Xserver 6.8.2

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Xserver 6.8.2

#1 Post by MU »


The "big" Xserver with modules for many different Grafics-cards.

I decreased size from 100 to 35 MB by deleting fonts, documentation, some smaller Apps and the "DRI"-Modules (available as "Addon", see further down).

NEW: pup001 -file with this Xserver pre-installed:

Use that if you cannot reach the console or cannot download the dotpup.

Install the dotpup, and choose YES to register to pupget (or you cannot uninstall it later).

Then restart your computer.
I just tested it with Puppy 1.0.5.
When the computer wants to restart, it hangs with a "Kernel-Bug"-Message, so switch it off and on.

This is just right after installation, later this error is gone.

Your Computer will now start with the Vesa-module, 800*600 pixel resolution.
You can change these values with an editor in /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Use the Editor "mp" on the commandline (CTRL-A opens the Menue).

To use other modules than Xvesa, replace the entry "vesa" with the name of one of the following drivers (see xorg.conf.sis-2monitors as an example).

These modules are available:

Code: Select all

apm_drv.o            i740_drv.o           savage_drv.o
ark_drv.o            i810_drv.o           siliconmotion_drv.o
ati_drv.o            linux                sis_drv.o
atimisc_drv.o        mga_drv.o            tdfx_drv.o
chips_drv.o          neomagic_drv.o       tga_drv.o
cirrus_alpine.o      nsc_drv.o            trident_drv.o
cirrus_drv.o         nv_drv.o             tseng_drv.o
cirrus_laguna.o      r128_drv.o           vesa_drv.o
cyrix_drv.o          radeon_drv.o         vga_drv.o
dummy_drv.o          rendition_drv.o      via_drv.o
fbdev_drv.o          riva128.o            vmware_drv.o
glint_drv.o          s3_drv.o
i128_drv.o           s3virge_drv.o
I uncommented all entries for mouse and keyboard, to avoid crashes.
Like this "secure" standard-modules are used.

International keyboards can be set up with the following instruction:
http://www.murga.org/%7Epuppy/viewtopic ... 4410#14410

If you use the existing uncommented entries, a USB-mouse will work with scroll-wheel-support.
This only works, if there is a link from /dev/usbmouse to /dev/input/mouse0

So I replaced "/usr/X11R6/bin/xwin" with my own script, that sets this link.
Edit this file, to add other links, for example for keyboards.
In "xwin" you also can switch between xorg and the puppy-Xserver "kdrive".

If you do not like to edit textfiles, you might try the program xorgconfig, but I did not test it.

The dotpup has 2 "Eyecandy"-programs.
transset 0.3 lets you select a window with the mouse, and set it transparent.

xcompmgr activates shadows for windows.
Run xcompmgr-demo to see how it works.

Download: (15 MB):

There are also some addons available, for example DRI-hardware-acceleration-modules:

It works fine for me, but as you can see from the text above, configuration can be somewhat difficult.

You also may install it from the commandline.
mkdir /xinstall
cd /xinstall
wget http://noforum.de/dotpups/xorg682c.pup

unzip xorg682c.pup

The installer uses "cdialog" then to lead you through the installation.

To uninstall, remove it in the pupget-packagemanager, and reboot.

Bugfix: If your Desktop-menues to restart the computer don't work, install this file, too: http://www.murga.org/~puppy/download.php?id=880

Last edited by MU on Fri 07 Oct 2005, 22:16, edited 8 times in total.
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#2 Post by BarryK »

If you use the existing uncommented entries, a USB-mouse will work with scroll-wheel-support.
This only works, if there is a link from /dev/usbmouse to /dev/input/mouse0
that's interesting.
Should I put that link into Puppy permanently?
...since I don't see why it's presence can do any harm with other X servers.
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#3 Post by MU »

BarryK wrote: Should I put that link into Puppy permanently?
...since I don't see why it's presence can do any harm with other X servers.
I think so, yes.
At least I had no problems running the kdrive-server with this link (even if I had run xorg before without rebooting).

I found it out, by running xorg using "startx".
In this case you can see the error-messages, different to when you run it with "xwin".

This is somewhat strange, as "startx" just is a link to "xwin".

