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Can't install videoview because "make" isn't available

#141 Post by duckegg »

I have followed the talk about videoview and read the wiki and the posts about installing it. When decompressed, the instructions say to install it with "make install". BUT whenever I try this in the bash console I am told there is no such command as make. Is this a bug, or what??
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Re: Can't install videoview because "make" isn't available

#142 Post by dvw86 »

duckegg wrote:I have followed the talk about videoview and read the wiki and the posts about installing it. When decompressed, the instructions say to install it with "make install". BUT whenever I try this in the bash console I am told there is no such command as make. Is this a bug, or what??
"Make" is a command to compile from source, but videoview comes with a pre-compiled binary as well as the source code. All you have to do is click on the file called "videoview" that looks like a gear.
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Re: Can't install videoview because "make" isn't available

#143 Post by duckegg »

dvw86 wrote:"Make" is a command to compile from source, but videoview comes with a pre-compiled binary as well as the source code. All you have to do is click on the file called "videoview" that looks like a gear.
Well, that was simple! My Windows background was showing - I had actually double-clicked it to no avail. Thanks!
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#144 Post by MyPup »

I tried videoveiw just downloaded the tar made a folder in applications extracted it their and clicked the "gear" file as Dan suggested and it worked great in pupeee although, no sound when i tried it a while back I haven't messed around with it much have been using skype which works good . I would love to have this working with sound myself if someone finds this out please let us know. pupeee is great and i am very happy with it so far i do hope it remains an iso myself as breezy i could never get working and iso with the puppy universal installation makes it easy for people like me.Hope that helps duckegg. I really like having skype and all the funtions working pupeee is hands down the best for the eeepc in my opinion. Looking forward to seeing whats next with pupeee. Thanks for such a great alternative and very easy to use puppy version. And Hedgehog good luck on your deployment and thank you for your service.
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#145 Post by dvw86 »

Hedgehog wrote:Getting ready for deployment to Iraq in about 10 months, and will be purchasing an asus Eeepc to take with me, I will install Pupeee and will be keeping an eye on this forum. I haven't had time to read the whole thing yet, but will hopefully soon. Anybody know how well the video works? I play a game that takes good video, not great video, just good video. Its called Eternal Lands. Anybody play it on the asus Eee? its Linux, windows, and mac supported.

Also, I need my ipod to be able to charge, and upload songs onto. Its the small square Ipod shuffle 1 gig.
I've never tried Eternal Lands since I'm not much of a game player, but I would classify the Eee video card as good. It's definitely not great but it works well for all my needs. I'd be interested to hear how Eternal Lands works on it though.

Pupeee comes with gtkpod which works well with my 20GB iPod. I've never tried it with an iPod shuffle. I do not have support for the .AAC files also known as .MP4 in Pupeee. Because of this I have converted all my music to MP3s. The other trick to getting gtkpod to work is making a symlink in your /mnt directory. Your ipod will mount as something like sdb1 so you would just use Rox to make a symlink of /mnt/sdb1 to /mnt/ipod. The ipod will charge as long as it is plugged into the Eee and the Eee is turned on. Gtkpod is not the same as iTunes and it takes some getting used to. In some ways though it is better than iTunes and offers more functionality when it comes to managing your music. It is very much in the "flavor" of Linux.
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#146 Post by Hedgehog »


thanks for your input..

If anybody is interested in trying Eternal lands it can be found at

Its a big download, but I have puppy301 and it on a 1 gig usb flash

Hedgehog out.
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#147 Post by dvw86 »

dvw86 wrote:I'm trying to put together a list of updates for the next release of Pupeee. I want to make sure that I don't forget anything. The updates so far only include:

Hotpup the desktop drive mounting tool.
Puppy Control Panel. Need to finish the help pages and mouse tool first.
Remove the current JWM configuration tool.
Slightly different default desktop.
Some kind of wireless configuration tool for the Intel Classmate.

Am I forgetting anything?
Well here is the current status of the next Pupeee. I wanted to write it down before I started forgetting the details.

Skype is still installed but it is no longer on the desktop. I put it in the start menu instead.

Cleaned up the rest of the start menu a bit. Some of the .desktop files needed modified.

Xmms has been updated to work with ACC files also known as MP4. It still will not work with Apples protected (DRM) ACC files though.

