can dialup users please test this

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can dialup users please test this

#1 Post by Q »

possible fix for dial up problem in PL3

by no means am qualified to play guru that is why i didn't posted in the how to section which is for those who knows what they are talking about :oops: . so please excuse my limited knowledge if what am posting will make you laugh@me .but maybe this could get dial up working in 2.17,2.20,3.00.

when by trial and error (yes I know its not the linux way of getting problmes fixed )I managed to get pupdial working in an old version which got me intrested in trying to find out why it freez my laptop not just pupdial but any other dial up program.


ok ,ok . here goes nothing......

try disabling quick boot from the BIOS and watch carefully when puppy3 or the 2 other versions (2.17,2.20)boots.
if you run it from USB or local drive for those like me with no cd burner try adding [loglevel=7 ] to get more details.
Don't know if it will work on other laptops other than IBM but mine detected my Ltmodem as ttys_ESS0 (have no clue what type
of modem that is??!! my modem is agere/lucent v.92 in all puppy's version it was set up as ttyLT0 ). but hey...if that made work what the hech. :lol:

- second possible thing to modify is Init2 line in wvdial.conf which in my case was like that:

searching online it was suggested in debian forum to use space between commands, so modified mine to look like this
ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 S11=55 +FCLASS=0
also in wvdial.conf try changing Dial Command line from ATDT to ATX2DT

hope this will help or at least shed some light for finding a fix .
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#2 Post by BarryK »

I don't think the spaces make any difference, except to make it easier to read.
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Please clarify a few points.

#3 Post by purple_ghost »

You are saying that prior to Puppy 2.17, the modem worked properly?

When you run your tests. Is the version of Puppy that you are running a fresh new install, or a an upgrade from a previous version of Puppy? I ask because prior to Puppy 2.17, when I did an upgrade I also had problems with the dial up not working. That has not happened in several upgrades. However....

Usually the first question to ask oneself, when something that was working stops working --is; "What changed?" I guess you have already been through that.

Have you used some of these versions of Puppy on other computers and gotten the dial up to work? Preferably with the same ISP? Although I would not encourage you to spend a lot of time testing that if you have not. It can be interesting in being sure that one knows how to set all the buttons for your particular ISP, even in a different computer.

Like wise. I would not spend a lot of time testing it. But. Have you gotten any other Linux distro working with this notebook? I am guessing ithe modem in this notebook once worked. Maybe even in, gag, Windows.

Probably does not matter. However. It is nice to know something more about the other hardware on the laptop. Like how much RAM? Are you using a swap file? Everything else in Puppy seem to be working? What kind of Video card are you using? Are you using Xorg with that?

I know that Barry has fixed some things in Puppy 3.0 that has to do with Modems. Also there are some other buttons on PupDial that can be set in different ways. Like Carrier Detect.

If I was testing your computer. I would try to use the Puppy Live-CD of 3.0 with a fresh pup_save file and Xvesa. I say that because I know that sometimes a few things must be configured differently when working with a hard drive install or USB. Xvesa because I have seen, in much earlier versions of Puppy. That the Modem detect did not always function correctly with some settings of Xorg. It makes absolutely no sense to me. However. I do realize you might not have the option of using a CD boot.

When I first start the PupDial and configure it. Before I can get a successful dial out I must hit the button "Probe." Then the Pup Dial changes the speed shown in the PupDial.

Please tell us the exact order of events when you try to dial out. What you see? Does it appear to even try to dial? Well. Even better. PupDial produces a log of what it thinks happened. Can you copy that out and post it it here?

I bet you know this already. Usually when I see the words Agere/Lucent I seem to remember threads that this is a soft modem for which there are Linux drivers. One driver, which is very slow that is free. Then someone sells a driver for more standard speeds with Lucent Modems. The other note I recall is the PCM modems work in Linux with a standard driver.?????? I dunno. I do not use your hardware.

The other option to try. If you are working with Puppy 3.0. and these other things did not help. I might try to reduce the speed listed in Pup Dial. (Then of course to hit the button "Probe" which I hope writes the new value to the file. In my case. Close down PupDial and then restart it. See what the value is set at.) It is my understanding. That PupDial is a GUI front end for WvDial. The last time I looked a file that gave the commands to WvDial there was a note saying not to directly edit the file. Meaning use one of the GUI front ends and let it modify the command file for WvDial.

Your efforts to try different options is a good idea. I applaud you on being willing to make the effort. If you can identify the problem, and it is in Puppy, I feel sure Barry will fix it for the next release of Puppy.

