Creating your own puplet

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Creating your own puplet

#1 Post by nutts4life »


I know there are are posts out there, but i'm a little lost.
I'm an old ubuntu user and have now set myself a little project.
I'm using a dectop PIC (which basically a 300Mhz 128 RAM) PC with a 10gig hard drive.

And i want to make my own puplet.

So i'm interested to know from all the legends out there who have done this, quite how they did this and what they've learnt.

I'll start with a couple of questions:

- Do you modify your puppy from a frugal HD install or a normal HDD install?
- If it's a normal HDD install how do you update the core puppy files without another full install.
- Unleashed or remaster?
- This is a real basic question, but probably a standard one for ex debian users. when an iso is created by whatever tool above, does the iso contain the set of sfs files puppy runs on OR is it just an uncompressed version?
- If it's an uncompressed version, how to you repackage everything into it's sfs files?

I'll start with that, probably alot of dumb questions!


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#2 Post by Lobster »

I don't even understand your questions :oops:

I am about to create a distro
What I will basically do is:
  • download a base (NOP 3.01)
    burn it
    run it
    realise I have no hard disk :oops:
    put in a hard drive
    tweak and add
    run any remaster software (hope NOP has it)
    try and convince everyone I have done something legendary :wink:
PS. Asking for help always a good idea
good luck :)
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Creating your own puplet

#3 Post by nutts4life »

Liking it,

So when you say, create temp space on your harddisk.

Did you actully run your puppy from the hard disk with a normal hard disk install or did you run your puppy from a live cd and all you required was your config file to create your new puplet.

What i want is a my own little distro (well it'll be massive in popularity) but with the abilty to update the core when a new one comes out. From what i understand, if i run a normal hard disk install of puppy i can't update the core without completely re-installing something like NOP?

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#4 Post by jcoder24 »

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#5 Post by nutts4life »


I'm getting it. so with unleashed (and using my AMD PIC) i can run something like NOP from a usb stick. Then create a 2Gb file space on the Hard drive of the machine. I can then download the unleashed core and the packages into this harddrive space.

unpackem (That is a word in the english dictionary... i promise)

The make my modifications be hand.

So potentially i could make modifcations to NOP and every modificaiton i make, i make the same modification in my puppy-unleashed directory on the HDD. Therefore when i build the unleashed dir. I get the iso matching the USB stick puppy.

So i guess the remaster is more fixed? It only builds certain configurations on top of the core?

so for example it only takes configurations from your /root directory?

am i on the right lines here?

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#6 Post by Lobster »

OK just to inspire you a little I created and uploaded my
next beta Virtual Buddhist Shrine ISO, which will sanctify and bless your hardware . . . using the method mentioned in a previous thread :)

Tmxxine Vision Beta (still needs setting up and configuring before running shrine)

117 MB version using NOP 3.01r5

more info here ... xineVision


Basically you need a hard disk to store files
(unless you are using a lot of ram or a USB keydrive
- it might even be possible to do it all from a multisession CD/DVD

Do not confuse the two methods
remastering is quick and easy
(add stuff and burn an ISO)
Unleashed select the packages you want
- in effect your very own distro - right down to every package
Unleashed is more professional but harder

I prefer the easy way . . .
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#7 Post by nutts4life »

You guys are the best.

And lobster, i'm certainly seeing the eight fold path you are walking down with that distro.

Ok. I see what both systems have to offer.
I have one last question, i've read the puppy unleashed guide and i have a question.

The list of packages in the pupget directory make up puppy and i can choose what i want from them. but what if i want something configured for puppy that is not in a package but only in a pet file?

The site seems to say that i need to get pet files, but pet files have to be installed using puppy.

So for example, lets just say i want a puppy that has the xfce4 wm with thunar. How can i get these packages in my unleashed directory if they are only pet files?

Surely i don't have to choose jvm with the pupget utility then install xfce4?

If this is the case i will have to resort to remaster to build the iso.

Have i completely lost it..... do i need to look up the 4 noble truths of puppy?
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#8 Post by Lobster »

The truth is I am too stupid to use unleashed - here is as far as I got . . . ... eUnleashed

If I remember rightly there is some procedure to add .pets
(people using this method of mastering an ISO use it all the time)

You might like to do a few test ISO's just to get the hang of things
This will answer a lot of questions for you.