New default wallpaper. (Thanks to Lobster)

Puppy Control Panel is installed. This changes a lot of things both now and in the future.

Removed the current gftp server tool as this is now part of the control panel.

Removed the current JWM configuration tool from the start menu since it is now part of the control panel. (It is still in the iso since it is small, but it is not listed in the start menu)

Removed the firewall wizard from the start menu since it is now part of the control panel.

Removed the "Connect" icon from the desktop since it is now part of the control panel.

Removed the network wizard from the start menu since it is now part of the control panel.

Installed Hotpup. Some people don't like Hotpup so I am making it part of the control panel. You can turn it off and on from there. By default it will be off. It's not quite done yet though.

Since the Classmate's wireless can be configured from the current wireless tools I will not make another one.

I have yet to finish the mouse/trackpad tool.

I have the webserver tool about half done as well as the start-up tool. The start-up tool will allow you to choose applications to auto start on boot. These will both be part of the control panel. Since the control panel will be an on-going project, I am undecided as to how much time I should spend on it before releasing the next Pupeee.
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#148 Post by dvw86 »

Well I've ran into a few issues with Hotpup.

1. You have to restart X in order to change it's settings.

2. It writes to /root/.xinitrc which can be dangerous. This is also why you have to restart X.

3. It doesn't take very straight forward command line options making it difficult to control from the Control Panel.

So I am going to attempt to write my own auto mounter that will solve these issues. I do not mean any disrespect to the author of Hotpup. It just does not fit very well into my goal for Pupeee. In fact, if Dougal has any advise for me it would be appreciated.
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#149 Post by Hedgehog »

Well, I see they came out with the new 8 gig, Asus Eee. 1gig ddr2

Think its worth it for the $100 more that they want?

And is there anything wrong with the OS thats on it? or Just Puppy fans that want to use Pupeee.

dvw86 can you adjust the icons and conky like MyPup did so it installs automatically like that?

Oh, by the way, Great Job. I cant wait to try it, when I get my new Eee,
MyPup wrote:One thing I have done to make my desktop better is to open icons and scale canvas them to 28 which makes it better for such a limited desktop area. Also I have reduced my conky to not take up so much area. And of course added Firefox for its extra and very useful options.
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#150 Post by Lobster »

Can we use it to read free books? ... nline.html

I seem to remember we had some sort of book reader program (not in Puppy but as an add on)
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#151 Post by smokey01 »

Well I've ran into a few issues with Hotpup.

Why not just stick with Pmount or Mut as they both work fine.

What are the advantages of Hotpup?

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#152 Post by smokey01 »

Very soon I am off to the shops to buy a new Eee PC.

I saw one on eBay recently that had a bid against it for $585. Last weekend Harvey Normal were selling them for $485. This weekend they have them on special for $497. Talk about buyer beware.

The main purpose of the purchase it for travelling. I need something small and light. It's unbelievable how heavy a 2.5Kg laptop becomes after a short time.

From what I have read the Eee PC and Pupeee seems like the perfect solution. I'm not too keen on the bundled OS, however it is easy to use.

I have been tossing up whether I should buy the 8G/1G model rather than the standard 4G/512M model. The standard model did run quite quickly in the shop when I tested it. I guess it will run a lot faster with pupeee.

Does anyone have the startup and shutdown times for the Eee PC running Pupeee 3.01?

Thanks & good job DVW86.
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#153 Post by Hedgehog » for your Asus Eee
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#154 Post by dvw86 »

smokey01 wrote:
Well I've ran into a few issues with Hotpup.

Why not just stick with Pmount or Mut as they both work fine.

What are the advantages of Hotpup?

I like Pmount but Hotpup is nice. Hotpup will automatically show an icon on your desktop for each of your drives/partitions. To mount a drive you just click on it's desktop icon. It then mounts the drive and opens it up in a rox window. It reminds me a lot of Mac OSX but with more control.
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#155 Post by scotto_puppy »

smokey01 wrote:Very soon I am off to the shops to buy a new Eee PC.

Does anyone have the startup and shutdown times for the Eee PC running Pupeee 3.01?

