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ATi Graphics Card under 214R

#21 Post by nic2109 »

Hello, me again.

Either I need a new HOWTO, or 214R has problems with my ATi graphics card.

My Dell laptop has a X300 ATi graphics card which requires the proprietory fglrx driver to make it work. I have tried both versions that I am aware of (namely ATI_fglrx-7.11.pet and ATI_driver-8.4.pet) but cannot get either to work.

I have also tried to use MU's 3DCC but it cannot find these drivers.

And lastly I have tried the Puppy 2 version of MU's Puppy Software Installer (aka "PSI") but this comes up with hardly any packages. (This is odd in itself. What might be going on here?)

One or other of these has always worked in the past for both Puppy 2 and 3 based installations, but none of them have worked for me in 214R. :(
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Re: Puppy 2.14R Bugs

#22 Post by pakt »

Dougal wrote:
The flash version included in 2.14r is version 9,0,31,0, which I have found contains quite a few bugs, and is also incapable of playing videos on many popular sites (like facebook). The latest version is 9,0,115,0, whgich I have found more stable, and also capable of playing videos full screen. I understand this version is slightly larger.
Pakt will hacve to answer you about that...
I did try Flash Even though the script refused to work complaining about the glibc library being older than 2.3, I just copied 'libflashplayer.so' over the old version and it seems to work on the two sites I tried.

One drawback is that it is more than 1MB larger than the current Flash 9 in Pup214R :-(

BTW, how can I test Flash in full screen?
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#23 Post by Caneri »


Try MU's instructions at puppyfiles.ca ..this may fix PSI

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#24 Post by MU »

And lastly I have tried the Puppy 2 version of MU's Puppy Software Installer (aka "PSI") but this comes up with hardly any packages. (This is odd in itself. What might be going on here?)
click on "mirrors" to update PSIs mirror-list, or follow Caneris tip:

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#25 Post by ecomoney »

Hi dougal/pakt

Thanks for getting back, Ive just noticed something supurb about 2.14r, more than one application can access the sound at one time! This means that at last I can listen to music with gxine while using meebo and actually hear when people message me! I dont need to remember to close gxine when I want to hear the audio from other apps either! I actually thought this was a limitation with puppy linux, but it seems not!

@ Pakt

The best place to try the full screen feature of flash is good old youtube (the icon in the bottom right of the video switches it to full screen...not very clear). The latest flash also contains some bugfixes that caused firefox not to crash as often, but this issue doesnt seem to effect seamonkey.

I have tried you Cups 0.3 package you prepared sometime back with 2.14r and it works perfectly. I know the later versions of puppy included cups by default (without any driver packages...whats the use!), but Im not sure that this would be a good idea. Puppy's RAM based archetecture is great for speed, but its a shame that certain packages like CUPS cannot be loaded from disk (or cd) as needed while keeping the base and common apps in memory. The non-cups printer setup in puppy 2.xx/1.xx I have only had limited success with, it seems very difficult to use for the uninitiated compared to CUPS.

@ Dougal

Thanks for answering all my points. The one about seamonkey I think is important, because how I have noticed people using the computers at the cybercafe is that, when they want to go off on a new search, instead of opening a new tab, they will minimise the current browser window and start a new session by clicking on the desktop icon. This is probably becuase most people are still used to to using the less-than-perfect internet explorer for their browsing which has only just got with it and started using tabs from version 7. I realise that memory requirements need to be a consideration in a cut-down disto like puppy. In any case, I do believe that click the browser icon should do something when clicked. Previous puppies put up a message saying "Please open a new browser window from the currently running mozilla", which was less than perfect but it at least gave the user some feedback. Is there a way of starting a new browser window from the existing memory footprint when the seamonkey start icon is clicked a second time?

With gxine, I have realised this is a problem. Puppy up until version 2.02 could not play videos full screen (it just used to crash!), and the 3.xx series has reverted to this incapability also. There must be a way of fixing it though? Perhaps Barry would know?

