MUT2 buggy edition

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MUT2 buggy edition

#1 Post by Jesse »

Hello Puppy enthusiasts,

MUT2 is still slowly being developed.
Here is an evaluation edition that mostly seems to be working.
Please only consider trying this if you understand about command line and highly technical things like extracting tarballs.
Any bug reports would be nice if you take the time to try it out.
I wouldn't advise publishing this particular edition on a liveCD.iso version of puppy.


mut2_1.0.0.1041.tar.gz (16 downloads, withdrawn)
mut2_1.0.0.1058.tar.gz (22 downloads, Some cdrom/control bugs fixed. withdrawn)
mut2_1.0.0.1071.tar.gz (5 downloads buggy!) cd ioctls tweaked, swapon/off added.
mut2_1.0.0.1079.tar.gz (11 downloads, some bugs ) fixbugs in Audio CD bugs in 1071. added auto-ajust window size (first 5 seconds). auto ajust scroll bar.
mut2_1.0.0.1109.tar.gz (3 downloads ) gui location remembered, cd ioctls tweaked again, now shows cd/dvd size, fix drive fw.revision.
mut2_1.0.0.1130.tar.gz (added) should now work on Dingo, and has support for SCSI disks now, either the propper ones, or Dingo IDE drives.The Pmount script is different!! please don't install it over your existing Pmount script, unless you make a backup etc... You'll need to put the mut file next to it if you do install it.

Known Issues: not working on Dingo editions? AudioCD controls iffy? floppydisk is accessed a lot and noisy (if you have one).
Last edited by Jesse on Thu 21 Feb 2008, 14:19, edited 5 times in total.
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#2 Post by Trobin »

what does it do?
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#3 Post by Jesse »

Hi Trobin,

MUT2 is a mounting tool like MUT and PMount.

I should probably note that MUT2 is only likely to work with the 2.6 kernels because it has the /sys filesystem available.

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#4 Post by JB4x4 »

The scroll bars on the window are a nice addition. The current MUT opens cd/dvd tray when pressing eject, the new one doesn't.

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#5 Post by Jesse »

Hi JB4x4,

What sort of cd/dvd do you have, is it SATA or USB or SCSI ?
I have an IDE cd/dvd drive that the eject/close works with.
Can you tell me a litte about your setup, what puppy edition etc?

Wolf Pup
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#6 Post by Wolf Pup »

MUT2 looks real nice :D

bugs i found,
cant see swap, visible in MUT
keeps scanning floppy drive forever and cant stop scanning
MUT2 cant see that in full install / is mounted, MUT2 see's it as unmounted.

Code: Select all

# df
Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda3             12388188   2493888   9390824  21% /
shmfs                    55052         0     55052   0% /dev/shm
/dev/hda5             12389324   4976280   6783700  42% /mnt/hda5

Code: Select all

# mount
rootfs on / type rootfs (rw)
/dev/root on / type ext3 (rw,data=ordered)
none on /proc type proc (rw)
shmfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw)
none on /dev/pts type devpts (rw)
none on /sys type sysfs (rw)
none on /proc/bus/usb type usbfs (rw)
/dev/hda5 on /mnt/hda5 type ext3 (rw,noatime,data=ordered)
this is running puppy 3.01
could there be a settings menu in MUT2 where one could put CD player arguments instead of gxine freezing when playing a CD?
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#7 Post by Jesse »

Hi Wolf Pup,

One of the things that MUT2 is supposed to do is allow Music CD controls play/next etc... but these are one of the noticibly buggy things at this point in time.
I'll have to investigate that / mount point for full install, and the continuous floppy drive scanning, neither are on my development machine, doh.

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#8 Post by Trobin »

Is there going to be a command line version of this? It would be a great addition to the Speaing Puppy For the Blind" project.
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#9 Post by Jesse »

Hi Trobin,

MUT2 is like a disk information daemon for Puppy linux boxes.
It is designed with a background process that maintains a status of each drive.
The MUT2 comes with a graphical front end, similar to the original MUT, but you don't have to use this, if you remove the grapical user interface, there is only one file remaining, the mut binary executable file.
The MUT2 binary file (called mut) that does all the background magick also has several front-end command line interfaces, it is a multi-call binary like busybox, it would be quite trivial to add in another command line interface that presents the drive information in a written english style.
If you run "./mut --help" it will tell you more about itself.
I have no idea how blind people like to read from their command line interface, but if you would like to suggest how it should work, phrasing, style guide, options, it would be pretty easy to add it.

