Australia apology to Aborigines

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Australia apology to Aborigines

#1 Post by jonyo »

"The Australian government has made a formal apology for the past wrongs inflicted by successive governments on the indigenous Aboriginal population."
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#2 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

I couldn't help but wonder, 15 months ago, how Australians of all races, all walks, regarded this legal ruling:
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I think I beat you to it

#3 Post by mcewanw »

Actually, I think I beat you to it jonyo, by around but 14 minutes:

On second thoughts, now that I look at the time, you beat me by a couple of hours... sigh ... good ol' jonyo! I did do a search before posting, but nothing came up. Oh well.... :-)

[I did think it surprising that I couldn't find any other post about this topic when I looked - thought Sage and co must be asleep or something. Jonyo on the ball as usual though]
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#4 Post by mcewanw »

moving on for the sake of karma
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#5 Post by mcewanw »

moving on for the sake of karma
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#6 Post by mcewanw »

moving on for the sake of karma
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#7 Post by cthisbear »

WARNING:Don't bother going to the very last links.

You will be offended.

I have had totally enough of this crap....head bowing.....hand wringing wank.

The fact was at that time....people thought they were doing more right than wrong.

As usual ....many Aussies will posture....carry on with this Trendy rubbish

But would they choose to live next to them?
Donate to local Aboriginal charities or groups with money or other assistance?
Actually live next to them?
Actually help them in the street as an act of charity?

Unfortunately NO.


All this effort....and as Wilson Tuckey MP noted....and I paraphrase here:
"Will all the petrol sniffing stop tomorrow?.......
will young girls sleep safely in their beds tonight? "


Unfortunately nothing will happen.
Discrimination, piss poor living conditons, violence and abuse within their
own society, drinking, drugs and fear shall prevail.

A case where so much has been spent by so many, so often...with at best mediocre results...and more often negative results. Australia I believe that we have now easily surpassed the Yanks.

Oh! Sorry were you offended?

Well I am.
Simply put in Australia.....Aborigines are nearly can't have a negative opinion on will find it mighty hard to get any justice if you are assaulted by them, whether as a civilian or certainly a is a typical sample of reality;

" Two charged over Geraldton beach cricket death " ... 48,00.html

Am I rascist? No.
Am I an Australian who is fed up with this high profile offal...Bloody Oath.

Good on you John Howard for not attending....
A bigger man than most in my opinion.....compared to most of the poncy pollies we have had thrust on us.

Until I am treated equally, Aborigines are treated equally...we are all treated respect to each other in voicing opinion,
receiving that opinion, respecting the law and receiving respect from those in authority...I Ain't Sorry.

No laws for one and not the other....or interpretation of those laws.

Of course now that Labor is in power... no doubt they will stop the Northern Territory intervention.,23599,23 ... 01,00.html

The stories you don't hear:
Woe and betide if you said this a couple of years would be howled the goody two shoes.

" In what amounts to the ending of Australia’s decades-long and largely failed path of self-determination for Aboriginal people, scores of extra police will be moved into the Northern Territory to enforce bans on alcohol and pornography and to ensure that all public computers are checked for evidence of the downloading of porn.

Aboriginal parents will have their welfare payments cut if their children fail to go to school and all will be required to spend at least half of their fortnightly welfare money on food and essentials. The moved is designed to ensure that alcohol-dependent Aboriginal parents stop spending the bulk of their income on alcohol in areas where the ban on sales cannot be enforced - such as the northern city of Darwin. " ... 966996.ece


I ask myself shall the English kids that were brought out to Australia
be apologised to? Compensation? Hmmm!

" The Lost Children
10,000 English Kids Sent To Australia

" (CBS) It's a mind-boggling story, one that sounds more like a bad movie than reality. But it happened. In the two decades after World War II, 10,000 English children were sent to Australia, reports 60 Minutes II Correspondent Bob Simon. Many were mistreated and abused.
All were lied to. " ... 0269.shtml

SO There You GO.

Do not read beyond this or click the links if you are easily Offended.
Do not whinge and whine about being shocked.


My Offensive Email I Sent To A Friend Today

" I am too busy apologising to send you any Emails.
I mean ..." Fair Crack of the Whip "
Kev and me are trying to get our acts together to be bothered with the likes of you.

Oh! Sorry.
I meant Kevin Bloody Wilson.


Because I Care....KBW on Youube.

And have a nice day....
And I am really sorry.


