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#121 Post by tombh »

@Caneri: Ooops! I put @cb88 twice in my last post the second @cb88 was meant for you, same first letter see! Is that slow scrolling with or without those fixes?
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#122 Post by Caneri »

sorry thomas...gettin' busy here..I did a quick pfix=ram session and I wasn't able to save the changes in xorg.conf..dunno why..that's the first time that happened.

I'll get back a bit later .
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#123 Post by rarsa »

I'm realy impressed with NOP and the addition of the wobily extensions ;)

This puppy is still slim and looks awesome.

I'm using it on a Dell Latitude D610 from a multisession CD.

It worked almost out of the box. Here are the additional things I had to do to have it working well. It wasn't as straight forward as I'm writing it, but I don't want to bore you with my journey.

This computer has an intel chipset.

Boot from the CD
Open a console
modprobe -n i915
restart X
modify .xinitrc
replaced "compiz-manager &
with "SKIP_CHECKS=yes compiz-manager &"
modify xorg.conf :
added the following lines to the video card Device section
Option "DRI" "true"
Option "XAANoOffscreenPixmaps" "true"

that's it.

I've installed Abiword, gnumeric, Pidgin, Gimp
- For Abiword and Gnumeric I needed extra libraries that are included in the Puppy package manager
- The Gimp from the package manager does not work. so I installed the version provided by MU.
- Pidgin from the Puppy package manager comes without icons so I installed a nice theme and created a background. It still needs some more work to give it some volume but it's a start

The only thing I don't like is the "start" button and the XP-like Background.

I puppyfied a GNOME background and I think it looks better.


Here is the background
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#124 Post by cb88 »

tombh: seems like most of the dirver problems are getting fixed ... although there are bound to be hiccups in the next version since you don't actually get to test many of the fixes in person....

how about other improvements.... like lxde or screenlets.org pehaps basing all this on fatfree PUP... although maybe we can get wNOP itself to switch over to lxde.

if someone could upload a package of the lxde components would be really nice since i lack high speed internet at home (may change in the next few months)...and don't have the deps

also the inclusion of a better default theme would be nice (assuming the current one is not your favorite...i like the default beryl theme myself or the H-K black emrald theme when in "black mode")

also multiple walpapers by default would be nice.. i forget but is compiz handleing the wallpaper or have you still left xfce doing that? xfce much less flexible also there is the icons issue ... perhaps if lxde is used we could call up the dev and have him add multiple desktop support since the project is so small maybe as a plugin actually i think the wallpapaer in lxde is handled by PCManFM the file manager

was just reading in the compiz forum and seems to be a lot going on there so that is good...

heheh we could combine compiz with retro...: http://tkdesk.sourceforge.net/ just kidding ;-)

the green start button has to go.. ttuuxx might want to wip us up some custom menu button...
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#125 Post by tombh »

@Volsung: Sounds like X crashes (when you're not looking!) then for some reason xorg.conf can't be found and xorgwizard is started. Puzzling. You're using an intel card right? Apparently kirk's fglrx driver causes xorgwizard to be started on an X restart, but you're not using that. But then why does X crash? Maybe the Compiz-Fusion screensaver does it -- it is a pretty resource-hungry one!

@rarsa: Thanks for the feedback and nice screenshot -- it's an actual *wobbling window* which I haven't actually seen posted yet! The thing that had crossed my mind is that with all this eye-candy wNOP still loads up with the default cursors. I am considering the theme for wNOP but I still want to retain a certain tip-of-the-hat to the original NOP though.

