Unable to install dot pup files in Puppy 3.01

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Unable to install dot pup files in Puppy 3.01

#1 Post by RePete »

How To Install a DotPup

* Click the link to a DotPup file below
* Save it to your hard drive
* Open a Rox Filer window and click the DotPup file to install it

These instructions do not work. I open a Rox Filer, click on the DotPup, and nothing happens... anyone know what's up? I am running Puppy 3.0 on a Micron TransPort Trek 2 laptop, with a 333Mhz processor, and 256mb of RAM. Thanks!

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#2 Post by MU »

check for errors like this:

If you have /root/test.pup

Then type in a consolewindow:
dotpuprox.sh /root/test.pup

This will display some text.
Select it with the mouse, and paste it here by clicking the middle mousebutton.

Then I can say more hopefully.

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#3 Post by RePete »

I typed that command into the console (I couldn't get the copy/paste to work and I have no "middle" mouse button), and a little box popped up that said "File Not Found: test.pup" . I also failed to mention in my first post that I am running from the hard disk. I performed a full install on this computer... thanks.

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#4 Post by MU »

shure, instead of test.pup you must use an existing dotpup.


Bruce B

#5 Post by Bruce B »


Welcome to the forum!

I would have given you a post with some specifics beyond what this post will contain - had you told what dotpup you are having trouble with.

Under the circumstances I'll give some generic help, which I hope is useful, but a lot depends on you Linux skills.

Puppy has ways of automatically installing certain packages. Installable packages are recognized by extension. .pup is on extension recognized (by ROX-Filer) as an installable package. .pup is also one of the first package extension we used. The implication here is that a .pup file could have been written in any version 1.xx, 2.xx and even 3.xx

This may or may not be a problem. Usually it would not be. Just something to think about because some old dotpups have been incorporated into default. For an imaginary example 'leafpad.pup' may have an older version than the current version leafpad file.


On my computer I have two extra directories /opt/bin and /opt/lib - no Puppy packages I'm aware of are designed to install files in these places. But this is where I want them. The reason being so that extra packages don't get intermingled with the default paths and files. Keeping my packages in various directories under /opt makes building new puppies or making fresh installs very easy.

What ever changes I made are under /opt and /root in the form of various configuration files corresponding to the executables in /opt/bin.

If this is beyond you - that's okay in a sense, because it might be of interest to some other reader.


At a practical level - if your dotpup file won't run, it can be unpacked and inspected. The unpacking can be done on the CLI with the commands below in a temporary directory, the words highlighted in blue are commands to type with the word filename substituted with real basename.

# unzip filename.pup
where filename if the basename of your pup file.
# ls
if a directory exists called filename then
# cd filename
# rox

what you are likely to see in ROX are some text based script files which can be read with the editor. Also a .tar.gz which can be inspected within ROX by way of ROX opening Xarchive by a single click. Files could be extracted to their default location or at a minimum you can know the inside contents of the dotpup.

If this is over your level of Linux expertise, sorry. If not it provides a way of getting some feedback and visuals on your dot pup without affecting the original in any way. Any directory made by the unzip filename.pup can be deleted as wanted.

If your help needs have not been satisfied by the posts in this topic, please post with specificity what you still want help with.


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#6 Post by RePete »

Thanks for all the help! I'm on lunch, so have not yet had the chance to try any of the suggested fixes... as has been deduced, I am a Windows refugee, although I have run Ubuntu exclusively for about a year, and Red Hat before that. The command line is still perplexing to me, but I am becoming more comfortable working outside the GUI. The topic in question stems from my attempts at installing Flash Player 9, as well as a bug fix for Puppy that will prevent Seamonkey from crashing. I'll get back to this thread when I have tried your suggestions. Again, thank you...

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#7 Post by RePete »

Thank you, Bruce, but I'm not sure that unzipping the file to inspect the contents will help me understand why when I click on a .pup file in ROX, it doesn't install. I'm also not sure how to be more specific. Does it matter where I save the .pup file to? The default is "my-documents". I sent a copy of the file to "root", but still nothing. The specific file I am having a problem with at this point is "SP214.PUP", with similar results for the flash9. In a nutshell, to this point every .pup I've attempted to install, has failed. I apologize for my ignorance... I think what you may be suggesting, is that I may be experiencing a problem with the actual file, as opposed to a bug in the OS. I'll do a little more digging around...

Bruce B

#8 Post by Bruce B »


I guess there's a temptation to apologize for certain types of ignorance. There is no reason for any apology and here's why...

... not one of us were born with Linux knowledge, every bit of it had to be acquired. A lot of that learning was by way of documentation in the form of books, online articles and reading forum posts. In different words: Information passed on by others.

Also, people help on the forum because they want to.


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#9 Post by RePete »

Okay! I've never claimed to be the sharpest knife in the drawer!! Thanks, all, for your help and patience. I found this thread: http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 267#150267
and was able to begin install of the bug fix .pup file. Problem was, it was for Puppy version 2.14, not 3.0, that I'm using, so the install was aborted. Probably why it wouldn't work! DUH! In order to get this to work, I needed to enter into the console "dotpuprox.sh (package).pup" , and it worked. Hope this might help someone else...

