Lots of ROXapps

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Lots of ROXapps

#1 Post by disciple »

I'm going to post all my roxapps in this thread. Feel free to share yours as well.

Just extract somewhere (usually /~/my-roxapps or /usr/local/apps) with

Code: Select all

tar -xzvf
, or using pupzip.
Last edited by disciple on Fri 07 Mar 2008, 02:52, edited 1 time in total.
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Thunderbird Roxapp

#2 Post by disciple »

Thunderbird Roxapp
Even though thunderbird -h shows the -mail option, my Thunderbird doesn't understand it, so this update is just to eliminate an error message when run from the command line.
I separated out all the code into a start script to save as /usr/local/bin/thunderbird or something, so this is now just a very basic roxapp to go with it.http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 156#182156
I fixed the code, so mailto: links from other programs are handled correctly. I suspect it needs to be fixed for links to news channels or whatever they are too, but I don't use any, so complain if you want that fixed.
Sorry - I slightly broke the splash screen with the first update.
I made the splash more sensible. Now you see the splash if no Thunderbird is running, or if opening compose window, as this is slow whether or not TB is already running. The only time you don't see the splash when it would be handy is when just opening to the Inbox if a compose window is already open.

For desktop/openwith menu.
If you use the thunderbird start script from here as well, then you get these features:
If files are dropped on it (or it is used from the openwith menu) then it will open a compose window with the file(s) attached. If clicked on, it will open Thunderbird to the inbox (or I guess whatever is the default view if another is possible). If right-clicked on it has a menu with options to start all the different things you can start Thunderbird in from the command line:
Read Mail, Write Mail/News, Read News, Address Book, Preferences.
Now handles mailto: links passed from other programs.

I'm sure there is a much more efficient (and therefore beautiful) way of doing the code.

Has a splash screen that is extremely easy to disable if you want.

Thunderbird is not in standard Puppies - they have the Seamonkey mail/news component and/or Sylpheed.
EDIT - the below is obviously not correct any more, I just don't have the time to correct it and shift it to the other thread, and I won't delete it as it might be useful to someone.
I just realised that the splash screen doesn't show up if Thunderbird is running, and you right click-compose. If you want it to, add

Code: Select all

elif [ "$1" = "-compose" ]; then

 if which gxmessage > /dev/null
  gxmessage -timeout $DISPLAY_TIME -buttons "" -bg "#d0ffd0" -borderless -center -title "Thunderbird" "
  Thunderbird is starting" &
  xmessage -timeout $DISPLAY_TIME -buttons "" -bg "#d0ffd0" -center -fn "10x20" -title "Thunderbird" " Thunderbird is starting " &
before the last fi in the AppRun file.
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Last edited by disciple on Mon 31 Mar 2008, 03:42, edited 7 times in total.
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Batch-command RoxApp

#3 Post by disciple »

Batch-command RoxApp

Intended more for the openwith menu.
Asks you for a command to perform on all the files at once, e.g. so you can open files with a program that isn't in the openwith menu. Also see the Custom-command RoxApp.

I can't remember, but I think this functionality, or that of my Custom-command RoxApp is provided by ROX 2.x (in recent puppies) anyway.

Updated so the window opens under your mouse instead of in the centre of the screen
Only 6 downloads so far
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Last edited by disciple on Sun 16 Mar 2008, 04:12, edited 6 times in total.
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Custom-command RoxApp

#4 Post by disciple »

Custom-command RoxApp

Intended more for the openwith menu.
Asks you for a command to perform on all the files one by one, e.g. so you can open files with a program that isn't in the openwith menu. Also see the Batch-command RoxApp.

Updated so the window opens under your mouse instead of in the centre of the screen
Only 7 downloads so far
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OpenOffice RoxApp

#5 Post by disciple »

OpenOffice RoxApp

For desktop/openwith menu.
Will open files dropped on it, or if clicked on will open a new openoffice.org Writer document (this is extremely easy to change), or if right-clicked it on has a menu with options to start all the different openoffice components, or just the main openoffice program, with no new document.
Menu Options: Write, Calculate, Creat Slideshow, Draw, Equations, Start OOo
Openoffice is not in standard Puppies, but there are various ways to install it, and it is included in many puplets.
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Leafpad RoxApp

#6 Post by disciple »

Leafpad RoxApp

For desktop/openwith menu.
Rox wrapper for Leafpad that can open more than one file at a time. (It is possible that you don't need this with newer versions of Leafpad than I have, but I doubt it)
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mtpaint RoxApp

#7 Post by disciple »

mtpaint RoxApp

For desktop/openwith menu.
Rox wrapper for mtpaint that can open more than one file at a time. (It is possible that you don't need this with newer versions of mtpaint than I have, but I doubt it)
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CopyPathToClipboard RoxApp

#8 Post by disciple »

CopyPathToClipboard RoxApp

This copies the path of the file(s) you click on to the (Ctrl+V) clipboard. It is not very useful as ROX already copies the path to the middle-click clipboard when you click on the file, which is obviously faster to use. But many of you didn't realize that :)

It could be much more useful if someone edited it to put a line break or some other appropriate separator between the paths for each file (when there are multiple files), or to use quotes to deal with paths with spaces.