With regards cd writing, I have always found graveman to be the most user friendly, its biggest drawback was that it needed a large temporary storage space to create the cd before it could be burnt, and this needed to be on a linux formatted space. This can be limited when running in a pup_save.2fs file on a windows partition (the configuration used by most people trying puppy for the first time). I think grafburn uses the same method. It is also difficult with grafburn to select a mixture of audio tracks to make cd from (you must make a .toc file?). People hate have to relearn things, so if they are going to move over from windoze to puppy the learning curve needs to be as shallow as possible.

Thanks for updating the mime-types, puppy is very compatable with most window file types, but this wouldnt be apparent because they do not open when clicked. Less skilled users I notice tend to open a file by clicking the file, wheras more skilled users open the application first, then use the file menu to open it! Something I have found very useful with ecopup/the cybercafe is a .exe file handler! People will insist on downloading install_messenger.exe and other windows programs and clicking on them. In normal puppy nothing happens, at which point the user thinks "broken". I know this should be a no-brainer, but to most of the world it really isnt. The .exe file handler in ecopup is a simple bash script that puts up a message explaining about windows and linux compatibility and points the user towards the various software installers.

The browser in 3.xx is Netsurf (sorry I couldnt remember the name). I agree dillo is fine for viewing help pages, but it was pretty useless for actually browsing. I have been using skipstone for a while with 2.14 and can confirm it works, I got mine [url=http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 91&t=25821]here[url]. Apparently it is already included in the latest muppy? Ive found it very fast, on my 800mhz/256mb system, seamonkey takes around three seconds to load from memory, and skipstone around one when loading from the pup_save.2fs file, so who knows how quick it will be if included in the pup_214r.sfs file and loaded from memory. Apparently it uses the same backend as seamonkey (gecko 1.8?) which it lifts from the already installed seamonkey, so is very compatable with a lot of sites.

One last thing I will mention is that the internet connection wizard is very hard to find on themenu, this is one of the first things that new users will be needing. Most people (at least in the UK) use an ethernet cable to connect to the web. There is an entry in the menu's under internet>internet connection that I can see most people trying when they cannot connect with seamonkey (windows autoconnects with dhcp os they wouldnt intuitively realise that they need to run the connection wizard first. However the internet>internet connection list of menu items does not include a link to the ethernet connection wizard. I realise there is an icon on the desktop for this, but by the time the user has clicked the seamonkey icon, this will be obscured by the browser window. Perhaps it can be included here. I think overall the internet connection wizard could be made a lot more user friendly. We are planning an internet connection check on seamonkey(and other apps requiring a connection) for the CE edition.

Overall I am very impressed with the 2.14r version, it is the best puppy yet in terms of what the average new linux user wants, and I can appreciate the time you must have spent in smoothing out the rough edges. Many thanks for all of your hard work. so far.
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Re: Testing

#26 Post by Dougal »

ecomoney wrote: I have noticed people using the computers at the cybercafe is that, when they want to go off on a new search, instead of opening a new tab, they will minimise the current browser window and start a new session by clicking on the desktop icon. This is probably becuase most people are still used to to using the less-than-perfect internet explorer for their browsing which has only just got with it and started using tabs from version 7. I realise that memory requirements need to be a consideration in a cut-down disto like puppy. In any case, I do believe that click the browser icon should do something when clicked. Previous puppies put up a message saying "Please open a new browser window from the currently running mozilla", which was less than perfect but it at least gave the user some feedback. Is there a way of starting a new browser window from the existing memory footprint when the seamonkey start icon is clicked a second time?
I think maybe it would be best to just put up a yaf-splash window with a message saying "a new tab has been opened in Mozilla" or something.

