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#1 Post by mohan34u »

Kismet is an 802.11 layer2 wireless network detector, sniffer, and
intrusion detection system. Kismet will work with any wireless card which
supports raw monitoring (rfmon) mode, and can sniff 802.11b, 802.11a,
802.11n, and 802.11g traffic (devices and drivers permitting)
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#2 Post by twointo1 »

Thank you. This is a good program. Hope it works with my card.
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#3 Post by WB7ODYFred »

Hello I did the two commands "new2dir" & "dir2pet" to create this Kismet .pet package. Will try to add aircrack-ng pet package also. There will be problems and mistakes. I did create a little Kismet_16x16.xpm icon file and put this in under the menu "Networking" The version below in the .PET file is the 2008 RC1 version. As of April 22, 2010 KISMET newcore is a rewrite of the base code and is different. So don't mix and match .conf files. The .PET below will work just fine to record wireless networks around your location.

KISMET, whats that you ask? See this link to article by Joe Barr on
An introduction to the Kismet packet sniffer
By Joe Barr on July 03, 2008 (4:00:00 PM) older dot pups for downloading aircrack-ng-0.9

Aircrack-ng is an 802.11 WEP and WPA-PSK keys cracking program that can recover keys once enough data packets have been captured. It implements the standard FMS attack along with some optimizations like KoreK attacks, as well as the all-new PTW attack, thus making the attack much faster compared to other WEP cracking tools. In fact, Aircrack-ng is a set of tools for auditing wireless networks. ... -cpu-sse2/

This is my second try at making a .PET package report problems back WB7ODYFred via private message. Or voice mail

I will try installing this on another machine with an ATMEL76_USB chip set wireless dongle.

Be patient with me, comment if it works for you. Together we can work out the problems.

Open an RXVT Terminal window
"perform the two or three commands below one time for initial setup"

# check that there is directory named /home If not create a directory /home
mkdir /home
#add a user name to the computer, example like pat
adduser pat
# create group kismet then add user "pat" to the "kismet" group
addgroup kismet
modgroup -a -G kismet pat
# check that there is now a directory /home/pat if not create it mkdir /home/pat
ls -ld /home/pat

#check for permission owner and group on the directory /home/pat. If "root" ownership change to "pat"
chgrp pat /home/pat
chown pat /home/pat

#you can download the etc_kismet.tar file in /usr/local/etc directory and untar it
edit kismet configuration file to change to user "myuser_name". I used "fredf" for "myuser_name" The above example uses 'pat' for a user name. Edit the type of wireless card used
edit /usr/local/etc/kismet.conf

"perform these commands every time before running kismet. Kismet will not run as user 'root' " So you have to create a regular 'user' . Then change directory to that user name. "cd /home/pat" Start Kismet as the root user, Kismet will launch a daemon and then switch from root to the user name to record the radio packets in a kismet-05-06-2009.dump file.
cd /home/myuser_name or cd /home/pat

ss sort on essid signature name
downarrow key to highlight an access point.
L to lock to this channel and collect packets, looking for Initialization vector (IV) crypted packets
c for clients
i for information about the access point
q little q to quit client or info windows
H to change from Locked to Frequency Hopping
Q capitol Q to quit Kismet application. "You might have to ctrl-c or or close or kill the rxvt window when kismet hangs up"

Next after logging packets with Kismet, you can run Aircrack on 50,000 to 100,000+ IV crypted packets to break out the WEP (wireless encryption protocol ) key, a hex number like "2653174700"

"run aircrack in the same RXVT window after quiting kismet"
aircrack-ng *.dump

or if needing to disable a "solution' use the option -k N where N is 1 to 17
aircrack-ng -k 1 *.dump
aircrack-ng -k 2 *.dump

Download both files etc_kismet.tar and to use KISMET
untar files into /usr/local/etc directory Edit /usr/local/etc/kismet.conf to suit your situation, your wireless card, and your "myuser_name"
Please download this in addition to the below You will need it!
(110 KiB) Downloaded 1467 times
Last edited by WB7ODYFred on Thu 22 Apr 2010, 18:34, edited 6 times in total.
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#4 Post by PatTang »

getting a fatal error about not finding user.
I don;t understand how to run this under a root enviroment in Puppy.
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#5 Post by PatTang »

OK great it works!
I added the user with adduser pat
Changed the permission on the new home folder home and pat folder in properties to write.
Thanks a lot appreciate your time on this.
Puppy is great for running Kismet on its so easy to set up and use.
Puppy 4.2 on a 2g USB stick.


Copy of email exchange between me and fredf for other who might need the help.
Hello Pat

Just from my memory here are the steps you had to do to make kismet run properly

mkdir /home
mkdir /home/pat

adduser pat "# this would be the standard way to add a new user under regular linux, don't know if this is necessary for puppylinux. Maybe only making the folder is necessary. Maybe one has to hand edit the 'USERS" file (/etc/users and/or /etc/password file) to add a new user. I don't remember at this time."

edit file .kismet configuration file to switch from "root" user to "pat" user
edit file /user/local/etc/kismet.conf

Open an RXVT terminal window. You will be running as user "root" in the RXVT terminal window.
"perform these commands every time before running kismet. Kismet will not run as the user 'root' " So you have to change
directory from /root to /home/pat. You also have to edit file /usr/local/etc/kismet.conf to select "pat" as the replacment for the generic user name "myuser"

#cd /home/pat

Kismet will start a daemon running as "root" and then switch to another user name like "pat" that you edited in the kismet.conf file.

Can you give me some more details about the error you are seeing, please, Pat.

I am not at my PuppyLinux computer to see what other details I am missing. I did read through the puppylinux link that you provided where I had posted the Kismet files.

With your testing and replies, together we can make it work for you Pat.

Thank you for your email. Please provide details of what works for you.
Which version of PuppyLinux are you running. Are you running from a CD or from a Hard Disk install.
I run Kismet from a hard disk install of puppy linux 4.1.11. This should work with Puppy Linux 4.2 "Deep Throught" version.

ps. did you untar the etc_kismet.tar file to /usr/local/etc ?
did you edit /usr/local/etc/kismet.conf file?
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#6 Post by RobertB »

Most everything I know about network access in Linux, and wireless networks in general, came from figuring out how to get Kismet working, and what it was telling me. I haven't messed with it in quite a while, but now that I've got a new (cheap Acer) laptop, I'll have to try it again. Thanks!
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#7 Post by edoc »

Any updates to Kismet for Puppy?

I am especially interested in running it on a Netbook with the Fluppy spinoff from puppeee and perhaps Lucid 5.1 as well.
[b]Thanks! David[/b]
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