Maybe there will be needed another Link for the keyboard , too, as xorg refuses to start when you activate a keyboard-module in /etc/X11/xorg.conf (the same way it refused to start with a mousemodule, when the link in /dev did not exist)

I will try this somewhen the next days.

Greets, Mark
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#4 Post by GuestToo »

the dotpup handler really wasn't intended to be used for very large dotpup files, but if you have enough space in /root, that should not be a problem

also, Puppy has mp, an easy-to-use editor that does not need X ... press ctrl+A to get a menu ... easier than vi anyway

when i ran the dotpup, i got this ... a list of files ... i pressed enter to see if it would continue installing, and it cancelled the installation

as a workaround, i installed icewm ... i got the same window, but this time there were Yes / No buttons at the bottom ... i clicked Yes and it finished installing

X would not start when i rebooted ... i got an Out-Of-Sync error on my monitor

there was no xorg.conf file in /etc/X11 ... or anywhere on my hard drive

so i used xorgconfig to make one ... it would be easier to edit a default config file, i think

anyway, i made an xorg.conf file, and got X to start
i edited xorg.conf to get my mouse wheel working, and configure my monitor better

i found the fonts were very small
there are a number of ways to change the font size

putting something like Xft.dpi: 108 in /root/.Xdefaults works

setting the monitor size in xorg.conf works ... something like DisplaySize 328 246

i changed
/usr/X11R6/bin/xinit /root/.xinitrc -- -bpp 16 > /tmp/xerrs.txt 2>&1
/usr/X11R6/bin/xinit /root/.xinitrc -- -bpp 16 -dpi 100 -nolisten TCP > /tmp/xerrs.txt 2>&1
in xwinpuppy, which also works

gxine still crashes full screen ... the workaround to prevent that still works ... it takes less cpu use to play a movie (i'm not using the vesa driver)

so, the package seem to work pretty well, so far
i'm using it right now
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#5 Post by MU »

GuestToo, thanks for the detailed Feedback.

The message with theunreachable buttons:
Must replace this xmessage with a Gtkdialog-list I think.

A xorg.conf should be there, so my Dotpupmaker does not work correct with /etc
I will try it again on a complete fresh pup00x, and fix the dotpupmaker.

meanwhile, here are they, download them with "save as" in mozilla:


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#6 Post by GuestToo »

if you replace the older version of libxaw that Puppy uses with a newer version, you lose the 3d effect and xmessage doesn't look as nice


(xmessage looks crude anyway)
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#7 Post by MU »


Ok, removed them.
I fixed thedialog, now it just displays the first 15 files that will be overwritten (also replaced dotpup-wizard 02 with this bugfix 03).

I might replace that with a scrollable complete list somewhen later.

xorg.conf now is written to /root/.etc/X11 , so it will be extracted correctly I think, at least it seems to after a first test.

Thanks again :)
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#8 Post by rarsa »

I'll be your test-rabbit right now. I hope it does not put too much makeup in my pupils.

Puppy is unworkable on my desktop, I get headaches (migrain headaches) with the flickering. a 19 in monitor with 60 Mhz flicker is like a hammer to my head.

So, I'll report to you in a few minutes :)
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#9 Post by GuestToo »

my keyboard works ok with xorg
the caps lock key works properly now

maybe xkb would work properly with xvesa if it were configured right (i did try before, but didn't get it to work)
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#10 Post by rarsa »

I'm glad to report that my desktop is officially a puppy computer joining the ranks of my laptop. :)

I just copied the xorg.conf from my FC3 and replaced the fonts with the fonts provided in puppy

That's great because I couldn't do too much experimentation on the laptop as it is 100% NTFS and it's not mine, it's my company's laptop. Hopefully I'll be able to contribute a little bit more now.

I am using the i810 driver for an inboard video motherboard Intel 845G.

Barry, remember my original review of puppy? well, I think that the number of 'cons' is approaching 0.
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#11 Post by BarryK »

If you use the existing uncommented entries, a USB-mouse will work with scroll-wheel-support.
This only works, if there is a link from /dev/usbmouse to /dev/input/mouse0
Okay, it's now permanent link in Puppy.
Barry, remember my original review of puppy? well, I think that the number of 'cons' is approaching 0.
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#12 Post by pakt »

Mark, I'm very pleased to report that your dotpup worked well apart from the problems posted by GuestToo & rarsa.
GuestToo wrote: when i ran the dotpup, i got <snip> ... a list of files ... i pressed enter to see if it would continue installing, and it cancelled the installation
I got around this problem by making the window fullscreen, then the two yes/no buttons showed up. I clicked on yes and the installation continued.

