Elive 1.0 released - another small live Linux

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Elive 1.0 released - another small live Linux

#1 Post by Sage »

First stable integer release. Recommended for all distro junkies. This one will not disappoint. Difficult to leave it alone. Great entertainment - still different. Retirees, especially, with time available, might want to play with this:


Debian, too!
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#2 Post by MU »

there is a youtube-video embedded in this german article:

For people who want to see E17 "in action" first :)

E17 for Puppy:
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#3 Post by Nevermore »

i've been using elive from 0.6.5 version
even tried the testing repo with the latest enlightenment
this 1.0 is indeed very stable and nice
it runs fast on a centrino 1.3 with 256meg ram
overperforms ubuntu on a similar machine (1.4 512meg ram) by around 200%
however the packages are fairly outdated, being a debian etch it still has gaim and not even the most up to date plugins, and it doesnt support the .desktop files yet, that means you have to add things to menu manually..and that IS bad..
but indeed a great work
elive has currently around 20 days uptime on the laptop, with xchat, gaim, thunderbird, firefox, transmission, and many other app currently running..no crash so far..
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#4 Post by Chouca »

...and Everything works "out of the box" - wireless, codecs, Flash9, connecting to XP computers in the LAN...

It is also VERY easy to get a great working SUSPEND / RESUME in elive!!!!!

I have not rebooted since install - great Distro!!! :D :D

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#5 Post by darrelljon »

One of the things I like about it is its a lightweight multiuser distro with a GUI login screen.
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#6 Post by Boo2themoon »

I have been using Gem for a couple of weeks now with no probs at all. I am certainly no geek but I manage to install it on a laptop, dual booting with XP, in about 40 mins! Everything just works.

As mentioned above, adding new app icons to the menu or ibar is a pain in the ass but this should be fixed with the updated E17 that will support .desktop files.

Yes it is fast but not as fast as puppy!
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#7 Post by Nevermore »

i agree but where is it..
i am afraid we will have to wait pretty long for it since the developer is one person only :D
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