I am sorry I could not give you a simple direct advice fix. Your posting more information will allow some of Linux gurus here to make good suggestions.
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#4 Post by Q »

You are saying that prior to Puppy 2.17, the modem worked properly?
When you run your tests. Is the version of Puppy that you are running a fresh new install, or a an upgrade
from a previous version of Puppy?
Always fresh .I have a small HDD that I use just for testing (the main one is disconnected ofcourse).
Usually the first question to ask oneself, when something that was working stops working --is; "What changed?"
I guess you have already been through that.
Oh yes ,I have been through that not to mention asking and searching all over the web.I have a special interest in
modems even back in the days of M$ setting up modems on dos and win 3.1 was my hobby ,back when modems reached
whopping speed of 9600Bps no pnp and you try different settings for jumpers,I miss them BBS days ^_^ lol

Have you used some of these versions of Puppy on other computers and gotten the dial up to work?
Preferably with the same ISP?
yes,even borrowed external modems \pcmcia modems and gone through the bios trying different options,only with IBM
that seems to have a modem problem with any puppy version later than 2.16 no matter what modem it is.that is why
I hope any users around that have Thinkpad to post if they have any dial up problems.
Have you gotten any other Linux distro working with this notebook? I am guessing the modem in this
notebook once worked.Maybe even in, gag, Windows.
Yes ,way too many distros to post here.first I thought its my ISP and for some reason my friends trust me and gave me
their account info to test all diffrent authentication protocls even tried penngy .then I thought it was the kernel but it turned out its not as Mr Barry kindly put together a package for ltmodem when asked for his help in getting
ltmodem to work in wolvix and it did perfectly although it uses the same kernel version as PL3 even tried the retro but
same problem.
so it must be something else???!!!Don't laugh guys but I think its something to do with the new method Barry used in init..
.either that or its that Acer laptop that Mr.Barry started to use as his work station,don't you guys notice that too many
bugs since 2.17?...ok you can laugh now but not all @once....LOL
Probably does not matter. However. It is nice to know something more about the other hardware on the
laptop. Like how much RAM? Are you using a swap file?
Everything else in Puppy seem to be working? What kind of Video card are you using? Are you using Xorg with that?

it doesn't matter (video card \Ram \swap file \Xorg )not having a problem with display.
I know that Barry has fixed some things in Puppy 3.0 that has to do with Modems. Also there are some other
buttons on PupDial that can be set in different ways. Like Carrier Detect.

tried all what Mr.Barry posted here in response to other users or what he asked to try that was posted on the
his blog.still didn't fix it.only in PL3 that disabling quick boot made puppy detect a diffrent modem as I mentioned above
and that made it work?!

When I first start the PupDial and configure it. Before I can get a successful dial out I must hit the button
"Probe." Then the Pup Dial changes the speed shown in the PupDial.

Please tell us the exact order of events when you try to dial out. What you see? Does it appear to even try to
dial? Well. Even better. PupDial produces a log of what it thinks happened.
Can you copy that out and post it it here?

tried all availabe options \methods still it made my TP A22e hangs.
sorry can't post logs,me paranoid :lol: and worry I might post something I shouldn't of.
I bet you know this already. Usually when I see the words Agere/Lucent I seem to remember threads
that this is a soft modem for which there are Linux drivers. One driver, which is very slow that is free.
Then someone sells a driver for more standard speeds with Lucent Modems. The other note I recall is the PCM
modems work in Linux with a standard driver.?????? I dunno. I do not use your hardware.
yes, I know.before making puppy linux my one and only linux I used vector linux which i had to
pay to unlock the limitation on the modem speed.
The other option to try. If you are working with Puppy 3.0. and these other things did not help. I might try to
reduce the speed listed in Pup Dial. (Then of course to hit the button "Probe" which
I hope writes the new value to the file. In my case. Close down PupDial and then restart it. See what the
value is set at.) It is my understanding. That PupDial is a GUI front end for WvDial.
The last time I looked a file that gave the commands to WvDial there was a note saying not to directly edit
the file. Meaning use one of the GUI front ends and let it modify the command file for WvDial.
I read 2 or 3 (not sure) topics related to winmodems problems on 2.17 \2.20 \3.00 and as they all mentioned
its not just pupdial it hangs when trying to use any other dial up program,The problem as I mentioned Isn't
etting the modem to dial or has any thing to do with speed
IT dials then the computer goes into total lock down...LOL

Your efforts to try different options is a good idea. I applaud you on being willing to make the effort.
If you can identify the problem, and it is in Puppy, I feel sure Barry will fix it for the next release of

Thank you very much for your kind words and encouragement, linux brought back excietment in using my computer
after years of being treated like an idiot by M$ (we the users are too stupid or don't need to know
how things works all what we can do is click on some fancy icon or watch a fancy boot screen and have no idea
what goes behind it
)that is why I scratch my head when I see way too many posts about splash screen
or fancy desktop,not to mention the new wave of topics of games and watching movies and stuff like that?! is
that what people use their computers for these days ????!!!! spending all that money on top notch pc
just ot use it as an entertainment device??????????!!!!!!
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The plot thickens.

