Mozilla only app able to connect thru proxy server

Booting, installing, newbie

#21 Post by pitbos »

been there, done that, but failed
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#22 Post by GuestToo »

you had an internet connection setup before
if it isn't working now, set it up again the same way
then try:

click Home on the desktop to run rox file manager
click the up arrow on the left a few times
click the etc folder
right click profile and click Copy ... press the right-arrow key then type .local (to copy the file profile to profile.local
right click profile and click Open As Text
type in this, changing the ip numbers to the correct ones:

Code: Select all

export https_proxy=
export http_proxy=
export ftp_proxy=
or you can copy it from this page and paste it into the text editor ... mark the text with the mouse to copy, click the middle mouse button to paste

save the file (click File ... or press ctrl+S then ctrl+Q)

hopefully, some of your programs should now work with your proxy ... it works with Dillo and Privoxy, i didn't test it with anything else

the instructions sound complicated, but you are just making a file with 3 lines in it then rebooting

#23 Post by Guest »

...are you connected to the Internet?
...maybe that site is down? Try another.

You have chosen to install these packages in Puppy:

Please connect to the Internet then press a button to choose download site.
If you click on "Local" button, the packages must already be downloaded,
that is, somewhere local.
Dear GuestToo

I did what you advised, and tried to download a package usin Pupget Package Manager. Above is the response I got from it.

Any more ideas guys. It's really getting to a point where I am just gonna Flip out.

When it comes to Puget Packages, I just download them using my Browser to a local directory and Use PupGet Package Manager with Alien option, but what do I do to download my Mail from my POP3 mail account. I get the Connection Error Message in Sylpheed and it really satinks, I followed each of the great helping advices from this thread and still not getting anywhere.

I am using Puppy 1.0.4, liveCD running in ramdisk
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#24 Post by Flash »

pitbos wrote:been there, done that, but failed
My question was, what happened when you tried? Did you get any error messages?
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#25 Post by GuestToo »

you could try changing
export ftp_proxy=
export ftp_proxy=
it might or might not work

you could also try configuring a .wgetrc file in /root
see: here

it's possible that wget is working, but the ping test that pupget does is not working through your proxy ... you could test wget by using it to download a file ... for example,

open a console (rxvt window) and type
and see if it downloads the favicon.ico file or prints error messages

#26 Post by pitbos »

This is what i get in response
BusyBox v0.60.5 (2004.09.18-02:04+0000) Built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

# wget
=> `favicon.ico'
Resolving failed: Host not found.

#27 Post by Guest »

Flash wrote:My question was, what happened when you tried? Did you get any error messages?
Yes I get an error message probably my LAN Server is not compliant with this protocol.
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#28 Post by GuestToo »

pitbos wrote:# wget
resolving failed: Host not found
wget is what pupget uses to download files
wget is using http protocol to download favicon.ico from google ... that same as Mozilla

basically, wget is trying to get the file directly from the internet and is not using your proxy

when i type in a console (rxvt window):
export http_proxy=

it tries to use that proxy (it doesn't work of course, i don't have a proxy there to use)

=> `favicon.ico'
Connecting to

the method does seem to work

are you sure you have http_proxy setup?
what do you get if you type in a console:
set | grep -i proxy

pupget might work if you type this in a console:

export http_proxy=

(using the correct proxy address of course)

#29 Post by Guest »

pitbos wget does work with the proxy variable. I installed a localhost proxy yesterday

Here is the input

Here is the output

  • wget
    => `favicon.ico'
    Connecting to connected.
    Proxy request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
    Length: 1,406 [image/x-icon]

    100%[====================================>] 1,406 1.34M/s ETA 00:00

    11:59:44 (1.34 MB/s) - `favicon.ico' saved [1406/1406]

As far as your computer is concerned, the guy is apparently not providing you with DHCP. It may be the only thing he is providing you is an HTTP proxy.