With regards cd writing, I have always found graveman to be the most user friendly, its biggest drawback was that it needed a large temporary storage space to create the cd before it could be burnt, and this needed to be on a linux formatted space. This can be limited when running in a pup_save.2fs file on a windows partition (the configuration used by most people trying puppy for the first time). I think grafburn uses the same method.
I also liked Graveman (and still check up on it every so often in the hope that it is revived). I think what Grafburn does is create a directory with links to the files you want to burn, so it doesn't take up disk space.
It is also difficult with grafburn to select a mixture of audio tracks to make cd from (you must make a .toc file?).
I don't know about that... I've been thinking of adding Pburn -- is that any better with burning audio files?
Something I have found very useful with ecopup/the cybercafe is a .exe file handler! People will insist on downloading install_messenger.exe and other windows programs and clicking on them. In normal puppy nothing happens, at which point the user thinks "broken". I know this should be a no-brainer, but to most of the world it really isnt. The .exe file handler in ecopup is a simple bash script that puts up a message explaining about windows and linux compatibility and points the user towards the various software installers.
Oh my, I didn't imagine people would try runing .exe files... sure I could do something like that, though it would help if you could send me the one you have as an example. (I should probably make it check for WINE, in case the user has that installed...)

One last thing I will mention is that the internet connection wizard is very hard to find on themenu,
I will look at it -- the next version will also include the modem wizard, so there should be some changes in that regard.

Concerning the lightweight browsers, I'm going to look at Skipstone and maybe a recent version of Netsurf, so maybe I'll add one of them.
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Re: Testing

#27 Post by HairyWill »

Dougal wrote:I think maybe it would be best to just put up a yaf-splash window with a message saying "a new tab has been opened in Mozilla" or something.
I think MU has posted some comments about problems internationalising yaf-splash. It might also be sensible to include.
"To open a new tab yourself in fire/sea/ice/monster press CTRL-T."

I spent several hours yesterday poking at 2.14R v1.01 (need shorter name:-))
I was mainly trying to debug my pup_save resize problem but I also discovered that one of my machines wouldn't boot with pfix=ram . This machine had several pup_saves on already and was quite happy when I chose option 0 none when it offered me a choice of which pup_save to use.

I'm still getting an error from resize2fs

Code: Select all

ext2fs_check_mount_point: No such file or directory while determining whether /mnt/dev_save/pup_save.2fs is mounted
I also noticed and error on shutdown when creating the pup_save.

Code: Select all

Saving session to /pup_save.2fs file on hdc1 partition...
Mounting /pup_save.2fs...cp: cannot stat `/initrd/pup_rw/root/*': No such  directory
this might be because I have no new files in /root/, I need to test that.

The two machines I have this problem with seem very different.
1. A thinkpad, one ide drive a mixture of ntfs, ext2/3 partitons booting using grub installed by debian. I have tried 214R in both the debian boot partition (ext3) and a different one (ext2)
2. Dogs breakfast of a PC three ide drives, mixture of NTFS, ext2/3 booting using gldr in an NTFS partition with 214R in another NTFS partition. I have Muppy6&8 and puppy 2.16 running without problems.

I have initrd.gz, vmlinuz and both sfs files in the root of the partition in both machines and my grub config looks like

Code: Select all

title 214R
kernel (hd2,0)/vmlinuz root=/dev/ram0
initrd (hd2,0)/initrd.gz
On the plus side resize2fs works fine if I apply it to a pup_save that is not in use. So the problem is surmoutable for me and not reported by anybody else. Why am I trying to hunt this one down?

Even the pfix=ram is a none issue for me as I can easily ensure that at least two pup_saves get found. Why am I trying to hunt this one down?
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#28 Post by cb88 »

@ dougal is it possible to compile the latest wine against the glibc in 2.14R? I remember correctly wine 9.22 and maybe 9.17 had trouble with some file dialogs (just say 7-zip...) the latest version has it perfectly but might not be compatable with glibc 2.3.5

i think is is nls support that wine wants? could glibc 2.3.5 be recompiled with support for it? would that cause instability?
Taking Puppy Linux to the limit of perfection. meanwhile try "puppy pfix=duct_tape" kernel parem eater.
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#29 Post by cb88 »

Taking Puppy Linux to the limit of perfection. meanwhile try "puppy pfix=duct_tape" kernel parem eater.
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#30 Post by tempestuous »

