Puppy 3 series bugs

Please post any bugs you have found
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#21 Post by Tui »

Sage, Here is another one for you, get on with your helping us guys!

said back on this thread that " this is the same as puppy v3.01,then why this problem in v3.02alpha1 ? This is the first time I have had this problem in the use of this function in all the puppy versions I have tried. - why now?

The latest blog stated changes to the puppy-UNLEASHED with the
adding of some files - I can't find them, where are they ?

Also stated that you had to go thro' and change packages.txt in
the UNLEASHED and "replace on every line --" does that mean
that I have to go thro' and change the files in the 600mb or so I
d/l ed some hours age ? I also note that there has been no update change as to change of "date" Should this not be updated also? - This I thought may also indicate a change has taken place
for someone who may have re -visited the download site.

Please please advise of what I should do !
Last edited by Tui on Sun 03 Feb 2008, 05:26, edited 1 time in total.
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#22 Post by alienjeff »

Many thanks for all your efforts in providing a v3.02alpha1retro. I downloaded and tested it, yet experience the same problems with the i810 video with Xvesa, Xorg and Xvidtune. The retro does find, load and save the eepro100 module, though!

@nobody in particular:
The handwriting on the wall can still be read as the sun sets. Holding out for i810 compatibility seems futile. The meager HP Pavilion XE736 runs like a champ with v2.12, so it's time to step out of the ring. Good luck with the 3 and 4 series, as well as the divergent CEs.

This is alienjeff reporting live from Winsted, CT. Back to you, Katie.

P.S. @ tui:
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#23 Post by Sage »

Tui: Do we understand that your oversized pictures are deliberate?
For myself, I use 800x600 on account of poor eyesight, not lack of HW. There are regular visitors here who are a lot older than me, although age is no marker for the misfortune of less than 20/20. Furthermore, there are millions of less fortunate folks using gifted 14" monitors because they are poorer than either you or me. Frankly, you should be ashamed, having been advised of the reality several times. As you'll appreciate, there is no proper moderation on this Forum, just a long-suffering, hard-working benefactor and a sidekick who prefers to take cheap shots rather than accept responsibility for actioning necessary changes and admonishing miscreants. Other boards may be even less tolerant. Please resize your pictures and let's stop this childish behaviour. If you're still having problems with this - ask for help or search out the original thread with definitive advice which seems to elude Hr. Obermeister. Argument between those well-able to defend themselves is par for the course, but try being considerate towards those who may be unable to improve their lot.
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#24 Post by Tui »

Hi Sage it's me again.
Well about the pixs, yes they look big-big and
very big with the res set at 800x600.

I have also found another problems in viewing this thread and other
threads on this the puppy forum. By the way I also could be past
the useby date in age!

I have been making check of res setup on puppylinux i.e. I have
been using 1024x768 this has got the look on my MS-WINDOWS machine of 800x600. and if I use 1024x768 on MS-WINDOWS I need
times 5 reading glasses to view. So what does that mean ! ???!

So apart from having on my set res of 1024x768 a screenshot
that looks oversize to you looks ok to me! But the file size can
be rather big, 400kb or so. reduced size can be a bit more eco on the

I also note that page2 of this thread has the text and my last
screenshot well outside the viewable of screen.

Page1 fits ok! Maybe I should post a shot- ah- not this time

I am using the default browser of puppylinux - seamonkey,
maybe Firefox would be different. I will have to do a d/l and check.

Cheers Tui
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#25 Post by HairyWill »

The timezone stuff is already reported on the previous page. Here is Barry's response
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 546#171546
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#26 Post by BarryK »

nic2109 wrote:A minor buglet is that the network connection wizard needs to be re-run each time to load and use the saved profile - it doesn't "remember" to use it. There's no such problem with eth0 wired which is picked up on re-boot just fine.
The guys who are currently maintaining the Network Wizard need to pick that one up. There was rarsa, tempestuous also I think, then pizzasgood had a look at it recently ...so I don't really know who wants to take this one on.
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#27 Post by BarryK »

Tui wrote:The latest blog stated changes to the puppy-UNLEASHED with the
adding of some files - I can't find them, where are they ?

Also stated that you had to go thro' and change packages.txt in
the UNLEASHED and "replace on every line --" does that mean
that I have to go thro' and change the files in the 600mb or so I
d/l ed some hours age ? I also note that there has been no update change as to change of "date" Should this not be updated also? - This I thought may also indicate a change has taken place
for someone who may have re -visited the download site.