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#10 Post by Trobin »

I have no idea how blind people like to read from their command line interface, but if you would like to suggest how it should work, phrasing, style guide, options, it would be pretty easy to add it.
I'm using espeak, speech dispatcher and yasr to read the contents of the screen. All i would need is a simple menu system that could be read to the user so he could select the menu option desired.
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#11 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

Puppy 2.17-1. It's going into an infinite loop, see
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#12 Post by raffy »

Good to have you back, Jesse. Am one of those who miss MUT in the Puppy 4 series (the series has no TCL support, so MUT was not included).

Will test this tonight. Meanwhile, have you or will you care to comment about MUT2's compatibility with Dingo (Puppy4)?

Edit: A minor comment: In MUT, you added "2005" at the caption, but this tends to give an old look to an otherwise perfectly working software in 2008. (Hope that helps. :) )
Last edited by raffy on Thu 14 Feb 2008, 06:49, edited 1 time in total.
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#13 Post by Jesse »

Hi Trobin,

I think I understand the problem, is that espeak and yasr use alphanumeric displays so that they can scan for the words to read aloud, and the MUT2 graphical display is not an alphanumeric display.
Perhaps a menu system using the ncurses library would be what you are after?
I havn't used ncurses before, but from what I understand about it, thats what you want.
Do you happen to know of any open source projects that use ncurses, or another console library that works well with espeak and yasr? If you do I could download it and model a MUT2 menu from it, rather than starting from scratch.

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#14 Post by Trobin »

Sorry but I don't. I don't even no what ncurses are, though 've had to install them when I ws trying out something.

I have a menu in speak-pup but it's just a very basic one. No ncurses or anything fancy.
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#15 Post by Jesse »

Hi Sit Heel Speak,

Thats an interesting screen shot. I was wondering if that sort of thing could happen.
What might not be obvious to you is that the penguin icon on the left side appears at the end of the drive hardware list.
The interpretation is that there is no drive hardware present, which is obviously wrong for some reason or something.

I'm not sure which of several things is not working so I'll outline the components and hopefully you'll understand enough to indicate which is problematic.

Um, on second thought, it might be a firewall preventing the data communication from working. MUT2 communicates to itself (client) via a tcp/ip socket on a address, you can spot it with a command like "netstat -t --listening".

The GUI application starts and runs, it just isn't getting data from mut, so I don't think the problem is fundimentally the gui component.

Try to see if the commandline interface can get a hardware list from mut, type in "./mut mutclient" to see if there is any information about your drive hardware. The output of this command is what is solely used to format the gui interface.

If there are problems with getting the data, try it again but with debugging, e.g. "./mut mutclient --debug"

If there are problems with the mut daemon, close the gui, end the daemon with "./mut --exit" then you can try it with full debugging options "./mut mutclient --debug --foreground --nothreads --nofork", um I think those are all the options.

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Re: MUT2 buggy edition

#16 Post by Lobster »

Jesse wrote:Hello Puppy enthusiasts,

I wouldn't advise putting this particular edition on a liveCD version of puppy.

It is the only one I got

Mut2 - hooray
Can we have a screenshot?
What is the plan?

OK I am in Phoenix (CommunityEdition pre-alpha)
and moved Mut into usr/local
and tried to run mut2 with the wish tkl runner
but you also have a compiled program 'mut'?

OK can not run from live CD :cry:
maybe in the next release . . .

Mut is back! [round of applause]
thanks Jesse :D

Code: Select all

sh-3.00# wish mut2.tcl
version mut 2 multi-call binary version: mut2_1.0.0.1041
Error in startup script: couldn't open "/usr/local/mut//icon/fd3.ppm": no such file or directory
    while executing
"image create photo ::img::img(fd3)      -file "$::mut/icon/fd3.ppm""
    (file "mut2.tcl" line 691)
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Re: Dingo

#17 Post by Jesse »

Hi Raffy,

no TCL in Dingo??? thats a shame.