#8 Post by bugman »

sadly i have nothing to say about all of this

i have never had the privilege of growing up a second-class citizen

in a land stolen from my people by the ancestors of first-class citizens

if i listen carefully to lobster

perhaps that joy will be mine in the next life

mitakuye oyasin
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#9 Post by Lobster »

bugman wrote: if i listen carefully to lobster
perhaps that joy will be mine in the next life

mitakuye oyasin
You expect a second (or more lives)?
Optimism is a wonderful thing . . . 8)
Those being hurt and those being hurtful
all deserve compassion.

However we should start with someone deserving
Most Deserving.

That is ourselves.

In the next moment our suffering is borne
and so is our joy.

Most of us get caught up in
what we can not, or choose not to
We find misery, get outraged
and so on.

I have seen people on this forum
do what they can . . .
Acts of kindness and decency.
We have a word for it 'puppytude'

So it is in this choice
to change ourselves
that a new life is possible . . .
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#10 Post by macadavy »

jonyo is pointing the finger at Australia, he might want to take a look in our own back yard.
Canada has, for a decade or more, being going through a torturous process of settling land claims with our indigenous peoples
and attempting to make amends for generations of cultural genocide and sexual abuse.
Still our aboriginal peoples remain social pariahs for the most part.
I wonder what mon ami, Eyes-Only, 'l'peau rouge' might have to say about all this?
More proof, if any were needed, that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
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#11 Post by jonyo »

Ipperwash ... [quote]Nov. 28, 2005:
Charles Harnick, attorney general of Ontario under then-premier Mike Harris, told the inquiry Harris used profane language during a meeting about the Ipperwash occupation.

"I want the f-- Indians out of the park," Harnick quoted Harris as saying.

He said he remembered the premier making the comments as he walked into a meeting on Sept. 6, 1995. Harris's lawyer Peter Downard said that when his client testifies in January, he will deny uttering the words. Harnick replied, "I heard what I heard."

He also says he has nothing but admiration ( :roll: ) for the former premier, adding that he agonized over what he would tell the inquiry.

Ipperwash Oka Caledonia - "500 years and First Nations of Canada are still struggling against land issue"
I met Dudley's bro a few times..
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#12 Post by cthisbear »

Howard best PM for Aborigines: Abbott

" John Howard did more for indigenous people than any other prime minister, opposition frontbencher Tony Abbott says.

Mr Howard was the only living former prime minister absent from yesterday's parliamentary apology to Australia's indigenous peoples.

He refused to say sorry to the stolen generations while in office between 1996 and 2007. ' ... 48673.html


Still got my vote..................Chris

#13 Post by bugman »

Lobster wrote:[You expect a second (or more lives)?
i was under the impression

that i was doomed to them

[just hoping for mountains]
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#14 Post by Lobster »

Most Buddhists are under
the delusion that an unplugged computer makes no mistakes
and this is a worthy aim

They also like to debate whether
software still runs when there is no ram
but a new computer

I suppose it depends on whether there is a
universal data storage system

Such questions are best left for mountains

. . . and now back to the suffering . . .
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Bruce B

#15 Post by Bruce B »

Contemplating Life after life
  • They bury me six feet under and the worms eat my body

    They don't bury me - they scatter my ashes in the Los Angeles River

    I go to Hell and burn forever

    They put me in some theater, lock the exit doors, and I have to watch Tom Cruise in Top Gun for the next two hundred billion years.

    The Gods cast me into outer darkness and send the Mormon missionaries to preach to me for thousands of years.

    I get to haunt a Castle for hundreds of years

    I become an Angel of Light

    I try and persuade Saint Peter that I'm truly deserving, in spite of my questioning, critical thinking and rambling while a human on earth.

    I get born again as a human and have to get my wisdom teeth pulled again, deal with bullies at school all over, and ultimately get my heart broken to pieces because of my delusional thinking about the virtue and value of woman and family.

    Maybe if I joined most all the religions - maybe one of them would actually deliver a promised paradise. If two or more of them did, I could possibly pick and choose which Heaven I want.

I give
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#16 Post by cthisbear »

My email reply:

" We apologise for giving you doctors and free medical care, which allows you
to survive and multiply so that you can demand apologies.

We apologise for helping you to read and teaching you the English language,
thus opening up to you the entire European civilisation, thought and

We feel that we must apologise for building hundreds of homes for you, which
you have vandalised and destroyed.

We apologise for giving you law and order which has helped prevent you from
slaughtering one another and using the unfortunate for food purposes.

We apologise for developing large farms and properties, which today feed
you, where before, you had the benefits of living off the land and starving
during droughts.

