioned netherworld.

Thank you for posting such a promising endeavor.

Hail Puppy!

Hail EcoPup!

All the best.

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#9 Post by ecomoney »

Organising a Community Edition is a very time consuming activity and requires a lot of expertise. I don't know if ecomoney is too busy for that.
Time consuming is fine (I spend a lot of time with puppy), Im just not sure about the expertise part! Im very up for contributing anything I can to the next community edition though in terms of user feedback and testing. I had promised to help with the 2.15ce edition, but I can see that an excellent job has been done anyway :-)

Raman, Im going to find out what an md5 sum is, then I will post one just as soon as I do!
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#10 Post by raffy »

In console opened from a directory where you have the ISO:

md5sum name_of_.iso

save the result by

md5sum name_of_.iso > save_file.txt
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#11 Post by Lobster »

Perhaps it is something to be worked towards gradually . . . maybe for the autumn around Puppy 2.19 :)
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#12 Post by ecomoney »

Thanks for that tip raffy, The MD5 Sum is 89069dc32e5cfc7deb851e8ba20500f9

Its included in a text file in the same directory.

I always look forward to the community editions of puppy (and have used every one so far), but I think its important to leave Barry and the other developers to make sufficient updates to the the core of puppy (like hardware detection, wireless and the dvd tools which have come out since 2.02ce) before adding the new user interface and useability features.
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Torrent download is needed for EcoPup

#13 Post by Raman »

Dear Ecomoney,

Given the potential broad appeal that EcoPup offers, and given that the download size ranges in the neighborhood of 700 MB, using a torrent file-sharing download would be more reliable -- certainly for the dialup user -- than using either an http download or a ftp download. Perhaps a torrent for EcoPup could be created?

Using the MD5 sum will supply confirmation of whether or not the finished http/ftp download was successful, but only after the 700 MB download is complete. But a 700 MB download on telephone dialup takes several days to accomplish, which is quite an investment in time and telephone, and while I personally have done this countless times, a torrent file-sharing download provides an ongoing continuous hash check -- like the MD5 sum which is done only at the end of the http/ftp download -- which gives much better certainty that the final 700 MB will be a good 700 MB, and that the time spent will not have been wasted.

A torrent is also quite cheap, given the wide distribution of costs associated with bandwidth.

But beyond that, the dialer supplied with Puppy does not automatically redial upon loss of telephone dialup connection, so maybe a dialer for Puppy could be supplied that offers automatic redial. This would be a huge advantage for the heavy-usage dialup puppy puppet.

Thank you again for posting EcoPup.

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#14 Post by ecomoney »

Thanks Raman, certainly this would be the best way to go on, it is a huge download (it took me a day to upload it!). Im going to have to ask advice on how to get this going?
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Torrent upload for EcoPup 0.7beta ISO

#15 Post by Raman »

Dear Ecomoney, provides an easy way to upload and start a torrent. Perhaps you could go to their site and click around to see what's what.

A torrent for EcoPup would be perfect for wide and cheap -- and reliable -- distribution.

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Creating a torrent upload in Puppy

#16 Post by Raman »

Perhaps one or more of the more knowledgeable folks could describe how to create -- in Puppy -- a torrent upload file and associated torrent tracker. Specifically a torrent for EcoPup, which, apparently, looks very promising, but lacks a reliable torrent for download. Because a reliable torrent for downloading EcoPup would be especially useful for the dialup download crowd.

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#17 Post by ecomoney »

I have decided on a few more updates for the ecopup distro.

Firstly aMSN 0.97RC will be added, this is because 0.96, the latest for puppy hangs while it displays popup messages (when people go on and offline and such) 0.97RC1 seems stable enough, although it still needs the "snack library" adding to do voice messages (one of its new features). The interface has also been redesigned and seems easier.

The bug in installing Flash 9 in Firefox has STILL not been resolved which is a major stumbling box for basic users that like to use myspace and yahoo mail. I know Im going to get a reply that it has been fixed and that you need to press xyz while standing on your head. The truth is a way of fixing it has not been discovered and documented that a more novice user can follow. We have considered using opera as flash crashes dont seem to effect this browser, but decided in the end to include a workaround.

The shortcut menu next to the icewm start button will have an entry to "restart firefox" when it crashes. The firefox inbuilt resume on crash feature will kick in and take the user back to the page where they were at before the crash. This is extremely ugly but there seems no alternative. I will post a request for someone to show me how to open a flash page hidden in the background with a flash9 plugin, as the seg fault that crashes flash pages only seems to occur when the plugin is closed (i.e. the user navigates away from the flash9 embedded page).

As well as this, we have someone (put your hand up if you want to be named) is programming up an installer that will start an automated install process when the cd is inserted into a running windows p.c., enabling them to, from then on, boot from the cd to start ecopup, and take the cd out to boot windoze. This is done by unzipping the eco_save.2fs file to c:\ .To our knowledge, this will be a first for a linux distro, unless someone knows otherwise. We also want to add an install icon when the cd is first booted on a non-puppied xp computer that will start a similar install procedure under ecopup in livecd mode (a.k.a. ubuntu), but this will obviously need to be a bash script built into the pup_215.sfs file.

Watch this space, ecopup 0.8 will be out soon!
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Bugfixs and improvements

#18 Post by ecomoney »

Ecopup 0.7.1 is out!!!

This is basically an enhanced version. It contains the updated amsn 0.97RC1, which has many more features as well as not having the intermittant pauses in conversations. It also has more plugins for firefox, with text zoom for the partially sighted, weather plugins, ad blockers etc. Weve also fixed the streamtuner radio to work with all of the channels.

Im going to upload this before going to bed tonight (although we have been using up the 3.5tb of bandwidth that provide us with!!!). We have installed it at the cybercafe this morning by replacing the eco_save.2fs file via gftp and betaftp in about an hour.

The biggest bugbear is still flash 9 crashing firefox. If ANYONE PLEASE can fix this it would really help us a lot!

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#19 Post by cthisbear »


headfounds' GamePup2.16 uses megaupload to host the file.

I have never been able to download Ecopup successfully, this version and the previous./ fails in the download....I have very few failures otherwise.

Any chance of checking with headfound how he uses an alternative.
Thanks mate.

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#20 Post by JohnB »

Ecomoney, Thank you for Ecopup. I have loaded it on a 900Mhz Toschiba laptop and also on a 400Mhz Dell and it looks absolutely gorgeous. Despite some trouble setting up Xorg on the laptop it runs well on both machines.
More importantly however with all the icons on the desktop I have been able to brief my wife to use it for e-mail, web and word processing on her own ( without too many "what do I do now?" questions) despite it not being Windoze. There is a really strong predjudice with newby computer users that only MS computing is right and proper.
Since you are getting involved with Talking Stick I presume we will have to wait for Ecopup 0.8, but I hope you use some of the human interface issues from Ecopup in the new community distro.
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