The MUT2 binary is written in C and really ought to run on Dingo, though I havn't tried it.
The MUT2 GUI is writtten in TCL/TK, so that part won't run on Dingo. The GUI is only supposed to be a GUI, so its theoretically possible to have other front ends to it written in other languages, MUT2 was written with this in mind. It might even be possible to have PMount as the front end if you could imagine that.

Perhaps it should say "since 2008"?

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Re: MUT2 buggy edition

#18 Post by Jesse »

Hi Lobster,
Lobster wrote:
Jesse wrote:Hello Puppy enthusiasts,

I wouldn't advise putting this particular edition on a liveCD version of puppy.

It is the only one I got
Um, I should really clarify that statement. What I meant to say was, "this particular download is very likely to have all sorts of obvious and non-obvious bugs, as such please don't publish it in a Puppy ISO to make available to the general population."

MUT2 will run the same way regardless if you have booted either from a live cd, or another boot method like hard disk. There will be minor differences like the root system mount point, but are minor.

The MUT2 gui is very similar to the original MUT, not too much has changed there, with the obvious change of a scroll bar.

Theres no official plan, the current plan is to identify the first round of bugs with people who know how to use a command line interface, several bugs have already popped up.

I havn't tried Phoenix (CommunityEdition pre-alpha), but if its uses a 2.6 kernel and has /sys mounted, and has tcl/tk then it ought to be able to do something.

Please don't try to "propperly install" MUT2, as theres no real advantage. Plus a 'propper install' would be to /usr/bin or /bin with all the symlinks to mut, but that sort of thing is well down the track and I havn't even tried that.

Just extract it to a location like /temp/mut2, change to that directory and run it from there.

The compiled program 'mut' is encapsulates the essence that makes MUT2 different from the original MUT. The 'mut2.tcl' is just a front end.

Code: Select all

 Error in startup script: couldn't open "/usr/local/mut//icon/fd3.ppm": no such file or directory
Um, it is saying that it cannot find the file /usr/local/mut//icon/fd3.ppm, so presumably you installed to /usr/local/mut.
I'm not sure why this is failing, it might well be related to the way you are starting it with the explicit use of 'wish". Try using "./mut2.tcl" instead. The first line in mut2.tcl specifies that it is supposed to be run by wish and bash uses that for you.

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#19 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

But before doing ./mut mutclient...please check whether I've placed the unpacked files where they ought to be. See screenshot:

Old MUT at lower right shows my actual drives arrangement.

Upper left ROX window shows what unpacked from the archive.

The window below it: I copied the unpacked's to new subdir /usr/lib/mut2 and renamed mut2.tcl to mut.tcl

The window below that, is the original /usr/lib/mut

Window at upper right, I made a copy of /usr/lib/mut2 and added-in the files and additional subdir from the original MUT subdir which were not present in the downloaded archive.

Which of these should I be running the tests from? Should I have kept the name mut2.tcl? Does it need to go in the original MUT's subdir /usr/lib/mut ?

Oh yes, by the way...good to see you here again!
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#20 Post by Jesse »

Hi Sit Heel Speak,

Wow! what a lot of drives!!! and a scsi one in there too.
I'm sure you'll like the scroll bar in MUT2's gui.

Theres no need to "install" mut2, /temp/mut2 is just as good as anywhere, click on the mut2.tcl from rox, or run mut2.tcl from command line.
Your /usr/lib/mut2 looks just fine to me, you can run the tests from there.

There are no missing files in your /usr/lib/mut2 directory, theres just a lot fewer files in MUT2, it has had quite a change in layout strategy since 0.1.1.
All the functionality of the binary executables files in the bin directory for mut 0.1.1 have shifted into the single mut binary file for MUT2, which also contains the mut server and client applications, the mut2.tcl is just a gui front end, and the gui is what uses the icons in the icons directory.

I hope that helps to make things more clear.

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