Not yet sure? - Put Puppy on your PC

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Ray MK
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Not yet sure? - Put Puppy on your PC

#1 Post by Ray MK »

Anyone still not sure about Linux but getting fed up with the main stream alternatives and all the inconveniance, costs, trouble and time wasting associated with them, should try Puppy Linux - any of the Puppy versions mentioned here would be a good start and before too long you will be wondering why you didn't take the plunge earlier.

Breath of fresh air - more of a blast. This stuff flies, even on an 8yr old mini Pc with 96mb ram 15gHDD celeron 400mhz proc that struggled to run Win95.

Turn on and in less than a minute you are looking at a stunning GUI, click the icon for browsing and in seconds - the browser is open and you are ready to go.
Select any of the App's and in a second or two a full blown WP (not a txt editor) and a fully blown spreadsheat is open amd ready. Same with all the other stuff - draw, paint, pictures etc. Its all there - instantly.

Just for fun, tried an even older Pc with 64mb 10gHDD P1 or P11 I think and again - it flies - brilliant. An old Pc that was going to get dumped now is a very useful item. How green and Eco friendly is that.

TeenPup2008 - end Feb - could it be the best 2.xx pup there is? Can't wait..

Pup2.16ce also outstanding as is Pup2.14R - fast even on old kit
but then so is Pup2.15ce - and it looks TheBiz. As do they all.

LightHouse also up there with the best 2.xx - thats the distro that made me decide that a fully updated & tweaked XPdoze was no longer needed.
LHpup215final replaced it - best thing I ever did.

So I've got LH215final, 216ce and 215ce with grub on a 4yr old Patriot 128mb 30gHDD celeron 800mhz laptop - all running sweet as you like. Only minor prob is me, never really sure which distro to boot, as they are all so good.
Each distro has its own virtues and so this way, no choices needed.
Also use EcoPup booting from CDrom - again a superb package from Ecomoney

Really looking forward to seeing the new EcoPup - 2.14Rce. If it does all the things that are being spoken of on the forums - it will be great.

FireHydrant - looks good - could it be the best 3.xx pup to date?

Std 3.01 also v fast and very compact - seems good for old kit too and seems to recognise many internal dialup modems automatically.

Have also put 215ce, 3.01 and 216ce on an even older Acer travelmate with 256mb 40gHDD celeron 1.2ghz proc and they fly. Brilliant.

One very happy Linux newbie from MK UK. BK & team - Fantastic stuff.
Many thanks to you all for everything you've done to make and support, probably the best and easiest to use OS on the planet.
Bruce B

#2 Post by Bruce B »


I enjoyed your crisp and positive reviews.

Would you like a job in the marketing department?
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Ray MK
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Put Puppy on your PC

#3 Post by Ray MK »

Bruce B

Thanks for the reply - as you can probably gather - over the moon.
Puppy has transformed 3 old Pc's that were very nearly junked into 3 very usable items.
In fact 1 of them was thrown out by a friend - I asked if I could have it and he asked why would I want it - its useless,
There was nothing wrong with the computer, it was only the stuff we thought was software that was broken. Put Puppy on - zoom.
What we considered to be junk - suddenly became wow - the old beast has never worked better. Works better now than when it was new. Magic.
Puppy also transformed two 5yr old laptops - they went from being pathetically slow old clunkies - to flying machines.
So once again - BK & team and all who have done such fine work with Puppy - Many Thanks.

Oh and yes - I'll fly the Puppy Flag - just point me in the appropriate direction - lots to learn - work is in progress.

Wonder if Robert from Ecomoney or anyone else could use a newbie tester or something.

Thanks again BruceB for your response - feel free to bounce any ideas etc over - specially if you can help with pointers to getting puppy on even older laptops with no CDrom or Usb but that do have Pcmcia slots.

Best Regards - Ray MK
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#4 Post by ttuuxxx »

Thanks for the kind words about "Fire Hydrant" It was and is a real love afair, I really like the 3.0 series the most, BUT i just started with the 2.17 series making as small church related pup. Since people have been asking for it. here's a pic of the up and comming "Living Water 2.17" ... ch&id=7763
and ... ch&id=7762
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Ray MK
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#5 Post by Ray MK »


FH does look v good - and Living Water 2.17 is also looking good - presume you chose 2.17 for good reason - interested in knowing as I suspect many of our local church community would find something like this very interesting.

Tried ChurchPup but too heavy - needs 512mb ram min.
and didn't seem to like usb mouse & keyboards on the boxes that had adequate ram.

Let me know how you progress - meanwhile

Best Regards - Ray MK
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#6 Post by ttuuxxx »

Ray MK wrote:ttuuxxx

FH does look v good - and Living Water 2.17 is also looking good - presume you chose 2.17 for good reason - interested in knowing as I suspect many of our local church community would find something like this very interesting.

Tried ChurchPup but too heavy - needs 512mb ram min.
and didn't seem to like usb mouse & keyboards on the boxes that had adequate ram.

Let me know how you progress - meanwhile

Best Regards - Ray MK
well I made it on 2.17 because its small and will work better on older hardware, which people were asking for. Also I goggles Dvd Player, so that older Pc's could even play dvd's. I updated ndiswrapper, Pfind and a few others and downgraded pmount, I'm using the one from 2.15ce because it shows you how much is used and free on the harddrive.
Stream tuner was a bit of a task since it used Glibc 2.4 and that was hard to get stable, But i got it working perfectly. :)
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#7 Post by Ray MK »


thats interesting - cos 3,01 & 2.16 and 2.16ce all run well enough on my old P11 266hz 6gig hdd box with only 64meg ram - which is pleasantly surprising - however 2.17 gave me some strange error messages - not sure why, as am sure it was on this box previously. Will try again.

Anyway - your Living Water 2.17 allowing someone with an old Pc that has a cdrom to play dvd's is good, think thats what they wanted locally. By old Pc - do you mean P1, P2 era - or maybe even slightly earlier,

Also like 215ce - and its Pmount, but that also did want to boot on my old box - cant remember the messages - I'll try that again too.

Strangley 2.14R gave me a disk error 8 message and hung - thought that was meant to work on anything.

Meanwhile - regards - Ray

Re: Put Puppy on your PC

#8 Post by jonyo »

Ray MK wrote: puppy on even older laptops with no CDrom or Usb but that do have Pcmcia slots.
If you have win98(or5), pup 98 hums. Tried it out on a p166 with 80 megs ram.
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#9 Post by ttuuxxx »

Hey ray

Badically when it comes to 2.17 you click a .sfs file also and search around inside it, where 2.14ce you can't, If i don't have to use simple code the better, I'm kind of lazy that way :) How about you give my "Living water 2.17" a shot in about 1 day, I've even made a new application for it, I won't say because ummmmm I just like a bit of a surprise, :)
I'm working on it at the momement. should be much longer then i can upload it to the server:)
Also when it comes to 2.17 like i said it runs better then 3.0 series on some older pc, not all, but some. well better get back to it.
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Ray MK
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#10 Post by Ray MK »

Hi ttuuxxx

did reply earlier saying - cant wait to try LH2.17 and how good the home icon & others were - dont know where message went, maybe I forgot to submit ?

Got 2.14R on the Acer laptop now and it seems fine - doesn't always auto-display sda drive & partions - 2.16ce always did.
Hdd & Cdrom ok.

Will try the Patriot laptop later - downloaded FHjwm3.01c but not burned yet - ran out of cd's.

Will download LH2.17 asap.

Regards - Ray
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