How to train my Puppy for travel

Booting, installing, newbie
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How to train my Puppy for travel

#1 Post by Whelp »

Hi all,

vacation time is coming up, and I would like to take my Puppy along, to replace the collection of Windows Portable Apps (, if you are interested) I used on my last trip. Worked fine, but since I am making the move to Linux now, why stop halfway ... ;-)

To make this work I would like to invite your thoughts, comments and answers to a couple of questions. (Perhaps the result could be made into a How To document in the end.)

(By the way, travel tips for eastern Australia in October and November are also welcome. :-))

I assume I will have access to public PCs in internet cafes, hotels, public libraries etc., most likely running Windows. So I will likely neither have admin rights nor be able to boot from USB stick.

So what do I need to make Puppy do the job of keeping me in touch with the world ? (Talking about 2.17.1 here, both Puppy and QEMU Puppy, with a potential switch to 3.0 when it comes out. Locally I work with a frugal install that I would like to test-install programs and create files to take along.)

I think the major topics are portability of Puppy, what software to add to the standard edition, how to transfer locally installed programs and data from frugal Puppy to USB Puppy and how to encrypt my more sensitive data like mail.

All this should fit on a 1 GB FAT-formatted USB stick, perhaps even sharing it with some Portable Apps, just in case ...
(Hopefully this sounds like enough of a challenge to make you interested in reading the details. ;-))

Portability: QEMU Puppy seems to be the safest bet in this situation, allowing me to run it as a virtual machine on Windows and Linux PCs, and - if possible - even booting from USB (even though I have not yet managed to work this miracle at home - but perhaps I have given up too early).
I noticed a thread on portable virtual box that looked interesting, but am uncertain if this has advantages over QEMU Puppy, works on Linux PCs as well, needs admin rights and if anybody has much experience with it ?

Additional programs: Probably Firefox and Thunderbird as .pets/.pups, if available - even though the Seamonkey suite is leaner, I am used to the two individual programs, have little extensions like NoScript that work fine for them and know how to transfer mail, bookmarks etc. between local installation and portable one. If it is as easy to copy to Seamonkey and install the same extensions / tools, fine with me, but so far I have not tried. Anybody who has ?
Some encryption tool seems a must. BCrypt is included, but looks a little less comfortable than, say, Truecrypt. (Apart from having to get the latter up and running in Puppy in the first place, that is ... ;-)) While Puppy offers an option to save to an encrypted pup_save_crypta-file, which would be the best solution, I have so far found no way to have QEMU Puppy use this file. (There also has been a reference to a thread on how to mount this encrypted file, but I failed to find it - a link would be most welcome.)
Assuming enough remaining space on the stick, OpenOffice.sfs, Wine.sfs and devx_???.sfs come to mind for additional flexibility in case I need to run some Win prog or add something I need to compile from source on the fly. (Perhaps I need also a good bodyguard, in case my girlfriend takes offence when I start working on a computer to compile programs during our vacation ? ;-)) Devx_???.sfs has a special place in the QEMU files, but what about the others - do I need to transfer them into the QEMU Puppy version of pup_save before ?
What else does a traveller need ?

Data transfer between local frugal install and USB stick: As to QEMU, it seems that while Puppy uses 2fs for pup_save, the QEMU version uses 3fs. So the simple solution of just copying the local file to the USB stick is out. Solution: Mount both and transfer files manually. Could prove difficult to get them all, especially when transferring complete additional programs installed and tested on frugal Puppy locally. Solution: Transfer program files (.pet, .pup, source) to QEMU (nice FTP-solution included for file transfer between host and guest) and install from within. Looks like it could work, but I hope someone has already figured out a more simple way of doing this.

Well, it is past midnight here, so I cannot think of much else right now.
As I said above, your comments and help are most welcome and appreciated.

If there is interest in this part of my travel preparation, I will gladly update on any successes, solutions and additional questions that I find along the way.

Happy puppying ! :-)
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#2 Post by raffy »

Haven't you used or ? These should be just right for your vacation. And forward your mails to gmail.