Thanks & good job DVW86.
Smokey01 - I run pupeee from my SD card (blush - I have XP on the SDHC); however my system defaults to running pupeee from the SDHC. Boot time is about 8 seconds, close down about 15 seconds.
I have a 4G model, upgraded by me to 1GB of RAM - which did NOT improve the load time. Significantly, it is the lack of a motorised HD that gives the speed of booting.
I primarily use my eee for travel, and use Skype extensively while away.
And yes DVW86 - a fantastic pup.
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#156 Post by dvw86 »

Hedgehog wrote:Well, I see they came out with the new 8 gig, Asus Eee. 1gig ddr2

Think its worth it for the $100 more that they want?
It's just storage space really. My 4G/512MB runs Pupeee just fine. I did purchase a 4GB SD card for it but it was less than $20. The RAM in mine can also be upgraded to 1GB. I heard that some of the new ones do not have the access panel though.
Hedgehog wrote: And is there anything wrong with the OS thats on it? or Just Puppy fans that want to use Pupeee.
The default OS is nice but after about a day I found it very limiting. No FTP client other than Firefox, no decent disk utility, etc... It is currently very limited as to what software can be installed as well. You can hack it out of "Easy Mode" and into the standard Xandros, but I'm not a big fan of Xandros. Even in the "Full Mode" it can be confusing to install software. I just prefer Puppy.
Hedgehog wrote: dvw86 can you adjust the icons and conky like MyPup did so it installs automatically like that?
I do not have Conky installed by default so you have to install and configure it yourself anyways. As far as the icons go, I kind of like the larger icons if you don't have a lot of them. I'll just have to play around with it I guess.
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#157 Post by smokey01 »

It looks like there is an upgrade coming for the Eee PC. ... ch-eee-pc/

Thanks for the feedback DVW86. Hotpup does sound nice.

I think I will stick with the basic 4G/512M model. I have a very portable 80G XDrive which I can connect or use my USB 400G drive.

I assume these will work fine as they do with normal Puppy 3.01.

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#158 Post by smokey01 »

scotto_puppy wrote:
Smokey01 - I run pupeee from my SD card (blush - I have XP on the SDHC); however my system defaults to running pupeee from the SDHC. Boot time is about 8 seconds, close down about 15 seconds.
Very impressive times.

Why would anyone pay more for a PDA or PocketPC?

Maybe just size!
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#159 Post by MyPup »

scotto_puppy hey let us know how to get ours to boot in 8 seconds mine is no where near that so I would like to know how to get it to boot fast like yours. I have an sdhc card adata 16gig and it is suppose to be a fast card but nowhere near that fast. My XP is installed on ssd which boots in about 17 seconds but I don't use it much just when needed I usually like running pupeee and would like it to boot a little faster its more like a minute on my old plain sandisk 512mb sd. as I have some old ones lying around and thought there is no need to use the adata 16gb sdhc saving that for movies when i travel.
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#160 Post by smokey01 »

Well I bought my brand spanking new Eee PC. What a great little machine. The more I use it the better I like it. I still prefer the Puppy OS though. I eventually bought it from the Good Guys (Electrical Store here in Darwin) for $455, not too bad.

I am having problems installing Pupeee though. I must admit I have never been successful in booting from an SD card or USB memory stick.

What I have tried so far:

Download Pupeee iso
Burn to CD
Boot of the Pupeee CD, another PC
Insert 512M USB memory stick and mount it on another PC
Select Puppy Universal Installer
Followed the prompts to install to the memory stick

On the Eee PC:

Insert USB memory stick
Turn on
Press F2 at bootup
Select boot option [enter]
Then select Boot Device Priority [enter]

The boot sequence is:
1st Boot Device [Removable Dev.]
2nd Boot Device [HDD:SM-SILICONMOTI]
3rd Boot Device [ATAPI CD-ROM]

I left this as is

Pressed ESC back to previous menu

Selected Hard Disk Drives [Enter]

1st Drive to USB:]

Then pressed F10 to save and Exit
Select OK [Enter]

When I reboot I get the message:
Error loading operating system

It appears like the OS did not install properly to the USB memory stick.

I don't actually want to boot from a USB memory stick I would prefer to use an SD 1G card. Under xandros I can't access the SD card because I don't have enough privileges. I haven't been able to work out how to logon as admin. Another reason I like puppy it's much simpler.

Any help would be greatly appreciated to be able to boot from both a USB memory stick and an SD memory card.


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