Pbackup 3.1.9-1

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#221 Post by Jon_J »

I just installed Puppy-3.01-retro to my hard drive and made several tweaks and changes to it.
I uninstalled Seamonky and installed opera and sylpheed.
Using pbackup 3.03, I made a "Full" backup to my second ext2 partition.
I used /root/ in the "From" location.
Does my backup now contain my changes to Puppy? such as my removal of seamonkey and install of opera/sylpheed?

If not, what directories do I need to include in the "From" box to include my entire Puppy hard drive install?

I'll give 2 examples of what I'm asking. I would like to have backups similar to these 2 listed below.

1. In Windows 98, I use Ghost and make an image of my C:\ drive, and can restore my complete setup with one file from a boot floppy.

2. On my Zaurus, I can make a NAND backup in the diagnostics menu, then later restore my entire operating system with all settings and installed programs intact.
[color=green][size=75]Dell Mini-10 tri boot | Win XP, Mint 7 XFCE, Puppy 4.3-small
Intel Core2 Duo 2.80GHz 2GB Ram Win XP sp3
Pentium 3/600Mhz 256MB Ram tri boot Puppy-Full-3.01|1.0.4|Win98
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#222 Post by zigbert »

You should set / in the field 'Save from'. / is the top of the Puppy filesystem. Other filesystems are by default mounted in
/mnt/, so this should be added in the field 'Exclude from backup'. Activate the option 'Compress result' to squeeze it all into one file. If ever needed, boot your crashed system with a Puppy Live-CD. Then use Pupzip to extract your compressed puppy-system-file to a clean filesystem. This will rebuild your system.

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#223 Post by disciple »

Just a small suggestion, the same as one of my suggestions for pfind:
How about in the next version (if there is one :) )checking for defaulthtmlviewer rather than defaultbrowser (or maybe just before defaultbrowser) when determining the help viewer?
I guess this would probably apply to other things like pburn as well.
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#224 Post by zigbert »

The defaulthtmlviewer crashes on my system. That's the reason for not using it. I thought it was best to wait until I run a stable Puppy 4. I am aware of it, and has placed it on my todo-list. Thanks for mention it.
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#225 Post by zigbert »

Version 3.10 is uploaded
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Pbackup excludes

#226 Post by dcbevins »

I have been trying to find a way to back up to a network drive since puppy 3.01.

I have tried mounting the drive and using pbackup to backup to that mounted drive as if it where a hard drive.

I have tried setting an FTP server on the network machine.

Both will copy files to the location.

However no matter what I do short of unmounting will prevent pbackup from trying to copy mounted network resources or mounted cd/dvd media. I am at a lose how to get around this. As the network drive that is mounted has 100gb of music, cd/dvd iso's, art and other stuff, copying all that back to the same drive is going to fail.

In puppy 3.01 i would add the /root/mnt/ and the /mnt folders to the exclude path. In puppy 4.00 I am just adding the /mnt folder to the exclude path. It just won't follow the exclude rule.

What am I missing?

Attached screen shot.
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#227 Post by zigbert »

You're right ... the exclude function has become unfunctional. Please try the attached version, and report back. It has to be more tested before we ship it as the stable release.

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Exclude Problem

#228 Post by dcbevins »

I tried the back up earlier this evening (morning now).

The program reports as 3.1.1.

It is still trying to back up the directory I tell it to exclude.

Could the fact that I am backing up to a directory inside the excluded ones be a problem? That's just a wild stab.

I did not see an option to follow or not follow sym links, but I assume and hope it is not following them.

I notice when the program is going through it paces it does a ...searching directories ...searching files ....searching excluded files.

Does it search all the files listed in the excluded directories? I have over 100gb on in the excluded directory. It takes it a couple hours before it even begins to copy files. I guess I don't understand why it need to read in the directory I am telling to leave alone. If this step could be avoided it would speed up the backup tremendously.

I would like to get this to work so that in an emergency the tools I need are included in the puppylinux boot cd, without having to search or install other tools. If I can't get this to work I guess my next move is to figure out how to get windoz to run an rysync server.

