Puppy Logo Contest

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#21 Post by Alucard_the_dex »

you know what Im thinking of buying a CD labeling kit getting a nice brand of blank CDs use PSR's duaghters Label encompase the CD with the whole paw with the version and type of puppy On it burn a few and hand um out to some friends and family see what they think if not Ill just make one for myself and show the hell off XD
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#22 Post by jcagle »

I would submit to the contest, but unfortunately I have little time to work on a logo right now.
klhrevolutionist PMed me that my picture was too big. I sent him a reply, but I feel it should also be mentioned for the public record.


You should prefer higher res images. Seriously.

It's very easy to shrink an image. Like two clicks in any image editing app. Its nearly impossible to increase the quality.

True, you may want a smaller image for web display. But what if someone wants to use the logo in print, such as on a Puppy CD case?

I've been in competetions where the required submission size was 4500x3375, and poster size work requires 7500x10000.
"Too big" should not be part of the critera.
Something I have learned in my graphic design classes: make stuff like this in vector graphics software, such as Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape, or Sodipodi.

Vector images can easily be resized without any loss of quality.

Also here's a couple of standards:
For web: 72dpi resolution
For print: 300dpi resolutionn
If you see lpi instead of dpi, the number is half of what dpi is.
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#23 Post by rarsa »


Can you ask your daughter to create a simplified miniicon version to put in the "start" menu button?

Maybe just the paw without the circle or something that will still give the idea of the same icon but that's clear at such small size.
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#24 Post by Alucard_the_dex »

RARSA! i got a idea for a entire theme for it tho! ^^ I think its good
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#25 Post by psr1 »

When I asked my daughter to try it, she would have preferred vector graphics, but I wanted something rather quickly. Vector graphics are easily scalable. I'll see what she can do fur us.

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#26 Post by Alucard_the_dex »

>< nvm kinda useless to have a idea without being able to make it XD anywho
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#27 Post by gliezl »

something like this?
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[color=blue][i]"If you have knowledge, let others light their candles in it."
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#28 Post by mjg »

My first attempt at a general logo and my last here:

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#29 Post by Lobster »


the green paw of Puppy . . .
works better for me . . .

Place your paw / footprint here - makes sense
more sense then any other logo
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#30 Post by mjg »

makes sense ... more sense then any other logo
Nice to see the judges are keeping an open mind and encouraging new entries :wink:

The paw is professionally done, and has potential as an icon, but I don't think it's distinctive enough to be the logo.

A logo shouldn't need words to explain it, and without words the paw could be a wolf or a puma. Wolvix has already adopted a paw for its logo. See http://wolvix.org/.

My entry is pretty weak, I realise that. However, I'd like to encourage others to submit entries using a dog. For inspiration look at the distinctive fox of Fox Linux or the elegant cat of Beatrix. Cats and foxes have paws too!

Someone with better image manipulation skills than me might be able to do something with Barry's chihuahua. I tried without success to extract the flower pup from the background.
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#31 Post by Lobster »

mjg wrote: Nice to see the judges are keeping an open mind and encouraging new entries :wink:
Thanks for suggesting I have a mind (to keep open) ;)
It is possible for a programmer to win this competition . . .

well if we had this

or this

and I thought Blender was being dotpupped?

even Pov-ray . . .

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#32 Post by gliezl »

any comments?
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[color=blue][i]"If you have knowledge, let others light their candles in it."
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#33 Post by gliezl »

let's us see how puppy laughs heartily. :D
created using inkscape.
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#34 Post by MU »

Lobster wrote:
mjg wrote: well if we had this
This is a Java-program, like http://jpatch.sf.net

Install jre 1.5 from the Wiki (with Dotpupdownloader), extract AOI or jpatch, create a shellscript to run it:

java -jar -Xmx512m ArtOfIllusion.jar
java -jar jpatch_20041019.jar

Povray might be installed as a RPM with Dotpup-wizard 06, I think is has no big dependancies.

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#35 Post by Alucard_the_dex »

I think a good logo to make the point of puppy linux without words would be a penguin and a puppy>? no? maybe a puppy layin on a penguins head with teh penguin having a :shock: expression? or a penguin petting a puppy>? ited add to the cuteness too lol
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