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USB Flash

#21 Post by RPM »

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#22 Post by Lobster »

In the new Seamonkey, using the wiki, the 'quick icons' do not appear. :? This also happens with Opera.

In Opera the trick was to make Opera act as if it was Netscape. I could not find a similar trick in Seamonkey 1.1.2
Is this solved by updating to 1.1.4?
Is there a solution?

Last edited by Lobster on Mon 08 Oct 2007, 04:22, edited 1 time in total.
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#23 Post by kkpity »

I'm having same error reported on this thread:

/bin/sh:can't access tty;job control turned off

What I did?

I've burned a CD with puppy 3.00 (md5sum ok)

At same CD, I've burned openoffice2.0.0 and devx3.00.sfs (md5sum ok)

When booting with the CD, the above message appears.

Any suggestion?


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#24 Post by Lobster »

I have tried to use Dougals remaster on Puppy 3 Beta 1, Beta 2 and Final

No joy :?

Is the remaster incompatibe with 3?
Should I try Puppy remaster instead (anyone try that - I think it requires burning to a CD-R and is much simpler? Anyone try it in P3 (Puppy3)?

It is possible that there is a conflict with Ezpup and P3 and Dougal's remaster?
It is also possible that I have insufficient ram (512MB) and need a Linux swap file?

Someone has managed to use Douglas remaster to create "Fire Hydrant" based on Puppy 3"
By using the 'simple' option in Dougals remaster, I too was able to create a remaster of Puppy 3 :)

Last edited by Lobster on Mon 08 Oct 2007, 04:26, edited 1 time in total.
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#25 Post by Lobster »


Also happening (same code error) with extensions
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#26 Post by JustGreg »

I do not know if this should be called a bug, but I did correct the problem.
I loaded Puppy 3.00 on the long suffering USB hard drive, which I do all experiments on. On boot, I found Puppy 3.00 did not recognize my WIFI USB device. Since I recently used the USB hard drive to do some testing of Puppy 2.17 and WPA protection schemes, I knew the WFI did work. Puppy 3.00 on USB hard drive was not detecting the WIFI USB device and loading the proper module. I tried booting with just the CDROM copy of Puppy 3.00. No problems were encountered. The WIFI networking was there with the proper module for the USB WIFI device

This gave me an idea. I tried booting with the CDROM and with the USB hard drive and WIFI device attached. The CDROM Puppy 3.00 did detect the save file on the USB hard drive and the WIFI device. The proper module was load and WIFI worked fine. Using the connection wizard, I set up for the WIFI networking to be started at boot. Rebooted to save the configuration to the USB device. Removed the CDROM and the USB hard drive booted correctly with the WIFI setup.

The use of the CDROM and USB save device (flash or hard drive) may be a "work around" until the resident wizards correct the USB device detection problem.
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#27 Post by kkpity »

I've fixed the error:
/bin/sh:can't access tty;job control turned off

...removing devx300.sfs and openoffice2.0.0.sfs from the CD.

I think the devx300.sfs was the responsible for the bug, but I'm not sure.

Hope this info help others.

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bcm43xx wifi chipset.

#28 Post by Wellesfargo »

ArnaudN wrote:Hi everyone,

Two problems I have seen:

My laptop has a bcm43xx wifi chipset.
It is well recognized, but after having entered my WEP key and successfully checked the network, there is no way to get an IP adress with DHCP...

I have a Dell laptop with the same wireless chipset. I found that the rc.network script had to be slightly modified. I changed all the lines with ipconfig down and changed them to ipconfig up. I discovered this trouble with Puppy 2.17. The bcm43xx chipset was not coming back online quickly enough to dhcp an ip address.

Sorry I can't help with your second problem.
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#29 Post by Flash »

