So I just upgraded from 2.15CE to 3.01 NOP on my little laptop with 128M RAM. The problem is though, although the new version is tons more functional and much prettier, it's really sluggish in comparison. I'm guessing this is because it isn't loading into RAM.
I looked on Barry's howpuppyworks.html, and he pastes a few lines of /sbin/init where it says:
Code: Select all
#total ram, less any shared video...
PCRAMSIZE=`free | head -n 2 | tail -n 1 | tr -s " " | cut -f 3 -d " "`
SIZEFILLK=`expr $PCRAMSIZE \/ 2` #half of ram.
#for 128M PC, have to tweak this to get pup_xxx.sfs to load into ram...
if [ $SIZEFILLK -gt 50000 ];then
[ $SIZEFILLK -lt 70000 ] && SIZEFILLK=71680 #70M.
and what interests me is that fourth line--how exactly can I tweak this file so that it loads pup_301.sfs into RAM? I can get to the file to edit it, but I'm not too fluent in code like this and I can barely tell what any of this means. Can somebody help me with this?