#5 Post by purple_ghost »

Your words, "
tried all availabe options \methods still it made my TP A22e hangs. "
and "etting the modem to dial or has any thing to do with speed IT dials then the computer goes into total lock down...LOL "

Is very reminiscent of another Dial Up problem I have witnessed. I have an older tower which has two Serial Ports. I am using a PS/2 mouse and PS/2 Keyboard, (the small round plugs) and an External Serial Port Modem. I was playing with this other tower and when I hit the PupDial button Connect. Suddenly the thing dies and the screen gets --- weird. Very unpuppy like behavior.

I powered down and re-booted the computer. As I was sitting there watching all these boot up messages go by. The thing said it is assigning ttyS1 Serial Port to a mouse. I only have one thing connected onto a Serial Port and it is a External Serial Modem. I can understand how the screen could have a problem with the modem doing its thing while simultaneously feeding information onto the mouse circuit.

I move the Modem plug onto the other Serial Port. Then the boot up script shows that it is assigning ttyS0 to a Modem. All is well in Dialing up.

I have tested and know that Barry fixed this bug in Puppy 3.0. Now the tower always sees the modem properly without concern for which Serial Port it is plugged into.

Can this modem of yours be plugged in somewhere else? Like are there two slots or. I actually do not comprehend what this physical modem looks like. Or maybe just take a careful watch as it boots up and see what is not getting assigned correctly.

I have not done it. I think all of that startup script is temporarily saved somewhere. Maybe you can get the one from the early versions of Puppy where the Modem worked and one from one of the later versions of Puppy. If it does not jump out at you. Post what those two sets of notes.

Or. I have not used the option. There are some tools for looking at how the hardware has been assigned in Puppy. That might shows something quickly.

I will drink a cup of coffee and maybe I can think of something simpler to try.

Best wishes.

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#6 Post by EZ4arabs »

Q wrote:.....only with IBM
that seems to have a modem problem with any puppy version later than 2.16 no matter what modem it is.that is why
I hope any users around that have Thinkpad to post if they have any dial up problems.
You do know or should know that not all thinkpad laptops have your modem.even if someone that has one like yours doesn't necessarily have lucent modem.
in my case i do have a thinkpad but its X770 which has mwave modem and have no problems using it.
few remarks about your post:-
1-you said you tried other modems.
as far as I know A22e modem comes as a multi function adaptor and can be removed in case of upgrade or damaged.
have you removed that card when testing other modems?
In windows if 2 hardwares using the same IRQ or port that will cause resources conflict and if its serious windows will halt showing a blue screen.same in linux it will halt your system or as you said total lock down.
2- puprple ghost pointed out something that should be noted,both our thinkpads have something in common which is the track point.
Have you checked your puppy linux for its settings?
it might be the reason why when you disabled quick boot puppy detected another type of modem and you said it worked so if you compared what changed in both cases [quick boot and diagnostic mode] you might find out the cause.
3-when setting up the modem successfully you see a system message saying ""it found the modem but getting to dial is another matter "" .so if your modem dials and then halt your computer that is a very strong indication its something to with your ISP.
have you tried running pupdial from a terminal window and see where did it exactly stops and what was the last message?

you said that the version you are using works.
then why would you want to go through all that trouble to get your modem working that is already working just fine?
just because Linux is free OS that doesn't mean you put your hardware and your laptop in unnecessary risk by running
and testing as you posted ""too many distros to post here"".

How many Operatings system does one need?! I have to use windows becuase i need adobe acrobat reader for work but for the rest i use puppy linux and that is about it.

my fellow puppy user Q there is another unrelated issue I would like to point your attention to .just because your post didn't get any replies it doesn't mean that it was ignored or didn't containe helpful informations.
why did you deleted that topic where you were successful in extracting pupdial from puppy3 ?
this forum not just for getting help but also sharing your findings and if something worked you should share it with the rest.

Best wishes and good luck.
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#7 Post by Flash »

Q: that wasn't cool. Don't do it again.
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#9 Post by Q »

Flash wrote:Q: that wasn't cool. Don't do it again.
I luv puppy linux and its Z 1 and only OS I have and use but when it comes to puppy's community messageboard Censorship often practiced for no just reason.
Ididn't insult or disrespected anyone ,didn't post offense messages or been rude,if EZ4ARABS was offended he is the one to say something or write to you to take action.
I don't want to be a member in this community anymore.
Please delete my account and if possible all my posts

Thank you and good luck.
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