We apologise for providing you with warm clothing made of fabric to replace
the animal skins you used before.

We apologise for building roads and railway tracks between cities and
building cars so that you no longer have to walk over harsh terrain.

We apologise for paying off your vehicles when you fail to pay the

We apologise for giving you free travel anywhere, whenever.

We apologise for giving each and every member of your family $100.00 and free travel to attend an aboriginal funeral.

We apologise for not charging you rent on any lands when white people have to pay.

We apologise for giving you interest free loans.

We apologise for developing oil wells and minerals, including gold and
diamonds which you never used and had no idea of their value.

We apologise for developing Ayers rock and Kakadu, and handing them over to you so that you get all the money.

We apologise for allowing taxpayers money to be paid towards a daughters’ wedding ($8,000.00 each daughter).

We apologise for giving you $1.7 billion per year for your 250,000 people,
which is $48,000.00 per aboriginal man, woman and child.

We apologise for working hard to pay taxes that finance your welfare,
medical care, education, etc to the tune of $1.2 billion each year.

We apologise for you having to approach the aboriginal affairs department to
verify the above figures.
For the trouble you will have identifying the
“uncle toms” in your own community who are getting richer and leaving some of you living in squalor and poverty.

We do apologise. We really do.

We humbly beg your forgiveness for all the above sins.

We are only too happy to take back all the above and return you to the
paradise of the “outback”, whenever you are ready. "

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#17 Post by Billwho? »

You beat me to it Chris but there is at least one item missing from the above.

"We apologise for employing the white kid who could actually read, write and add up as a result of attending school instead of the "Indigenous Australian" who can not do any of these because they would not take advantage of the schools mentioned above."
Linux = Learning through doing :shock: :? :D
The learning curve may be steep but there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
You just have to pass the occasional oncoming train to get there.
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#18 Post by Lobster »

Bruce B wrote: Maybe if I joined most all the religions - maybe one of them would actually deliver a promised paradise. If two or more of them did, I could possibly pick and choose which Heaven I want.[/list]
Good plan. :D
Most people are in a heaven hell or reality of their
own creating. Which usually involves finger pointing . . .
they did it!

Well 'them' ain't gonna change as easily as I
can change my approach. Of course I might prefer suffering and
finger pointing and fluster - why it feels so good! :twisted:

Wondering where this sorry mess
is heading? :shock:

Ask yourself 'Where am I now?'. Are you in a sorry state?
I am and I apologize even when I have done Nothing.

Sorry about that. :roll:
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Bruce B

#19 Post by Bruce B »


I love these ethereal discussions - really do. I've read so much and contemplated so deeply.

But, in all candor some of the most fundamental mysteries of life still baffle me.

Why are you - YOU? Why am I - ME? I cannot tell you. I've not read anything sensible enough to explain it. Yet, some people still wonder about these things and many more fundamentals.

Why me? Why now? Why here? What next? ...


We can enter into more practical philosophies. For example: What turns you on? What makes you feel alive?

I think these are essential questions each person need answer. More than just answer, also honor to such extent that we are living lives that makes us feel more alive and in touch.

One of my greater passions in life was sports photography. I worked at it for years on weekends and started gaining notice for my work as a very good photographer.

I also started gaining a fear that I was falling back, because it was obvious that computers and photography were getting married. And I didn't know a thing about computers. So I started learning computers as they applied to photography.

I had a goal of developing fabulous prints. The problem was that true photo quality color printers were extremely expensive and way out budget. The upside was that expert advice told me that if I waited long enough photo quality color printing would become affordable in the future.

Eventually I was able to buy a Nikon photo scanner and Photoshop. Learned a lot.

The thing I didn't expect is how much computers would turn me on. I became more interested in computing and software than I was in photography.

Some (lots of) people cannot understand why I find why I find technical arts so fascinating and why they are such a driving force in my life. The answer is - because it turns me on and that's good enough for me.

A hundred years from now will it make any difference? I don't know. Will I go to hell? Again I don't know. Will the deities give me medals of valor? I doubt it.

We can't neglect many responsibilities. But I respect the person who is able to get in touch with hobbies, interests, clubs or whatever that genuinely represent things that turn them on and express themselves in those areas.

Maybe the nature of Life never intended that we would know It's mysteries. What do you think?


#20 Post by bugman »

those damn aborigines!

how dare they complain after all you've done for them?

they should be grateful you didn't kill them all when you had the chance...

[might time travel be the answer?]
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