wNOP v0.2

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#21 Post by tombh »

@WhoDo: Right I've contacted raffy and I'll get stuck in there.
WhoDo wrote:I was aware of Wow's dotpet, but was hoping for something that was a tad easier for the refugees to come to grips with - sort of an EZpup advanced version for those ready to move beyond basic look-and-feel but still in need of a helping hand. Does that make sense?
Yes certainly does. I was so incredibly happy when I *finally* got C-F to work in Puppy. So what your saying is really the primary aim and motivation for wNOP -- that anyone who likes Puppy and C-F should easily be able to use both at the click of few buttons.

I did consider working on a dotpet/sfs to begin with but an ISO just seemed to give me a lot more control, a fresh slate to work on as it were. C-F is quite a beast really and one of the biggest things is that it requires hardware accelerated graphics which, just that in itself, is a notorious thing to get going in Puppy. I think that will be quite an issue for any C-F dotpet/sfs, one thing that has crossed my mind would be upgrading MUs 3D Control Center. And yet another thing that could be complicated would be if an updated Xorg was needed -- I'm not sure how easy it is to just replace Xorg with a dotpet? Anyway I certainly think it's all possible, and well, if it *is* possible, then, you know the rest...

@klu9: Holy moly indeed! Good stuff. I've tested the delta patch and it works for me, although I haven't tried booting off the patched ISO, the md5s match anyway. I've updated the head of this thread and posted to your xdelta thread.

@Boo2themoon: Hey thanks :) Glad you like it and it means your using local produce too!

Maybe snow's not working cos the 'Super' key (aka Windows key) is not working, you can change your keyboard model by going to Menu->Puppy Setup->Mouse/Keyboard Wizard->Advance Xorg Keyboard Configuration->Keyboard Model. PC104 usually does it for me.

Brizzle indeed me babber, off the top of the Gloccy -- I ain't scared of no Vista boys! Oh yeah a friend of mine is thinking of buying a boat in the docks, she says it's cheaper than houses anyway. But you can assure them that, all though it may appear so, no psilocybin was consumed during the development of wNOP.

And you like the Mighty Boosh! I luuuuuuv the Mighty Boosh. I think I've missed the last two epsidoes, the last one I saw was when Vince and Howard snogged! My favourite, perhaps ever, was the crimp off, sheer gold, crimping is amazing, my housemate always has snippets of crimp caught in his head,
ooh ooh ooh i did a twisty
ooh ooh ooh a tiny twisty
Crimpty Crimpty Now now
Crimpty Crimpty ask me how
In my mind even though you have signed yourself Boo, you're really Noel Fielding in cognito!
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#22 Post by Caneri »

Hi Thomas,

xdelta.pet ran perfectly on v3.01..thx

Ok...did the xdelta patch....works like a charm (thx klu9)....md5sum had an error but I looked at the numbers and they were right...maybe an extra space or something...dunno.

wNOPv0.2 burned and runs ok though.

Tested on a All-in-Wonder ATI 9800 Pro (R350)....

I had a hang at xorg so did a control-alt-backspace and the xorgwizard finished correctly...dunno that one either...maybe because of no swap on test machine yet.

EDIT: the xorgwizard is a problem on my local machine not wNOP...sorry...

All in all...woofwoof!!

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#23 Post by klu9 »

Caneri wrote:Ok...did the xdelta patch....works like a charm (thx klu9)....md5sum had an error but I looked at the numbers and they were right...maybe an extra space or something...dunno.
I'm pretty sure the MD5 issue is just formatting: of what's in the MD5 file, and of the filename of the MD5 file.

I think if one strictly follows the instructions found on the MD5 wiki page for **creating** the MD5 file, it works out OK.

Code: Select all

md5sum puppy-puplet.iso > puppy-puplet.iso.md5
Main thing is the MD5's filename is just the ISO's filename with ".md5" or .md5.txt" on the end.
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#24 Post by cf13 »


Well, I've tried, although searching in compiz wiki my graphics card didn't seem to be blacklisted, in wNOP it is :cry:

When I tried SKIP_CHECKS=yes compiz-manager I've got:
Checking for Xgl: not present.
Detected PCI ID for VGA: Flags: bus master, VGA palette snoop, stepping, 66Mhz, medium devsel, latency 32, IRQ 11
Checking for texture_from_pixmap: not present.
Trying again with indirect rendering:
Checking for texture_from_pixmap: present.
Checking for non power of two support: Not present.
SKIP_CHECKS is yes, so continuing despite problems.
Checking for nVidia: not present.
Checking for FBConfig: present.
Checking for Xgl: not present.
Starting emerald
/usr/bin/compiz (core) - Fatal: Root visual is not a double buffered GL visual
/usr/bin/compiz (core) - Error: Failed to manage screen: 0
/usr/bin/compiz (core) - Fatal: No manageable screens found on display :0.0
And simply running compiz-manager when restarting x
Checking for Xgl: not present.
Detected PCI ID for VGA: Flags: bus master, VGA palette snoop, stepping, 66Mhz, medium devsel, latency 32, IRQ 11
Checking for texture_from_pixmap: not present.
Trying again with indirect rendering:
Checking for texture_from_pixmap: present.
Checking for non power of two support: Not present.
aborting and using fallback: /usr/local/bin/xfwm4

** (xfwm4:4166): WARNING **: Another Window Manager is already running
Then I killed xfwm4, and the window borders disappear and windows got stuck.

Do you think it would be any possibility in the future, I could run compiz?

Anyway thanks tombh for your great work.
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#25 Post by tombh »

@cf13: Thanks for trying, but it was as expected, failure on the "non power of two support", it seems to be the most common dependency that most older cards fail on. I'm afraid that future versions of Compiz-Fusion (and so wNOP) will probably not support card either :( The best thing is to get a new graphics card.
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#26 Post by tombh »

@klu9, @Caneri: Oops, wNOP-v0.2.iso.md5.txt didn't have the filename at the end. Fixed now.
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retronyms and a challenge

#27 Post by prehistoric »


Your suggestion that all words, (except possibly "hoot" and "ugh",) are retronyms has the brain trust in conclave. Meanwhile, here's a new implementation challenge.

Edit: Almost forgot my original purpose for that link. Needed to explain the finding that as far as wNOP 0.2 is concerned a Matrox G200 is a dead badger, while a GeForce 4 MX is above the badger threshold.

Added: Now have wNOP 0.2 running and wobbling on a 350 MHz P II with 320 MB RAM and a GeForce 3 (nv20). Actually seems usable.

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#28 Post by Boo2themoon »

Hi Tom,

Sorry for the late post, I've been to Shakespeare country for a couple of days, very nice.

wNOP is indeed local produce but downloaded from Canada.........Tiz a fantastically crazzy world!

Thanks for the "super" key and keyboard tips. I just tried it out and its snowing! Probably the only snow we will see in Brizzle. Gonna install Java next so my kids can play the all important Runescape.

Good luck to your friend who wants a houseboat. The boat itself will be no probs but moorings are as rare as a Linux virus! Another friend recently purchased two concrete barges from an auction. They seemed to be a bargain but because they came without moorings he is completely stuffed. They will likely end up as hardcore.

As for the Mighty Boosh, yeah luv em too. Although my avatar is really me. "its my look" A favorite episode would be difficult to choose but I recently re-watched "The priest and the beast" from series two. Featuring the Santana-esque characters Rudi, the psychedelic monk with a door in his head and Spider (so called coz of his 8 love pumps) the wild man of rock. Very funny and well put together, some great music too! Did you catch Jonathan Ross "crimping" on Jimmy Carrs show last night? Noel Fielding was there too, he seems to be on quite a lot of shows at the moment. Crimping is catching on!

Anyhow, best not let the Boosh hijack your thread any further.

I think Puppy is going to have a great year. With CF, xdelta patches, service packs, retro pups, CE innovations and Dingo etc, etc. Its going to be fun just tyring to keep up!

A very Happy New Year to you and anyone else reading this.

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#29 Post by Caneri »

ok now..how do the rest of us watch The Mighty Boosh?

Sounds like "HitchHikers Guide"...any connection?

So give us a link to check it out.

Don't worry about wNOP coming from Canada..my family is from Carlisle...Lakes District...River Esk...Muncaster Castle..so it's still kind of local so to speak...just without the accent..lol

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The Mighty Boosh

#30 Post by Boo2themoon »

Hi Eric,

Here is a Mighty Boosh link for you :D


I couldn't find any full episodes but the clips should give you an idea of what they're about.

Thanks for hosting all things Puppy. It certainly makes finding stuff a lot easier.

Hope you enjoy the clips,


I guess I should mention that this is "off the wall" British humour with an adult target audience and may not be everyone's "cup of tea"
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#31 Post by cb88 »

wow just up loaded new compiz-fusion packages I am intrested in freewins myself...