If true, then you are limited to HTTP. I think most programs that use HTTP will use the variable. I think programs that have entries for setting up a proxy like Mozilla, may not use it, but that's not a problem.

Sincerely, it appears you are expecting more than what is made available to you by the host. Also I don't think you have your http_proxy environment set, but that is beside the major point I wish to make, which is: maybe all you got is an HTTP proxy available to you.
Bruce B

#30 Post by Bruce B »

The post above was by me.

#31 Post by pitbos »

I tried something I saw in some other thread

I created a file named .wgetrc in /root

I typed http_proxy=

and again used console to download favicon.ico from google and guess what?
It Did

I then started PupGet Manager and tried to install a package from http site
guess what? again
It Did Not

Any ideas ? anyone
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#32 Post by GuestToo »

ideas? ... yes

you have got wget to work with http protocol thru your proxy ... it probably stiill does not work with ftp protocol ... if you chose the ibiblio website, it is an ftp website and the wget test may be usng ftp protocol, so the wget test in pupget might fail

if you try the site, it uses http protocol and might work

basically, all you have to do to get many of your programs to work with your proxy is to put

export https_proxy=
export http_proxy=
export ftp_proxy=

in the file /etc/profile.local
if the file doesn't exist, you would need to create it

you could put it in /etc/profile, but profile.local is a better place to put it

i'm not sure if
would work

i'm not sure if
export ftp_proxy=
should be
export ftp_proxy=

you probably have to setup Sylpheed email in the sylpheed options

#33 Post by pitbos »

Here is how my .wgetrc file looks like
http_proxy =
ftp_proxy =
https_proxy =
i opened up console and typed
wget worked like a charm and downloaded the file to root

Now I tried your idea with /root/.etc/profile.local
No Luck Sylpheed yet

Then I created a file .sylpheedrc in /root and make it look like .wgetrc. the Godforsaken Sylpheed didn't work

What next ?
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#34 Post by Pizzasgood »

what do I do to download my Mail from my POP3 mail account
If push comes to shove, use webmail. If your mail service doesn't have a webmail feature, I know there are other sites that can access any POP3 account and load the files to them. They can also access multiple accounts, sort of like an online email-client. The one I used to use also let you change your address, and I played a little prank on my sister and mom with it :)
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#35 Post by GuestToo »

i've never configured Sylpheed to use a proxy

something like this might (or might not) work:

click Configuration, Preference for Current Account
you can configure Server Information on the basic tab
there are different protocols ... i use pop3
for Server For Receiving you would put the address of your proxy
probably for SMTP Server (send) too
for User ID you would put
you might have to set the port on the advanced tab

something like what they do here, except the address of their proxy is, and they only have it setup for receiving

i don't think there's an easier way to do it

#36 Post by pitbos »

A very good ide but not feasable for me as I need to have my mail in some local folder to carry arround with me. Some times I am at a place where internet connection is not available but I can still play arround with my mail like drafting etc if it is in my Puppy
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#37 Post by GuestToo »

by the way, is a local ip address
only machines on your local network can get at your proxy using that address ... my computer's local ip address is, but you can't connect to my machine using that address
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#38 Post by GuestToo »

of course, you could download and install another email program, like Thunderbird ... it would probably be easier to configure than Sylpheed ... just put the ip and port in the proxy section of options

#39 Post by pitbos »

GuestToo wrote:by the way, is a local ip address
only machines on your local network can get at your proxy using that address ... my computer's local ip address is, but you can't connect to my machine using that address
Can you explain a little more on this please.
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#40 Post by GuestToo »

i just threw that in for the people reading this thread that might not know about local and external addresses

if the address of your proxy is, that is a local ip ... only machines on your local network (lan) can use your proxy

there are proxies that have internet addresses, and anyone connected to the internet can connect to the proxy and use it ... usually they have id's and passwords ... a person might use the proxy to do something disreputable, and records would show that the proxy machine was doing it, and not the person going through the proxy

the point is, it's safe to tell people what the address of your proxy is, if it's a local address like
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