Your computing standard should be this: Your Companion's PC time > Your own PC time

That will surely make your vacation a happy one. :D
Puppy user since Oct 2004. Want FreeOffice? [url=]Get the sfs (English only)[/url].
Bruce B

#3 Post by Bruce B »

I'd want two boot disks the pocket sized type and two usb sticks.

I think I'd want the sticks about 1 to 2 GB.

Some configurations will change each time you use another computer. You might run into wireless connections so, it would be nice to have a USB wireless setup to carry in your kit along with the built in NIC.

Encryption, do as you please. I think I'd use Puppy's mp editor to keep encrypted files stuffed away in an obscure place.

If you're of a mind to take me, pay expenses, and give me my own room, I'll serve as technician and scout for nice looking ladies to keep us warm at night. I really work hard to find the ladies.
Bruce B

#4 Post by Bruce B »

Sorry, forgot one response, Qemu Puppy is a great idea, but as cheap as fairly large flash sticks are and not knowing what kind of computers you will have access to, I'd want multiple run options from the same flash stick.
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#5 Post by Whelp »

[quote="Bruce B"]I'd want two boot disks the pocket sized type and two usb sticks.

Could you explain why this might be useful ? I thought that by using QEMU Puppy I would be able to use whatever Windows- or Linux-based host PC I can get my hands on and start my virtual Puppy on it.

[quote="Bruce B"]
Encryption, do as you please. I think I'd use Puppy's [color=darkblue]mp editor[/color] to keep encrypted files stuffed away in an obscure place.

Thanks, I will take a look at mp editor.

[quote="Bruce B"]
If you're of a mind to take me, pay expenses, and give me my own room, I'll serve as technician and scout for nice looking ladies to keep us warm at night. I really work hard to find the ladies.[/quote]

Thank you for this very generous offer. For some reason, though, my girlfriend fails to see that it might be worth having a scout specialized on nice looking ladies along on our trip. ;-)
Bruce B

#6 Post by Bruce B »

Qemu Puppy would work on either Windows or Linux hosts, but you have both Linux and Windows Qemu installed, but they could use the same Puppy as it is cross platform.

Qemu is also slow compared to booting from CD and running Puppy natively. So, you could be prepared for any most any scenario if you wanted to be, by having a boot CD (or two), in case you lose or scratch one.
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#7 Post by Lobster »

use on line programs

keep data (encryped perhaps) on keydrive
most public places are not too keen on geeks booting their own OS
(fine as that may be in theory) put Puppy on a mini-CD just in case you are allowed

linux from browser ... esktop.php
Puppy Raspup 8.2Final 8)
Puppy Links Page :D
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#8 Post by tony »

I've just returned from Canada where I successfully used an encrypted pup 2.17 on a flash stick, booting from a mini CD.

Main problems were a dodgy key on the old computer I used over there making keying in the entry code difficult (how do you echo this?)

Using the stick on return was a nono. Settings were no longer valid for home computer. I used the ALSA sound wizard and crashed the system and couldn't get back in.

Moral. Do a complete back up before you go.

Regards Tony.
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#9 Post by Whelp »

[quote]I've just returned from Canada where I successfully used an encrypted pup 2.17 on a flash stick, booting from a mini CD.[/quote]


I hope you (and your Puppy ;-)) had a good time in Canada.
How did you convince people to let you boot from your own CD, or did you not use public computers in internet cafes or public libraries at all (which is what I will most likely be limited to during my trip) ?

And what exactly do you mean by "encrypted pup 2.17" - using the "create encrypted pup_save" option or something else ?
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#10 Post by tony »


sorry for nt coming back to you sooner.

The computer was ancient by my sons standard and relegated to children and grandads.

Encryption was as offered during installation. Regards Tony
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#11 Post by castalla2007 »

errr ... thought you said it was going to be a vacation! Sounds more like a computing seminar to me ... why not just experience the local flavour and go with whatever is on offer at internet cafes, etc. Give your brain a holiday, is my advice.
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