Taking Puppy Linux to the limit of perfection. meanwhile try "puppy pfix=duct_tape" kernel parem eater.
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#32 Post by tombh »

Must say I'm a little surprised that so few problems have been reported with this release -- though of course not disappointed :) I thought I would here from more ATI users, I can only assume that the fglrx driver is working fine? That's got to be good news!

@prehistoric: A 350Mhz PII! That's amazing :) That's Puppy for you. Installing Linux on a badger. lol. I think there'd be some pretty serious compatibility issues, perhaps we should wait for the next kernel release?

@Boo: Yeah "The Priest and the Beast" was a good one, I think Spider gets a door in his head in the end too doesn't he? Then him and Rudi have a big show down at the end against the baddies. Yes 'off the wall' definitely. I'm sure the BBC website had the first 2 shows of the new series on their site, but they don't appear to be there anymore :( No I didn't see Mr. Ross crimping but I see youtube has the show in 9 parts -- I'm slowly working my way through them!
So have you got wNOP working with the fglrx driver? You will have unless you used the manual option in the C-F wizard at first boot to chose the radeon driver. It's just that when I tried it with a radeon 9700 performance was awful. Do you have any niggles? Unusually slow scrolling or anything?
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#33 Post by cb88 »

heh while badgers may be hard to boot up.... roaches have been disscussed LOL... but that is ##puppylinux for ya...
Taking Puppy Linux to the limit of perfection. meanwhile try "puppy pfix=duct_tape" kernel parem eater.
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#34 Post by DC »

I don't know if this should be here or under NOP.

Can somebody tell me how / where to change desktop double mouse click to single mouse click.



Many thanks for Wobbly looking forward to playing
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#35 Post by tombh »

@DC: Does Menu->Settings->Settings Manager->File Manager->Behaviour help?
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#36 Post by DC »

@DC: Does Menu->Settings->Settings Manager->File Manager->Behaviour help?
Unfortuantly not. Next suggestion please

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#37 Post by Boo2themoon »

Hi Tom,
Yes I am using the fglrx driver and it works fine. Even video runs fairly smoothly when I'm dragging the cube around.
If pushed to find a niggle, it would be that maximising of windows with the "animation effect" enabled can sometimes be a bit choppy. But minimising works perfectly. Its just a bit of time lag after selecting the app.

Here are my specs to compare with your 9700 experience.

Acer T/Mate 290 Lappy
Centrino 1.5 ghz
ATI mobility 9700 64mb vram
1gig Ram
Booting from cd with a save file.

I got me some Jazz Funk (Compiz) Fusion :D

@ DC
Have a read here. There's a few post about half way down the thread.
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testing wobbly-pup

#38 Post by puppyluvr »

Hey Tom,
tested wnop 0.2 on two machines in my house.
1st...Compaq..PIII ..600mhz..160mb ram..I810 video...32mb vram
......no such luck on this dinosaur..falls back to xfce when x starts....
......read a post about a modprobe for I810 chips but haven`t tried it as i was going for "out of the box" setup...prob the low ram or vram doing it..linux newbie..still learning..more on this dino later..
2nd...Dell laptop...1.6 ghz.. centrino...512 mb ram..I 915 video...64mb vram..
...Works like a dream...animations are smooth and clear..even when "wobbling" a video!!
..cant seem to get it to drop to a cube tho...only the inside view...prob a hotkey i`ve missed...
..put the cd in my wifes laptop to test it ,..now she refuses to shut it off..wants me to install it permanently...loves it ..and she`s never used linux before...
....ok now the negative...cant install much of anything...missing LOTS of dependencies..
...wordwriter installed and works fine..Abiword and firefox did not...
...i know its a beta and i cant wait for a full fledged version...
...also would love to see compiz paired with enlightenment which i use on machine #1 and LOVE...my next machine WILL be running Wnop!!!!!...Hail Puppy!!!

... :wink: Captain, i believe this species has amused itself to death...
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wNOP v0.2 on the ASUS EeePC 701

#39 Post by pakt »

Here's a screenshot of wNOP v0.2 running on the ASUS EeePC 701 :-)

No configuration needed - runs out-of-the-box as booted from a frugal install on a USB stick. Only problem was lack of 800x480 resolution - it's running at 800x600, so 'stretched' a bit horizontally.

Great demo for Puppy and the EeePC :P
(60.74 KiB) Downloaded 1681 times
Methinks Raspberry Pi were ideal for runnin' Puppy Linux
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#40 Post by DC »

Single click story.
Had a longer google and found some forums on xfce.
It was reported that the desktop icons are fixed on double click for now. The only way for single click was to use icons in panels.

Will keep looking / trying

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