Please please advise of what I should do !
My announcement was quite clear, or so I thought. The ibiblio site (3.02alpha1 directory) has a new file 'packages.txt' and a new 'glibc-2.5-1'. Replace the packages.txt that is in the 'puppy-unleashed' directory and put the new glibc package into puppy-unleashed/packages directory. After expanding them of course. The directory 'puppy-unleashed' is what you get after expanding the 'puppy-unleashed-3.02alpha1.tar.gz'.
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Pretty Puppy

#28 Post by ecomoney »

First off, Barry THANK YOU for creating easily the best looking puppy so far, this stands head and shoulders above anything yet created in terms of aesthetics.I hope it is a sign of things to come. A look like this will do a lot to attract new users to puppy and getting them to explore linux, and is not something that should be taken as unimportant.

I havnt had chance to test much, the only bug I can find so far is on the cups wizard. Drop down combo boxes dont seem to render proplerly (no down cheveron). Netsurf is a big improvement on dillo, but have you considered the newcomer Skipstone as a browser? Currently the browser window is the application with the longest startup time of any of the apps in puppy, from some tests we were doing skipstone would start in about 1/8th of the time, and still give a very useable browser, both for displaying cups config and help files, and actually surfing the net. It uses the Gecko 1.8 rendering engine (and flash9), so it should be as compatible with most webpages as Seamonkey.

It is a shame about the hardware support as overall this is very promising, Intel 810/815 chipsets are very common and should be support (puppy has had problems for a while with them). Im pleased to report the sound works on my AC97 onboard sound as well (an improvement on previous 3.xx versions). The epp100 network driver is very commonly used for a great many cards and should be included. If this can be tightened up then this will be a very useable distro for not-quite-so-old machines.
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Sorry, my server is down atm!
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#29 Post by Béèm »

Tui wrote:Hi Sage it's me again.
Well about the pixs, yes they look big-big and
very big with the res set at 800x600.

I have also found another problems in viewing this thread and other
threads on this the puppy forum. By the way I also could be past
the useby date in age!

I have been making check of res setup on puppylinux i.e. I have
been using 1024x768 this has got the look on my MS-WINDOWS machine of 800x600. and if I use 1024x768 on MS-WINDOWS I need
times 5 reading glasses to view. So what does that mean ! ???!

So apart from having on my set res of 1024x768 a screenshot
that looks oversize to you looks ok to me! But the file size can
be rather big, 400kb or so. reduced size can be a bit more eco on the

I also note that page2 of this thread has the text and my last
screenshot well outside the viewable of screen.

Page1 fits ok! Maybe I should post a shot- ah- not this time

I am using the default browser of puppylinux - seamonkey,
maybe Firefox would be different. I will have to do a d/l and check.

Cheers Tui
Your screenshots are always oversized for me and I hate it.
I only have a 14" screen.
Screenshot which are really 800x600 display perfectly well on my screen.
I didn't understand any thing about your explanation of 800x600 being huge.
So please find a solution.
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#30 Post by Béèm »

Tui, I found that the best size to add a picture is 700x525 and not 800x600
I reduced yours to it and now it displays correctly on a 14" screen.
Please take this into consideration.
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#31 Post by NathanO »

Testing at the San Antonio Public Library WIFI. Took 3 reboots, four scans on this last reboot, and two auto DHCP to get the WIFI on this HP zv6000 laptop to stay 'on'. 3.01 never had this problem here.

Will test at San Antonio College tonight. I always have problems there.

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#32 Post by NathanO »

At San Antonio College, managed to get on WIFI with only three 'scan', 'choose', and two auto DHCP. There seems to be a problem with keeping the WIFI in this HP zv6000 laptop 'on' between scanning for a connection and doing the auto DHCP. Once it gets an IP address then it will stay on.

This was not a problem with 3.01.

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#33 Post by nic2109 »

BarryK wrote:
nic2109 wrote:A minor buglet is that the network connection wizard needs to be re-run each time to load and use the saved profile - it doesn't "remember" to use it. There's no such problem with eth0 wired which is picked up on re-boot just fine.
The guys who are currently maintaining the Network Wizard need to pick that one up. There was rarsa, tempestuous also I think, then pizzasgood had a look at it recently ...so I don't really know who wants to take this one on.
Has anyone had a look at this yet, or have I posted a howler?

I actually meant this for the Dingo Alpha 6 (Retro kernel) thread. :oops: It really IS a problem there, so might be in 3.02-alpha-1too.

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#34 Post by WhoDo »

AJ, to avoid confusion with later versions, would you mind renaming this thread as Puppy 3 Series Bugs? I know you don't have to, but it would be helpful.

Thank you.
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#35 Post by alienjeff »

Hi Warren.

The title is version, state and state-number specific. It was chosen with the express interest of avoiding confusion.