@cb88: I'm really excited by this idea of a specialist, minimal Compiz-Fusion Puppy, there seems to be a lot of potential there. Plus it would be creating a default Desktop Environment not yet done in Linux (nor windows too of course!). However, for wNOP2 I think I will just try and concentrate on getting driver support and basic functionality done -- once there is a proven and tested way of supporting the majority of the world's graphic cards then we should start thinking about specialising.
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#126 Post by cb88 »

@tombh: thats cool... will give me time to get back from my trip too.... for wNOP3

also you might want to post on the compiz forum about a compiz cursor plugin .... there are people already interested but the project is a difficult one... most are waiting for x input redirection.... I is doable though they say

have you checked out teh freewins (metisselike effects rotate windows and slant...)

also 3d like the movies: http://forum.compiz-fusion.org/showthre ... ht=real+3d

Also freescale based on freewins: git clone git://git.compiz-fusion.org/users/smspillaz/freescale

http://forum.compiz-fusion.org/showthre ... piz+cursor

also kiba-dock is just awesome...worthless(it is a good launcher..) perhaps but awesome just he same....

where are the desklets with a physics engine!? the glassy desklets on youtube look cool but they are just windows... they should pop back to where thay are supposed to be when you let go of them....

I just added fbpanel lxpanel and PCManFM you can try them out ... the configurations are a little off... they compiled easily though...

menus are there but messed up...

PCManFM manages the background and icons if you want them....or you can just let compiz do the background

I haven't gotten it to streach the background like it should yet I am probably missing something.

to start up compiz with just lxpanel do this after dropping to the command line:

xwin lxpanel & compiz-manager &
(172.82 KiB) Downloaded 739 times
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#127 Post by gary101 »

Just reporting that WobbilyNOP runs straight from the disk with no problems on my Compaq D510 SFF with an nvidia Gforce 4 4000mx

An excellent job Thomas, thanks! Very good fun to play with! :D
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#128 Post by Volsung »

@tombh: The thing is though that it only does this after I have started the computer, but before doing anything. If I leave the comp on with a program up, no problem, but leaving it set after start up causes problems... I haven't tested just leaving it set after running something but with no processes running...
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#129 Post by d.preed »

Hy there,

just wanted 2 let you know, that I'm pretty excited about this great possibility
to show others, how much awesome eyecandy Linux really offers ---portably :D

Got it running outta the box with a nvidia 4200 TI, a nvidia 6600 GT, and right now working on an ATI X1950 pro.

The cursor issue is a bit annoying though, coz the X11 cursors, that I installed just work on some gtk windows, but not on the desktop.
Btw, is there a possibility 2 get the icons back on the desktop, if I'm just running compiz desktop manager and disabled xfce (because of the nice wallpaper-per-desktop setting), or am I just 2 stupid 2 find the right command / button?

However, rly gr8 job :)
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#130 Post by cb88 »

compiz don't do icons... that i know of.... yet
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#131 Post by tombh »

@gar101: :)

@Volsung: Yeah, I see what you mean, so it can't be the screensaver otherwise it would happen everytime the screensaver came on and not just when it starts up. I would imagine that, even if you sat there and watched to see what happened, X would just crash without any indication as to why. Perhaps when this happems again and you see xorgwizard, exit it with CTRL+C, then take a look at xerrs.log

Code: Select all

cat /tmp/xerrs.log | more
. Mind you, mine is chock-a-block with errors anyway, but maybe they'll be a clue somewhere in there!

@d.preed: Thanks. Yeah the cursor thing is a bit annoying, I found that different cursor sets behave differently, for example I found lil-polar from MU's Cursor Selector to work fine, but then others do exactly as you say :( Apparently it is a matter of setting the global cursor theme which can be done in Suse and Ubuntu as follows --
On openSUSE 10.2 one can edit the system wide cursor theme in /etc/sysconfig/windowmanager and set X_MOUSE_CURSOR to [cursor theme name]. In ubuntu you symlink the /etc/alternatives/x-cursor-theme to /usr/share/icons/[cursor theme name]/index.theme.
But I don't think Puppy has a parallel method? But then I also read that CCSM used to have a cursor theme setting -- but not any more!
As for enabling icons with multiple wallpapers, you will somehow have to make xfdesktop support transparency, which, from what I've googled, it doesn't. Kdesktop and Nautilus do, albeit after compiling in a patch :( I wonder if ROX or PcManFM do?
Oh, and do let us know if you get the X1950 pro going, there still hasn't been confirmation of the tweak to fix poor window rendering with fglrx driver...
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#132 Post by klu9 »

