Booting, installing, newbie
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#21 Post by Lobster »

boot up from Puppy CD

press ctrl + alt + backspace
type the suggested command to change mouse

type xwin and press return

What sort of mouse are you telling it you have on boot up?
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#22 Post by Cerberus »

all it asked me is whether or not is was a wheel mouse, which i said yes to (its connected to a usb port). But after it loaded it didn't work (the mouse)
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#23 Post by Lobster »

use a ps2 mouse or try and unfathom this:
usbhid.ko is the full hid module.
usbkbd.ko and usbmouse.ko are the simpler usb modules.

you could try unloading usbhid and then try the simpler modules.
"modinfo" also will provide interesting info.

They are located in /lib/modules/2.6/usb/input/.
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#24 Post by Cerberus »

i'll worry about it tomorrow, i have to go to bed, and i got some of the people on IRC to help me, and now i am using an old PS/2 mouse and am typing this while using puppy :D

NIght,t hanks for the help, i'l start work on the old ocmp this weekend, and that might bring its own set of problems...

anyway bye
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