Thanks for your efforts.

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#229 Post by zigbert »

Does it search all the files listed in the excluded directories? I have over 100gb on in the excluded directory. It takes it a couple hours before it even begins to copy files. I guess I don't understand why it need to read in the directory I am telling to leave alone. If this step could be avoided it would speed up the backup tremendously.
I agree, but the command 'find' are not good to exclude. Exclude 1 item is most often ok, but I haven't find the best solution for this. Yes it search for all files first, then remove the ones in exclude dirs. But copy starts first after this, so it should not copy more than defined.
Could the fact that I am backing up to a directory inside the excluded ones be a problem? That's just a wild stab.
I haven't checked this out. Have you tried another test-backup to see....

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Exclude Outside

#230 Post by dcbevins »

This time I tested with an exclude directory. It backed up to a location not inside the excluded directory and backed up everything except what I told it to exclude..

Could this be the problem?

The scenario I am trying to reach is to backup everything , (//), to a network mounted drive.

Thus, I could not specify a location outside the excluded directory as it would be in /mnt/network/remotemachine.

Once I tried adding all the files and directories except the /mnt folder and did not specify an excluded folder. It still copied files from the /mnt folder, even though it was not in my backup definition. This was a result with 3.03. I haen't tried with your newer one yet. I suppose I can do that next. It just takes hours to run.

Could it somehow be getting the /mnt folder from /proc?

I did another test with the backup location inside the exclude directory. This time it completed with a finish, but nothing was backed up. I searched the file system for files I told it to back up, but they were not anywhere.

The problem I was having before would back up items, but more than I wanted

So I am perplexed. The results seem inconsistent.

Rsync isn't the option I want either as I want incrementals so I can restore to a certain point. Incrementals with rsync is a bit tricky and I'd like to avoid scripting it all by hand.

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#231 Post by zigbert »

I don't really get this. I understand that exclude something big inside / will take take time, and maybe fail because of lack of memory/space..., but include what you want to backup, and no exclude. That should work. Some loud thinking.

- Follow symlink could give trouble. This is one of the options for Backup.

- Are we dealing with ntfs, or do we have a straight linux filesystem?

- Since Puppy runs in a virtual filesystem (unionfs) / on hda1 (if puppy files are here) is the same as /initrd/mnt/dev_save/. I get ubuntu here with wine. With a full backup, we are talking about a rather complex filestructure. Wine in particular have a huge filesystem that points to itself if follow symlink.

I will do some more testing, and release 3.1.1 after the weekend. It would be great if you test this. It is much simpler for us to track bugs if we use the same code. There are much new code since 3.0.3.

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#232 Post by dcbevins »

I am using the 3.1.1 you have posted above.

The thing I have not tried in 3.1.1 was specifying all the folders I wanted backed up, leaving out /mnt and using no excludes instead of just saying //.

Under 3.03 it would still copy the /mnt folder, even though it was not in the list of folders to back up.

I'd test this more but it takes a couple of hours just to start coping files. The /mnt folder I want to exclude has 130 gb of stuff.

I've kept the follow symlinks unchecked.

The entire file system (not counting /mnt) is about 2.5 gb.

There is 16 gb free on the machine I am backing up from and 40 gb free on destination machine.

The destination is /mnt/network/remotemachine which is ntfs, under winxp using smbmount.

I'll run another round of tests after your update.

.....probably user error :twisted:
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#233 Post by zigbert »

Version 3.1.1 is uploaded
See main post
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#234 Post by zigbert »

Version 3.1.2
See main post
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#235 Post by zigbert »

Version 3.1.3
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#236 Post by zigbert »

Version 3.1.4
See main post
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pbackup to multiple cd/dvd disks?

#237 Post by kuapao »

Hi, I am a brand new pbackup user.

Does pbackup have an option to spit one backup image into multiple removable disks (cd/dvd/etc)?

The workaround I've come up with for now is to instruct pbackup to write the compressed image to hard drive, then split it myself (using split), then burn the split images to discs.