When it finished, I didn't get an xorg.conf file either. There was only a directory called app-defaults in /etc/X11. However, xorgconfig worked and created a working xorg.conf for me using the i810 driver. Puppy105rc now runs nicely in 1280x1024 on an external 17" flat screen connected to my Dell laptop. Both my external USB keyboard and USB optical mouse work. All that is left now is to get some of the keys to work :D. I have a Swedish keyboard and have modified xorg.conf with

Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
Option "XkbLayout" "se"
Option "XkbVariant" "nodeadkeys"

but the
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#13 Post by pakt »

Here's a screenshot of Puppy 1.0.5rc using X.org 6.8.2 and the i810 driver at 1280x1024 8)
(67.87 KiB) Downloaded 5667 times
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#14 Post by MU »


I'm very glad to hear it basically works.
I will try to trackdown my keyboard-error.

Currently I use the inbuild (american) driver.
Maybe swedisch/german Keyboards need more fonts.
As they make up more than 50 MB, it will take some days until I might find a rasonable solution.

At least next weekend I should be able to post an update.

Greets, Mark

#15 Post by Ruler-Nrg »

Nice work.

Can someone tell me,
For the driver i need with my touchreen, I need te edit the "serverlayout" Section in the xorg.conf file., However, This section is not in the xorg file.. If i put it there myself X wont start anymore :(
Can someonge help me with that?

Link to the ful Topic:

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#16 Post by keenerd »

This is great. It works on my thinkpad with a Neomagic MagicMedia256AV.

One little thing, I can't get the shadows or the transparency to start up. I'm using the 'neomagic generic' option from xorgconfig. Is there a better driver choice?
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#17 Post by MU »

Ruler-Nrg wrote:Nice work.

Can someone tell me,
For the driver i need with my touchreen, I need te edit the "serverlayout" Section in the xorg.conf file., However, This section is not in the xorg file.. If i put it there myself X wont start anymore :(
Can someonge help me with that?

Link to the ful Topic:

What lines exactly do you have to add there?

Try to start using the "startx"-command.
This might give an error -message, please post it here, too.

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#18 Post by MU »

keenerd wrote:This is great. It works on my thinkpad with a Neomagic MagicMedia256AV.

One little thing, I can't get the shadows or the transparency to start up. I'm using the 'neomagic generic' option from xorgconfig. Is there a better driver choice?
It works for me with the sis or the vesa-module.

If you did not use the xorg.conf provided with my dotpup (xorg682.pup), then add manually these lines in the end of /etc/X11/xorg.conf:

Code: Select all

    Section "Extensions"
             Option "Composite" "Enable"
             Option "RENDER" "Enable"
Then run my /usr/X11R6/bin/xcompmgr-demo in a rxvt, and report errors displayed there.

#19 Post by Ruler-Nrg »

I always start with the " startx" command. It dous not give any error message.. ik just goes back to the # Prompt.

the readmy of the driver:
3. Add strings to /etc/X11/XF86Config-4. (let X Window load the driver)

3.a. Find "ServerLayout" section, add: Inputdevice "touchscreen1" "SendCoreEvents"

Ex: Section "ServerLayout"Inputdevice "touchscreen1" "SendCoreEvents" EndSection

3.b. Find "Module" section, add: Load "etouch"

Ex: Section "Module"
Load "etouch"

3.c. Add the following section to the "InputDevice" section:

Ex: Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "touchscreen1"
Driver "etouch"

Option "Device" "/dev/ttyS0" Option "AlwaysCore"

Thats it.. thanks for your help. And sorry for my bad english ;)
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#20 Post by rarsa »


1. Add the section
2. Ctrl-Alt-Backspace
3. Try to go into the server (you will get the error)
4. Tar the log file

Code: Select all

 tar -cvzf   Xorg0.log.tgz    /var/log/Xorg.0.log
5. Attach the [/i]Xorg0.log.tgz[/i] file to your next post

That will give us more information about the error.
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