I just compiled the latest version of Wine (v0.9.54) in Puppy214R. It will take me a few days before I have time to prepare a dotpet.
cb88 wrote:I remember correctly wine 9.22 and maybe 9.17 had trouble with some file dialogs
... snip ...
i think is is nls support that wine wants? could glibc 2.3.5 be recompiled with support for it?
No, for dialogues to work, Wine just needs the FontForge libraries. I will include these libraries in the dotpet.
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Re: Testing

#31 Post by Dougal »

HairyWill wrote:
Dougal wrote:I think maybe it would be best to just put up a yaf-splash window with a message saying "a new tab has been opened in Mozilla" or something.
I think MU has posted some comments about problems internationalising yaf-splash. It might also be sensible to include.
"To open a new tab yourself in fire/sea/ice/monster press CTRL-T."
Well yaf-splash is also ugly, so it can just be gxmessage, but the same thing. My idea was to actually open the tab for them and let them know (they'll learn to use tabs over time).
I'm still getting an error from resize2fs

Code: Select all

ext2fs_check_mount_point: No such file or directory while determining whether /mnt/dev_save/pup_save.2fs is mounted
But didn't it run after giving that message?
That message appears every time e2fsck is run on the pup_save, since when in the ramdisk we don't have /etc/mtab, but it still seems to run ok.
I also noticed and error on shutdown when creating the pup_save.

Code: Select all

Saving session to /pup_save.2fs file on hdc1 partition...
Mounting /pup_save.2fs...cp: cannot stat `/initrd/pup_rw/root/*': No such  directory
Yeah, I know that. It doesn't really matter -- it just tries to copy what isn't there. Barry tends to pipe all errors to /dev/null but I prefer to allow them to show, in case something real happens.

I have initrd.gz, vmlinuz and both sfs files in the root of the partition in both machines and my grub config looks like

Code: Select all

title 214R
kernel (hd2,0)/vmlinuz root=/dev/ram0
initrd (hd2,0)/initrd.gz
What about PMEDIA=idehd?
Even the pfix=ram is a none issue for me as I can easily ensure that at least two pup_saves get found. Why am I trying to hunt this one down?
I find it really odd that you would have a problem with pfix=ram, since it should simply ignore all pup_save files!
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Re: Testing

#32 Post by HairyWill »

Dougal wrote: My idea was to actually open the tab for them and let them know (they'll learn to use tabs over time).
that is what I meant though I didn't put it well
Dougal wrote:That message appears every time e2fsck is run on the pup_save, since when in the ramdisk we don't have /etc/mtab, but it still seems to run ok.
That is even less helpful. This means that resize2fs is failing silently.... great.
I have put in lines to sync,mount,df,umount, sync the pup_save before and after the resize they also support that no change is made to the filesystem, weird.

line 935 of init has a check_status $? call after resize2fs surely this always results in a error being shown by check_status? There is also a check_status(0) call a couple of lines down. My guess is the first one shouldn't be there though it doesn't help me.
Dougal wrote:What about PMEDIA=idehd?
just tried that no help.
I find it really odd that you would have a problem with pfix=ram, since it should simply ignore all pup_save files!
I find it odd too and won't be able to investigate this machine for a few days
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#33 Post by HairyWill »


After more hours than I would care to admit I've fixed my resize problem.

I have recompiled e2fsprogs 1.40.5 and set the routine in resize2fs main.c which checks to see if the filesystem is mounted to ignore the result of the check. I have rebuilt pup_214.sfs with the modified resize2fs. One of the reasons I found this hard to spot was because the check_mount_point error being thrown by resize2fs was the same as the check_mount_point error from e2fsck. e2fsck ignores the error and repairs the filesystem anyway whilst resize2fs just exits

Somewhere in all of this I also have a dodgy clock so most of the time the superblock last mount time is about 8 hours ahead. I have noticed this before and just confirmed this using e2fsdebug. hwclock and date both agree on the correct time.

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#34 Post by MU »

Here is a replacement for yaf-splash:
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#35 Post by Pizzasgood »

I finally managed to bork my ancient (to me) save file last night. Rather than spend more hours trying to fix it, I decided to try 2.14R.

