KDE 3.5.8 (feb 07, 2008)

Stuff that has yet to be sorted into a category.
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#21 Post by Béèm »


I succeeded in finding the missing libraries and copied the to /lib.
KDE 3.5.8 is running now on Dingo alpha 6
In lost&Found I did find all the Puppy menu entries like the Network Wizard, so I could configure my network connection.

All the missing libraries are in a directory which I zipped.

I attached the KDE-Dingo.zip here.

Have fun.

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#22 Post by MU »

merci beaucoup Béèm.

I attach a dotpet.

This Dotpet can be used to add missing libraries to Puppy 4 (Dingo) Alpha 6.

It does not register to petget to avoid, that it can be uninstalled (what could conflict if you install other programs with the same libs).

These files are included:

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#23 Post by Béèm »


Il n'y a pas de quoi
You're welcome.
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#24 Post by Eyes-Only »

Merci mille fois Beem pour travailler si, si, fort sur ce projet! Bien fait! Et maintenant tout le monde qui veut utiliser Dingo peut aussi user KDE 3.5.8 avec cette version de Puppy. C'est vraiment fantastique mon ami Puppien! BRAVO!

Thank you so very much Beem for working so very hard on this project! So well done! And now everyone who wants to use Dingo can also use KDE 3.5.8 with this version of Puppy. This is truly fantastic my fellow Puppian Friend! BRAVO!

I've been sitting here tonight contemplating whether or not to give Dingo a try but the lack of many of the programmes I use in my daily work has prevented me. No reason not to try now!

Merci mille fois encore mon ami Puppian!


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#25 Post by Béèm »

Merci pour le compliment.
Suis-tu encore un peu le forum de K-Meleon?
J'ai décroché un peu.
C'est bien de s'excercer encore en Français.
Que les petits enfants vont bien.

Thank you for the compliment.
Do you follow still the K-Meleon forum?
I don't follow quite close anymore.
Good to see you still excercice in French.
May you grandchildren go wel.
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#26 Post by Béèm »

What I feared has arrived.
Alltho KDE is running in Dingo alpha 6, there is still a possibility of missing libraries when launching an application.

So it happened for Knode.
I found the lib in the known way and Knode starts.

I can post to a server which doesn't require authentication.
But when I define a server, needing authentication, the password isn't retained in the settings.
Do you have this problem also?

After closing Knode and starting again it works.
Strange, shouldn't happen in my opinion.
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#27 Post by Béèm »

Like with Muppy008 I experience all of a sudden a slow machine which crawls even when the simplest task is performed on my 256MB PC.

So I have to use a swap file now.
It's better to know this in advance.

Code: Select all

# free
              total         used         free       shared      buffers
  Mem:       254924       223168        31756            0        18060
 Swap:       391160        62436       328724
Total:       646084       285604       360480
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#28 Post by Béèm »

Nice. :D
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#29 Post by Eyes-Only »

Wow... That really IS a nice shot of KDE on Dingo! I just hope that when Barry returns from "Walkabout" he gets the chance to see that one! Really nice! I still have yet to download and try this out yet I got up very late today and am only now getting the chance (at 21:00hrs my time) to rest a moment before moving onward. -sigh-

By the way Beem: No, I no longer go to the K-Meleon forums. When I left there (unlike here it would seem) I left for good as I was no longer able to help out. I was useless so I saw no reason for hanging around. And then I changed over to Linux a very short time later, something I may not have done had I have continued working upon the K-Meleon browser as I had at the time. (I was the 5th, "ghost member" of the Welsehbalg 8.3 team, and the one who brought the programmers together for the project. I'm the one who figured out how to add the Gecko engine without the need to recompile KM.)

As for my grandchildren: We discovered this summer that my grandson is not well, and now they are keeping an eye on my grand-daughter. They are both still my "Little Angels" and I come alive whenever they are around. :)

Amicalement mon ami,

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#30 Post by Béèm »


Sorry to hear about your grandson. Hope a way is found to make him better.

As for K-Meleon, I got it working in Wine without a problem.
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#31 Post by fudgy »

I just saw that Kontact misses this lib in Puppy 3.01


get it from here:
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... ch&id=6631

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#32 Post by fudgy »

Want to check mail in kmail... but pop.gmx.net account does not work..

Pop account is set to plain authentication without encryption, but returns this error:

Authentifizierung fehlgeschlagen, An error occured during authentication: SASL(-4): no mechanism available: No worthy mechs found wird nicht unterstützt

Wot does this mean ???
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#33 Post by MU »

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#34 Post by fudgy »

Thanks Mark. This did the trick. Sorry should have found out myself. Had too much wine yesterday.
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#35 Post by MU »

no, it is good that you mentioned it, so I can add it to the iso :)
Thanks, Mark
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#36 Post by Eyes-Only »

Hi Mark,

I know you're busy so I'll be brief with this comment that has nothing to do with the thread (my apologies about that too):

I really appreciate you posting the link under your name in the signature file my friend! I clicked on it and found so many great things there that I've bookmarked the page for future reference.

I'd like to take this moment to encourage ALL who happen by and read this to do likewise---you'll sure wished you had, believe me! And make sure you bookmark it for the future because knowing Mark/MU the way I do he'll be keeping that page updated often!

Thanks again Mark!

Mazzel! mfg,

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#37 Post by Béèm »

Merci pour votre intervention.
Un lien plus qu'util.

Thank you for this very useful link.
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#38 Post by Béèm »

In my free moments, I continue to look for missing libraries.
I have found already some, also in Kontact, but a different one.
The latest on Sunday, I will upload another version of the missing libs.
This upload will contain also those I gave before, in this way the file will also be a complete one.
The reason for Sunday is, that I will be away for some 5 weeks and I don't know if I will have a good (ADSL) connection.
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#39 Post by MU »

Fine Beem.
No need to hurry, I will update the sfs in 1-2 weeks when we can be shure to have found everything that should be added :)

Jimmy, thanks :)

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#40 Post by Béèm »

Kontact libgpg-error.so.0
Kuickview libimlib.so.0
K3bsetup libdbus-qt.so.1
These missing ones I found this evening
Kcalc libgmp.so.3 (not in 3.01)
KpalmDOC libpisock.so.9 (not in 3.01)
Thes are missing as well, but I didn't find them in the 3.01 sfs.
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