Error booting live CD: "could not find kernel image: 1&

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Error booting live CD: "could not find kernel image: 1&

#1 Post by Justin »

Help! Although I seem to have downloaded and burnt both puppy and chubby puppy properly, whenever I try to boot from the CD-R I get the above message. What is the problem? Any ideas? :cry:
Posts: 1
Joined: Sat 01 Oct 2005, 17:44

#2 Post by AdamB »

I've had this problem as well. I got the same error message from 2 pcs (both laptops), but then booted successfully from my desktop. I've managed to get round the problem using Smart Boot Manager - download from and burn to cd. To boot:
1) Boot Smart Boot Manager
2) Scroll down to CD-Rom on the menu, but DON'T hit return
3) Eject the CD and insert your Live Puppy CD
4) Wait until the drive spins up and then hit return

Puppy should then load (well mine did - I'm writing this on the laptop I booted using the above method). It's something to do with Eltorito CD Roms, but I can't remember what offhand. I had the same problem with Kanotix when that was upgraded - one version wrked, the next didn't.

#3 Post by Markus »

I have this problem too. Thank you

#4 Post by Guest »

There is a similar problem with Kanotix

a iso-image of btldr you can find here: ... onCD/files
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