re a minimal wobbly puppy:
  • Austrumi 1.6.0 just came out, claiming Compiz-Fusion eyecandy in a 65mb :shock: iso. IIRC Austrumi now uses OpenBox as its WM, just like GrafPup.
  • the only distro I remember based on LXDE was PUD (a small Ubuntu-based LiveCD) but that has since changed to... Xfce. :D
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#133 Post by MU »

My Cursor-themes are in /root/.icons/
The switcher creates a symlink "default" there, that points to the real theme.
So you might be able to adapt those methods described by using this folder.

Or create a symlink to it, where it is searched.

Last edited by MU on Sun 09 Dec 2007, 23:05, edited 1 time in total.
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#134 Post by tombh »

@Mu: My impression is that those quoted methods for OpenSUSE and Ubuntu refer to *extra* X cursor settings -- therefore, ones *other than* libXcursor's default of looking in /root/.icon/default. You see, as d.preed describes, when using certain cursor themes, X will use the chosen theme with some windows and then revert to the default theme on the desktop. I don't know why this could happen other than there were *multiple* ways of configuring the X cursor theme. Do you know of any other settings that effect X's use of cursors?
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#135 Post by MU »

On openSUSE 10.2 one can edit the system wide cursor theme in /etc/sysconfig/windowmanager and set X_MOUSE_CURSOR to [cursor theme name].
Add this to /etc/profile.local
export X_MOUSE_CURSOR=default

In ubuntu you symlink the /etc/alternatives/x-cursor-theme to /usr/share/icons/[cursor theme name]/index.theme.
ln -s /root/.icons/default/index.theme /etc/alternatives/x-cursor-theme

As far as I understand it, these Distros store their cursors there.
So in order that your application finds them, you must tell it, where to find them.
This is done by exporting an environment variable, and by creating a symlink to the location of the active cursor.

Unfortunately I had no time to test wobbly yet, as I had some probs with GtkBasic, and it took longer than expected to solve them.
Tomorrow I'll travel again to my company in the north, I can not say yet when I have time for it.

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#136 Post by tombh »

@Mark: Brilliant :)

Code: Select all

export X_MOUSE_CURSOR=default

does it for me! Now I can use my favourite daliesque theme. woohoo!
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#137 Post by cb88 »

What is the ram useage for openbox and the alternatives?

it seems that lxde is a little more ram hungry than xfce (maybe i compiled something incorrectly)? I still have to try out lxde on my laptop (64mb ram) xfce doesn't run on there obviously...

also there is the consideration that xfce is really integrated and that may contribute to the apparent lower ram usage where it is actaully higher....

how is open box themed? if a gtk to jwm theme conversion is possible i guess openbox is could do that too... I'll have to get around to trying out open box when i get back...
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#138 Post by tombh »

Okay, my last post claiming that export X_MOUSE_CURSOR solved the cursor problem was inaccurate. Wierdly it isn't the setting of this variable that does it, but simply the opening of the terminal! So, I set a new theme using MU's Cursor Selector and restart X, then the curosr only works over certain windows, then I go to open the terminal and bingo! the cursors work perfectly! No need to type anything I can just close the terminal and the cursors are still fixed! So what exactly is happening when terminal gets run to fix the curors and how do I replicate it without actually opening terminal everytime I boot?
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#139 Post by rarsa »

tombh wrote:So what exactly is happening when terminal gets run to fix the curors and how do I replicate it without actually opening terminal everytime I boot?

to see if it gives you some clues.
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#140 Post by cb88 »

so does wNOP support the eee pc?

cause ubuntu/compiz does.... wNOP should fit quite nicely....

Taking Puppy Linux to the limit of perfection. meanwhile try "puppy pfix=duct_tape" kernel parem eater.
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