Also, it may be my imagination but I noticed that sometimes, the Temporary Storage location isn't alway saved correctly. If I check the pbackuprc file after I click Save, sometimes it ends up being empty, as in:
export TMPDIR=""
I think it has to do with selecting an empty directory. If I use the chooser gui to navigate all the way to /mnt/home/pbtmp (and it's empty), then chooser has nothing highlighted, and therefore returns nothing. If I navigate in chooser, only up to /mnt/home and leave pbtmp highlighted, then it works. It's a stupid thing...I guess I can just edit the pbackuprc file myself just to make sure. Btw, I am using Puppy 4.1 k2.6.25.16
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#238 Post by zigbert »

Thanks for useful info.

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#239 Post by PaulBx1 »

Sigmund, I created a job to back up (sync, actually) my /mnt/home to a USB hard drive. I ran this job inside pbackup 3.1.4 and it ran successfully.

Then I ran the same thing from the command line and it got lots of errors and did not finish:

Code: Select all

# pbackup -q "sync_sda2"
date: invalid date `+%s'
expr: syntax error
expr: syntax error
/usr/local/pbackup/pbackup: line 544: [: !=: unary operator expected
/usr/local/pbackup/pbackup: line 562: [: -gt: unary operator expected
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/sdb5/Backups/puppybackupsda2/syncfiles/mnt/home/gnupg149/gnupg-1.4.9/mpi/mpi-asm-defs.h': Operation not                                      permitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/sdb5/Backups/puppybackupsda2/syncfiles/mnt/home/gnupg149/gnupg-1.4.9/mpi/mpih-add1.S': Operation not per                                     mitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/sdb5/Backups/puppybackupsda2/syncfiles/mnt/home/gnupg149/gnupg-1.4.9/mpi/mpih-lshift.S': Operation not p                                     ermitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/sdb5/Backups/puppybackupsda2/syncfiles/mnt/home/gnupg149/gnupg-1.4.9/mpi/mpih-mul1.S': Operation not per                                     mitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/sdb5/Backups/puppybackupsda2/syncfiles/mnt/home/gnupg149/gnupg-1.4.9/mpi/mpih-mul2.S': Operation not per                                     mitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/sdb5/Backups/puppybackupsda2/syncfiles/mnt/home/gnupg149/gnupg-1.4.9/mpi/mpih-mul3.S': Operation not per                                     mitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/sdb5/Backups/puppybackupsda2/syncfiles/mnt/home/gnupg149/gnupg-1.4.9/mpi/mpih-rshift.S': Operation not p                                     ermitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/sdb5/Backups/puppybackupsda2/syncfiles/mnt/home/gnupg149/gnupg-1.4.9/mpi/mpih-sub1.S': Operation not per                                     mitted
rm: cannot remove `/root/.pbackup/tmp/pbackupSYNC': Is a directory
...Finished backup: sync_sda2
/usr/local/pbackup/pbackup: line 652: [: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: binary operator expected
/usr/local/pbackup/pbackup: line 188: .: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: is a directory
cat: /root/.pbackup/tmp/pbackup-SAVEMODE: No such file or directory
cat: /root/.pbackup/tmp/pbackup-BCKDEV: No such file or directory
/usr/local/pbackup/func_write_config: line 3: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: Is a directory
/usr/local/pbackup/func_write_config: line 21: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: Is a directory
/usr/local/pbackup/func_write_config: line 22: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: Is a directory
/usr/local/pbackup/func_write_config: line 23: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: Is a directory
/usr/local/pbackup/func_write_config: line 24: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: Is a directory
/usr/local/pbackup/func_write_config: line 31: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: Is a directory
cat: /root/.pbackup/tmp/pbackup-SAVEMODE: No such file or directory
/usr/local/pbackup/func_write_config: line 33: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: Is a directory
/usr/local/pbackup/func_write_config: line 34: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: Is a directory
cat: /root/.pbackup/tmp/pbackup-BCKDEV: No such file or directory
/usr/local/pbackup/func_write_config: line 36: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: Is a directory
/usr/local/pbackup/func_write_config: line 37: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: Is a directory
/usr/local/pbackup/func_write_config: line 38: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: Is a directory
/usr/local/pbackup/func_write_config: line 39: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: Is a directory
cat: /root/.pbackup/tmp/pbackup-FTPSERVER: No such file or directory
/usr/local/pbackup/func_write_config: line 41: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: Is a directory
/usr/local/pbackup/func_write_config: line 42: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: Is a directory