I tried to report this bug in Barry's Developers blog for beta 2 but it wouldn't let me so I reported it in this forum instead. Perhaps I was too late for 3.00. Anyway it does the same thing. To wit: multisession Puppy saves as it should when it shuts down, but not using the "Save" icon on the desktop. When the "Save" icon is clicked an rxvt window opens but nothing else happens. Puppy just sits there, with a rxvt window open that shows nothing but a blinking cursor.
[url=http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=69321][color=blue]Puppy Help 101 - an interactive tutorial for Lupu 5.25[/color][/url]
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#30 Post by cb88 »

ok i am running 3.00 in pfix=ram on my laptop 64mb ram so basically it is just ignore in my pupsaves and it is resonably fast from cd

dial up is sort of working same as in 2.17.1

in 3.00 i have to depmod then modprobe ltmodem then modprobe ltserial or else it doesn't detect my modem at all
it is detected as /dev/ttyS_ESSO i am getting 26 to 36 kbs
would be nice it this were fixed in 3.01 along with the grub issues (booting puppy from frugal on fat32 with grub in a separate ext2 partition) also could a command line script be made that outputs hardware configuration to a connected drive say the hard drive FD or flash drive just a thought
Taking Puppy Linux to the limit of perfection. meanwhile try "puppy pfix=duct_tape" kernel parem eater.
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BUG: /bin/sh:can't access tty;job control turned off

#31 Post by maddog »

kkpity wrote:/bin/sh:can't access tty;job control turned off
I too have had this problem. Tested on three different PCs. Strange... This was with the seamonkey ISO that was annouced on Distrowatch.

Edit: I noticed that I put the cd into a scsi cdrom drive. Puppy did boot when I switched to the ide cdrom drive on one of the PCs. My 2.8 ghz machine didn't like it in it's ide drive though. The machine that booted is an 10 year old 500mhz. Strange...

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Problems and recommendations

#32 Post by Henry »

1. Seamonkey has been chosen as the default, central internet suite for Puppy. So be it. Overall a good choice. But let's use a recent, complete version that works with important extensions, for example GPG. (Slackware's package is apparently not satisfactory in this case.) Suggest compiling a complete ver 1.1.4. And let's not go overboard to make Puppy run in computers with tiny rams - they're on the way out.

2. We need a consistent package handling system. Slaptget should be fine when it arrives, thank goodness, but there is a lot of legacy compatibility and menu stuff to be sorted. The current experimental Slaptget.pet add-on for ver. 3 is incomplete, unreliable, menus don't work, causes sytem lockups. Sorry, but at least that's my experience.

3. Puppy is a wonderfully compact and fast system. Roxfiler is excellent but will not be loved by naive windows refugees. So be it, we can't please eveyone. Please, no KDE. However, we could pay more attention to human factors. As mentioned repeatedly, Pfind, PSI, and Pdict all force one to grab the mouse instead of continuing keying to enter. Small, but annoying. Omitting local help files is necessary for compactness and internet help links are more up to date; applications should have such links available where practical. It's frustrating to need help but be unable to find it without a search.

4. Gxine is the chosen default MM player, and a good one. MM is always a diverse headache, but Gxine in Puppy has seemingly forever been incomplete and confusing, and the current inability to use full screen should not have been overlooked.

5. I am a user, not a developer, and have been extremely interested in promoting and seeing Puppy succeed - on a large scale, not just for my own use. Barry has done wonders on the internal machinery, but more help is needed to smooth the rough edges and have things work as reasonably expected. I still envision a Puppy that regular people use productively, not just for "fun" in figuring it out. 2.17.1 is very reliable and mature at the basic functions, but when one tries to do things a little out of the ordinary it can get difficult. Scanning, e.g. although these problems are mostly not peculiar to Puppy, but to the lack of Linux drivers and applications.

Puppy 3 is I reckon still a beta in fact if not name - as most computer systems are. But it will I hope "get there" in my lifetime - and Barry's.
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#33 Post by Sage »

maddog: There is a long running thread:

http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... &start=105

that tells you that scsi doesn't boot in Puppy, but does read and write to scsi drives.

Booting from a scsi CDdrive is a much, much older paradox - you need DOS drivers to see it. 'doze eventually solved the problem with a floppy boot disc with ASPI drivers supplied by Adaptec.
However, as you read from the above thread, one guy has solved booting from scsi (perhaps only the HD?) for Puppy, too.
Until Barry finds the time and inclination to make this apparently minor adjustment, you can use DSL or one of the major distros. DSL has always been able to boot installations from scsi hard drives. Unix was entirely based on scsi HW, so it's something of a conundrum that some distros struggle with it - everything needed is in the kernel, always has been.

You could write to Barry to encourage him when he returns from the Perth Show next week? Several of us have, but he's a very busy guy! After all, that scsi thread (there are others, too) has received thirteen thousand+ hits - and I'll only admit to a dozen or so, myself.
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Another note on problems and recommendations

#34 Post by Henry »

Thanks for your tolerance of my forthright observations above. Here's more, not version 3 specific, but not to be overlooked as part of the whole.