Requires xclip http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=26887
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OpenOffice RoxApp

#9 Post by disciple »

OpenOffice RoxApp

For desktop/openwith menu.
Probably exactly the same functionality as some of the other openoffice roxapps floating around. Will open files dropped on it, or if clicked on will open a new openoffice.org Writer document (this is extremely easy to change), or if right-clicked it on has a menu with options to start all the different openoffice components, or just the main openoffice program, with no new document.
Menu Options: Write, Calculate, Creat Slideshow, Draw, Equations, Start OOo
Openoffice is not in standard Puppies, but there are various ways to install it, and it is included in many puplets.
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XnView Roxapp

#10 Post by disciple »

XnView Roxapp

For desktop/openwith menu.
Opens XnView browser if clicked on, or opens browser to the folder if a folder is dropped on it, or opens an image if it is dropped on it. BUT, if you drop multiple files/folders on it, it does it to each one, in a new window.
XnView is included in some custom puppies like Grafpup, and is free for non-commercial use.
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QIV slideshow RoxApp

#11 Post by disciple »

QIV slideshow RoxApp

For desktop/openwith menu.
Runs Lobster's Apres gui if you click on it, otherwise starts a qiv slideshow of any image files you drop on it and/or any images in folders you drop on it (I can't remember if qiv is fully recursive or what), with sensible options.
QIV is in Puppy 3.x and most Puppy 2.x, but you need to install it and imlib in other Puppies.
N.B. that you can't search the forum for three letter words, so search for qiv*
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Xpdf RoxApp

#12 Post by disciple »

Xpdf RoxApp

For desktop/openwith menu.
Can open more than one pdf file at a time.
Xpdf is not included in standard puppies. My package for Puppy is the latest version at the time of writing.
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SendInEmail RoxApp

#13 Post by disciple »

SendInEmail RoxApp

For desktop/openwith menu.
Will compose an email in Seamonkey with file(s) as attachments. If you use Thunderbird, this functionality is included in my more multipurpose start script to go with the Thunderbird roxapp (2nd post in this thread). If you use Sylpheed, there is a roxapp for it on the next page of this thread.
N.B. That Seamonkey in Puppy 4 and some older versions of Puppy does not have the mail and news component.
Has a splash screen that is extremely easy to disable if you want. If anyone can edit it so that the splash screen only shows if Seamonkey is not already running, or so it disappears when SM is open, rather than after a fixed time, please do.
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Last edited by disciple on Sun 16 Mar 2008, 03:54, edited 2 times in total.
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ShowInNewWindow RoxApp

#14 Post by disciple »

ShowInNewWindow RoxApp

For desktop/openwith menu.
It does three things:
-Opens in a new Rox window the folder that actually contains the target of a symlink, if it is a file.
-Opens in a new Rox window the target of a symlink (with it's real path), if it is a folder. - wait - I'd better check with a modern version of Puppy whether this is really true :)
-Opens a folder in a new Rox window
It can handle any number of inputs, and all three types at once :)
The RoxApp is really not necessary, just the script.
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#15 Post by disciple »

Another one I strongly recommend is the xzoom screen magnifier
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#16 Post by disciple »

I just updated the Thunderbird RoxApp so the operation of the splash screen is more sensible.
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Sylpheed Roxapp

#17 Post by disciple »

Sylpheed Roxapp

For desktop/openwith menu.
If you click on it, it just opens Sylpheed. If you drop files on it, or use it from the "open with" menu, it composes an email with the files attached.
I haven't actually tested, so please report if it doesn't work :)

Fixed to actually work. Thanks HairyWill :)
Also, I confirmed that it does work with mailto: links. I imagine it won't work with links for newsgroups, but you could modify it to do so just by detecting them in the same way as the mailto links.
If this was fixed then it might be worth separating out the code into a sylpheed launch script like I did with the thunderbird roxapp

I think Sylpheed1.tar.gz will actually work with mailto: links sent from other applications, and the original version won't.
But to tell the truth, I don't even know if Sylpheed CAN handle mailto: links, so please let me know if it works.
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Last edited by disciple on Mon 31 Mar 2008, 02:39, edited 5 times in total.
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#18 Post by disciple »

Oops - forgot to upload the Sylpheed one :)
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#19 Post by disciple »

Sorry to everyone who downloaded it - when I updated the Thunderbird Roxapp I also slightly broke the splash screen - I'll upload a fixed version now. :oops:
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#20 Post by disciple »

OK I updated the Custom-command and Batch-command roxapps to open the windows under the mouse instead of in the centre of the screen, updated the Sylpheed roxapp to handle mailto: links (hopefully), and updated the thunderbird roxapp for the same thing, and then split the code into a separate thunderbird starter script.
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