cat: /root/.pbackup/tmp/pbackup-FTPSERVERDIR: No such file or directory
/usr/local/pbackup/func_write_config: line 44: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: Is a directory
/usr/local/pbackup/func_write_config: line 45: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: Is a directory
cat: /root/.pbackup/tmp/pbackup-FTPUSERNAME: No such file or directory
/usr/local/pbackup/func_write_config: line 47: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: Is a directory
/usr/local/pbackup/func_write_config: line 48: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: Is a directory
cat: /root/.pbackup/tmp/pbackup-FTPPASSWORD: No such file or directory
/usr/local/pbackup/func_write_config: line 50: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: Is a directory
/usr/local/pbackup/func_write_config: line 51: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: Is a directory
/usr/local/pbackup/func_write_config: line 52: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: Is a directory
/usr/local/pbackup/func_write_config: line 53: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: Is a directory
/usr/local/pbackup/func_write_config: line 54: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: Is a directory
/usr/local/pbackup/func_write_config: line 55: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: Is a directory
/usr/local/pbackup/func_write_config: line 56: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: Is a directory
/usr/local/pbackup/func_write_config: line 57: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: Is a directory
/usr/local/pbackup/func_write_config: line 58: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: Is a directory
/usr/local/pbackup/func_write_config: line 65: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: Is a directory
/usr/local/pbackup/func_write_config: line 66: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: Is a directory
/usr/local/pbackup/func_write_config: line 67: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: Is a directory
/usr/local/pbackup/func_write_config: line 68: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: Is a directory
/usr/local/pbackup/func_write_config: line 69: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: Is a directory
/usr/local/pbackup/func_write_config: line 70: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: Is a directory
/usr/local/pbackup/func_write_config: line 71: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: Is a directory
/usr/local/pbackup/func_write_config: line 72: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: Is a directory
/usr/local/pbackup/func_write_config: line 73: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: Is a directory
/usr/local/pbackup/func_write_config: line 74: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: Is a directory
/usr/local/pbackup/func_write_config: line 75: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: Is a directory
/usr/local/pbackup/func_write_config: line 82: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: Is a directory
/usr/local/pbackup/func_write_config: line 83: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: Is a directory
/usr/local/pbackup/func_write_config: line 84: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: Is a directory
/usr/local/pbackup/func_write_config: line 85: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: Is a directory
/usr/local/pbackup/func_write_config: line 86: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: Is a directory
/usr/local/pbackup/func_write_config: line 87: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: Is a directory
/usr/local/pbackup/func_write_config: line 88: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: Is a directory
/usr/local/pbackup/func_write_config: line 89: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: Is a directory
/usr/local/pbackup/func_write_config: line 90: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: Is a directory
/usr/local/pbackup/func_write_config: line 91: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: Is a directory
/usr/local/pbackup/func_write_config: line 92: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: Is a directory
/usr/local/pbackup/func_write_config: line 93: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: Is a directory
/usr/local/pbackup/func_write_config: line 94: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: Is a directory
/usr/local/pbackup/func_write_config: line 95: /root/.pbackup/profiles/: Is a directory
rm: cannot remove `/root/.pbackup/tmp/pbackupSYNC': Is a directory
...Pbackup reported errors, and did not finish.
What I am trying to do is backup via a command in /etc/rc.d/rc.local, every time I boot. I don't want to bother with scheduling a cron job.

I have not looked back through this thread to see if this problem has been reported already. Pardon me if it has.
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#240 Post by zigbert »

I have put it on my todo-list.
Don't expect a fix before Christmas, sorry.
Thanks for reporting.

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