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#10 Post by RePete »

Got it!! Got Flash 9 installed, and it works!

Bruce B

#11 Post by Bruce B »


Congratulations! I hope this post demonstrates the reason why I break packages open and inspect them. Breaking it apart allows me to see what its about and what it wants to do.

I downloaded SP214.pup and will share with you some things about it. For starters here is the readme.txt file
SP214 - Service Pack for Puppy 214 - GuestToo
Feb 25, 2007:
fixes Seamonkey crashing
NOTE: not thoroughly tested
NOTE: click SP214.pup again to uninstall
- run-mozilla.sh would normally set env variables
- but Seamonkey is not being started by run-mozilla.sh
- should work also in Muppy (maybe)

Feb 24, 2007:
dotpuprox.sh 0.0.4
- displays error message if the dotpup file is empty

Feb 24, 2007:
set wmv Rox Run Action to defaultmediaplayer
What it basically does is replace the existing mozilla-bin file. Here is the replacement. Forgive the introduction of a horizontal scrollbar which I hate to do

Code: Select all


#v2.14 Billcnz found that disabling pango considerably speeds page rendering time
#on older CPUs (official builds do not have --enable-pango)...

if [ ! "$MOZ_DISABLE_PANGO" = "1" ] ;then
#hack to fix a bug...
  DEPFND="`ldd /usr/lib/mozilla/components/libgfx_gtk.so | grep 'libpangoxft'`"
  [ "$DEPFND" = "" ] && export LD_PRELOAD="/usr/lib/libpangoxft-1.0.so.0"

#G2 these are set by run-mozilla.sh
export G_FILENAME_ENCODING=@locale,UTF-8,ISO-8859-1
export ADDON_PATH=/usr/lib/mozilla
export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/mozilla
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/mozilla:/usr/lib/mozilla/components:/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins:/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/X11R7/lib:/root/my-applications/lib
export LIBPATH=/usr/lib/mozilla
export LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/mozilla:/usr/lib/mozilla/components
export MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/usr/lib/mozilla

#G2 workaround for Flash crashing Seamonkey
if [ -z $MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH ] ;then

#v2.14 Billcnz found that disabling pango considerably speeds page rendering time
#on older CPUs (official builds do not have --enable-pango)...

if [ ! "$MOZ_DISABLE_PANGO" = "1" ] ;then
#hack to fix a bug...
  DEPFND="`ldd /usr/lib/mozilla/components/libgfx_gtk.so | grep 'libpangoxft'`"
  [ "$DEPFND" = "" ] && export LD_PRELOAD="/usr/lib/libpangoxft-1.0.so.0"

#G2 these are set by run-mozilla.sh
export G_FILENAME_ENCODING=@locale,UTF-8,ISO-8859-1
export ADDON_PATH=/usr/lib/mozilla
export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/mozilla
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/mozilla:/usr/lib/mozilla/components:/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins:/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/X11R7/lib:/root/my-applications/lib
export LIBPATH=/usr/lib/mozilla
export LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/mozilla:/usr/lib/mozilla/components
export MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/usr/lib/mozilla

#G2 workaround for Flash crashing Seamonkey
if [ -z $MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH ] ;then
[ -d /root/.mozilla/plugins ] && MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH=/root/.mozilla/plugins:$MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH
if [ "${HOME}" != "/root" ] ;then
  [ -d ${HOME}/.mozilla/plugins ] && MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH=${HOME}/.mozilla/plugins:$MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH
[ "x${moz_libdir}" = "x" ] || MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH=${moz_libdir}/plugins:$MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH

exec /usr/lib/mozilla/seamonkey-bin $@
Now here is 2.17.1 default mozilla-bin

Code: Select all


#needed by flash9 player...
export MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH="/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins"

#hack to fix a bug...
DEPFND="`ldd /usr/lib/mozilla/components/libgfx_gtk.so | grep 'libpangoxft'`"

[ "$DEPFND" = "" ] && export LD_PRELOAD="/usr/lib/libpangoxft-1.0.so.0"

#v2.14 Billcnz found that disabling pango considerably speeds page rendering time
#on older CPUs (official builds do not have --enable-pango)...

exec /usr/lib/mozilla/seamonkey-bin $@
Here's my particular problem. I run 2.17.1 but have replaced SeaMonkey to the newest version.

I find the scripting in SP214.pup very interesting and I may wish to export some variables. And use it as a template for makings mods to the default mozilla-bin and I also learned something of value already by reading the script.

One of Puppy's default variable is

I've found in Firefox Flash 9 really doesn't like it. So I change it to G_FILENAME_ENCODING=UTF-8

Never even thinking I might make Puppy and Flash happy with this variable


I expect to find other things of value in the script.

In the final analysis I'm not going to install the package or the mozilla-bin script. I guess that sorta explains the value I find of breaking packages open, inspecting the contents and doing manual installs. This package was written to solve problems with a version of SeaMonkey as it was installed in Puppy about a year ago.

My Puppy has already been modified with the newest version of SeaMonkey, and I'm not having significant problems. The one I have is crashing on going back to previous pages on occasions. And there might be a fix contained in the script.

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