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Last edited by Lobster on Sat 16 Feb 2008, 13:51, edited 1 time in total.
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#9 Post by jcoder24 »

To add new pets place them in the puppy-unleashed/packages folder and re-run the script. The next time you run create puppy they will be listed for selection.
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#10 Post by dittocookie »

Remastering puppy is very easy. There is actually a remastering tool somewhere.

Lets pretend that you installed Ubuntu on /mnt/hda1 and you want to remaster it into puppy linux. Type this command in puppy live cd:
mksquashfs /mnt/hda1 /mnt/hda1/CD.sfs

That is how you make the pup_213.2fs.
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#11 Post by raffy »

Oh, cookie, you should mean pup_213.sfs.

A live CD and a frugal install behave similarly - they use a save file. This illustrated remastering would apply to most Puppies: ... 0Build.htm

Find in this forum Dougal's remaster script if it is not there in your version.
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#12 Post by nutts4life »

Great work!

Thanks guys, i've got all the answers i need.

I spent last night making modifications to NOP to suit what i'm looking for, it's a long way off releasing as a puplet, but i'm getting there.

I'm going to use reconstructor to start off with to get a working system, then move over to unleashed once i get an idea of the packages i'm using.

Thanks for all your help.

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#13 Post by nutts4life »

Ok, being very stupid.

I'm trying to run remaster cd and it asks me about with hdd to use for the files, it then appears with a dialog which tells me all about Xdialog and it's different commands? What's this for?

When i press okay to this dialog box, nothing happens.

What am i doing wrong?

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#14 Post by nutts4life »


I fixed it with the new remaster script found here: ... &start=105


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#15 Post by nutts4life »

Hi there, i'm back again!!!

I thought i'd use this thread to log my experiences in creating my own puplet for future users.

So i got hold of NOP3.01 and decided to add the packages i wanted and modify themes and menus to make my own puplet. I then got hold of the remaster script and ran it. And hey presto, i've got my own puplet.

BUT, i wanted to get rid of a whole load of packages from NOP, so i tried the pupbegone app. Which doesn't really work for a frugal install and didn't remove my apps for the new puplet.

So, i decided to take the next step of the puplet road and download tuxxm's fatfree puplet then build apon it.

The idea is to add xfce and all the pacakges i need to this fat free puplet. BUT i want to download the pet's first to i have a log of what i have installed.

This means that i can move to my final goal of using the unleashed system.

so, here's my problem.

When i add pet's to fatfree there are lot's of libraries missing. Obviously if i was allowing the puppy installer to handle this, while online it will just download the libraries i need.

But i don't want that, i want o download everything i need to build a list.

So, i'll take an example. Seamonkey. I want to install that on fat free, so i donwload the pet and install it.

But it tells me i'm missing:

libgtkembedmoz, libmozjsn, libxpcom, libxpcom_core, libplds4, libnspr4......etc etc.

and the same goes for a couple of other apps (abiword needs cups libraries).

So where and how do i get these libraries? I don't really want to install another application just for the libraries.

How do i go about doing this?

Thanks very much guys, you've been amazing so far.

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#16 Post by Lobster »

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#17 Post by nutts4life »

thanks for this lobster,

But i think the muppy style is not my next step. I'd like to initally build upon a fat free distro, but keeping log of the changes. Then move to either muppy or the unleashed system.

Is this a good plan? do you feel i should move immediately to unleashed?

Is what i'm asking a simple task?

I tried searching for the libraries on the search tool but nothing appeared.


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#18 Post by nutts4life »

Hi there,

Lobsters been really helpfulw with his idea with this.

Does anybody else have any techniques on how to get hold of the extra libraries needed to install apps onto a fat free puppy.

I really want to keep a log of all the libraries by downloading them and installing them manually, instead of relying on the package manager.

Any ideas?

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#19 Post by titanreign »

Is this what you're looking for?
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#20 Post by nutts4life »


I've almost created my new puplet by using unleashed. I've really enjoyed using unleashed.

Yes it's alot more complicated than reconstructor, but the amount of control is great.

but what do i do next. I have a name as well for my new puplet.

Do i need to email Barry and ask him permission to release it?

Out of Interest, is puppy under GPL? Can my puplet be freely distributed?

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