2.17: Stange video resolution issues

Booting, installing, newbie
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2.17: Stange video resolution issues

#1 Post by Oberon85 »

Running a Inspiron 2500 with Intel 815 graphics...

Boot off USB, max resolution 1024x768
Boot off CDR or CDRW max 1024x768
Boot off HD max res 800x600
tried editing /etc/x11/xorg.conf to match when booted off USB key or CD, no-go

running puppy 2.17.1 off all media


running from HD
If I drop to prompt and rerun xorgwizard and try to set resolution manually, xwin never starts. Has no issues when running from USBFLash or CD

thanks for your time

(Barry, excellent distro!! working with Linux/Unix on and off the last 13 years, and you rock!)

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Location: Friday Harbor, WA

In addition...

#2 Post by Oberon85 »

Running 3.0 (2.21) as frugal from hard drive, my max is 1024x768... And is running great!

Having some issues with Songbird, and some sound card issues on other computers, but backgrounded networking (wireless USB dongle) works great, and so has everything else I have tried so far!

thanks for all the work Barry!! Can't wait for the final (or even beta 2!)

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Location: Friday Harbor, WA


#3 Post by Oberon85 »

I have been running 3.0 (221) from HD as frugal, everything works great, and then yesterday I installed 3.0 B2 (222) and lose my ability to run at 1024x768, lose my networking (wireless prism2_usb)(which won't autoload or load when asked to (error))
wiped HD, new partitions, bootable hda1, linuxswap hda2 fresh install of 3.0B2(222) which, when running from CD pfix=ram gives me 1024x768 xorg, or 800x600 xvesa with synaptics touch to click, but no touch to click at 1024x768 (intel815 chipset) Found my wireless usb, but could not connect.

temporarily going to re-install 3.0 (221) as it was working better.

thoughts on any of these would be appreciated.
Posts: 13
Joined: Sun 23 Sep 2007, 15:56
Location: Friday Harbor, WA

One last note....

#4 Post by Oberon85 »

If I make pmedia=ram for a hd boot, (except for 222) I can get my hd installation to come up at 1024x768, with no synaptics touch-to-click.

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