Any "distro" has to do a lot of testing to be palatable to the public. Puppy has done well at developing innovative mechanisms, such as the Petget package manager (soon to be augmented/superseded by Gslapt?) But volunteers are needed to test/fix user type items.

In the Petget manager I just now looked at three things at random:

Bluefish - 0.7 There has never been such a version, yet it sort of installs.
Galculator 1.2.4 "installs" and appears in the menu but doesn't run.
Gphoto 2.1.6. I don't know what this is; there's no description. It cites dependencies it can't find and I can't find. It "installs," doesn't appear in the menu and won't run.

Maybe there's something wrong with my Puppy in particular but if so no indication. Such things can leave an ordinary user scratching his head.

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Live cd boot issues

#35 Post by cell_dude5 »

I have been trying to revive an older laptop, and have a few issues with trying to get it to boot the 3.0 Puppy live cd.

Right after the Perform a 'switch_root' to the new Unionfs filesystem is done, it starts this:

modprobe: FATAL: Error running install command for binfmt_0000 and it just repeats that error forever until I ctl-alt-del.

I found a copy of puppy 2.13 and it boots just fine.

Any help is appreciated.

ps. Its a Compaq Armada E500 laptop with PIII 500 and 128meg. PCMCIA D-link wireless adapter installed.
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#36 Post by Sage »

Armadas are compatible, in principle, (I have one myself) but a number of issues have been raised here, so worth a Search.
Two suggestions come immediately to mind.
Compaq wrote some hidden files to hard disc which are accessed during boot up. These can be viewed with a suitable utility, Linux or DOS. It has been said that they interact with the BIOS at start up. However, it is doubtful whether they are essential despite some claims to that effect.
Here is the simplest way of dealing with the situation, even if the description might sound complicated.
Remove the HD and install it into some modern HW using an IDE adapter, available from Radioshack, NewEgg (USA), CPC (UK), Komplett (Europe). This operation takes minutes only.
Take an image of this disc - and verify it!
Fdisk from DOS or cfdisk from Puppy. Delete everything and set up one main partition and a very small swap partition (something between 48 & 128 is entirely adequate depending on main memory).
Format main to ext2 and format swap.
Install Puppy and return the HD to the old laptop.
Adjust BIOS as appropriate.
Once it runs, set up as usual. If it doesn't work, restore the image and try something else!
Edit your profile to disclose your general location (there may be a Forum member living around your corner that can offer more detailed assistance).
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can't install flash 9

#37 Post by justauser »

I installed the Firefox 2.0.4 using petget. It installed by complained about 3 missing components.

I tried to install flash 9 and it fails because it says it can't find iconv. It also wants glibc 2.2, which doesn' seem to be part of 3.00
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#38 Post by hushpuppy »

In puppy 2.16 my eth0 is autodetected (8139too) and will configure, i have an usb rt73 based wireless stick, not autodetected, but can be either modprobed or installed and configured using the network wizard.

In puppy 3 final-seamonkey, NEITHER are detected, and rt73 connot be loaded or modprobed ( no such module). Havent tried 8139too modprobe as i couldnt remember which module it used until i was back into 2.16.

#39 Post by jonyo »

Message was given to me that Seamonkey 1.1.2 in pup v3 has a bug in it (SM problem) & the solution is upgrading to 1.1.4

That's all I know & gotta go.
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#40 Post by designengineer »


1. It doesn't detect eth0 or eth1 on one computer (Desktop with asus m/board) or eth0 on the other (Gateway laptop) or load the modules (or drivers or whatever they are in the wizard for network). These worked fine previoulsy (2.14).

All these things work fine when booting from the CD with pfix=ram,clean. They don't work after it is installed on the hard drive.[/quote]

Same thing here. Run 3.00 from CD first time and everything works. Save the session and no more networking or sound, nor will it detect it. Says I have no network card or sound.
Try new CD. Everything works. OK good. Do frugal install. No Network or sound. Delete that install. Do Full install. Everything works but now it runs slower since nothing is loaded in ram.

So to sum up: Everything works upon boot as long as I do not save the session. saving the session, either as a Live CD or frugal install kills sound and network. Bummer
Any thoughts?
Last edited by designengineer on Fri 05 Oct 2007, 15:11, edited 2 times in total.
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