Install R (statistical computing language) on Puppy 2.14

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Install R (statistical computing language) on Puppy 2.14

#1 Post by acaza »

Mark (MU) was good enough to help me get R running on my computer. I'm passing on the steps I used, so that Mark doesn't have to repeat his work with the next person who can't figure out how to install it. This was for multi-session 2.14, so there may be some small tweaks if you have a different setup.

1. download all items in R-2.4.0 file at

2. install them by clicking on the downloaded dotpups
R.2.4.0 (just acknowledge the message about the link it creates)
less (click okay to overwrite /usr/bin/less)

then use PETget: menu > setup > puppy package manager > PETget package manager > 2nd button (about installing downloaded package)
navigate to the "alien.packages" file select it

3. download: and install it. R creates a link to the library, but that didn't exist in my puppy. I guess it's a dependency that got missed?

4. At this point, R will run
menu > utility > Rxvt terminal emulator
type: R [just the letter, must be capitalized]

However, I needed R functions that weren't already installed. I get these with the command, inside R, "install.packages." This signals R to download and compile the functions I request. But as part of the function, R uses the "make" command. For that to work, Puppy needs to have the development tools for compiling installed.

5. To get those, go to and get what you need. For me, this was devx for 2.14

If I'd been running from live CD with a pup_sav file, I suppose I would just load this sfs file like any other, but I'm using multi-session DVD, so I had to do this:
download the devx_214.sfs file
save it on HARD DRIVE (I don't know why, but the commands below won't work if I save the devx_214.sfs file in ramdisk)
open a terminal in the directory where I saved the file (right click > window > terminal here)
type these commands into the terminal:
# mkdir mntpt
# losetup /dev/loop2 devx_214.sfs
# mount -t squashfs /dev/loop2 mntpt
# cp -a --remove-destination mntpt/* /

6. One more weird step. I don't know what's up with this, but R is convinced that it has to use the Mandrake compiler. To work around that problem, create a link to trick R into thinking that it is getting the Mandrake compiler when it really gets the Puppy one. Type this into a terminal:
# ln -s /usr/bin/gcc /usr/bin/i586-mandrake-linux-gnu-gcc

At this point, I was all set. Both update.packages and install.packages work, so I can get the functions I need in R.

Thank you, Mark
aspiring hacker trapped in the mind of a linux noob, using Puppy 2.14 multisesson DVD on Dell XPS M1210
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#2 Post by gary101 »

Please excuse my ignorance, but what is R ?
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#3 Post by acaza »

R is a statistical computing language. You can use it to do the sorts of things that you would do in commercial packages like SAS or SPSS, only R is free and does a whole lot more.

More info here:
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#4 Post by raffy »

Thanks, Mark-a (MU is Mark, too, so he must be Mark-u).

I should test it over a weekend, but maybe not this but next. :)

Should you come up with a list of "R install packages" usually used in college, feel free to post. Maybe I try to build sfs of those.
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#5 Post by acaza »


I'm actually Arran (not another Mark). My confusing post was meant to thank THE Mark (MU), who really did all the work.

In terms of R's most used packages, it would depend on what you're studying. I'm in psychology, so I tend to use the inferential statistics stuff associated with GLM. If you were inclined to create an sfs for that, I suggest looking at the R package called Rcmdr. It's meant to be GUI front end for the R language. I find the GUI less useful than actual scripting, but if you look at it's dependencies, they are 25-30 of the most essential GLM-related packages. That would probably be a great place to start for an sfs bundle.

Arran (the puppy user formerly known as Mark-a)
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#6 Post by disciple »

It is at, and go up for the other dotpups.
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#7 Post by hayden »

This may be a bit late but I thought I would contribute to this thread in return for what I learned from it. I recenlty tried to install R in Puppy 2.14, had trouble, searched the Forum, missed this thread, and started another ... 568#173568

on which someone steered me here.

I agree that Rcmdr's dependencies are a good place to start, and Rcmdr is good for beginners. Still, it does not provide flexibility AND ease of use the way Minitab does.
Plus the version now at CRAN requires R 2.6;-(

For anyone who wants to LEARN R you can access the examples I created for my two-semester intro. stats. sequence at

which also has limited support for Rcmdr. If you want more detail I recommend the book on using R in an intro. course by John Verzani. This is for users whereas most of the official R documentation is for programmers. There is a UsingR package to go with it.

Re installation, I used a symbolic link to for The installer created a menu item for R that caused X to freeze when I clicked on it. No trouble running R from a console.
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#8 Post by disciple »

I suspect the s20x library might be the most widely used (or perhaps useful) library.

That CD you're talking about doing would be great Hayden. But like Muggins said, the second to last version of Rkward was for QT 3, so it would still be good.
pmg is a gtk gui for R that might also be worth checking out.
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#9 Post by muggins »


I think I scanned too quickly! As hayden pointed out, in the other thread, it also requires kde header files to compile.
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#10 Post by muggins »

This link has possible Gui front-ends for R:

I wonder if this one: ... tails.html

just requires a working gtk installation, or the full gnome?
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#11 Post by ymer »

disciple wrote:It is at, and go up for the other dotpups.
With all respects, why it is located inside of Office category, while it should be in Science. I was browsing through today to see if there is any R package, looked into Science and then Programming, never though about Office actually which has probably nothing to do with R. So might be a good idea to move the package to Science section.
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Missing library ""

#12 Post by Neolynx »

Thanks for making R available on puppy, all. I got halfway through the instructions above but couldn't run R due to " cannot open shared object file."

I'm brand spankin' new to Linux so was clueless for a while, but finally found help on another distro forum. I guess this is an outdated library that gets left out of newer versions (?)

Anyway, I extracted from into /usr/lib and voila.

Hope that helps somebody else. Anyone know if one of the newer R versions has been compiled for puppy?
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R as pet for puppy 4.31

#13 Post by emil »

I have compiled R and made a simple pet package.
Dont know exactly about the dependencies, but I have the devx431.sfs and gfortran installed too.

I opened a new thread, download link is there.
More Math soft.

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