"Puppy 3 Series" is a rather broad umbrella, at least IMO. It covers:

3.00 final
3.00 fat free
3.01 final
3.01 fat free
Fire Hydrant Featherweight 3.0b
Fire Hydrant FHmainAbi3.0b
Fire Hydrant FMmainOoffice3.0b
Fire Hydrant Inferno3.0b
Fire Hydrant FH_Jwm3.01c
LighthousePup 3.01a4
LighthousePup 3.01a4oo2.2
Shard 3.01
Talking Stick(s)

... and perhaps more, but I've run out of time and interest in hunting them down.

I'll be more than happy to change the topic to your choice, however in light of the above, I'd appreciate an explanation of how it will avoid confusion. And please forgive me if I'm missing something obvious here.
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#36 Post by wingruntled »

I can see aj's point.
But maybe v3.02alpha* bugs would trim things down a bit.
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#37 Post by urban soul »

I found a little bug in the network wizard in wag-profiles.sh in the function loadProfileData() :
This prevents the AP_MAC variable from beeing stored correctly.

Code: Select all

line 671 should read 
"PROFILE_DATA=`grep -A 11 ... "
instead of
"PROFILE_DATA=`grep -A 10 ... "
Beware that old wag-config files might have entries with too few lines. (e.g. AP_MAC variable missing) These old files can get corrupted by the bugfixed version.


here is a example of a bugfixed version:
example file
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#38 Post by WhoDo »

alienjeff wrote:"Puppy 3 Series" is a rather broad umbrella, at least IMO. It covers:

3.00 final
3.00 fat free
3.01 final
3.01 fat free
Fire Hydrant Featherweight 3.0b
Fire Hydrant FHmainAbi3.0b
Fire Hydrant FMmainOoffice3.0b
Fire Hydrant Inferno3.0b
Fire Hydrant FH_Jwm3.01c
LighthousePup 3.01a4
LighthousePup 3.01a4oo2.2
Shard 3.01
Talking Stick(s)

... and perhaps more, but I've run out of time and interest in hunting them down.
Your point is taken, but I don't think users of the Puplets will be likely to post their bugs here, and I'm fine with all the others posting them here - they're interrelated.
alienjeff wrote:I'll be more than happy to change the topic to your choice, however in light of the above, I'd appreciate an explanation of how it will avoid confusion. And please forgive me if I'm missing something obvious here.
Possibly missing something obvious. 3.02Alpha1 has already been replaced by 3.02Alpha2. That should mean this thread would be closed when Alpha1-specific bugs have been resolved and a new 3.02Alpha2 thread opened. I can't see us being that pedantic. If "Puppy 3 series" seems too broad to you, then maybe 3.02 bugs would be sufficient. When we upgrade to Beta that would become 3.03 bugs, etc. Just a thought, and a suggestion. I know how you hate to be TOLD what to do! :P
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#39 Post by alienjeff »

What I'm taking issue with is maintaining subject clarity. My motives are honorable. I assure you it's not my well-known defiant streak rearing it's ugly head. Besides, if I wanted to really pick at nits, I would have said that using the word "Puppy" in the subject is unnecessary.

I remain unconvinced, but am open for further discussion.
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#40 Post by WhoDo »

alienjeff wrote:What I'm taking issue with is maintaining subject clarity. My motives are honorable. I assure you it's not my well-known defiant streak rearing it's ugly head. Besides, if I wanted to really pick at nits, I would have said that using the word "Puppy" in the subject is unnecessary.
Oh, I had no doubt your motives were honorable. I have never questioned your motives and I don't plan to start doing so now. Mentioning your "well-known defiant streak" was only my way of having a gentle "dig", so you would know I wasn't crustily pushing for my own special viewpoint on the issue. :wink:
alienjeff wrote:I remain unconvinced, but am open for further discussion.
Great. My view is that if you are an average user trying to help Puppy advance by testing, you're unlikely to post bugs about your 3.02Alpha2, or 3.02Beta or 3.02RC1, in a thread entitled 3.02Alpha1 Bugs. What usually happens is those users can't find a suitable thread so they start their own - "My 3.02Beta doesn't do this ....". Depending on how many bugs there are, that can lead to fragmentation of the bug squashing effort, and problems that fall through the cracks.

Even worse is the likelihood that same user won't look in that 3.02Alpha1 thread for an answer about their 3.02Beta bug before posting either. Why would they? It doesn't relate to THEIR version, does it! So they become frustrated when someone says "It's in the bug thread already, ffs"! :P

Your bug thread is Sticky, as it should be so it sits at the top of the Projects section where it is easily found. IMHO it should also be clearly stated that it is to be used for bugs found in ANY mainline version of Puppy 3.xx, but certainly not for those found in Puplets like pcPuppyOS, Lighthouse, Firehydrant, PupEEE, etc. Those have specific problems of their own and belong in their own bugs thread.

I hope my thoughts on the issue are now clear. If, and only IF, you agree then I'd be pleased if you would come up with an alternative title for the thread that manages to make that situation clearer and hopefully overcomes the potential problems.

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