So, initial impression: great stuff!

The single biggest annoyance so far is that the Geany key-bindings are all different. Not hard for me to change back or anything, just annoying :roll:

The lack of a desktop icon for Geany was also annoying, but I guess I can see why it would be omitted.

Since I'm procrastinating over something (I forget what), I decided to look at the /usr/sbin/wag-profiles.sh script. I notice these lines (927,928):

Code: Select all

		if [ ${KEY_SIZE} -lt 9 ] || [ ${KEY_SIZE} -gt 64 ] ; then
			Xdialog --left --title "Puppy Network Wizard" --msgbox "Shared key must be either\n- Alphanumeric betwen 8 and 63 characters or\n- 64 characters hexadecimal " 0 0 		
I'm pretty sure that should be -lt 8

Also, back in December I had access to some WPA-capible equipment, and from what I could tell the line at 951:

Code: Select all

		wpa_cli reconfigure >> ${TMPLOG} 2>&1
was causing issues. It seemed to run fine without it, and seems redundant since wpa_supplicant is shut down in the next line anyways. Also, when that line caused an error, I had to completely bring down the interface before it would go away.

I don't know a whole lot about WPA though, as I only messed with it for about a week. So maybe that line is important for some reason I don't see.

Otherwise I like it so far, and I'll let you know about any bugs I rustle up. :)

Now I just need to remember how I managed to configure everything last time. Usually I start fresh every couple months; this time it was six or seven months so I'm a bit rusty.
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#36 Post by HairyWill »


The messages associated with pressing keys 4-0 in qiv lack end of line terminators. This means that qiv does not show the last line of the message. Either remove the -n switch for echo or add \n.

If you switch qiv to fullscreen mode and then press one of the bound number keys ie 2 for mtpaint, mtpaint starts hidden behind qiv and qiv locks up in fullscreen.

This scenario is unlikely but its impact is severe as the only recovery I could make was to start another VT and kill qiv (presumably CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE would work as well to kill X)

This can be overcome by binding the qiv command to something like
2) killall qiv ; defaultpaint "$2"
killing qiv is not ideal but probably better than the risk of hanging it

I wonder if there is any way to send qiv a signal to force it out of fullscreen?
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#37 Post by Newcrest »

It does not appear that 2.14R has the improved NTFS support included in 2.16:
NTFS support and general partition management improved. A swag of packages have been upgraded, namely FUSE, ntfs-3g, ntfsprogs.

Puppy 2.14 and 2.15CE don't reliably write to NTFS partitions and cause corruption after a few writes have taken place. Shouldn't these changes be done in 2.14R especially if it is going to be used as a base for community editions?
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#38 Post by jamesbond »

I suggested taking the latest ntfs-3g (and libfuse). The version in 2.15CE definitely has problems copying files over 1GB to NTFS partition - anything over 1.5GB is practically uncopyable.

I have compiled it (1.1120 but now they have just released 1.2129 !!!) - but found out that for it to take effect, I need to update the version both in initrd.gz and in the pup_215.sfs. Unfortunately my static version is around ~630kb - unlike the original was around ~130K.
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#39 Post by Newcrest »

jamesbond wrote:I suggested taking the latest ntfs-3g (and libfuse). The version in 2.15CE definitely has problems copying files over 1GB to NTFS partition - anything over 1.5GB is practically uncopyable.
It is not just files over 1GB that there is a problem with. After writing a few files of 100MB size the partition can become corrupted and further writes of any size larger than 1MB will become near impossible. Puppy 2.16 and newer does not have this problem and uses less cpu when writing as well.
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#40 Post by Newcrest »

jamesbond wrote: I need to update the version both in initrd.gz and in the pup_215.sfs. Unfortunately my static version is around ~630kb - unlike the original was around ~130K.
I just looked at the version in Puppy 2.16 and it is ~145K. Given that it works and does not have the hugely major problems that the version in 2.14/2.15CE has, would it not be a worthwhile compromise?
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